The New Stack Makers show

The New Stack Makers

Summary: The New Stack Makers is all about the developers, software engineers and operations people who build at-scale architectures that change the way we develop and deploy software. For The New Stack Analysts podcast, please see For The New Stack @ Scale podcast, please see For The New Stack Context podcast, please see Subcribe to TNS on YouTube at:

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 Matthew Campbell, InfluxDB: How to Keep Wall Street Chatting Using Go | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:53

In this talk out of last month's Gophercon India, Matthew Campbell, co-founder of Errplane (now open source metrics and analytics start-up InfluxDB), speaks about his experiences in switching over to Go, monitoring large-scale Go servers and how one can build a fully distributed project on a large platform using remote teams. Based out of New York and Bangkok, Campbell, a former Rails developer who helped build projects like Bloomberg, recounts how he decided to start using Go in a project with Thomson Reuters, rebuilding their instant messaging platform for stock traders, which was originally written in Java and C++.

 Julia Poladsky: Go for Front End Developers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:14

Go is perceived as a systems programming language for developers who develop complex backend software and infrastructure. In her talk, she will show how front end developers don't need to shy away from Go. Go's syntax, standard library, documentation and community make Go accessible to front end developers of all technical levels.


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