Coffee with Butterscotch: A Game Dev Comedy Podcast show

Coffee with Butterscotch: A Game Dev Comedy Podcast

Summary: Coffee with Butterscotch is the hilarity-filled official podcast of award-winning video game studio Butterscotch Shenanigans, best known for its smash hit Crashlands. Grab a drink and tune in every week to learn how video games are made and sold, our take on building a small company from scratch, and how to be an unstoppable problem-solving machine. Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at

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 [Ep308] Tequila Crazy Straw | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:34

Hiya, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss long weekends, ear bleeds, and managing noise. Everything that you do is about moving something from one place to another, whether you realize it or not. Recognizing the steps to the dance gets you that much closer to automation. It’s about cutting out the noise. Remember, the most powerful key at your disposal is the delete key! Questions answered (abbreviated): - one dead saint: I would like to listen to all 300 podcasts again. How do I listen to the first 11 that are missing? - Ticklesaurus Rex: How would a bro automate a bro-cess (process)? - BscotchKarl: How do you maintain the cleanliness of your desktop and hard drive? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep307] Optimized Primes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:51

Hey there, Shenanites! This week, we talk about compounding actions, administrative creep, and the panopticon performance. The solution that works best on average is going to be suboptimal for everyone. Assuming you’re even solving the right problem. Knowing things is expensive. That’s why you should get robots to know things for you. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Ockpop Haphop: Do your new streaming screens setup more gamejam-like work days? Do you feel self-conscious when you goof off? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep306] Jellybean Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:53

Hello, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the human scale, the pros of catastrophic errors, and Sam’s squibbly baby hands. The easy answers are always the wrong ones, especially if you aren’t asking the right questions. It’s all too likely you'll overlook the three boxes of kiwis right in front of your face when you’re out there looking for grapes. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Wigglyhonk Quickpie: Seth, do you use your standing desk during raids? If so, have you noticed any improvement in dps/healing/damage taken? - Flyhoppie Axerompa: Sam, what brushes do you mainly use for Clip Studio Paint? - Retro Banana Man NL: What are your myers-briggs personality types? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep305] The Beauty and the Terror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:13

Good day, Shenanites! This week, we talk about dad issues, honeymoon phases, and the other 300 things. It’s impossible to be aware of the things you’re not aware of. But once you become aware of them, it’s time to refactor. Sure, the structure is the culture, but the culture is also the structure. If you don’t ask why, you’re gonna have a bad time. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Balbus hwispit: What does 2021 Bscotch recommend for maintaining vision and enthusiasm when working with ideas that can’t possibly all fit in your head at once? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep304] The Why of Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:24

Hi, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the unceremonious aftermath, interesting limitations, and 50% more money numbers. All the details are contingent, as ever, upon the bigger question of why. If you don’t even know the shape of the problem, how can you figure out the shape of the solution? Time for some reflection. Preferably while sitting at the edge of a flat blue sheet and looking out at the swamp waves. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Underscrum Rompyyerblee: Lets daydream a bit: 10 years from now Butterscotch Shenanigans has between 50-75 employees. What kind of game(s) would you want to be making with a studio that size? Would you be comfortable running a company that size some day? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep303] Multi-tiered Engagement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:26

Greetings, Shenanites! This week, we talk about herd immunity, the beauty of well designed choice, and a game for aliens. The more you learn, the more you should iterate, coming ever closer to that elusive (and illusive) plane of enlightenment. Sometimes that means flipping your design approach completely. And sometimes that means ascending to n-dimensional space and trying to find your shadow. Questions answered (abbreviated): - giantmuskrat: If a 3D game is twice as hard as 2D, is a 1D game twice as easy? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep302] Feline Staredown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:05

Hello, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the black mirror effect, Adam’s waking nightmare, and a neck with legs. We’ve been making radio long enough to know what’s good, so let’s talk about visuals! Plus, Seth reveals what the biggest, coolest thing he’s worked on and made is. As it turns out, much like turtles, it’s QA all the way down. Questions answered (abbreviated): - maximilio: Do you ever play Levelhead or any other of your games recreationally? - challosis: What does your QA process look like? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep301] Goal Fog | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:28

Salutations, Shenanites! This week, we talk about rest, shattering the earth, and the most complicated part of developing a game. It’s not what you think. Or maybe it is. We can’t read your mind. But if you find yourself up against a mental wall, it’s probably time to reevaluate your questions. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Panit Powaacka: There are so few episodic games nowadays, but why? - Tappytrip Doovark: Any advice on how to reignite that creative spark? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep300] Autoaudiodocumentary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:07

Hello, Shenanites! In our 300th episode, we discuss swimming in quarters, the imaginary track, and the target audience problem. Just because something is visible doesn’t mean it’s good or right. Just because something is invisible doesn’t mean it’s bad or wrong. As it turns out, everything is a design problem, and there’s always more nuance to figure out. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Gooigi: What was your favorite game to work on? - Gearwip Toppybeep: Is there a game concept that interests you that could not be done in GameMaker? Do you ever see the studio's needs outgrowing its capabilities? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep299] The Whiff to Nail Range | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:11

Hey there, Shenanites! This week, we talk about sweeping smear frames, off-the-shelf solutions, and the student mindset. You’re just a robot doing robot stuff, and your subroutines are doing the best they can to work together. So if you do something cool, even if it leads to failure, celebrate it! Don’t discount your dope Mars landing progress! Questions answered (abbreviated): - challosis: Did y'all discuss 3rd party networking solutions when you were exploring multiplayer? - bamhm182: Are there any "perfect games" in the video game world? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep298] Giraffe Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:20

Hiya, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the absence of blinking, flat planes of blubber, and the controllers of yore. Sometimes innovation is just realizing that people have fingers and getting the correct hand count. The details might seem small, but they could mean the difference between a midlife crisis and a midlife opportunity. So go ahead and grab some matcha with Bscotcha and listen in! Questions answered (abbreviated): - Gooigi: Do you guys drink coffee when you do your podcasts? - drhayes: Adam and Sam get to be stuff, but Seth is always the "games programmer.” Seth, what else do you want to be? - jamiedotgames: What was the best video game controller? - bamhm182: It was brought up in a recent podcast that it feels like now is the "midlife crisis" of the studio. If that's the case, what's the sexy new ferrari? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep297] A Believable Lie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:43

Hello, Shenanites! This week, we talk about less random randomness, floors and ceilings, and proper beverage production. Plans aren’t plans so much as they’re educated guesses. Adherence runs counter to adaptation, and it’s important to know when and where to switch modes. What we’re saying is, get those pillars! Questions answered (abbreviated): - Flyhoppie Axerompa: Seth, could you please stream while you make a game for Ludum Dare? - Beekie Boppaboop: Is there a chance we could get some new segments on the show? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep296] The Short Squeeze | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:50

Hey there, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss the glockenspiel of the financial trade, robot price wars, and the golden rule of financial investments. Our human brains are wired to chase novelty, but boring stability is the real end game. That’s why you need to create your own chaos. Say, by making a game in a weekend using skills you don’t have. It’s 2021 -- let’s go dunk poorly! Questions answered (abbreviated): - Fraser_: Where has 2020 left the enslickening process? What does your setup look like, and do you have any ideas for what your next step on this journey will be? - challosis: What is your single favorite part about working on games? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep295] The Buttermasters of Buttervania | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:02

Hiya, Shenanites! This week, we talk about proximity to swears, game shaped objects, and one day monarchs. Sometimes it’s fun to jump into a project where you have no earthly idea what to do. That’s why being a side NPC is such a good time. You can do whatever you want because it’s all optional. In this unskippable cutscene, we’ll explain... Questions answered (abbreviated): - challosis: If you were an NPC, what side quest would you give the player? - Fraser_: What would you guess is the next evolution in game conferences? - one dead saint: You're king for the day. What do you do? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

 [Ep294] Tamagotchi Space Exploration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:16

Hey there, Shenanites! In this episode, we discuss face down positioning, quiet future knives, and surprise presentations. Do you ever think about how we’re mostly made of bacteria and weird blood? And how your skin can, like, taste things? No? Well, you’re thinking about it now. Sign up for the new newsletter Dev Chat here: Questions answered (abbreviated): - Jumpynope Jestybonk: Did your team decide to make the switch to ClickUp? If so, how was the transition experience? - Gooslamma Magicamber: I want to know what happened to Absolute Units, Seth's personal project space game. Is Seth still working on it? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to


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