Out There show

Out There

Summary: Out There is a podcast that explores big questions through intimate stories in the great outdoors.

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 Social Creatures | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:29

Allison Fowle has always been an introvert. So the idea of spending an entire summer in the wilderness was highly appealing. But during her time in the mountains of Idaho, she began to rethink her appetite for solitude. On this episode, she shares the story of her final days in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. During those final days, something happened that shook her to the core and changed her thinking on “alone time.”

 Firefighting While Female | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:46

Linda Strader was one of the first women to become a wildland firefighter for the U.S. Forest Service. Her book Summers of Fire documents that experience, and she joins me on this episode to talk about it. We explore what it was like entering a male-dominated field in the 1970s, and we talk about the tough realization that being liked is not the same as being respected.

 More Honest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:17

When Benjamin Drachman announced he wanted to keep an audio journal during his thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail, his sister Julia saw an opportunity: Why not make it into a podcast? Benjamin agreed to send her his recordings — all of them. The resulting podcast, which weaves together highlights from the journal, is called The Attempt. On this episode of Out There, we give you a taste of the show, and we talk with Julia about what it’s like telling such an intimate story about a sibling.

 The 'Privilege' to Choose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

When Fran Turauskis set off to hike the Camino de Santiago, she was frustrated by her lack of options. She had picked the trail because it was one of the only thru-hikes she felt she could safely undertake, given that she had epilepsy. But what if a lack of options can actually be helpful? On this episode, Fran shares her story. It's a story of coming terms with — and learning to appreciate — limitations.

 Redefining Adventure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:23

When we talk about adventure, we often think of extreme endeavors. But what actually is an adventure? And why do some of us seek them out? On this episode, we talk with Alastair Humphreys, author of the book My Midsummer Morning. After a lifetime of traditional adventuring, Alastair wanted a different sort of challenge. So he set out to walk across Spain, with the intention of supporting himself by busking. The trip was scarier than anything he'd done before — and it changed his definition of adventure

 How to Belong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:21

Wendy Villalta has spent most of her life trying to fit in. Her biological parents are immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador, but at age 10, she was put into foster care and was later adopted by a white, Jewish family. So it’s no no surprise that her sense of identity took a while to solidify. Most of us have had moments in our lives, when we felt we don’t belong. But what happens when you finally figure it out, only to realize that society doesn’t agree with you? How important is external validat

 Too Poor to Dream? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:23

Many people talk about the outdoors as an inexpensive place to play — a place where you don’t need money to have fun. But how true is that? This episode comes to us from a woman named Charlsie Shaver, who yearns to build a life outdoors, but hasn't yet managed to do so. Her story explores what it means to dream, and what it takes to make a change in your life.

 Nature Saved My Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:14

On this episode, we introduce you to the newest cohort of Out There ambassadors, listeners who help spread the word about the podcast. They come from wildly different backgrounds, but each feels that nature has rescued them in some way — that it's reshaped their lives. On this episode, they share their stories: stories of bravery, of healing, of defying cultural expectations — and of finding your way in the world, with a little help from mother nature.

 In the Long Run | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:52

We live in a society that honors persistence. We celebrate people who tough it out and finish what they start. But how do you know when you've taken it too far? Where is the line between a healthy amount of perseverance, and blind stubbornness? Today's story is about learning when to drop out — both in a race, and in a relationship.

 Conservation Refugees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:05

A lot of conservation efforts focus on the negative impacts people have on the environment. Humans are seen as an invasive species, and their presence is assumed to upset the natural balance. But what if it’s not so clearcut? On this episode, we talk with Michael Benanav, author of the book Himalaya Bound, about what happens when conservation efforts end up having side effects that are, at best, questionable.

 Just for Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:58

My mother always told me I shouldn’t take “no” for an answer. If you don’t get what you want, she said, try again. Keep asking. Stick to your guns. Growing up, I took that advice to heart: whatever the task at hand, I pushed forward with dogged determination. But in 2018, a traumatic accident left me suddenly powerless to complete even the simplest of tasks, and my outlook on what it means to back down was turned on its head.

 What You Can Find in Glaciers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:21

On this episode, we bring you a guest story from the podcast Outlandish, a show that focuses on stories from our public lands. The story is about a remarkable discovery that happened in the wilderness of Canada. It takes us behind the scenes on the hunt of a lifetime, and looks at the fascinating things we can learn about our past by exploring the places where glaciers have melted away.

 My Own Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:51

Carolyn McDonald adores trees. She even spends time pondering what trees would say if they could talk. But she’s not the typical outdoorsy type; the very idea of camping gives her the shivers. On this episode, Carolyn shares her story. She takes us from rural North Carolina to the streets of Paris, and explores what it’s like to love nature in a manner that defies society’s expectations.

 Pleasure in Pain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Most of us want to speed through the hard times; we want to get to a place where life feels smooth and easy. But what if the line between good times and bad isn’t so clear? What if hardship can actually be enjoyable? On this episode, Heather Daya Rideout takes us from the beaches of Thailand to the mountains of Maine, and tells of a an encounter with strangers on the Appalachian Trail that completely changed her perspective on pleasure and pain.

 That's Just Not Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:00

Growing up, Adrienne Lindholm was dead set against having children. She didn’t like kids, and she felt parenthood would force her to give up the things she loved most in life. But as time went on, her husband became determined to start a family. Eventually, she was faced with an ultimatum: have kids, or lose her relationship. Adrienne wrote a memoir called It Happened Like This, which chronicles her life in Alaska and her dilemma surrounding motherhood. She joins us on this episode to talk about it.


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