Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News

Summary: Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.

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 THR 6/10/17: Comey Testifies on His Tense Interactions with Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:14

Michael Medved looks in depth at the recent terror attacks in London. Walid Phares, advisor on terrorism to both the Romney and Trump presidential campaigns, joined the Mike Gallagher show. Also, Medved analyzes former FBI Director James Comey’s written testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on his interactions with President Trump. Mike Gallagher speaks with’s Ed Morrissey on the credibility problem for James Comey. Gallagher then turns to Marc Morano, founder of to discuss America pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. Hugh Hewitt talks with Senator Mike Lee about his new book, “Written out of History.” Dennis Prager and Michael Oren, author and former Israel Ambassador to the U.S, honor the 50th anniversary of Israel’s miraculous victory in the Six Day War.

 THR 6/3/17: Trump Withdraws America from Paris Climate Agreement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:11 political editor Guy Benson covers the repeal and replace effort of Obamacare with Mike Gallagher. Michael Medved looks at the outcome of the high profile congressional race won by Greg Gianforte in Montana. The Heritage Foundation’s Brett Schaefer tells Mike Gallager about the major mess known as the Paris Climate Agreement. Rep. Ken Buck talks about his new book, “Drain the Swamp” on the Hugh Hewitt Show. Senator Tom Cotton discusses the state of the economy on the Gallagher Show. Larry Elder interviews Opal Singleton, author of “Seduced, the Grooming of America’s Teenagers.” Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld joins the Hewitt Show. Michael Medved examines a new poll evaluating Americans’ view of American values.

 THR 5/27/17: President Trump's Triumphant Overseas Trip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:03

Former London Bureau Chief for the NY Times John Fischer Burns talks with Hugh Hewitt about the terror attack in Manchester. Dennis Prager provides his perspective on the attack. Senior Editor at the Federalist Mollie Hemingway joins the Mike Gallagher Show to discuss Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Michael Medved takes a closer look at Trump’s visit to the Western Wall. Daveed Gartenstein, Sr. Fellow at the Center for Defense of Democracy, converses with Dennis Prager about radical Islam. The Washington Post’s Robert Costa joins Hugh Hewitt to give his insight into the Trump administration’s response to the FBI inquiry on Russia. Dennis Prager rounds out the program with some thoughts on “growing up.”

 THR 5/20/17: A Media Storm of Epic Proportions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:24

Philip Rucker of The Washington Post joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to defend the WaPo story alleging that President Trump shared classified information with the Russians. Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse also joins Hugh Hewitt to discuss the allegation that Trump asked disgraced former FBI Director James Comey to end the investigation into Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Michael Medved speaks with columnist Charles Krauthammer about the firing of James Comey. Mike Gallagher got Karl Rove’s perspective on Trump’s conversations with Comey. Medved looks at a surprising finding about the gender wage gap by the NY Times. Columnist Stacy Washington tells Larry Elder why she was suspended by her employer for writing a pro-2nd Amendment piece. Dennis Prager gives his thoughts on the role of the media in the Trump/Comey/Russia firestorm.

 THR 5/13/17: "The President Was 100% Correct" to Fire James Comey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:16

James Kallstrom, former FBI Assistant Director, says that Trump was "100% correct" to fire James Comey on the Mike Gallagher Show. Michael Medved looks at Sally Yates’ testimony in front of a Senate committee. Secretary Tom Price joins the Mike Gallagher Show to explain the House’s healthcare bill. Dennis Prager looks at a USA Today piece that argues that Trump is psychologically unfit to be president. Senator Tom Cotton on the Hugh Hewitt Show talks about Afghanistan. Pat Buchanan gives his inside take on the Nixon tapes with Michael Medved. Hugh Hewitt interviews Dr. Condi Rice about her new book, "Democracy: Stories from the Long Road to Freedom."

 THR 5/6/17: Trump's Tax Cuts and Spending Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:11

Economist Larry Kudlow praises Trump’s tax plan on the Michael Medved Show. Mike Gallagher and the Heritage Foundation’s Stephen Moore question whether Trump and the Republicans got steamrolled by the Democrats on the latest budget deal. North Korea expert Gordon Chang talks to Michael Medved about the high tensions on the Korean peninsula and whether the North Korean leader would ever give up his nukes. Retired Admiral James Stavritis joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss China’s navy. Speaker Paul Ryan explains a few of the details of the spending plan on Hugh Hewitt’s show. Dennis Prager looks at the latest example of left-wing hate over a recent New York Times column on global warming. Larry Elder points out the hypocrisy of those who attack Dallas Cowboy’s Dez Bryan for his comments on race relations, but not others. Dennis Prager weighs in on the “tolerant” left who made it impossible for Ann Coulter to speak at Berkeley.

 THR 4/29/17: Trump's First 100 Days Are an "Executive Success" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:17

Hugh Hewitt converses with WaPo's White House Bureau Chief Philip Rucker about Trump's first 100 days as president. The Washington Examiner's Byron York explains why he calls Trump's first 100 days "an executive success" on the Mike Gallagher Show. Larry Elder looks at what could have been if Hillary Clinton had become president. Michael Medved reports on a day of bizarre protest at the March for Science on Earth Day. Dennis Prager provides us with the entertainment of what scientists were saying at the first Earth Day 50 years ago. Michael Medved looks at a negative study about millennials. Hugh Hewitt interviews Johnathan Allen and Amie Parnes, authors of their new best-selling book "Shattered." Dennis Prager deconstructs a deceptive poll regarding Trump's popularity.

 THR 4/22/17: Tensions Rise over North Korea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:18

Admiral James Stavridis joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss the potentially explosive situation in North Korea. Mike Gallagher speaks with Fox News contributor Pete Hegseth about Trump's foreign policy. Hewitt talks with Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam about Democrat Jon Ossoff's loss in Georgia. Michael Medved, looking at the Democrats' loss in Georgia and angry voters with Senator Dianne Feinstein, asks what is wrong with the Democratic Party. Immigration expert Peter Kirsanow shares with Larry Elder how illegal immigration hurts blacks. Alec Ryrie, author of "Protestants: The Faith That Made the Modern World" is on the Dennis Prager Show. Medved says that we need to simplify the tax structure.

 THR 4/15/17: Trump's First 100 Days | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:28

Hugh Hewitt talks with the Washington Post’s Robert Costa about President Trump’s first 100 days. Michael Medved is impressed with the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Dennis Prager looks at how the Syria incident was treated by media and plays audio of a Syrian that will surprise you. Mike Gallagher catches up with former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton on the U.S. attack on a Syrian military airport. Hugh Hewitt speaks with Congresswoman Diane Black about GOP efforts to save Americans from the collapse of Obamacare. Mike Gallagher interviews Heather Mac Donald about how Black Lives Matter tried to shut down her speech at a California university.

 THR 4/8/17 Dems Last Effort to Stop Gorsuch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:52

We look at the last effort by Democrats to stop the nomination of Judge Gorsuch. Also, Susan Rice is back in the news. And Hugh talks with the subject of the new movie, The Case for Christ.

 THR 4/1/17: Why the Health Care Bill Was Dead on Arrival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:32

Dennis Prager questions the Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger about who is to blame for the failure of the health care bill. Hugh Hewitt asks Senator Lindsey Graham if the Republican Party is ready to use the nuclear option if the Democrats filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch. Sam Malone, sitting in for Mike Gallagher, talks to terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel about the recent London attack. Dennis Prager takes a closer look at the surveillance of Donald Trump by Obama operatives. Larry Elder interviews Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies about the intersection of immigration policy and doing business in America. Michael Medved plays clips from the CBS News documentary: “Gender: The Space Between.” Hugh Hewitt chats with Scott Pruitt, the new head of the EPA, about how the agency is rolling back the excesses and abuses of the agency during the Obama era. President George W. Bush joins the Michael Medved Show to talk about his latest book and paintings in support of the troops.

 THR 3/25/17: Judge Gorsuch Dazzles at Confirmation Hearings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:08

Michael Medved plays clips from Judge Neil Gorsuch's impressive performance during his Senate confirmation hearings. Hugh Hewitt talks with Speaker Paul Ryan about the state of the Obamacare repeal and replace bill. Mike Gallagher brings clarity to the Trump surveillance issue with reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institution discusses Gorsuch and the AHCA bill with Hugh Hewitt. Michael Medved looks at The World Happiness Report and where the United States ranks on that list. Dennis Prager argues that young folks on college campuses are being taught to be unhappy.

 THR 3/18/17: A Special Edition on the American Health Care Act | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:16

In this special edition of the Townhall Review, we take a closer look at the American Health Care Act--the Republican bill that will repeal significant portions of the failing Obamacare law and replace it with free market solutions. First up, the Hoover Institution's Lanhee Chen speaks with Michael Medved about the strengths of the bill. Chair of the House Budget Committee Diane Black joins the Hugh Hewitt Show to discuss the difficult task of crafting a bill that will survive the reconciliation process. Dennis Prager brings cool and sedate reason to the Democratic fury over the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report. Mike Gallagher continues the conversation on the CBO outlook with Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of House Ways and Means Committee. Dennis Prager talks with the Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel about why it's so important the Republicans pass this bill. Hugh Hewitt interviews House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy about the process of making this bill a law. Larry Elder wraps up the program by looking at why the costs of health care have risen so dramatically.

 THR 3/11/17: The Nightmare of Obamacare Is About to End | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:16

On the Hugh Hewitt Show, Senator Ron Johnson calls the unknown person who leaked confidential CIA materials a traitor. Vice President Mike Pence joins the Mike Gallagher Show to explain what is in the health care bill that will replace Obamacare. Conversation about the new bill continues with Hugh Hewitt who interviews Texas Congressman Kevin Brady. Mike Gallagher speaks with National Review’s Andrew McCarthy about President Trump’s claims that Obama wiretapped him during the presidential campaign. Senator Tom Cotton weighs in on North Korea’s latest provocations and shares what President Trump has done to help protect allies in the region. Michael Medved reports on Middlebury College—the latest example of “tolerant” liberals who verbally attacked a speaker because of his conservative views. Ronna Romney McDaniel, the former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, brings Mike Gallagher up to date on the strength of the Republican Party. Larry Elder exposes the hypocrisy of those who attacked Dr. Ben Carson for calling slaves who were brought to America immigrants.

 THR 3/4/17: Trump's Powerful, Stirring Speech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:20

Michael Medved reflects on President Trump’s powerful and emotional address to Congress and the American people. Sheriff David Clarke examines Trump’s position and policies on immigration on the Mike Gallagher Show. Hugh Hewitt catches up with Andy Puzder—the man who should have been Secretary of Labor until the left mobilized to harass and intimidate him and his family. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, joins Michael Medved to discuss how the Republican Party can govern effectively. John Lott, author of “The War on Guns”, disputes a recent study aimed at misinforming the public about the relationship between crime and guns. Michael Medved discusses the infamous snafu at the Academy Awards when La La Land was mistakenly named Best Picture. Sean Hannity converses with Hugh Hewitt about the Democrats’ failed policies.


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