Law of Attraction Secrets show

Law of Attraction Secrets

Summary: Welcome To Law of Attraction Secrets with noted speaker, author, healer, and Miracle Mentor, Robert Zink. Robert merges the latest in the mind sciences with ancient wisdom to help you manifest the life you desire. Using the power of the Law of Attraction Robert Zink has help people avoid the world create a life of abundance, wealth, and love. Robert personally mentors clients from millionaires to movie producers, artist, business people, entrepreneurs, and more. Subscribe to Law of Attraction Secrets podcast and experience incredible increase in your life. expect Miracles and more. Note: See Robert Zink daily on YouTube at Law of Attraction Solutions.

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  • Artist: Robert Zink
  • Copyright: Copyright Robert Zink (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Law of Attraction - Your Mind has Unlimited Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

Your mind has incredible abilites to attract anything you want using the secrets of the Law of Attraction.  Your mind has unlimited power to attract or repel.  If you mind is not trained, you will find that your mind repels the things you want.  You will jump from one relationship to another, you will lose your marriage, you will never have enough money, because your mind has unlimted power to attract or repel.   You can set Law of Attraction goals till you are blue in the face, but if you are living your life off of mind viruses and counter intentions, you will never attract the things you desire.  Listen to Robert Zink your Mentor of Light and discover the secrets of controlling your own brain, because your mind has unlimted power.

 Law of Attraction - Control your Aura for more Power #2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

This Law of Attraction podcast goes into to a subject that most LOA coaches stay away from, and that is the human energy field.The Law of Attraction - Control Your Aura for More Power, will show you how to increase your personal energy field and attract more of what you want.  You will learn how to express colors in your aura and ignite the Law of Attraction beyond belief.   Robert Zink is a 30+ year mystic,businessman, Hypnosist and Personal Achievement Coach who understands how the human aura can affect your attraction action.  This is an acient secret, and some of these methods and knowledge will be revealed in this podcast.  Be sure to subscribe as well.

 Law of Attraction - Control Your Aura for more Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

This Law of Attraction podcast goes into to a subject that most LOA coaches stay away from, and that is the human energy field.The Law of Attraction - Control Your Aura for More Power, will show you how to increase your personal energy field and attract more of what you want.  You will learn how to express colors in your aura and ignite the Law of Attraction beyond belief.   Robert Zink is a 30+ year mystic,businessman, Hypnosist and Personal Achievement Coach who understands how the human aura can affect your attraction action.  This is an acient secret, and some of these methods and knowledge will be revealed in this podcast.  Be sure to subscribe as well.

 Law of Attraction - 6 Words that Will Kill Your Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

You many be one of those people who have said these words to yourself or someone else.  These words represent and energy that will hurt you and kill your dreams through the Law of Attraction.  Only when you break free of this dangerous energy will you truely be able to manifest the life you want tttraction.  Once you learn these words, you will hear them in the voices of other people and you will see that these people are often poor, or poor of love, or simply unhappy.  You want to be happy.  You want to make more money.  The secret is learning these words and then never uttering them again.  You cannot invoke the Law of Attraction if you live by these words.  Beware, these 6 words want to steal your Law of Attraction action and kill your dreams.

 Law of Attraction Coaching - Get What You Want. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

Law of Attraction Coaching is a powerful tool that will help you get what you want.  Do you want more money, or your own business, or do you want to save your relationship, or advance your career, or make more sales, then consider employing a Law of Attraction Coach to  help you Get what you want. There are several levels of Law of Attraction Coaching   The first level is common and can be easily found all over the internet.  This is usally a business person or new age guru providing coaching. They are effective but Robert Zink offers something unique, it is the next level of Coaching. This level is called Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching.  This is powerful Law of Attraction Coaching that will help you transform yourself to become an incredible magnet to begin attracting whatever you want.  Robert is called the Mentor of Light because he employs the secrets that have been handed down from  mouth to ear through the various mystery schools, in addition to energy mastery, NLP, Hypnosis, and Mind Magic.  Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching is pure Law of Attraction coaching because it employs the ancient teachings in a modern way.  Listen to this podcast and unlock the secrets to real Law of Attraction Coaching.

 3 Forgotten Secrets to the Law of Attraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

This is a special podcast on the 3 forgotten Secrets to the Law of Attraction.  You will want to apply these secrets as soon as you learn them.  Robert Zink is your Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach, and as mystic, business man, hypnotist, healer, he knows how to make the Law of Attraction work for you.  The 3 Forgotten Secrets to the Law of Attraction will give you some powerful tools for manifesting an incredibe life.  You deserve money, health, love, happiness, joy, sex, security, success and the 3 Forgotten Secrets are the key to making the Law of Attraction work for you.  Listen and download the 3 Forgotten Secrets to the Law of Attraction now and be sure to subscribe to this podcast.  

 Law of Attraction -Get Rich in Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

You have a business, or manage a business and want your business to make more money.  Welcome to the club.  Everyone wants more money.  In this podcast You will learn the key components of bussiness and how well you are doing are forged by your thoughts.  Get Rich in Business is an easy concept when you break down the aspects of your business and the throughts your think. Put the Law of Attraction to work for you and get rich in business.  Robert Zink has extensive experience in advertising and marketing and a MBA from Alexandria University.  He also has a degree in broadcasting from L.H. Bates.  He is your Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach.  Be sure to listen and subscribe to this podcast.

 Law of Attraction - Incredible Courage to Live. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

Do you have the power to challenge you fears?  Do you want something very bad, but are afraid to go get it?  In this podcast your Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach Robert Zink will share with you an incredible story of courage and how you can challenge your fears and begin manifesting the life you want.   Be sure to check out this latest Video on You Tube:   Check out

 Law of Attraction - Never Give Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

Miraclel Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach Robert Zink shares positive ideas about how to be a winner.  His focus in this podcast is a man named Kyle Maynard.  Kyle is a extraordinary person who wrestled in the Gerogia State wrestling championship in 2004.  He was undefeated as a senior in High School.  Kyle Maynard has no arms nor legs.  What he does have is a winning mindset, a determination to win.   Listen to this short podcast and discover the secrets to incredible determination and personal power.  

 Law of Attraction - Powerful Affirmations -#2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

The power of a well designed affirmation will drastically change your life.  The problem is that most people do not know the difference bettween something that will work, and something that will not.  There there is the danger of counter intentions.  This is where you do the affirmation and your brain says, " Bullsh_t.  Your brain does not believe it, neither do you and it does not work.  In this podcast and part 2 Robert Zink, your Mentor of Light, Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach will show you exactly how to create winning affirmations that will rock your work.   Be sure to subscribe...  

 Law of Attraction - Unbelievable Affirmations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

The power of a well designed affirmation will drastically change your life.  The problem is that most people do not know the difference bettween something that will work, and something that will not.  There there is the danger of counter intentions.  This is where you do the affirmation and your brain says, " Bullsh_t.  Your brain does not believe it, neither do you and it does not work.  In this podcast and part 2 Robert Zink, your Mentor of Light, Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach will show you exactly how to create winning affirmations that will rock your work.   Be sure to subscribe...

 Law of Attraction - 7 Hermetic Principals #2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

There is a little known book called the Kablion.  This book was written by authors who call themselves the Three Initiates.  The book was written in the 1930's and is based on the teachings of Hermes, the creator of the Hermetic wisdom, including the knowledge of the Law of Attraction.  In the this podcast and the one to follow, Robert Zink, the Mentor of Light will talk about the value of knowing these principals and how this knowledge can empower your life.  This is not an esoteric conversation, rather it is for lay people who have a life, and want to take it to the next level.

 Law of Attraction - 7 Hermetic Principals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

There is a little known book called the Kablion.  This book was written by authors who call themselves the Three Initiates.  The book was written in the 1930's and is based on the teachings of Hermes, the creator of the Hermetic wisdom, including the knowledge of the Law of Attraction.  In the this podcast and the one to follow, Robert Zink, the Mentor of Light will talk about the value of knowing these principals and how this knowledge can empower your life.  This is not an esoteric conversation, rather it is for lay people who have a life, and want to take it to the next level.

 Law of Attraction - Creative Visualization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

There is an incredible power that comes from learning the right way engage in Creative Visualization.  This skill will help you greatly with the Law of Attraction and the power to invoke and create whatever you want.  You life is a canvass  and you are the artist.   You can have the career you want. You can have the love you desire. You can attract the money you need. Listen to Robert Zink, the Mentor of Light, your Miracle Mentor and Alchemy Life Coach and discover an easy to use formula for Creatve Visualization. Be sure to subscribe to follow this Law of Attraction podcast.

 Law Attraction - Is Your Soul Broken in Pieces? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

The power of the Shaman to restore your soul after severe life events is amazing.  People are discovering that soul retrieval is a astonishing tool for mending you life back together.     Are you hurt? Are you in pain? Are you not living up to your dreams and goals?   Find out about Soul Retrieval and discover if this unique system of Shamanic healing can help your life. Robert Zink is your Mentor of Light, and will guide you on this incredible Law of Attraction journey.  Listen.  Subscribe.   Resources: Http://


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