House of Mystery True Crime History show

House of Mystery True Crime History

Summary: The Best in True Crime, Conspiracy and Alternative History from Seattle Guests include Marcia Clark, Robert Kennedy Jr., Jesse Ventura and cases from JFK Assassination to Making a Murderer


 KKNW - Chris Swinney - Book of Lists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2943

A narcissistic professional photographer lived a dangerous double life as a serial killer. He'd focus his rage on prostitutes mostly. It wasn't uncommon for him to bring them home then try to explain why they were there to his wife. Sexual urges met, either via rape or after paying for kinky sex, the killer would strangle his victims and dump their bodies in places he knew the police would eventually find them. The evil murderer needed the world to know that he was smarter than the police and women meant nothing to him but a necessary sexual inconvenience. Then, by a stroke of chance and aggressive police work, the wheels of justice stumbled upon a lead. It was nothing more than a lined sheet of paper that read, "List of 10," but shortly after its discovery, a task force was created and a serial killer was nabbed. This book is about the victims he left behind, not the person who took their lives. I will never condone such actions, nor will I try to rationalize his behavior. He will go to the grave, hopefully sooner rather than later, knowing the identity of four women from his fabled List of 10. It's his sick way of showing people he's still in charge. His name is Joseph Naso, and this book will grip you from the beginning and won't let you go until the final word.

 KKNW Pierre Hotel Affair - Daniel Simone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2304

New York City, 1972-Bobby Comfort and Sammy “the Arab” Nalo were highly skilled jewel thieves who specialized in robbing luxury Manhattan hotels. (They once robbed Sophia Loren’s suite, relieving the Italian actress of over $1 million in gems.) With the blessing of the Lucchese crime family, their next plot targeted the posh Pierre Hotel—host to kings and queens, presidents and aldermen, and the wealthiest of the wealthy. Attired in tuxedoes and driven in a limousine, this band of thieves arrived at the Pierre and with perfect timing, they seized the security guards and, in systematically choreographed moves, they swiftly took the night staff—and several unfortunate guests who happened to be roaming around the lobby—as hostages. The deposit boxes inside the vault chamber are plundered and, after the intruders have held the Pierre under siege for almost two hours, the gentlemanly thieves depart in their limousine with a haul of $28 million. But then matters begin to deteriorate. Comfort, Nalo, and their partners begin to double and triple cross one another—two absconding to Europe with the bulk of the booty while three are murdered by their former associates. The authorities immediately suspect Comfort and Nalo of masterminding the Pierre ambush and arrest them, but these veteran criminals keep their mouths shut. To ensure that they are not prosecuted, the Lucchese Family funnels a $500,000 bribe to the presiding judge to quash the charges—and to this day The Pierre Hotel caper remains unsolved. A suspenseful narrative of Mafia intrigue, police corruption, and personal betrayal—which concludes with a poignant love affair—this is the true story of the most famous hotel robbery in American history

 KKNW - Freedom of the Few- Ray Lawinger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2449

So you think you can escape the system? Thirteen-year-old Ray Lawinger certainly thought he could. He was still young enough to believe that he could attain the coveted freedom of the few—still naïve enough to think he could live on the edge. He was wrong. For most of the next 28 years, Ray spent his days in and out of some of the most notorious prisons in Canada, including the infamous Millhaven Maximum Security and Collins Bay, also known as the Gladiator School. He wasn't big and strong at first, but he was crafty and survived his days spent in these gladiator arenas only to emerge smarter and more savvy. From a foiled and folly of an escape attempt to being stabbed and stitching himself back up, his luck ran the gamut. In an endearingly funny but unapologetically gritty tale of the many fantastic adventures of Canada's most prolific bank robber, Ray takes us on his journey of freedom, loss, and new hope as he struggles to reconcile his own values with the sometimes equally crooked interests of an indifferent justice system. Will he be able to leave the convoluted and complex system relatively unscathed? Can he escape the trap of the freedom of the few, beat the odds and finally survive on the outside? As the final survivor, a happy ending may finally be in store for him.

 KKNW Aurora Theater Shooting - Stephen Singular | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3194

On July 20, 2012, twelve people were killed and fifty-eight wounded at a mass shooting in a movie theater in Colorado. In 1999, thirteen kids at Columbine High School were murdered by their peers. In 2012, twenty children and seven adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary. Thirty-two were killed at Virginia Tech. Twelve killed at the Washington Navy Yard. In May 2014, after posting a YouTube video of ‘retribution” and lamenting a life of “loneliness, rejection, and unfulfilled desires,” a lone gunman killed six and wounded seven in Isla Vista. All of these acts of violence were committed by young men between the ages of eighteen and thirty. Mass violence committed by young people is now an epidemic. In the first fourteen school days of 2014, there were seven school shootings, compared to twenty-eight school shootings in all of 2013. The reasons behind this escalating violence, and the cultural forces that have impugned a generation, is the subject of the important new book The Spiral Notebook.

 KKNW - Great Rolling Stones Drugs Bust - Simon Wells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3164

When Keith Richards threw a drug-fuelled party at his West Sussex house in early 1967, it was never going to be an uneventful affair. Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull were the star guests but the police came uninvited, so launching a legendary confrontation. The drugs bust spawned a media frenzy of salacious speculation and led to a famous summer trial that pitted the hedonistic poster boys of the counterculture against the British Establishment. It was intended as a high-profile show of strength from on high. As it happened, things turned out rather differently. Using previously unpublished police and court documents, best-selling author Simon Wells reveals what really happened on the night of the drugs raid as well as the extraordinary conspiracy mounted to end the careers of Jagger and Richards, and how the Establishment widened their net to drag in the Beatles and other rock stars.

 KKNW - Zodiac Killer - Mark G Hewitt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3138

The Zodiac serial killer claimed the lives of at least five young victims between 1966 and 1974, and mocked the police with telephone calls, taunting letters, and encrypted messages. Thousands of men have been accused; nearly 2,500 have been investigated. Yet the Zodiac has never been identified. This painstakingly researched and meticulously detailed compendium to the Zodiac serial killer case by True Crime author Mark Hewitt presents the crimes and their effect on a community, including the various sides of the many disputed issues within the case. HUNTED: The Zodiac Murders is the true story of America’s greatest criminal mystery. This indispensable companion book is accessible to anyone interested in joining the pursuit, exploring a mystery, or witnessing the police response to an appalling crime spree. Book One, HUNTED: The Zodiac Murders tells the amazing true story of a serial killer on the loose. Book Two, PROFILED, The Zodiac Examined (2017) examines the evidence and offers a careful, detailed profile of the killer based on the case facts. Book Three, EXPOSED: The Zodiac Revealed (2018) narrows down the lengthy list of suspects, and offers startling conclusions.

 Jack the Ripper - Neil R. Storey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3358

Since its publication in 1897, there have been suggestions that the fictional exploits of Dracula were closely associated with Jack the Ripper than a Transylvanian Count. Historian Neil Storey provides the first British-based investigation of the sources used by Stoker and paints an evocative portrait of Stoker, his influences, friends and the London he knew in the late 19th century. Among Stoker’s group of friends, however, were dark shadows. Storey explores how Stoker created Dracula out of the climate of fear that surrounded the Jack the Ripper murders in 1888. Add to this potent combination the notion that Stoker may have known Jack the Ripper personally and hid the clues to this terrible knowledge in his book. The premise is seductive and connects some of the giants of stage and literature of late Victorian Britain. Having gained unprecedented access to the unique archive of one of Stoker’s most respected friends and the dedicatee of Dracula, Storey sheds new light on both Stoker and Dracula, and reveals startling new insights into the links between Stoker’s creation and the most infamous murderer of all time. NEIL STOREY is an award-winning historian and lecturer specialising in themes that shaped society in the 19th and early 20th centuries, notably crime, medicine and warfare. He has published over 30 books, is the creator of the popular Grim Almanac series published by The History Press and regularly writes features on social history themes for national periodicals. Storey is distinguished by his original and diligent research; he has assembled a nationally respected archive of rare books, manuscripts, engravings and photographs to illustrate his works and has featured on numerous television and radio documentaries as guest,

 KKNW Hunting Hitler - Mike Simpson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3379

An FBI cold case, kept secret for over 70 years sends an international team of world renowned investigators on the ultimate manhunt in search of justice and to finally answer the question: Did Adolf Hitler survive WWII? In early 2014, the FBD declassified hundreds of pages of top secret documents proving that top officials in the U.S. Government not only believed that Hitler escaped Germany, but were also secretly spending millions of dollars trying to track him down. A memo from J. Edgar Hoover himself states: "American Army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that will say definitely that Hitler is dead." With these newly released FBI files as their guide, the team will approach this investigation in the hopes of solving the mystery surrounding the demise of one of the biggest criminals of all time.These investigators will focus on the facts and the tried and true tactics for solving a fraudulent death case: follow the money, where was the subject last seen, eyewitness reports, make contact with known associates, and forensics. Hunting Hitler is an eight-part series that follows a highly trained team as they execute the definitivesearch for Adolf Hitler. Armed with new clues and cutting edge technology, they will uncover what Hitler's movements could have been after the fall of the Nazi Empire. wnji4fbb

 KKNW Possessed - Kathryn Casey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3007

A WALKING NIGHTMARE—IN SIZE-NINE STILETTOS . . . The officer responding to a 911 call at one of Houston’s hippest high-rises expected the worst. After all, domestic violence situations can be unpredictable. But nothing could’ve prepared him for what he found: a beautiful woman drenched in blood . . . an older man lying dead on the floor . . . and a cobalt blue suede stiletto with tufts of white hair stuck to its five-and-a-half-inch heel. With her stunning looks, magnetic personality, and erratic behavior, Ana Trujillo had a notorious reputation on the downtown Houston scene. She spoke often of occult powers, though few knew how deeply she believed such boasts. Stefan Andersson was a gentle soul, a Swedish transplant with a good career and trusted friends, who was desperate to find someone special. Theirs is a story of obsession, madness, and tragedy. Because once Stefan fell head over heels for Ana, he was under her control—and he didn’t have a chance in hell.

 KKNW Paul Sanders - Banquet of Consequences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2155

On Christmas Eve 2007, Judy and Wayne Anderson’s daughter, Michele, and her boyfriend, Joseph McEnroe, arrived at their home for a family meal. Unbeknownst to them, their daughter was armed with a loaded 9 mm pistol and McEnroe was carrying a .357 Magnum. Both parents were callously shot dead by the pair and their bodies hidden from view. Two and a half hours later, Michele’s brother Scott, his wife Erica and their two children, Olivia (5) and Nathan (3), arrived at the house. Within the hour, they too had been pitilessly slain, in an act of violence that was breath-taking in its scope and cruelty. With his highly-anticipated third book, Paul Sanders takes the reader inside every day of the trial of Michele Anderson, with his customary attention to detail, from December 2015 until March 2016. And in a unique digression from his other works, Sanders includes something he has never done before: An interview with one of the killers, Joseph McEnroe, at Walla Walla Penitentiary. Banquet of Consequences is the first of two books on what came to be known as the Carnation murders. Were the killings a premeditated act, or had the defendants acted in self defense? And what of the deaths of Olivia and Nathan? Who shot them and why? It would not be an easy task for a jury to decide. Look for Book Two: The Carnation Murders, “Beyond the Pale: Rogue Juror – The Joseph McEnroe Death Penalty Trial.” Available Christmas Eve, 2017. Reader reviews for Paul Sanders: “Move over Ann Rule and Shanna Hogan and make way for America’s newest crime writer!” “Paul Sanders is now among my favorite authors. Both of his books had me right there!” “The reader is taken into a world few of us who have ever received a jury summons will ever experience.”

 KKNW - Mulatto Ripper - James Jeffrey Paul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3086

In 1911, 21-year-old private investigator Clytie James was sent to Atlanta to investigate a series of grisly murders committed by the Mulatto Ripper. One fateful night, she unexpectedly found herself face to face with the killer, but he got away. Fifty years later, an elderly Miss Clytie returns to Atlanta on business, only to be contacted by an old man claiming to be the Ripper. Determined not to let him escape a second time, Clytie and the ominous stranger embark on a little trip down Memory Lane...

 KKNW Charles Manson - Simon Wells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3267

In the summer of 1969, a set of grisly murders shocked the population of Los Angeles and the rest of the US. Seven people lay senselessly butchered, among them actress Sharon Tait, the beautiful young wife of Roman Polanski, just a month away from the birth of their first child. Thin strands of evidence pointed to a hippyish cult set up in an abandoned ranch on the outskirts of Los Angeles, and its delusional, Messianic leader, Charles Manson. Little was known about this would-be rock star and his peculiar 'family' of young acolytes. It was only later, after the sensational court case that ended with six of the cult members being sentenced to death, that the full, horrifying story would emerge: one in which drugs, sex, murder, mind-control, the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Mafia, and even the President of America all played their part. Collecting testimony from previous members of the Manson family alongside new evidence linking a cult member to a murder in London, and including never-before-published crime scene photographs, COMING DOWN FAST charts Manson's terrifying rise from petty-criminal drifter to one of the most recognisable icons in criminal history, and explores the long reach of his crimes that to this day, so vex and shock the public imagination.

 KKNW - Lethal Intent of Aileen Wuornos - Sue Russell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3364

Aileen Wuornos As a child, she was abandoned, abused and raped. By her teens, she was deep into a lifestyle of hitchhiking, petty crime, and the sex trade. In her twisted mind, uncontrollable bouts of violence were pure survival skills. In 1986 she began a lesbian relationship with Tyria Moore. Three years later, tired of turning tricks, she fired four bullets into one of her clients--then robbed him. She claimed she killed six more victims before authorities finally locked her behind bars. Award-winning journalist Sue Russell updates her harrowing and definitive real-life thriller with new details of the most famous female serial killer's decade on death row, her execution in 2002--and the lasting impact of her dark deeds. The case that inspired the Academy Awarding-winning movie Monster

 Richard Syrett's Strange Planet - Alan R Warren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3126

Young girl’s panties started to go missing; sexual assaults began to occur, and then female bodies were found! Soon this quiet town of Tweed, Ontario, was in panic. What's even more shocking was when an upstanding resident stood accused of the assaults. This was not just any man, but a pillar of the community; a decorated military pilot who had flown Canadian Forces VIP aircraft for dignitaries such as the Queen of England, Prince Philip, the Governor General and Prime Minister of Canada. This is the story of serial killer Russell Williams, the elite pilot of Canada’s Air Force One, and the innocent victims he murdered. Unlike other serial killers, Williams seemed very unaffected about his crimes and leading two different lives. Alan R. Warren describes the secret life including the abductions, rape and murders that were unleashed on an unsuspecting community. Included are letters written to the victims by Williams and descriptions of the assaults and rapes as seen on videos and photos taken by Williams during the attacks.

 KKNW Secret State - john Hughes-Wilson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3154

A ground-breaking history of intelligence―from its classical origins to the onset of the surveillance state in the digital age―that lifts the veil of secrecy from this clandestine world. Comprehensive and authoritative, The Secret State skillfully examines the potential pitfalls of the traditional intelligence cycle; the dangerous uncertainties of spies and human intelligence; how the Cold War became an electronic intelligence war; the technical revolution that began with the use of reconnaissance photography in World War I and during the Cuban Missile Crisis; the legacy of Stalin's deliberate ignoring of vital intelligence; how signals intelligence gave America one of its greatest victories; how Wikileaks really happened; and whether 9/11 could have been avoided if America's post-Cold War intelligence agencies had adapted to the new world of international terrorism. Authoritative and analytical, Hughes-Wilson searches for hard answers and scrutinizes why crucial intelligence is so often ignored, misunderstood, or spun by politicians and seasoned generals alike.


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