Awesome with Alison show

Awesome with Alison

Summary: Hello! I'm Alison, this is my podcast and my ONLY goal for it is to help you feel more awesome each time you listen. Whether it’s by laughing at me, laughing with me, or learning something new and helpful, I hope you feel more empowered and awesome than you did before!

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 Ep. 15: How to make a "Best Self" checklist! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:18

We're sharing things we've noticed help us perform at our highest level, and keep us feeling awesome! And then we're giving you the how-to on creating a "Best Self" checklist of your own! Eric's closing song is his band New Shack's cover of 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins.

 Ep. 14: Do you go out when you should go in? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:19

You're gonna love this! When you need validation, comfort, strength, or support, do you go to OUTSIDE sources? We're talking about why it can be better to look IN first, and sharing 5 ideas on how to do that. Prepare to get aware! Eric's closing song is "Lights Go Out" by his past project Pixel Pony.

 Ep. 13: What we’re working on: Why it’s good to just get started! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:49

In this episode we're sharing some fun updates that we are excited about in our businesses, and reflecting back on how they would have never happened if we hadn't just gotten started! Hopefully you'll feel empowered to get a move on whatever it is you want to do! Eric's closing song is "Universe" by his project OCEANEAR.

 Ep. 12: 9 things we’ve learned from being married for 9 years! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:58

It's our anniversary!!! We're not pretending that we are marriage experts, but we have been happily married for 9 awesome years! And we do like each other enough to do a podcast together--so we're sharing a few things we've learned. We hope our experiences help you have a more awesome relationship with someone you love. Or you can just laugh at us. Either way, we hope you enjoy! Eric's closing song is "A Million Pieces" by his band New Shack.

 Ep. 11: Ideas for unplugging and being freaking present! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:27

In this quick lil episode we share some ideas for making sure the people you love the most aren't getting the worst of you, and what we do to unplug and live IN THE NOW. Eric's closing track is "Disassembly" by New Shack.

 Ep. 10: You're so rich and you don't even know it! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:29

Often we are rich in resources that we don't even realize because we can only see our obstacles and excuses. So to help free your mind a bit, I share the four types of resources I think you can feel depleted of, and also share some exercises you can do to expand your horizons (from the comfort of your living room) and find more resources around you. You're gonna feel RICH! Or at least rich in awesomeness. Eric's closing song is "ABC" by New Shack.

 Ep. 9: Five Years to Live with Melanie Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:05

We've got special guest Melanie Day sharing her awesomeness and inspiration to live life to the fullest from the perspective of a cancer victim. Melanie has five years to live and isn't wasting any more time! She shares the habits she let go of with her diagnosis, her insight from doing chemo while pregnant--as well as giving us all tips for how to support a loved one with cancer, and divulges her plans for making every day exactly what she wants it to be! Find and support Melanie and her family of five at Eric's closing song is "Love and Kindness" by Present as Lord.

 Ep. 8: Ok, ok! I'll finally talk about my weight loss! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:02

I've been getting lots of questions about my recent weight loss, and like everything I do, I didn't want to say anything until I could say everything! So here you have it, my 20+ year struggle with my weight, and how I've finally found happiness and peace regardless of what I weigh. Eric's closing song is "Minus Yours" by Kissed Out.

 Ep. 7: Are you in a "Yes!" phase or a "No!" phase? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:51

I go through what I call "Yes!" phases, and "No!" phases. And I think it’s helpful to define what type of phase you’re in so you don’t feel depleted and discouraged, and you’re putting out the right type of energy. So I offer some questions to help you determine if you're grooving in a "yes" or "no" phase, and some ideas for what to do in each! Eric's closing song is "Send Your Mother My Best" by Present as Lord.

 Ep. 6: What's fear got to do, got to do with it?! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:43

In this episode we introduce some new segments, and then chat about fear, and if it's possible to cultivate courage! SPOILER, we think it is, and we share some ideas for how! Eric's closing song is "Blue Hot" by New Shack. Here is the link to the music video:

 Ep. 5: Alison's Top 5 Lessons Learned in 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:54

2016 happened, I learned some lessons, I shared them. Why one earth anyone cares I'll never know. But hopefully you find something helpful. Eric's closing song: "The Finite," by OCEANEAR.

 Ep. 4: What if things don't turn out how you want? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:32

It's hard to feel awesome when things don't go the way you want them to. So in this episode we talk about things that went horribly wrong, or if not HORRIBLY wrong, at least not as we would have liked. We cover being excluded, people being mean, and not getting opportunities we thought we needed. Then we share why we're happy they happened and what we've learned. Hopefully it will help you see a not-so-fun thing happening in your life in a new way so you can start feeling a little bit more awesome! Eric's closing song: "Little Boys" by New Shack

 Ep. 3: Are you having enough fun?! w/ special guest Susan Petersen! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:29

Is having fun THAT important? Yes, yes it is! That's why Susan Petersen of Freshly Picked and Alison share some of their most fun memories, and give tips for reclaiming your sense of fun, even if you can't remember what that is. Eric's closing song: "It's the Alison" by the Alison Show

 Ep. 2: Our story, and taking the leap to work for yourself! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:36

Ever wonder how we got started working for ourselves? We're gonna share the nitty gritty details of what creating two businesses with 3 kids looks like and the lessons we've learned! We also share our top piece of advice to help you get started on whatever your dream project is. Regardless of whether you're interested in becoming an entrepreneur, we've got some ideas on how to create the life you want! Eric's closing song: "Dead Lips" by New Shack

 Ep. 1: How to slay your goals and get stuff done! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:21

Sure, sure setting goals is cute, but what about actually accomplishing them? In this episode we share 5 tips on how to GET ER DONE. Brace yourself for a productivity boost! Eric's closing song: "Queen of Hearts" by New Shack


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