IT in the D show

IT in the D

Summary: So what do a couple of IT guys from Detroit talk about when they go to the bar? Welcome to the IT in the D show, brought to you by long-time Detroit IT veterans Bob Waltenspiel (The Sales Guy), and Dave Phillips (The Geek). The duo has been putting on free networking events for the metro Detroit information technology community for over 10 years, helped more than 1,200 people find new jobs, and been featured in local and national news stories and publications for their efforts. After taking on speaking engagements starting in 2011 that helped refine their message, in 2013 they took their ramblings to a broadcast format that has proven to be far more popular than anyone expected. The IT in the D show is more conversational and less instructional – it is far more geared toward entertainment and local goings-on in the metro Detroit area than a deep-dive about specific technical issues. It’s a bar chat, not technical seminar. You’ll hear more movie quotes than MySQL queries and more Depeche Mode than development methodologies. Not that the guys don’t roll up their sleeves and deep dive from time to time, but with guests ranging from local CIOs and CEOs to roller derby girls and pop culture icons from the 80s, don’t let the “IT” in “IT in the D” scare you. Each weekly two-hour show typically includes current events and stories, guests ranging from local entrepreneurs to local IT rock stars to people with great local stories to tell, rants, raves and everything you’d expect from a couple of guys who have known each other and been drinking together for nearly two decades.

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  • Artist: IT in the D
  • Copyright: The "IT in the D" show and all marks are the property of The Detroit Networking Group, all rights reserved


 IT in the D: The Kids Take Over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:03

The IT in the D guys with the day off from work. Their kids with the day off of school. Naturally, this means they all went downtown for coney dogs at Lafayette and then took the kids into the studio to let the kids talk about things from their points of view - technology, games, and even their dads... ...and a good time was had by all. Not really one of our "normal" shows...not by a long shot. No beer, no slim jims, no whacky antics...well, at least not from us this time around. The kids give a crash course on Minecraft, the cloud, and even us. So...give it a listen if you want.  We think it's pretty funny to listen to them roll... ...but we're biased. We'll be back live with our normal show schedule this coming Monday night when we're live with Billy Strawter from Social Coop Media Detroit and Kevin Krason from Biznet.  Should be a fun show, so be sure to listen live:  

 IT In The D – Episode 64: Jack Olson, Michipreneur, Patronicity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:04:18

IT in the D, Episode 64. Also known as "Dave completely nerds out beyond all ability to recover". Why? Because we had Jack Olson in-studio with us, that's why.  And if you don't know why that triggered a major nerding out, then you might as well just completely avoid segments two and thre of this one because it's all nerd, all the time.  We also ran long, with a full fifth segment as we talked with Amanda Lewan and Ebrahim Varachia.  Amanda's been on our show a couple of times in the past, talking about her work with and Bamboo Detroit.  Ebrahim is the Co-Founder and Director of Operations for Our first segment was all about news and events.  From the Honey Boo Boo / TLC debacle to schools not teaching the critical thinking skills that employers are looking for, we had some good discussions. As always, links for the various topics we covered (and those we didn't get to due to time constraints) are down below.  So check those out to see what we found interesting this week. And then...then The Geekening happened. Jack Olson is the man behind the software that many of us use every day.  IMS. DB2. UDB. Operating systems. Databases. His bio and background are here if you're interested: Jack Olson Bio Background And so we went on a deep dive. From the history of databases to the evolution of business intelligence, data profiling, security and archiving...such a wide, cool variety of topics. And then in segment three, we got into what he's working on these days, and it got even more awesome. What are the biggest problems that face companies dealing with big data? Data security.  Encryption.  Safety of the data.  Corporate policies around access and use. Well, he's gone and build something that addresses all of those issues and more...oh, and also managed to utilize compression to get some awesome performance gains along the way. Got your attention?  Good.  Go check it out at In our fourth and fifth segments, we dove in with Amanda Lewan discussing her recent article about funding sources for companies here in Michigan, which you can read out at  Amanda's a repeat guest with us, and we're always happy to talk with her about the work she's doing at Michipreneur and Bamboo Detroit. Amanda Lewan is Co-founder of the creative work space Bamboo Detroit and Editor of Michipreneur, and online community for Michigan creatives and entrepreneurs. She's passionate about building a more creative economy in Michigan. Her work has been featured in local and national publications, including Entrepreneur, The Nation, and Crain's Business. Follow the conversation online at One of those funding sources is, a localized version of something like Kickstarter, but also with the bonus of working with MEDC and providing matching grants.  What does that mean? So let's say your project requires $20,000.  Launch a project on Patronicity, get it rolling, and you raise $10,000 from the community and you'll get the remaining $10,000 from a matching grant.  Ebrahim Varachia is the co-founder and Director of Operations for Patronicity, and he had a lot of great insight into not only his own site and company, but also other options as well. Check out and see if they're right for you. As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter: http://www.twitter.

 IT In The D – Episode 63: Motor City Drone Co, RhinoCoders and Zabka Day! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:43:07

IT in the D, Episode 63. We've been looking forward to this episode for a while now. We were joined in-studio by Mike from Motor City Drone Co...yes, a company right here in the area that makes drones, one of our favorite topics.  Also joining us were Matt and Jon from RhinoCoders, a great program focused on getting children more involved and engaged with technology in the best way possible - by diving in and getting hands-on with it... Just like always, our first segment was all about some of the news and events that caught our eye this past week.  Of course, we had to kick off by sending a happy birthday shout out to William Zabka, because, well, we still laugh and talk about the conversations we had with him at Motor City Comic Con. We talked about our event last week at Blackfinn, our upcoming event with Social Media Club Detroit, the November casual networking social at Stray Cat Lounge, the December event at Falling Down Beer Company, and the other events you can find out at  We got into the recent news that HBO and CBS are launching their own online streaming services, which seems like it's leading to the dream of unbundled content...but there's an inevitable downside.  The chaos going on in a local school with teens, sexting, and pending felony charges.  And so, so many more rantworthy topics... For segment two, we dove in with Mike from Motor City Drone Co.  And you know how we love to talk about drones.  It was really cool having someone in-studio with us who's very close to the topic and paying attention to things like pending legislation, what the market for drones is, practical applications of it for home and corporate buyers, and all sorts of other topics we've been dying to deep dive on.  They're a great local company with drones ranging from a few hundred dollars all the way out to something that could, you know, hypothetically speaking, move a body if you wanted to.  Not that Motor City Drone Co condones that usage.  Or encourages it.  But, you know, you could.  Find out more about them and go shopping at Segment three was all about RhinoCoders.  They're a group of people in the information technology industry that are trying to get kids more interested in careers in IT as they grow up.  They do that by getting them in a hands-on environment teaching them HTML, CSS and Javascript in a series of classes.  The computers are there.  A thumb drive helps the kids bring their work home.  If they miss a class, no big deal, there's a whole online syllabus of the course and work to keep them caught up.  It's a pretty damned cool initiative, and it was great talking with Matt and Jon last night.  Go learn more about RhinoCoders and get your kids rolling with classes starting after the holidays at And then, as always, segment four was all about doubling back on points we might have missed from our earlier conversations, a couple more news items that we didn't get to in the first segment and the usual wrap up stuff. And hey, one more time for good measure - hope you had a great birthday man! As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:  - People listing Google Glass, Xbox One, Go Pro as "skills" on LinkedIn profiles: - Yep, Uber drivers are rating you. Are two-way reviews the wave of things to come?

 IT In The D – Episode 62: Falling Down Beer Company, Detroit Beer Press | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:42:29

IT in the D, Episode 62, also known as "have you tried putting a pickle in that?" Listen, that'll make sense, honest. We're joined by Mark Larson from Falling Down Beer Company, along with Courtney Ochab and Ian Burk from Detroit Beer Press. Great conversations...sure, mostly about beer, but also about a whole variety of topics as well... In our first segment we dove into the news stories caught our eye over the past week.  From the Snapchat video leak to recruiters being told not to hire US based workers, there were quite a few topics.  As usual, links for all of those topics...including the ones we wanted to get to but just simply didn't...are included down below.  Oh, and of course our event on Thursday night: Segment two was all about Falling Down Beer Company, with topics from their ever changing awesome menu, the various beers they have on tap, the beers that we had in-studio with us, and the booking of our December event (which we're calling "Elf on the Beer Shelf" this year, and you can read all about what we've put together just since the live broadcast here:  Great chat with Mark Larson, as always.  You can find Falling Down Beer Company at and we highly encourage you to stop in and check out not just the beer, but the food (reuben me...reuben...eggrolls...) Our third segment dove in with Courtney and Ian from Detroit Beer Press.  Really fun set of conversations with two people who are really passionate about what they're doing...and it doesn't hurt that what they're doing is all about beer.  From the publication that they're putting out (and you can find it in breweries and other locations around the area) to printing off things like custom coasters and other items for the brew pubs and bars...very cool stuff they've got going on.  Check them out at Our fourth segment doubled back on some of the earlier topics from the evening as well as follow up items with our guests. As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:  The news and stories we discussed: - The Snappening. Snapchat videos (over 200,000, gigs and gigs) nabbed through API availability (read: "yes, it's still your fault, Snapchat!) - ebola, Ebola, EBOLA!!! - 30 acre "city" outside of Ann Arbor build to test driverless cars: - Meanwhile, in London: driverless subways: - Guy complains to Comcast, Comcast calls his boss, guy loses job: - Infosys recruiter under oath says he was told explicitly to not hire US workers: - ATMs infected by malware give out millions...with no cards required: - Oh, and Kmart got hacked: - 5 programming languages marked for death: http://news.dice.

 IT In The D – Episode 61: Mobility, Mayhem, Mediation and Mischief | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:01:56

IT in the D, Episode which we discover more about connected cars and mobility standards with a repeat guest, and catch up with an old friend who's a first timer. Great talks, good times, and even a fifth segment. Because we wanted to, that's why. So let's find out what Elaina Farnsworth of Mobile Comply and Terry Bean had to say... As always, our first segment was, as always, a round up of news stories that caught our eye.  From keycards given to seven people that'll reboot the internet to a school district getting rid of swingsets, from a dude killed over Facebook poking his friend's wife out to the insidious evil that is most flashlight apps...good stuff you need to know. The second segment was all about Elaina Farnsworth from Mobile Comply.  Elaina was on back in Episode 22 talking about the CompTIA Mobility+ certification, and a lot has happened since then so it was time for her to come back and chat some more.  We talked about connected cars, the liability and legal issues around them, and all sorts of other fun.  It's always a good chat with Elaina, and it was great to have her back in.  Check out her company at Segment three moved on to chat with Terry Bean about everything from TEDxDetroit to 313Dlove and things around the city.  We've known Terry for well over a decade, and there are some interesting things brewing behind the scenes (other than beer, for once) that might have us chatting more in the future.  Go ahead and check out what he's got going on at The 4th segment doubled back on earlier topics that we wanted to get into a little bit more, and then the 5th segment (yes, there was a fifth segment) wrapped things up for the night. Thanks for listening, and tune in next week as we have Mark Larson from Falling Down Beer Company in along with some of his friends doing cool things with beer and more. As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:  - Where can we get our hands on one of these nifty keycards that'll reboot the internet? - Paying via Facebook Messenger? thanks... - Lawyers + lazy parents = kids can't have swings any more. - Pokes kill: - That little flashlight app on your phone is doing more than helping you find your keys: - AT&T gets hacked: - You can be served legal papers via Facebook.  That's certainly not going to cause problems... - Why military folks make the best IT candidates: - Microsoft's "RoomAlive" uses kinect to turn your entire room into the video game

 IT In The D – Episode 60: Yelp, Make This Detroit and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:42:38

IT in the D, Episode 60 is officially in the rear view mirror. Fun conversations with our guests Annette from Yelp along with Scott and Kris from Make This Detroit productions.  Yelp's got a big event coming up on 10/10 that you'll want to know about, and Make This Detroit is the company behind our latest video that you should totally check out and give us some feedback about... In our first segment, we talked about the Family Guy / Simpsons crossover episode, Gotham,  Facebook's latest incarnation of the Atlas ad serving platform, Yahoo shutting down...well, the only thing that anyone ever really knew Yahoo for and more. For segment two, we dove in with Annette from Yelp, mostly talking about their huge "Detroit Yelp City" event coming up at The Fillmore on Friday, October 10th. What's that, you haven't heard about it yet?  Oh, you want to.  Trust us, you want to.  With free booze and food from some of the best places around, these annual events are not to be missed.  To check out all of the companies and vendors who will be there, as well as hitting up an RSVP, head on over to In our third segment, we dove in with Scott and Kris from Make This Detroit productions, and as we mentioned, they created the way cool video on our "Meet" page for us: We talked about the various projects they've got going on, the work they're doing with folks like Steven Tulloch of the Detroit Lions and more. Go give them some love over at In our final segment, we doubled back on some topics, covered a few more newsworthy items that caught our eye, and wrapped things up. As always, huge thanks out to our sponsors Logicalis and Quantum...and, of course, Falling Down Beer Company for the beer that tends to make us loopy by the 4th segment. - The new vette has a nanny cam built in...that might be illegal: - Nobody's really freaking out as hard about the medical records hacks as they should be. Those are more valuable than anything else to hackers: - Oh good. Facebook's new ad system that'll track you anywhere: - Shellshock patch didn't work...BASH exploit grows...,further-flaws-render-shellshock-patch-ineffective.aspx - Working at the Starbucks inside the CIA is pretty weird: - A wristwatch drone that'll fly on command: - Also on the drone front, DHL in Germany is actually using them: - After 20 years, Yahoo is shutting down the web directory that made it what it was at the end of the year: - Chicago flights completely screwed because a disgruntled worker set a fire: - Holy crap...late on your car payment? It won't start...or it may just shut down on you: http://dealbook.nytimes.

 IT In The D – Episode 59: Detroit SOUP, All Things Detroit, Daily Detroit Launches! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:40:19

IT in the D, Episode 59...and wow, this episode was just SOUPer! Ha ha, yeah, bad pun, sorry. Tonight we recapped our Pink Slip Party from last Thursday at the Majestic, discussed the latest round of leaked personal photos and movies from celebrities, and went all over the map with our guests from DetroitSOUP and All Things Detroit. And we even had the pleasure of being the platform for a launch announcement for our friends over at Daily Detroit. As to the details...   We were joined in-studio by Amy from Detroit SOUP -, Jennyfer from Ask Jennyfer and All Things Detroit -, as well as Jeremiah, Patrick and Nick from Daily Detroit - In our first segment, we talked about last week's Pink Slip Party event. You can read the full recap of the event here: We also talked about the latest round of celebrity photo and movie leaks that took the internet by storm the other well as what it all means as a reflection on us as a society, people's reactions, and all sorts of other topics that wove in and out throughout the chat. DetroitSOUP took center stage for our second segment, and Bob earned himself the "I learned something today" merit badge. DetroitSOUP is a monthly dinner funding micro-grants for creative projects in Detroit.  Everyone shows up, pays $5, eats soup, and then there are pitches to be heard and voting to be done.  Whoever has the best pitch of the night walks away with the cash.  Kind of a cool concept, though not one that people traditionally think of when it comes to things like this, and we all definitely learned a lot about their processes, what they do, how they do it, and some of their success stories.  We definitely enjoyed having Amy join us.  Look forward to talking with her again in the future.  You can find out all about them and their upcoming events at Our third segment focused in on Jennyfer from Ask Jennyfer and All Things Detroit.  Ask Jennyfer is a branding and marketing company, with All Things Detroit being the core event.  All Things Detroit features...well, all things Detroit.  Products grown and made right here in the area, live demonstrations, giveaways and free stuff.  $5 to get in (though there's a Groupon out there for a buy one, get one free at, and you get to meet, see, and talk with people building and doing things throughout the city.  You can find out more at For our fourth and final segment...we had the pleasure of being the platform that announced the launch for our friends Jeremiah, Patrick and Nick of their new endeavor, Daily Detroit.  You may be familiar with these guys from their past work on other blogs and initiatives, and this is the next step in their evolution as content creators.  Focusing on the entire metropolitan Detroit area, their tagline of "What's Next For Detroit?" really says it all.  Their new site is a great destination for you whether you're looking for traffic updates, weather, things to do throughout the week or just the real deal on stories happening in the region.  So go check them out at or, and tell 'em we said hello. That's all for this time.  Tune in next week when we're joined by Annette, the community manager for Yelp, and long-time friend of the program Scott Sabellico. greatest yelp story ever: you can serve legal papers via Facebook?

 IT In The D – Episode 58: Pink Slip Party Info, Arrow Strategies, Stuff Around Detroit and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:55

IT in the D, Episode 58, chock full of information for you. We lost one of our guests due to a bacterial infection (no, we weren't involved with that, I swear), but we were joined in studio by Steve from Arrow Strategies and one of our other usual partners in crime. We talked the Pink Slip Party this Thursday at the Majestic, stuff going on around downtown, what Arrow will be looking for on Thursday night and more... In our first segment, we talked Pink Slip Party primarily, but also some of the news and stories that have caught our eye over the last week.  You can catch up on everything you need to know here: Segment two continued on that way with more random discussions of news and events around the web. Our third segment dove in with Steve from Arrow Strategies, specifically all about Pink Slip Party events from a recruiter's point of view - common mistakes people make, what to expect, the importance of follow up and follow through and more. In our fourth segment, we doubled back on some topics we missed earlier, and closed things out for the night. Uber will run your errands: MS buying Minecraft maker: Apple and U2; The realities of controlling texting while driving California passing law protecting online reviewers from lawsuits: Comcasts war on TOR: The Detroit Fire Department issue: As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud: 

 IT In The D – Episode 57: Comcast’s Internet Essentials, Think Like a Magician, Pink Slip Party and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:43

IT in the D, Episode 57...what a fun episode. Great guests in-studio talking about Comcast's "Internet Essentials" program that helps low-income families get high speed access and even a computer at an insanely low cost, how thinking like a magician can help you in your career, and of course all of the news and information that's caught our eye over the past couple of weeks since we didn't have a show on Labor Day. So let's dive on in... Naturally we talked about the massive leak of celebrity photos that happened, especially the parts of the story that the media just isn't getting into for some reason. The Home Depot hack, a meteor nearly missing the Earth, hands-free cars coming, Google refunding people for their kid's in-app purchases and a ton more. In our second segment, Fred Eaton, Senior Manager for Government and Regulatory Affairs for Comcast, joined us to talk about their Internet Essentials program.  Some details: 1-855-8-INTERNET 1-855-846-8376 Open to families of children on free or reduced cost lunch programs Also open to families of home-schooled children 6mb internet Cost is normally $9.95 per month, but its free for six months if you sign up by 9/20 Computers can be purchased for $150 There's a whole bunch more information out at or, again, you can call them at 1-855-8-INTERNET 1-855-846-8376 For our third segment, we were joined by Michael Mode.  Mike does a lot of things - he's an entrepreneur who launched, he's a magician who has worked with David Copperfield, and he's also a speaker. His talks include how to think like a magician, and how that can apply to your career.  He also talks through his background, and what led him to this point in life.  His early fascination with magic, working his way up through the ranks, his various endeavors along the way and much more. Great topics, great lessons to be learned here. In our fourth and final segment, we doubled back on some of the earlier topics, chatted with Mike a bit more. Topics we got into tonight...or at least planned to: The Fappening It's not iCloud's fault, idiots. Reddit is a hypocritical piece of crap for shutting down Fappening threads, but leaving /photoplunder/ up and running The guy behind the Reddit upset that his private information has gotten out and wants his privacy back.  Queue Alannis Morissette... Respiratory virus: The Home Depot hack Really?  We're doing anti-ISIS videos now? Court rules Yelp can tamper with reviews if it wants to: "hands free" Cadillac in two years.  What can go wrong? You didn't know how to turn Autoplay off? That big meteor missed us yesterday, but a smaller one cranked into Nicaragua: (it's worth noting this is the 2nd time something like this has happened - last year, when everyone was watching a big asteroid on a near-pass, that's when that one in Russia snuck passed everyone and exploded o...

 IT In The D – Episode 56: CGS Advisors,, Event Updates and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:41:47

IT in the D, Episode 56.  Fun show, great guests. We were joined by Greggory Garrett of CGS Advisors, and Tim Aten, website manager for Talking through managing change in organizations large and small, as well as the changing face of the information technology scene in metro Detroit from multiple points of view, this was a really good set of conversations over the course of the night that provided some interesting insights into the area and what companies are dealing with these days... Corporate Growth Strategy Advisors (CGS Advisors, LLC) was founded in 2008 with the focus to help leaders cut through the noise, and define unique paths to growth. Generally, we advise those who seek to make things better; to change the status quo; and ultimately to grow to achieve their visions. They can be found at GMC is a division of General Motors that deals with trucks, vans, crossovers and SUVs, and can be found at As always, a hat tip out to our show sponsor, Logicalis.  They've been around our events for a while now, but they've stepped up huge to become a sponsor of our efforts, and so expect to hear us talk about them and give them a ton of love in the coming weeks. Logicalis is an international IT solutions and managed services provider with expertise in communications and collaboration, data center and cloud services. Employing nearly 3,700 people worldwide with more than 20 offices in the US including two in Metro Detroit. You can read all about them out at As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud: 

 IT In The D – Episode 55: Newco and Hatch Detroit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:44:34

IT in the D, Episode 55, and a really solid episode tonight. Kind of rushing this recap in an effort to get the broadcast out quickly so that people can hear about the Hatch Detroit finalists in time for forgive the lack of links to the news articles we discussed, but time is of the essence on this one... Okay, so quick recap: Newco is an "open" style conference taking place on Thursday, September 18th, and you can read all about the companies involved as well as registering for their free day of events at The four Hatch Detroit finalists are: Cockadoodle is a full-service breakfast and lunch concept planned for the Avenue of Fashion that embodies the values of farm-freshness, genuine hospitality, quality standards and community honor. Gabriel Hall plans to be a live entertainment bar & restaurant which celebrates the rich New Orleans-Detroit connection. It features an authentic Creole menu and signature drinks. Sister Pie is a bakery opening in the West Village and Parker & Kercheval. They aim to celebrate the seasons through pie, to provide consistently delicious, thoughtful and inventive food, and to foster a welcoming and open environment for both employees and customers. Third Wave Music is an instrument retail store concept that plans to sell new and used instruments, provide lessons and operate a repair facility. It aims to become a community space for Detroit musicians. Great information from all four of the finalists, and you really need to listen in, hear what they had to say, and then get out and vote.  You can vote on the Hatch Detroit website at, or at their in-person voting event today (Tuesday), the last in-person voting opportunity. The final event is Wednesday night, the Hatch Off, where the winner will be announced after presentations from the finalists and a final round of voting by the judges. Details, voting, and everything else can be found at As always, a hat tip out to our show sponsor, Logicalis.  They've been around our events for a while now, but they've stepped up huge to become a sponsor of our efforts, and so expect to hear us talk about them and give them a ton of love in the coming weeks. Logicalis is an international IT solutions and managed services provider with expertise in communications and collaboration, data center and cloud services. Employing nearly 3,700 people worldwide with more than 20 offices in the US including two in Metro Detroit. You can read all about them out at As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:   

 IT In The D – Episode 54: Blame It On The Rain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:01:30

IT in the D, Episode 54, and yes, we were complete idiots and drove downtown in the midst of flooded roads, crazy rain, dead and abandoned cars, and mass hysteria for this one. Unfortunately, Jeff got trapped somewhere around I-75 and 12 mile and couldn't get any further.  However, we picked up a spare guest at Third Street before heading over to the studio, so we had a great show with some fun conversations.  And since we checking our phones and news updates let us know we weren't going anywhere any time soon, we hung out for a while and just kept recording. Which went probably like you're assuming it did... We were joined in studio by our guests, who were equally insane enough to brave the weather and come on out to play, returning guest Billy Strawter from Social Coop Media and newcomer Joanna Dueweke from, among other things, Awesome Mitten. I'm starting to think that we don't actually know anyone who only has one job. First thing's first, major hat tip out to our show sponsor, Logicalis.  They've been around our events for a while now, but they've stepped up huge to become a sponsor of our efforts, and so expect to hear us talk about them and give them a ton of love in the coming weeks. Logicalis is an international IT solutions and managed services provider with expertise in communications and collaboration, data center and cloud services. Employing nearly 3,700 people worldwide with more than 20 offices in the US including two in Metro Detroit. You can read all about them out at - It rained.  You know, just in case you missed it. - Seriously, shut up about Facebook Messenger already: - The monkey selfie, and copyright law: - No, you can't change your Facebook color...that's a virus, stupid: - James Brady's death ruled a homicide: - More ebola, ebola, ebola: - TMNT tops the box office, but lots of people say it sucked: - Using your cat to find open WiFi networks: - Now that I'm adult, I'm more in favor of year-round schooling. So are lots of other people: - FCC mandates texting to 911 capabilities: - Despite NINE BILLION in profits, NFL fights to keep blackout rule in place: - Hacker babs $83,000 in bitcoin: - Yahoo's adding PGP to email...ummm, is it 1998?,yahoo-to-provide-pgp-encryption-for-mail.aspx - Expensive hotels give you faster wifi: - Remember that gmail / kiddie pr0n story?  Microsoft is doing that, too: - There's a Snowden 2.0 floating around: As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup: http://www.

 IT In The D – Episode 53: Taco Bell Phones, Arcade Games, Random Fun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:44:16

IT in the D, Episode 53. This, dear readers and listeners, was a fun episode. Huge thanks to our guests Paul from Core 3 Solutions, as well as recurring regulars Jeff and Jeremiah for hanging out with us for some great conversations, some left turns, and a whole lot of laughter and fun... Our first segment was all about news, events, and stories that are worth noting.  Sharknado 2.  Google getting someone arrested.  Our appearance on the Internet Advisor show on WJR.  Facebook Messenger and the insane terms of service for it.  Lots of interesting topics to kick around this week. Then we dove in with Paul...but not about Core 3 Solutions.  No, first we needed to hear all about his adventures with the Taco Bell Phone, which we talked about way back in episode 35 if you want some background.  It was fun to hear about all of the stuff he went through, from the calls he received to what they wanted him to do and how things wrapped up...lots of laughs, and a great chat. In our third segment, having satisfied our curiosity, we let him go ahead and talk about his company, Core 3 Solutions -  They do everything from web development to SEO, from managed infrastructure to remote help desk and more.  Great company, and it's good to hear about someone growing and doing things right here in the area.  It also doesn't hurt that his office is in a warehouse...and in that warehouse are the stand up, old school arcade games he collects. Don't think for a moment that we're not planning a trip there. To wrap things up, we doubled back on a few earlier topics, brought everyone into the mix to talk about things like the light rail project downtown - what's good about it, what's bad about it, and where things are likely going to go great...or horribly wrong. Again, thanks to our guests Paul from Core 3 Solutions, as well as recurring regulars Jeff and Jeremiah for hanging out with us. Core 3 Solutions can be found at As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:  We were on WJR on Saturday.  You can listen to that here: Google finds child pr0n in a guy's email account, alerts authorities: Facebook is cramming Messenger down everyone's throats...but you'd better take a close look at those Terms of Service: The "hotel charges $500 for bad reviews" thing...they tried to claim it was a hoax, but turns out it's real: Google and the "Right to be Forgotten":  

 IT In The D – Episode 52: Cheap Chimp and Re-Source Partners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:56:59

IT in the D, Episode 52. Another really fun night in-studio, and thankfully without most of the sound problems that have plagued our last few episodes. We were joined in-studio by Ken Jones, the creator of the Cheap Chimp App that can help you save some money on things you like to do around the area, and also Matt Loria from Re-Source Partners to talk about how companies can save a ton of money by doing things right and using a little forward thinking. As usual... ...we started off with news stories that have caught our eye over the past week. The new Mad Max trailer.  The new Wonder Woman in the Batman vs Superman movie.  Our rants about Slow Roll, 5Ks and protests.  The Southwest Airlines twitter debacle and more. And then we dove in with our guests for some great conversations about what they've got going on. The Cheap Chimp app can be found in your Apple and Android stores, but for more information, check them out on Facebook at Re-Source Partners can be found at As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:  - New Mad Max trailer (on FB page) - New Wonder Woman (on FB page) - Star Wars comics coming out between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back (on FB page) - Slow Roll, 5Ks, Protests (blog) - Whiny dude tweets at Southwest about boarding experience, gets removed from plane: - After a Google exec with local ties OD's on heroin, expose comes out about the drug use culture of Silicon Valley companies: - Recycling code sounds good...but it's why 50% of the top Android apps leak data:,popular-android-apps-inherit-bugs-from-recycled-code.aspx - Bose sues Beats by Dre (and therefore Apple) over noise-canceling patents: - iPhones bypass encryption, leak all kinds of data: ...and here's a video: - Guy basically proves Verizon is throttling NetFlix: - Comcast and other companies say they're just afraid of NetFlix charging THEM: - Russia offers 3.9 million rubles ($110,000) to anyone who can break TOR privacy and encryption to identify users: - Two cities petition FCC to overrule state laws restricting locally controlled fiber: - Half of people graduating with STEM degrees...don't go into STEM fields:

 IT In The D – Episode 51: Public Relations, Graphic Novels and Makers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:47:40

IT in the D, Episode 51. Another week, another great episode out into the ether. From our opening banter about the usual rounds of chaos to talking managing clients, damage control and all about the world of Public Relations with CKC Agency, then into the world of comic books, graphic novels, charity events and more with the creator of Mess Bucket Comics and finally out into the some might say crazy realm of makers, fighting robots, flames and cannons with one of our friends from i3Detroit...such a wide variety of topics and great content. Our first segment, as per usual, was a round up of news and stories that have caught our eye during the past week.  The 45th anniversary of the moon landing, Revenge of the Nerds turns 30 years old, the movie Ender's Game, a device you can build for $35 that will take over any Chromecast enabled system, and all sorts of other fun. For our second segment, we dove in with Carolyn Krieger-Cohen, the owner of CKC Agency, a Public Relations firm in Farmington Hills.  From trying to figure out what she was going to do after graduating from MSU to running her own agency, she has a lot of great insights to share.  We chatted about what Public Relations actually is, what PR firms really do, the evolution of PR with the rise of social media, advice for those thinking about getting into the field and tons more. Segment three's conversation focused on Dom Riggio from Mess Bucket Comics...and a whole lot of other things, as it turns out.  His stories feature that fun guy over there to the right, and the first two books are out with a third on the way.  But that's not all he's doing, because he also owns and runs Penelope's Venue in Southgate, a charitable organization that gets kids on the ice on an ice rink that somehow none of us even knew existed.  And that just scratches the surface of everything he's got going on, so listen in and check out his various endeavors. Our fourth and final segment pulled in Matt Switlik from i3Detroit to talk about makers, making things, all of the fun tools and toys at i3Detroit to this weekend's Maker Faire Detroit event.  If you're not familiar with what a "maker" is, what "maker spaces" are, or all of the fun stuff you can see going on at Henry Ford this weekend, then this is definitely the segment for you.  His particular area of interest in creating fighting robots - the hardware, the software, and everything about them - but there's a whole world of cool stuff waiting for you inside i3Detroit whenever you stop by and at Maker Faire this weekend. And that brings us to the end of another fun episode of IT in The D that could have gone on for another hour or two if we didn't have jobs and lives to deal with...sigh... So listen in, and check out the links below to check out everything our guests have going on. CKC Agency can be found at Mess Bucket Comics can be found at, Penelope's Venue and all of the upcoming events there can be found at, and the Frozen Fish Fiasco can be found at i3Detroit can be found at and information about Maker Faire Detroit can be found at As always, we can be found: On the web: On Meetup:  On LinkedIn:  On Facebook:  On Twitter:  On Soundcloud:  - This device, the "Rickmote", can hack any Chromecast and Rickroll you.


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