A Date With Dateline show

A Date With Dateline

Summary: Kimberly and Katie are professional true crime TV experts with no formal training but evidence lockers filled with snark and uninformed opinions. Katie watches Dateline in hopes to learn how to prevent her new husband from murdering her for the life insurance money, and Kimberly watches so she’ll know what to say when Keith Morrison interviews her about her best friend Katie’s murder.


 The Women and Dirty John S.26 Ep.12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:47

Should Dateline perhaps be more careful when crafting their carefully thought out titles, as on first glance this title could immediately put the viewer in mind of some unfortunate potty humor? Has Keith, yet again, ventured into the completely non-treacherous land of Orange County, CA and still hasn’t called Kimberly and Katie for a fro-yo date? Is there finally a Dateline victim who deserved what they got? Could a lack of manicure really lead this conman to his eventual doom? Has Kimberly finally learned the most valuable elementary lesson of never judging a book by it’s cover? Will Katie finally have to catch up on The Walking Dead? The world of podcasts and Dateline come together in this very special, decidedly not meta, episode of A Date With Dateline. The Official Description from NBC: Keith Morrison reports on conman John Meehan, who made national headlines last year after his crimes and their final, deadly culmination were featured in the popular podcast, ‘Dirty John.’

 Before Dawn S.23 Ep.01 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:43

Has the 7 year itch been misinterpreted by a young newlywed as a 7 month itch with the deadliest of consequences? Will Dennis have walked away from his small town Iowa interviews with a new appreciation for the sport of bowling, as well as taking a young deputy under his wise wing? Has Katie realized that there is millions to be made in the young adult  T-shirt slogan business thus making this her last episode with A Date with Dateline? Will a simple pb&j sandwich blow this whole case wide open? Or just drive Kimberly and Katie to madness? A Date with Dateline opens the new year with a new recap of an old case, filled with high drama and bad (and some really bad) theories of what really happened in this tragic tale. Side note:  If you found this podcast by accident thinking “Before Dawn” is a Twilight prequel… our apologies… we don’t pick the episode titles, we just give helpful suggestions. The Official Description from NBC: Newlyweds Seth and Lisa Techel are expecting their first child, but a shotgun blast shatters their dreams on Memorial Day weekend, 2011. Dennis Murphy reports.

 The Carrollton Plot S.23 Ep.04 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:04

Will a rascally rabble of bandits from unsavory parts of east Texas get away with the the first ever non-murder? Does Andrea have the energy to keep up with the amped up antics of one of her interview subjects? Will we ever learn that if the term ‘pillar of the community’ is used in Dateline context, that the next logical conclusion is the person being described as such is a scalawag of the highest possible order?  Did you know there is such a thing as a Scrapbook Retreat? How much glitter would be too much glitter to pack for that event? Will Katie be able to finally decode the mysterious hitman price by state discrepancy? Did Kimberly rise to victory in Whamagendon? (Hint- No. No, she did not and her friendship with Katie may be forever tainted). Find out the answers to all the vital questions above and more in this very holiday episode of A Date With Dateline. The Official Description from NBC: While away on business in California, Frank Howard, a high flying accountant from Carrollton, Texas, learns that his wife has been brutally attacked in their home. Andrea Canning reports. Donation Link: For the Kimberly and Katie very important December Fund! 15% to charity now extended through January! We have three charities currently in the mix so please let us know your favorite charitable organization so we can add them to our list! https://www.paypal.me/datewithdateline% Thank you so much for listening and loving life… oh wait…

 Under the Desert Sky S.21 Ep.14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:05

Is a tall, smiling, neon cowboy waving  in the middle of the desert a friendly sight for sore eyes or a suspect harbinger of doom? Will a prison interview under the eagle eye of an overprotective mama bird reveal a young convicts guilt once and for all? Have Keith Morrison’s secrets for creating stunning Dateline poetry finally been uncovered?  Can having a shovel in your car make you an immediate suspect in a murder investigation? Will Katie’s recap even come close to incomparable recapping abilities of her co-host? Is Kimberly going to survive Whamageddon? Is anyone? Find the answers to all these pressing questions and more in this decidedly non-holiday episode of A Date with Dateline… The Official Description from NBC: Keith Morrison on-location in Wendover, Nevada where the murder of a popular and attractive teenager shakes the community to its core, especially when the two most unlikely people make a shocking confession. Donation Link: For the Kimberly and Katie very important December Fund! 15% to charity this month. Let us know where you want us to donate! Charity chosen on December 22nd. https://www.paypal.me/datewithdateline% Thank you so much for listening and loving life… oh wait…

 The Favorite Son S.26 Ep.11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:54

Has Mank finally met his match in a bereaved mother involved with a jewel heist? Is Dateline inserting secret messages into well loved Christmas tunes?  Are you smarter than a Kimberly? And finally…  Hitman Pyramid Schemes!  ‘Roids!  Mankiewicz now with extra sassy eyebrow!  Red Herring Biker Gangs!  Another Kelly! No, these aren’t band names. If any or all of the above sound appealing to you then this episode of  A Date With Dateline will surely not disappoint… The Official Description from NBC: After a small business owner and his bride are murdered just a few months after their wedding, police start looking into stories about a nasty family feud. Josh Mankiewicz reports. Donation Link: For the Kimberly and Katie very important December Fund! 15% to charity this month. Let us know where you want us to donate! Charity chosen on December 22nd. Please also let us know if you would like to remain anonymous. https://www.paypal.me/datewithdateline% Thank you so much for listening and loving life… oh wait…

 Poisoned S.26 Ep.10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:40:55

Will the mysterious death of a beloved chiropractor finally be the case that pulls Dateline viewers into two warring camps? How many twins did you spot in this episode? Is google seeing a spike in searches for a potentially dangerous gout medication? If you were one of those searches did you search the smart way? (hint- find out how in this episode!)  Are Kimberly and Katie finally completely stumped? Will they lose their self imposed status of the greatest amateur professional slueths on the Dateline circuit? Would that be Adam shame?  Andrea Canning returns to us with one of her favorite mysteries. To celebrate, please enjoy this extra long episode of A Date With Dateline. The Official Description from NBC: The unexplained death of a beloved chiropractor becomes a criminal investigation when authorities discover she’d been poisoned. Andrea Canning reports. Donation Link: For the Kimberly and Katie very important December Fund! 15% to charity this month. Let us know where you want us to donate! Charity chosen on December 22nd. https://www.paypal.me/datewithdateline% Thank you so much for listening and loving life… oh wait…

 Finding Sarah Goode S.25 Ep.22 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:00

When a family takes an investigation into their own hands does it surprise anyone when the case hinges on just that, a hand? Does this Dateline episode finally reveal that Andrea is indeed a mannequin come to life? Did Kimberly and her twitter friends uncover the real whereabouts of Tommy from MTV’s Tru Life- I Have a Summer Share? Will Long Island’s hottest new P.I. Delia solve this murder once and for all? Have Katie and Kimberly overestimated not only Delia’s prowess, but also the magnifying strength of her see-all binoculars? And finally, a very frustrated defense attorney wants to know… Dateline viewers- have you or have you not been keeping up to date on your photoshop skills?  Please enjoy this latest installment of A Date with Dateline. The Official Description from NBC: When the youngest sister of a large, tight-knit family on Long Island goes missing, they go to extraordinary lengths to find her. Andrea Canning reports.

 12 Minutes on Elm Street S.22 Ep.47 Thanksgiving Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:49

Does the official start of the commercial holiday season make you feel like you are already about to just kill someone? If you answered yes, then are you learning nothing from your weekly Dateline?! Can over baked pecan pie, a cold Minnesota winter, guns and misbehavin’ teens lead a regularly mild- mannered man to commit murder? (Hint-one of those is a red herring)  What part do the soothing, dulcet tones of 70’s superduo Captain and Tennille have to do play in this week’s unfortunate crime? When voices are raised and lines are drawn in the “Stand Your Ground” vs. “Castle Doctrine” debate, what side will you be on? And most importantly, who is ready to finally learn some Dateline secrets? Trust us, it’s not the kind of secrets you might be expecting…. A very special thank you to our very special guests in this week’s very special Thanksgiving episode – Kimberly’s Minnesotan Aunt and Uncle The Official Description from NBC: When two teenage cousins, Nicholas Brady and Haile Kifer, don’t show up for Thanksgiving dinner in their hometown of Little Falls, Minnesota, their families fear the worst has happened. DOUGH-NATION Link: For the Kimberly and Katie very important Thanksgiving pie fund! https://www.paypal.me/datewithdateline Thank you so much for listening!

 Black Friday S.26 Ep.07 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:12

Upon seeing this week’s episode title, is your first instinct that Dateline is covering a murder at a mid-America mall involving mad shoppers killing for killer deals? A shopping spree turned murder spree, as it were? So, how long is too long to wait in line for a Wetzel’s pretzel? Why aren’t there more BINGO halls in Los Angeles? Is an Amerian Eagle store manager about to be discovered by a big time Hollywood agent and have his life forever changed? Have Kimberly and her twitter friends cracked the code to prison hair? So grab a Cinnabon or a Hot Dog on a Stick and settle in for this special shopping edition of A Date With Dateline… The Official Description from NBC: On Black Friday, Fort Worth, TX police are called to the scene of a brutal murder. The victim is beloved by her friends, girlfriends, and co-workers. She had no enemies – or did she? Keith Morrison reports.

 Secrets in Silver Lakes S.26 Ep.06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:44

In this week’s Dateline parable… whoops! we mean episode…will a murderer find his special purpose through the power of prayer? What does the favorite dessert of a desert dweller tell us about their mating habits? Is Josh Mankiewicz the new messiah, turning water into wine then back into water in his sit down interview? Has Kimberly’s taste in men improved from last week?  And finally, is Dateline using astrology to plan their episodes? This episode involving a “wolfpack” aired on the night of a full November moon… known as the Beaver Moon. Ummmm… so go ahead and take some time to contemplate this fact as you listen to the latest thrilling installment of A Date With Dateline. *cue wolf howl here The Official Description from NBC: When a young father is murdered at work, the investigation uncovers deep secrets about sex, religion, friendship, and family. Josh Mankiewicz reports.

 The Halloween Party S.26 Ep.05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:26

So which Dateline host were you for Halloween this year? Kimberly was a dead ringer for Andrea Canning, but sadly Katie’s Dennis Murphy costume failed to impress. What is the is the worst Halloween party you have ever been to? Do you remember the one moment that you knew you wanted to leaf… oops we mean leave? Why is Kimberly so easily bamboozled by murderers? Can she seriously not see the forrest for the trees? In this Halloween episode of a Date with Dateline, Kimberly and Katie share their thoughts on the values of friendship, cell phone hiding spots and what is and what is not an appropriate distance to be sitting from Keith in your one on one interview. Grab some of those remaining smushed Almond Joys and tiny Reese’s Cups and enjoy! The Official Description from NBC: After a young woman goes missing from a Halloween party, a town turns out to search while detectives settle in for a long investigation. Keith Morrison reports.  

 One Moment S.26 Ep.04 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:05

SPORTS!! In honor of baseball season wrapping up, do high school sports really keep murderous instincts at bay? What is your “one moment” that you wish you could go back and change, that could alter the course of your life? Is Kimberly’s the day she heard Josh Mankiewicz say “whhhhip”? Is Katie’s the day she realized her lack of upper arm strength would keep her from participating in SPORTS? This very special episode of A Date with Dateline includes a warning: If you are a fan of the late, great Whitney Houston, there is a mild to heavy butchering of her Olympic anthem occuring in the 1 to 2 minute mark. Please take any necessary precautions. Thank you and enjoy. The Official Description from NBC: When Crystal Taylor was murdered, her sisters were determined to find the killer. Josh Mankiewicz reports on the unexpected source that turned the case upside down.

 At the Bottom of the Pool S.26 Ep.03 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:20

Could the weight of a diamond encrusted sandal be the tragic cause of an accidental drowing? Why is Keith keeping his distance from any and all leans on location in Tallahassee? What exactly does French salad dressing consist of? Does Katie have a ghost living in her apartment that is trying to help her with her podcasting? Is Kimberly so attached to her beloved couch because it is secretly filled with piles of gold?  Listen to this episode of Date with Dateline for answers to these burning questions. Included, as a bonus, is an exclusive and highly uninformed guide to the secret spending habits of the rich and almost nearly famous… The Official Description from NBC: When a model and up and coming YouTube celebrity is found dead, police question her husband to see if he can provide any answers. Keith Morrison reports on what could have led to her death.

 Mystery on the Mississippi S.26 Ep.02 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:14

Do zombie arms, a creepy ventriloquist dummy and a small Illinois town haunted by a cremation mean that Dateline is, indeed, getting in the Halloween spirit? Is being called a “pillar of the community” basically the equivalent of saying one is “full of life”? In terms of being generally doomed, that is. What is the cut-off for hanging out in da club? Does it change based on location?  What does it mean for Kimberly, when Katie says she wants to introduce her to her special new friend Rigor Morris? Find out the answers to all these imperative questions and more in this episode of A Date with Dateline. The Official Description from NBC: A mother of four dies unexpectedly on Valentine’s Day. Everyone in town assumes she died of natural causes until a detective suspects someone has gotten away with murder. Dennis Murphy reports.

 Scorned S.26 Ep.01 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:59

Does our latest murderer have the fastest text fingers in the Midwest? Is that a recipe for not only significant jail time but also the lifelong punishment of carpal tunnel? How do you even change your phone number 25 times in 3 years? AT&T is cool with that… but Katie can’t have unlimited data on her plan? Did Dateline hold its celebrity baking picnic while Kimberly and Katie were out of the country on purpose?!! Unrelated, but do you know how to heal from a broken heart?… asking for a friend…DATELINE Season 26 opens with a pickup artist, a misunderstood yet kind-eyed victim, all kinds of extra new brands of crazy and one Keith lean for the ages. Find the answers to all your questions and some very uninformed opinions in this episode of A Date with Dateline. The Official Description from NBC: Keith Morrison reports on a love triangle that led to years of stalking, destruction of property, threats and murder.


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