Inside the Hive by Vanity Fair show

Inside the Hive by Vanity Fair

Summary: Each week, Vanity Fair special correspondent Brian Stelter examines the powerful forces driving today’s news and politics. Through incisive conversations with newsmakers, journalists, politicians, and Vanity Fair’s own experts, Stelter reveals the story behind the story. Share your thoughts via our Listener Survey here: For more from Inside the Hive, visit

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 Would You Turn Down $125 Million From Zuck? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:08

One minute, Dennis Crowley, the co-founder of Foursquare, was building a little app in a New York City coffee shop, and the next he was being wined and dined by every VC in Silicon Valley, being offered hundreds of millions of dollars for his young startup, and seeing the valuation of his company head towards a billion dollars. Crowley takes us through the tumultuous, breakneck, insane ride of running a startup.

 Can Trump Survive Without Hope? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:10

Gabe Sherman, who has known Hope, Lewandowski and Trump since the nascent days of the campaign trail, joins us to explain what the latest round of chaos inside the White House means, how Jared Kushner might be the next to get booted, and why Hope Hicks has left the building. 

 Has the NRA Met its Maker? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:11

The students behind the #neverAgain movement are more eloquent than any politician, and are totally unphased by Trump and his online trolls. Abigail Tracy, who covers Washington for The Hive, joins us to explain how a group of high schoolers could take down Trump, how they could turn Florida blue, and why the NRA might have finally met it’s match.

 Trump is Proof There is no God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:48:27

Sam Harris, a world renowned author, neuroscientist and atheist, joins us to explain why there is no such thing as God, how consciousness is the most incredible invention in the universe, why politicians like Mike Pence and Donald Trump pretend they're religious because it helps gets votes, and how artificial intelligence could end up destroying humanity and replacing us with sentient robots that are nicer and smarter than us -- if we're lucky.

 The Great Trump Recession? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:28

Description: For the last year, Trump has bragged about the rise of the stock market, taking credit for every upswing since Obama left office. Yet this week, when the bottom fell out of the market, Trump blamed — yep — the media. Bess Levin, The Hive’s Wall Street corespondent, explains why this could be the beginning of the recession we’ve all been expecting, how Trump will try to blame everyone else for the declines, and she helps rank the Trump administration’s finance appointees in order of worst, dumb, and the devil himself.

 How Trump F**cked Democracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:54

It really is even worse than you thought, notes David Cay Johnston, author of a new book with a slightly more elegant title. Johnston explains how Trump is systematically, and intentionally, dismantling the way the U.S. government works to help boost his own ego. From Scott Pruitt rolling back regulations that will destory the environment, to Betsy DeVos disemboweling the country's education system, the actions of the Trump administration are going to have devastating impacts on the next generation. But Johnston does have one glimmer of hope...

 The Threat Worse Than Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:37

Donald Trump has turned back more climate-related safety measures in the past year than any president in history. Jeff Orlowski, the Oscar short-listed filmmaker behind "Chasing Coral" and "Chasing Ice," joins us to lay out the implications of our warming planet, how most of the coral reefs on earth are dying, and why that is even more terrifying than you think. Orlowski explains that we could be at the beginning of the sixth mass extinction.

 How Donald Trump Could Crush Facebook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:26

The Hive’s tech reporter and millennial expert, Maya Kosoff, joins us to explain why the government may soon start regulating social media companies, why you should delete Facebook from your phone ASAP, whether Snap will survive the assault of Mark Zuckerberg, and why the White House should build a “fake” alternate Twitter that only Trump sees, replete with fake likes and fake retweets, and maybe even a fake Oval Office.

 Let's Meet Some Robots! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:05

At this year's CES in Las Vegas, robots of all shapes and sizes were on display. There were robots that can fold your clothes, others that can clean your windows, walk your dog or make you an omelet. There were social robots and butler robots. Big robots and little bitty robots. On this week's show, we went to Vegas and talked to two experts about the world of tomorrow, hearing how robotics, driverless cars, and artificial intelligence are going to change everything we touch and do in the not-too-distant future.

 Are We Approaching the End of Days? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:11

Terrified by Trump's latest nuclear tweet? Worried that Kim Jung-Un might fall asleep on his little button and blow us all up? This podcast will probably terrify you even more. Kal Raustiala, Director of the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations, and an expert on foreign affairs and international law, joins me this week to explain how close we are to global annihilation, why artificial intelligence could prove to be more dangerous than a global thermonuclear war, and why California should just call it quits and secede from the union.

 Will We Finally Stop Talking About Trump in 2018? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:29

If you think 2017 was tough to get through, just wait until next year. In the year’s final podcast, Nick Bilton and Jon Kelly offer predictions for 2018. Among them: Will the Dems actually win back the House? Will Bitcoin still be around 12 months from now? Could the #meToo movement finally reach the shores of Silicon Valley? And will Trump finally begin his inevitable passage into oblivion?

 This Podcast Could Make You Filthy Rich! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:36

Here's a fact for you: If you bought $1 — yes, one single dollar — of Bitcoin in March, 2013, it would be worth $6 million today. Joyce Kim, who has been in the cryptocurrency game since the very beginning, joins us this week to explain what is really going on with all these digital currencies, why they are rising so rapidly, if you should own them (or if you already do, if you should sell them), if there's a Bitcoin Bubble, and why all the nerds in Silicon Valley can't stop talking about this digital gold.

 How to Beat Donald Trump at Twitter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:30

Tim Wu might be the most prescient person in tech: he invented the term “net neutrality,” and predicted the global dominance the Internet would have on society. He joins us this week to explain why Facebook is the most likely tech company to be regulated by the government, how Donald Trump used technology to hijack our attention (and how we’ll all reclaim it back), what happens now that net neutrality has been rolled back, and why everyone should spend at least one week alone in the desert.

 Forget the Dow, Trump Is About to Trigger Financial Armageddon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:46

Each week, the stock market reaches all-time highs, and Donald Trump takes all the credit. But is his insanity and destruction going to lead to a crash of biblical proportions, or possibly to a recession akin to 2008? My guest this week, William D. Cohan, a former banker-turned journalist, seems to think so. Hear him explain why Wall Street should be worried by the actions of the man they hate, and how everyday Americans are going to be affected.

 Even America's Top Expert on God Can't Explain Donald Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:38

For the past two decades, Reza Aslan has been studying religions from all over the globe, and talking to people who believe in one God, many Gods, or no God at all. He joins us this week to explain the origins of belief, why faith is ultimately a good thing for society, and how he got fired from CNN for calling Donald Trump a “piece of s**t.” (A spokesperson for CNN declined to comment on Aslan’s depiction of his dismissal.)


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