The PHP Roundtable show

The PHP Roundtable

Summary: The PHP Roundtable is a podcast of web developers discussing PHP, JavaScript, community, open source, and anything else PHP nerds care about. It is broadcast live from Google Hangouts On-Air. For complete show notes or to watch the episodes in video format visit And join the conversation live! Just subscribe to the newsletter and never miss a live show.

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 034: Debugging is more than var_dump() | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3543

Believe it or not, there's a lot more to debugging your PHP code than var_dump()'ing all the things. We discuss how to use debugging tools to help us comprehensively debug our codebase.

 033: Design Patternmania | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4207

With a new design pattern coming out every week it can be easy to get caught up in all the hype. If you frequently try to implement the latest-and-greatest design pattern and feel constantly paralyzed by the thought, "I know I'm doing this wrong," this episode is for you. We discuss how "not seeing the forest for the trees" might be a good thing as we try to narrow our focus in order to write better code without thinking of patterns first.

 032: Running A Rockin' PHP User Group | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3485

User groups are core to the strength of the PHP community. We discuss what it takes to run a solid user group in your area; finding food & venue sponsors, finding speakers, dealing with money & expenses, and all the details that go into making a rockin' user group. And if you don't have a user group in your area, hopefully this episode will inspire you to take Cal Evans' advice and start one!

 031: Checking in with PHP & HHVM internals | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4179

We chatting with some PHP & HHVM internals folks to learn what's been going on in the world of internals.

 030: SOA and Microservices | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3794

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is an architecture that shifts our focus from one big monolithic web app to smaller connected web apps. We discuss what an SOA app looks like in the real world and how it affects our codebases, deployment & DevOps.

 029: The Only Girl In The Room | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3662

Inspired by a panel discussion at Midwest PHP 2015, we discuss what barriers exist for women in the PHP community and what we can all do to remove gender bias.

 028: The Alcoholic & Unfit PHP Culture | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4901

The PHP community has its fair-share of devs struggling with alcohol & weight loss and it doesn't help that there is a strong culture around alcohol consumption at nerd events. For some, the bottle is just a fun weekend with nerds. For others, it's a vice & deep struggle affecting them both mentally and physically. We'll be discussing the alcoholic culture in the PHP community as well as our struggle with weight loss.

 027: A Laracon US Special | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3112

A live recording from Laracon US in Louisville, Kentucky.

 026: Documentation & Developer Experience | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3819

Documentation can make or break a project but it's often completely overlooked until the very end. And if we don't think about how developers will interact with our project before writing our opening <?php tag, we could end up with a very ugly API. We'll discuss some strategies we can take to improve the overall developer experience with "good" documentation and clean API's

 025: PHP7 Release Management | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3064

We've seen 2 alpha releases of PHP 7 so far and the first beta release became available this past Friday, July 10th. We might not put too much thought into what goes into each release of PHP so for this episode we take a closer look at the release management processes for PHP 7.

 024: Becoming A PHP Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4500

So you have a 9-5 job but want to start your own business... where do you start? We discuss what realistic first-steps you'll need to take in order to transform yourself from a PHP employee to PHP entrepreneur.

 023: PHP's Major "Bus Factor" Problem | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3986

Inspired by a lively Open Spaces session at php|tek 2015, we discuss how PHP's ecosystem could be threatened by a not-so-obvious bus factor and what we can all do to keep things thriving.

 022: All About PSR-7 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4547

PSR-7 is the latest accepted member to the PHP FIG's standards library. We discuss what PSR-7 is, how it utilizes streams, immutability & middleware, and how it will affects you as a developer.

 021: From Idea To Production: Part 1 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4476

We discuss an idea for a web app and identify ways to turn it into a real-life product on the web. We start with describing the domain and the problems the app should solve. Then we identify the personas that will interact with the app. We discuss the features features the app should have to fix the problems and we sort all the features by priority. Finally we talk about timeline, deliverables and next steps. The app we discuss will be launched to production by the next airing of this multi-part series of taking an idea to code.

 020: A Loosely Coupled Mashup @ php[tek] | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4941

A special live mashup recording with Loosely Coupled from php[tek] in Chicago, IL. We talk #phptek, Open Source, and eat some PSR-7 cake.


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