AUDIO PODCAST - Live Church Orlando show

AUDIO PODCAST - Live Church Orlando

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 I See It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In the book of Lamentations, the Prophet Jeremiah, was lamenting about all the horrible things he had experienced and seen happen to himself and the people of God. However, because of his believe in trust in the Lord, he could still end on a high note by saying "...But this I call to mind, therefore I have hope!" He was quick to remember all of the wonderful things the Lord had already done for him, and trusted God would still see him through!  In this message of hope, "I See It," Pastor Tye shares why we need to change our perception of what we may be going through, and start giving praise to the Lord, even before we see what we're hoping for come to pass.

 Let's Do Lunch! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Often times, people will wish for things to happen, but never truly have the confidence that it will. We can be so programmed to believe that something bad will happen first, before we are convinced that something good will take place. But truly having hope, means that you have a confident and joyful expectation that something good is going to happen for you. In this message, "Let's Do Lunch," Pastor Tye encourages us to take our hope to lunch! It's a call to revisit your hopes, dreams and aspirations, and take time to reflect on the things that feed your hope.

 iHope | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hebrews 11:1 is often known as the "faith verse," but it also speaks of faith being the "substance of things hoped for." So what exactly does it mean to have hope? Hope is living in the realm of expectancy and resting in the reality that God will never stop being good. In this inspiring message "iHope," Pastor Tye shares why having hope is not simply a feeling, but a conscious decision.

 Lose Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Growing up, you're taught that being responsible is to always "be in control" of your life and decisions. You are encouraged to be independent and make things happen for yourself. However, as a Believer, God's desire for you is completely counter-culture, as He wants you to give Him total control of your life, and to follow His leading. In the message, "Lose Control," Pastor Tye explains what it means to give up control and trust God to do amazing things in your life... or stay on the same level; doing everything on your own strength.

 Baby Shower | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:04

Baby showers are fun times as everyone is celebrating the baby that is on the way. But what if you were told you were having a baby shower, for what is growing inside of you? In this prophetic message, “Baby Shower,” Pastor Tye shares how we are all pregnant with purpose and how we must nurture and celebrate the special gifts the Lord is birthing within each of us.

 iRest - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:30

In today’s culture, needing rest is sometimes looked at as a weakness. People would rather be a part of “team no sleep,” believing its better to always be on the grind, then to give their mind, body and spirit time to rest. But rest allows you to reflect on what the Lord has already done and refocus on what He is preparing you to do. In the second part of his message, “iRest,” Pastor Tye shares why resting is more than just sleep, but a a true state of mind.

 iRest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:42

Though there may be debates on what day is the Sabbath or the ways to observe the Sabbath, there is no question that the need to rest is important to God. On the seventh day, after making all of creation, the Lord God rested; not because He needed to, but as an example for us. In this essential message, “iRest,” Pastor Tye breaks down why living our lives in a posture of rest, brings freedom from anxiety and worry.

 Friends - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When considering friends, it’s important to know the difference between a true friend or an associate. Friends are not “one size fits all,” and not everyone deserves full access to your life. In the second part of the message, “Friends,” Pastor Tye shares why it’s wise to compartmentalize our friends, and set your expectations of them accordingly.

 Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:41

While no one is able to choose their family, one choice we do have is our friends. Friends are the ones we hang out with most and maybe even confide in often. Why? Because they are usually a reflection of us in some way. So what do your friends say about you? Pastor Tye shares in this practical message, “Friends,” why we should be careful of who we surround ourselves with, as in time, they just may be who we become.

 Get Lost - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:44

Getting lost is never fun, nor is trying to find your way around in the dark. Yet, the Lord has the power to illuminate every situation in our lives, and we are safe to take refuge in him. Sometimes, when we allow ourselves to get lost in His presence, that's when we can truly find our way. In the continuation of his message, "Get Lost," Pastor Tye explains why many times we make ourselves vulnerable to danger, because we're too exposed, and refuse to lose ourselves in the safety of God's presence.

 Get Lost | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:59

The month of October marks the season of harvest, but in the Western culture it's known more for being a time of ghost, goblins and all things scary. Add those things, to what's going on in the world right now (from hurricanes to mass shootings) and it is enough to invoke a spirit of fear into the atmosphere. However, 2 Timothy 1:7 says we were given the spirit of power love and a sound mind; not fear! In Pastor Tye's message, "Get Lost," he shares how getting lost in the Lord's presences keeps us from fear, stress and trouble.

 Relationship Over Rules | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:20

At times Christianity is seen simply as a bunch of rules to obey and sins to avoid. However, Jesus already paid the ultimate price for our sins and instead wants us to focus on growing our relationship with Him. When we take the focus off of sin, and instead focus on Christ, He gives us the ability to live right; without condemnation. In the powerful sermon, "Relationship Over Rules," Pastor Tye shares why instead of trying to be independent of God, by trying not to break the rules, we should depend on Him and watch our relationship flourish.

 What Do You See - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One of the miracles Jesus performed the most, was healing those who were blind. Without your physical sight, it is hard to see things clearly... but when you're spiritually blind, it's hard to see the vision the Lord has set before you. When we don't have a clear vision, we may be quick to give up on a situation, but nothing is too hard for our God! In a continuation of his message, "What Do You See?," Pastor Tye encourages us to stop looking at our situations as impossible, and instead ask the Lord for clear vision and revelation.

 Choose Wisely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Everyday we wake up, we are faced with choices. As Believers, our choice may be to choose to obey and do what we know is right, or to disobey and do what we want to do. Ultimately, no one can make us do anything, as our choices... are ours to make. The enemy knows this, and will use our disobedience, to bring suffering into our lives. In the lesson, "Choose Wisely," Pastor Tye shares why it's not our conditions in life, but our decisions in life, that control our destiny.

 What Do You See? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:38

One of the greatest lessons Jesus taught the Disciples was the importance of becoming or seeing things, like a child. Children are so dependent on others for everything, that they simply trust they will be taken cared of, and aren't bogged down by the cares of the world. In the sermon, "What Do You See," Pastor Tye teaches that in order to truly make it in the Kingdom of God, we must have the heart of a child and be converted in our minds, to see things the way our Heavenly Father does. 


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