Mindfulness Mode show

Mindfulness Mode

Summary: Increase your calm, focus and happiness through mindfulness & meditation. Learn from entrepreneurs like Nate Hockstra, Pat Flynn, Michael Pullman so you can be more relaxed, earn more money and be happy & contented. Interviews, tips and strategies to live in the moment and & be more centered. For entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, CEOs, teachers & parents. Hosted by Bruce Langford.

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  • Artist: Bruce Langford
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 167 Joggling Toward Inner Focus With World Champion Joggler, Gabrielle Foran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:34

Gabrielle Foran is a world champion joggler. Joggling is sport which combines jogging with juggling. Gabrielle has been a runner for nine years and has been joggling for about three years. The International Joggling Association, IGA, is where Gabrielle got her first world record. It was in the woman's 3 ball 1600 metre. She ran it in 5:58 which beat the previous record that was set in 1989 by 19 seconds. The IJA has had championships since the 1980's. Gabrielle is highly competitive and also enjoys swimming. Contact Info Twitter: @ForanConcept Most Influential Person My friend Mike, who initially challenged me to a 5-kilometer joggling race Effect on Emotions I don't know if joggling has really made that significant a change, because it's similar to running which I had already done for several years before getting involved in joggling. I find that I can reach the same kind of emotional state as I can with running, when I joggle. So it's really just a different way to get to the same place. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is something that I don't really think about. My coach says that I only breathe through my nose when I joggle. I think that I actually breathe through my mouth a bit, but really I try not to because something that I noticed when I first started running was that if you breathe through your mouth, your mouth gets really dry, and that's not comfortable. I try to stay away from doing a lot of that. Suggested Resources Book: What The Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain App: N/A Advice for Newbie I would tell them to thing about things they do often or things they enjoy doing and to consider how they prepare to do those things, what they things about while they're doing it, how they feel, what physical motions are they going through as they're doing it. If they can get into thinking about that, maybe they can start applying the same ideas to tasks they are less comfortable with or enjoy less. Maybe the habit can become a more positive experience for them.

 166 Create a Nurturing, Mindful Space With Million Dollar Decorating Host James Swan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:35

James Swan is an inspiring designer who built his career crafting classically influenced interiors. He began his career designing for a San Francisco architecture firm; later transferred to a position with a prestigious L.A. firm and subsequently started his own firm in Beverly Hills. As an exquisite designer, James is truly mindful, and can now be heard interviewing the world's leading designers, decorators and architects on  his own daily podcast called Million Dollar Decorating. Contact Info Website: www.MillionDollarDecorating.com Podcast: Million Dollar Decorating [show-notes-contact] Most Influential Person Eckhart Tolle Effect on Emotions It has been an equalizer for me, eliminating many of the lows. Not so much eliminating the highs, but allowing me to find a balance, a consistency that I've enjoyed in my life. Thoughts on Breathing If I forget everything else, if I can just remember to take one conscious breath, it's everything.  Suggested Resources Book: You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter by Joe Dispenza Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle App: N/A

 165 Be Real, Raw, Honest and Mindful Recommends DrEd Osburn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

Dr. Ed Osburn is a top-level Chiropractor who thinks outside the box. When I say that, I mean he has singlehandedly helped hundreds of other Doctors expand from practicing strictly in their own 4 walls of a brick and mortar office and into the expansive on-line world. Many listeners will recognize DrEd’s business name, ‘The Laptop Lifestyle’. Dr. Ed came to a point where he felt the need and desire to expand and in doing so, he became one of the Chiropractic profession’s most distinguished contributors. Contact Info Website: Thelaptoplifestylepodcast.com Podcast: The Laptop Lifestyle Podcast Most Influential Person Dr. Karen Osburn (my wife) Effect on Emotions The challenges that I have with my physical health, whether or not my specialist says, "they are autoimmune conditions, they're not stress related" they are. There is a stress component. Being mindful and being self-aware has given me the ease to actually allow my body to heal. There's nothing more powerful than that. When you're given an expirary date on your life, you can take that and use tools such as being self-aware, being mindful, being present to make a physical change to your health. That's as big as it gets. Thoughts on Breathing Whenever I have those moments of self doubt, those moments where I feel attacked or misunderstood, I always check into my breathing. If my breathing is shallow or not that deep, gut breathing, then I'll actually shift, and just start to take those deep breaths. If I do that, I notice that my whole mindset actually changes. It just seems to clear everything. It also gives you that moment to stop and go, "Ok," and make a decision before I react. Suggested Resources Book: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families by Steven Cubby App: Schedule App Advice for Newbie Start today. It's all about execution, it's all about taking action. There's no reason, first of all, that you can't start today, it's not like you need any specific tools or strategies. Waiting 24 hours, waiting 48 hours, 72 hours, or six months from now; if the voice is speaking to you, start today.

 164 Drive Using Mindfulness; Learn How With Solan McClean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:38

Solan McClean helps people become better, safer drivers using mindfulness. He also helps you deal with the anxiety of everyday life and especially negative experiences that some of us encounter on the road. By thinking of your vehicle as your personal ‘mindfulness lab’, Solan unlocks a whole new way in which you can discover present moment awareness. Contact Info Website: www.SolanMcClean.com Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, FB: @SolanMcClean Book: Learning to Drive Into The Now by Solan McClean Most Influential Person The Buddha (Also Eckhart Tolle and Ram Dass) Effect on Emotions It's allowed me to recognize my emotions for what they are and not let them take me over. In the past, if I became emotional about something, it kind of fed on itself and it would snowball. Now I'm able to take a step back, bring my attention back to the now, reconnect with my higher self and examine them without all the baggage and all the self-doubt and fear that can come with them. Thoughts on Breathing I talk about breathing being the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious mind. People have recognized after centuries even, ancient India they used to use that a lot. When you first get into meditation, they always start with your breathing. Your breathing is a good reflection of your mental state. As a reflection of your mental state, it can also be a good tool to use to change your mental state, so that slow deep, diaphragmatic breathing Suggested Resources Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle Book: Learning to Drive Into The Now by Solan McClean App: Twitter (Follow People in the Mindfulness Realm)

 163 Seeking Mindfulness Through Inner Picture Stories With Jellis Vaes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:01

Jellis Vaes is a photographer, world traveler and founder of Inner Picture Stories. Not so long ago, he began a 2-month journey to South Africa and it transformed into a 3-year journey around the world. This was a self-healing discovery and awareness experience for Jellis. He now shares his journey with others, through his new found voice. Contact Info Website: www.InnerPictureStories.com Most Influential Person Eckhart Tolle Effect on Emotions They made me realize my emotions and stand still about them. Thoughts on Breathing I think anyone who walks through a forest and took a couple of deep breaths can't deny that they felt amazing. I think breathing is very underrated actually because we do it all the time. Taking some deep breaths feels amazing because oxygen is how we stay alive. Suggested Resources Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle App: Headspace & Notetaking App Advice for Newbie I would say go and buy the book, The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle because it helped me so much. It gave me a clear introduction to what mindfulness is.

 162 Running To Focus On The Inside With Diz Runs Host Denny Krahe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:57

Denny Krahe is passionate about running. He’s a certified athletic trainer and also a strength and conditioning specialist. Denny has a goal to complete 50 marathons in 50 different states and he uses running to stay focused and grounded. He also has a podcast called ‘The Diz Runs With Podcast’ which features interviews and running tips. Denny talks with other runners from every corner of the running world in exactly the same way he would talk to any new running partner during an easy day. Contact Info Website: www.DizRuns.com Podcast: DizRuns Social Media: @DizRuns Most Influential Person Hal Elrod (Author of The Miracle Morning) Effect on Emotions It helps me keep an even keel. I like to think that I'm a pretty even-keeled guy most of the time but like with anybody there are certain times when you get fired up or upset. I recognize it in myself very quickly. I take a couple of breaths and step away from the situation if necessary and allow things to settle back down. I'm thankful that I have that kind of personality. Thoughts on Breathing There's no question in my mind that the act of breathing and focusing on deep breaths; breathe in deep and slow on the exhale, it just helps to calm the body. I know there's science that supports that and what it does for the blood pressure. I just feel it. Whether it's before I record an interview, I just take a couple of breaths to calm my thoughts and settle my nerves. Or maybe before a race or when I'm frustrated because the baby's acting up. A couple of breaths does wonders for me. Suggested Resources Book: Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod App: Habitica (A gamified way of keeping track of to-do lists) Advice for Newbie With folks that are thinking about starting to run but don't know where to begin, I think that starting is key. Don't compare yourself to folks who have been doing it for a long time. That was a big hurdle for me, was the idea, if I'm going to meditate, so that means I have to sit here for 20 minutes, for 30 minutes, for 60 minutes and not think about anything. Point blank, I don't think that I could do that without my mind just wandering, going crazy and having all kinds of different thoughts. If I'm supposed to be quiet in my mind, how am I going to just sit here for an hour? It's not something that I can do. Then you realize that those folks who are doing that have probably been meditating for twenty years, for thirty years, for their entire lives. No wonder they're so disciplined and able to do that. It doesn't make any sense to try to compare myself with those type of folks. Five minutes, that's something I can attempt to do, then I can bump it up to ten minutes. That idea of start small and when you fail, don't beat yourself up for it. If I miss a day, it's not the end of the world. When I have a day where I start out trying to meditate and my mind wanders and I think, man, I only had a quiet mind for a minute and a half, that's ok. We'll try again tomorrow. Don't expect yourself to be perfect and be ok when you're not perfect.  

 161 Mindful Eating For Health And Peace With Abby Hutcheson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

Abby Hutcheson is a certified health coach who spent years struggling with chaotic eating habits. Like so many others, she experienced the yo-yo diet cycle of eating too little and then overeating. Once she found a balanced system that worked for her, she knew she had to help others do the same. She now helps hundreds of women reach a point where they honor their bodies and feel a sense of peace through mindful eating.Contact InfoWebsite: www.EatWorkPlayBalanced.com Most Influential PersonGabrielle Berstein (Author of May Cause Miracles)Effect on EmotionsI definitely think I'm less likely to get super riled up by things that aren't necessary to be. I'm less worried about things I can't control and just feel more calm and positive.Thoughts on BreathingI start my day with purposeful, deep breaths. If I'm starting to feel anxiety rise throughout the day, I take deep breaths, in and out. I take deep breaths before I eat. Basically it's a great fall-back tool. We have to use it because it's the best tool we have.Suggested ResourcesBook: Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan For Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny PenmanApp: RelaxMelodies (You get to design the sounds you're going to be listening to)Advice for Newbie Decide why you want mindfulness in your life and what you think it would do to benefit you. If you just start going for it and you don't really know why, you just think, other people do it, then you lmight not stick with it. If you know why you're going to focus on it and tweaking a habit or whatever, then it's much easier to stick with it.

 160 Voiceover Artist Uses His Comic Book Hobby To Keep Life Fun; A Chat With Tim Paige | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:00

Tim Paige has a great hobby. He’s a comic book enthusiast, and he loves to help people move into the world of comic books who are unsure where to start. Maybe you’ve seen a movie or a show relating to a comic book series, and you’d like to tune into the story in a more in-depth way. There is almost a century’s worth of stories out there, and this might turn out to be a newly discovered love. Check out Tim’s podcast called Getting Into Comics. I see Tim as a truly mindful guy, and we’ll be talking about the interesting relationship between Mindfulness and Comics. [show-notes-bio]Contact InfoWebsite: www.TheVoiceOfTimPaige.com Podcast: www.GettingIntoComics.com Instagram: @TheVoiceOfTimPaige[show-notes-contact]Most Influential PersonMy Dad. He's a great example of somebody that's very mindful. He doesn't meditate or do thoughtfulness activities; he's just with you anytime you are with him. I don't know if I've ever known anybody that's like that so naturally. I know a lot of people who have worked really hard to get there, but he is just like that.Effect on Emotions  When I'm able to accomplish some degree of mindfulness, it just helps to ease any anxiety. Then I can just say what I'm doing right now; this is what's important right now. The other things will be important later.Thoughts on BreathingBreathing isn't really part of my mindfulness practice at this point. It's funny, I have a degree in massage therapy, and one of the things we learned is diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal breathing. We focused on a lot of these things as opposed to apical breathing (chest breathing). I learned all of it but I never really used it to focus, I just used it to ease tension during a massage sessionSuggested ResourcesBook: Comic Books

 159 Benjamin Franklin, The American Revolution & Mindfulness Discussed With Historian, Liz Covart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:42

Liz Covart loves the study of history. She is an historian who shares her knowledge of American history with the world through her podcast, Ben Franklin’s World. Each episode features a conversation with an historian who helps shed light on important people and events from early American history that shaped our present-day world. Elizabeth holds a PhD in history from the University of California, Davis, where she studied with 2-time Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Alan Taylor. Contact InfoWebsite: www.BenFranklinsWorld.com Twitter: @LizCovartPodcast: Ben Franklin's World Most Influential PersonAlan Taylor (My advisor)Effect on EmotionsI'm very logical and I think being mindful and thinking out every situation as to what it is, what it could be, where it could go, helps me come up with an appropriate and emotional mindset.Thoughts on BreathingI do a lot of yoga so breathing is always important. I make sure I breathe and I will think about my breathing as I'm running, during my moving meditation as well. So breathing plays a big role. Anytime I get really stressed out or run into some sort of hurdle I need to overcome, I'm always making sure I take a deep breath. I find breath to be very calming and centering.Suggested ResourcesBook: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeownApp: Naturescape (It plays nature sounds)Advice for Newbie I'd start with taking a few minutes each day and I would make it first thing in the morning or right before you go to bed; those tend to be the easiest I think. Just take a little bit of time for yourself each day and reflect upon your day or focus on your breath. Do just something small, like baby steps, to get into a way of thinking about how you can be mindful and how breath or taking moments like that can improve your day.

 158 Let Mindfulness Fuel Your Peace, Joy and Consistency Suggests Business Strategist Jay Fiset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:14

Jay Fiset is a best-selling author and business strategy coach. Jay has worked in the field of consciousness workshops and programs for over thirty years and over forty thousand people have participated in these programs. Jay has coached thousands of clients to help transform their lives. He knows that mindset plays a huge role when helping to move clients towards their goals, and he believes in the power of mindfulness as a way to not only help clients, but also stay grounded and focused in his own life.Contact InfoWebsite: www.JayFiset.com Website: www.MasterMindtoMillionsLive.com Most Influential PersonLouise Hay (Author of You Can Heal Your Life)Effect on EmotionsI would say mindfulness has fed and fueled my peace, my joy and my consistency.Thoughts on BreathingI use it as an induction process, so at the beginning of all my recorded processes, there's a little breathing process. I used to have a little countdown process that was related to self-hypnosis. One of my great strengths in coping with life in the world is that I have always been a powerful and deep breather.Suggested ResourcesBook: The Silent Pulse by George Leonard (Every time I read this book I have a meaningful mindful experience)Book: Reframe Your Blame by Jay FisetApp: iMovie (for recording personal affirmations)Advice for Newbie First and foremost it is an innate capacity in all human beings. This idea of mindfulness, metacognition, consciousness, presence ... all of those elements I fervently believe that it is the most significant and important doorway that you must pass through to not be one of the unconscious masses and to have the possibility of peace, joy, love, creation, living your mission and making your unique contribution to the planet. If this isn't in place, we end up chasing our tails in unconscious, reactive and ridiculous manners. I firmly believe it needs to be a priority of all human beings who are dedicated to creation.[

 157 Use MIndfulness To Be Self-Aware With Your People Suggests Videographer Matt Peet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:47

Matt Peet is a videographer and he founded the company Re-Peet Productions, playing off his last name. An impressive service Matt offers for wedding or conferences, is ‘Same Day Edits’, where he has a finished video ready to show guests or attendees later in the day after shooting the footage. Matt also has a podcast called Finding Creative Success where he interviews successful creatives to discover their success secrets. Matt recently filmed Podcast Movement 2016 in Chicago.Contact InfoCompany: Repeet ProductionsWebsite:www.RepeetVideos.com Podcast: Finding Creative SuccessMost Influential PersonJohn Lee DumasEffect on EmotionsIt's helped me connect better with people. If I'm mindful and thoughtful at the same time, I can be listening to someone, taking in what they're saying and reacting accordingly as opposed to snapping at somebody because I'm stressed out. I can be in that moment with that person.Thoughts on BreathingI do breathing regularly whenever I'm trying to be mindful, whether I'm stressed out at my desk, I'll just stop and count to ten or twenty and I'll just focus on my breathing. Just focus on that and nothing else.Suggested ResourcesBook: How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale CarnegieApp: HeadspaceAdvice for Newbie I would say become self aware of whenever you're not mindful. If you're talking with somebody and you forget their name before they're even done saying their sentence, when they're talking and you're trying to think of a story that you can tell them that one-ups their story, you're not being mindful and completely in that conversation with that person. You're just trying to one-up their story with another good story. So being self-aware enough to realize when you're not being mindful.

 156 Use Mindfulness As A Consciousness Says Market-Like-A-Nerd Guru, Amanda Goldman-Petri | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:01

Amanda Goldman-Petri is an Online Marketing Coach and Speaker, She teaches her clients to work smarter, not harder. She’s a bit off the wall, a bit out of the box, and a whole lot nerdy. At least that’s what she calls her business, Market Like A Nerd. Amanda is passionate about helping people and sold on mindfulness.Contact InfoWebsite: www.MarketLikeANerd.com Facebook Group: The Balanced Entrepreneur (Join by going to www.marketlikeanerd/invite)Most Influential PersonMy husbandEffect on EmotionsIt's allowed me to become more in control of them [my emotions].Thoughts on BreathingI recognize my breath in an effort to to let negative thoughts and the outside world go away.Suggested ResourcesBook: No bookApp: No app (The OFF button lol)Advice for Newbie Practice acknowledging your feelings and the way that you're reacting to the things that are happening to you because the very first step to mindfulness is acknowledgement. Then from there you can get better at how you handle those feelings that you've just acknowledged. The very first thing is you have to start becoming aware of your words, your actions, your feelings, your state.

 155 How Visualization Fuels Homemade Stories Host Shannon Cason | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:02

Shannon Cason is a writer and storyteller. He’s told stories on stages across the U.S. and has been featured on such top storytelling shows as The Moth and Snap Judgment. He’s also host and executive producer of WBEZ’s Homemade Stories - a collection of fiction and non-fiction stories with unique commentary. When you hear Shannon, you get a sense he’s just naturally mindful, lives in the moment, and likely doesn’t stress out too much. At least that’s my take.Contact InfoWebsite: www.ShannonCason.com (Signup for my newsletter)Podcast: Homemade StoriesMost Influential PersonEasy Rawlins (Ezekiel "Easy" Porterhouse Rawlins is a fictional character created by mystery author Walter Mosley. Rawlins is an African-American private investigator, a hard-boiled detective and World War II veteran living in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles. - from Wikipedia)Effect on EmotionsI have more control over my emotions. More lucid to think before I act.Thoughts on BreathingI have to control my breathing because I do breathe hard and I've noticed that I control my breathing more. I do breathing exercises but I can't get into them. My wife will tell me, why are you breathing like that, so I am mindful about how I breathe.Suggested ResourcesBook: by Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Steven CoveyApp: Google Calendar and my physical To-Do ListAdvice for Newbie I would ask them, "is what you're doing working?" Maybe you need to do a little less. Maybe you need to be mindful of all these things you're trying to accomplish; where is it going? A lot of times you can be so busy doing a bunch of stuff, but then where's all this stuff going? I used to work with people like that. Why are they that busy? Are they just trying to look busy? Putting the rubber to the road is the more important thing. Sometimes it doesn't take as much as you might think it might take. Be mindful of your plan and your strategy to get there.

 154 Mindfulness Helped Me Deal With Anxiety Says 19 Year Old Author Jake Heilbrunn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:23

Jake Heilbrunn is an author and inspiration to youth everywhere. He has written for Psychology Today, Thought Catalog and Pick the Brain and has also written his own book called, Off the Beaten Trail. Jake writes a blog post every Wednesday for his blog, Eyes Fully Open and he's also a passionate speaker. At the age of 19, Jake has already achieved successes only dreamt about by much older authors. Contact InfoWebsite: www.JakeHeilbrunn.com Blog: Eyes Fully Open Most Influential PersonEffect on EmotionsIt's definitely been a huge way for me to process difficult emotions. I think it was definitely easier for me to just ignore difficult emotions, but mindfulness has allowed me to just sit with those emotions so I can fully deal with them as opposed to just ignoring them. Thoughts on BreathingBreathing is a huge part of my mindfulness practice. Whether it's surfing or working out or doing occasional transformational breathing classes or just sitting at home, breath allows me to lift weights or run more or if I'm sitting at home it allows me to facilitate getting into that state where I'm at that peaceful sense of mind. Suggested ResourcesBook: Man's Search For Meaning By Victor Frankl App: Headspace

 153 Solve The Root Of Your Issues First Says Weightloss Nation Host, Diane Daniels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:20

Diane Daniels is a professional speaker and host of two podcasts, Weight Loss Nation & Medicare Nation. She has spoken on many radio programs including The Senior Voice Radio show (Tampa), The Bev Smith Radio Show (Washington D.C.) and The Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz. In the area of health care, Diane collaborates with politicians and national associations to advocate for her clients. Diane is determined to lose weight and she decided to build a team and start a podcast to not only inspire others, but also to be inspired. She is chatting with me today as she continues on this weight loss journey. She has currently lost 25 pounds. Contact InfoWebsite: www.TheWeightlossNation.com Email: support@TheWeightlossNation.com Podcast: Weightloss Nation Most Influential PersonJJ Flizanes (Fit2Love Podcast and Resources) [show-notes-influence]Effect on EmotionsNow if I have frustration or anxiety, I do not have to reach for food. I just sit for a moment, and think, why am I feeling this way. I just stay in this moment and then I realize what it is. Then I see if I can solve this problem. I stay in the moment and try to realize what it is. Thoughts on BreathingI am learning to improve in this area. I am good about taking in a deep breath and letting it out. If I am frustrated or have anxiety, I will just sit take a deep breath and let it out slowly for a few seconds. It's amazing how that feeling [of anxiety or frustration] dissipates. Suggested ResourcesBook: Plant Based Diets For Maximum Focus and Energy by Suzanna McGee App: My Diet Diary Advice for Newbie The first thing they have to do is admit that they're having an issue and they don't know what to do about it. You have to admit you have some kind of issue. Once you admit it, then you are open to looking for a solution and you're open for help. Once you've done that, like I did, then you can look out there and find someone else who's in the same situation as you. Someone who has the same like mindedness, who needs to do the same things. Whether you join a Facebook group, or you go online and participate in a program like Weight-Loss Nation or other types of programs. Find someone else who can be your buddy and can help each of you be accountable on your journey. 


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