Something You Should Know show

Something You Should Know

Summary: Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.

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  • Artist: Mike Carruthers / OmniCast Media
  • Copyright: © Omnicast Media, LLC 2016


 Taking Better Care of Your Brain & What's Wrong with Cheese? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:59

That motorcycle just came out of nowhere! How often have you had that experience? There is actually a fascinating reason why drivers in cars have such a hard time seeing and avoiding motorcycles. I’ll explain what it is and what you can do about it. Plus, taking care of your brain. You may have thought your brain pretty much takes care of itself but what you do and how you act can have a real impact on brain health – sometimes in the strangest ways. Here to discuss that is Dr. Daniel Siegel, professor of psychiatry at the UCLA and author of several books including The Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology. (Amazon link: And if you love cheese – you are going to hate hearing this. Dr. Neal Barnard, professor of medicine at George Washington University and author of The Cheese Trap is going to explain how cheese is addicting, fattening and causes all sorts of problems. Vegan cheese anyone? (Amazon link: And if you want to improve the quality of your writing, try typing with one hand. I’ll explain why and how it works. Also, of you have a moment to take a quick survey it will really help me understand who is listening and help us bring even better guests and info. Just go to

 How to Achieve More with Less & What You Need to Know About Cars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:06

Some things you swear are true – just aren’t. For example, you’ve heard that sugar causes hyperactivity in children, right? Or that you should never touch a baby bird or put it back in its nest because the mother will smell your scent and abandon the baby –yes? Both not true. And just two of the several myths I will explode right at the top of this episode of the podcast. Also, some of the best business stories start in a garage or they start with someone who has $10 in his or her pocket and somehow builds an empire. While they make for great stories, is there really some benefit to starting things on a shoe string? Is less really more? Listen to my guest Scott Sonenshein, author of STRETCH: Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined. He makes the case for less – because the results are better and the satisfaction is greater. If you are in the market for a car, there is no one smarter on this subject than Jack Gillis, author of The Car Book 2017. Every year, Jack rates and reviews virtually every model of new car on such things as safety, reliability and comfort. And in our discussion he talks about the future of cars – particularly the driverless car. You will really enjoy and appreciate what he has to say. And when you go to kiss someone you must turn your face left or right. And it turns out the direction you go depends on who you are kissing. I’ll explain all this in today’s episode.

 How to Think Smarter and Better & Documents You Should Shred You Never Knew | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:33

Do you act trustworthy because people perceive you that way – or do people perceive you as trustworthy because you act that way? Confusing, huh? But it’s also fascinating how people judge us based on how we look – and we in turn behave how people expect. We’ll explore this so it all makes sense. Also, you can actually train yourself to think smarter. That is according to Art Markman, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin and author of the book, Smart Thinking. When you think smarter and better, people see you as smarter and you are able to solve problems in new and better ways. Professor Markman will teach you how in this episode. Did you know that “dumpster diving” or simply looking through your trash is still one of the primary ways identity thieves steal your information? I know I never put my trash out the night before just for that reason. People can come along and legally go through your trash when it is sitting out on the curb and take anything they want. What is interesting is that a lot of documents you would never think of shredding – you really should. I’ll explain exactly which documents you need to shred BEFORE you toss them in the trash. Please, come and enjoy today's episode.

 Good News for Introverts & Getting Control of Your Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:40

What is your favorite fast food hot dog? 5 Guys? Shake Shack? Burger King? A self-proclaimed hot dog connoisseur did the research – and see if you agree when you hear the results of her investigation - which is first up in this episode of the podcast. Also, being an introvert is often considered to be a negative trait. But is it really? Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, reveals the results of her research and has some really good news for introverts who may worry that their desire for quiet is a flaw in their character. It turns out to be a real positive when you know how to use it to your advantage. Then we take a look at how you are handling your finances. Money is one of those topics that so many of us struggle with. To help you sort it out and get a clear, no-nonsense picture of your financial future is Jonathan DeYoe, a financial adviser and author of the book, Mindful Money. And finally on today’s podcast, I explore some fascinating ways the English language has evolved in just the last few decades. Words like nauseous and contact and even “butt naked” are words that were either non-existent or had different meaning just a few decades ago.

 Cutting Edge Advice on How to Age Better & How to Be a Better Leader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:34

You are wasting too much time on email. It’s estimated that you waste 30 seconds each time you stop and check it. So how can you cut down on the amount of time you waste? In this episode, you’ll discover some great techniques that can cut your time in half. Also, if you are concerned about aging and you want to age well, there is some great news. Washington Post reporter Margaret Pressler, author of the book Cheat the Clock did an amazing amount of research – looking at all we know about the aging process. What she found is that staying young is a lot easier than you ever imagined. Listen and hear her explanation. And leadership skills - they aren’t just for CEO’s, corporate big shots or managers. We all need to lead others at times – and developing leadership skills is important for everyone. Courtney Lynch, co-author of the bestselling book Spark: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success is here to tell her story and offer some excellent leadership advice you probably haven’t heard before. Finally, why you should salt your cookies, cook your eggs slow and cook bacon in the oven… those are just some of the expert tips you’ll discover that will transform your cooking, whether you are a gourmet chef or can barely boil water.

 The Decline of Brand Loyalty & The Odds of Everyday Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:22

“Maybe you should sleep on it before you decide.” That’s pretty common advice – but is it good advice? We’ll explore the science of sleeping on a decision before you make it. Also, brand loyalty isn’t what it used to be. In the past, brand loyalty meant a lot because there wasn’t much other information to go on in order to make a good buying decision. But the Internet has changed all of that. Now we have so much information we can make our own independent choices of what to buy regardless of brands. Of course that has a lot of brand name companies a little upset. Imatar Simonson, professor of marketing at Stanford and author of the book Absolute Value explores this shift in how we buy products and services in this episode of the podcast. Plus, the odds of things happening to you are really interesting. We tend to fear things that are likely never going to happen – like get bitten by a snake. But we don’t fear things we probably should. Amram Shapiro, author of The Book of Odds explains some fascinating possibilities – for example your chances of going to the hospital from an injury from duct tape are probably a lot higher than you ever imagined. But how do you get injured from duct tape? You'll enjoy what he has to say. Finally on today’s episode – be careful how you clean your home electronics. Phone and tablet screens as well as TVs and keyboards have to be cleaned the right way to prevent damage. You’ll hear some expert advice on how to do it.

 What Really Motivates You & The Science of Chocolate and Weight Loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:31

What motivates you? Money is probably high on the list. But it is important to realize that there IS a list. Money isn’t the only thing. In fact money can sometimes be a de-motivator. So you see it’s complicated. Here to explain it is Dan Ariely,he is a professor at Duke University, and author of the book Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivation. He has some great stories of how motivation works that involve IKEA Furniture, Intel and AARP. Also, is it better to praise kids for the intelligence or praise them for their efforts? Some interesting science has a fascinating answer. If you have kids, this is worth hearing. Plus, chocolate and weight loss? I know it sounds like a fad diet but there is some science behind the health benefits of eating chocolate – and one of those benefits is weight loss. Will Clower, a doctor of neuroscience and author of the book Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight explains how and why chocolate is so good for you if you eat the right kind – and in the right amount. Finally, why unhappy people are so unhappy. It turns out that unhappy people often get stuck being unhappy because of certain behaviors that keep them stuck. You’ll discover what those behaviors are and what to do to break out of them.

 How Hope Can See You Through Hard Times & How to Hire a Realtor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:24

Ever feel hopeless? Humans are born to be hopeful. Interact with any 2-year old and you will see and hear nothing but hope in what they say and do. Yet sometimes, as adults, we lose hope. Then what? On today’s podcast I want to share with you an interview I did a while back with Dr. Shane Lopez, author of the book Making Hope Happen. Dr. Lopez was a leading researcher and authority on hope. Sadly he died last summer at the age of 46. But his message is so powerful I want you to hear it. Also, if you find yourself showing up late for things, you are about to find out the reason why. And you’ll discover some easy ways to start showing up on time – at least most of the time. Since you so seldom have to hire a realtor, you probably don’t really know what to ask or how to evaluate them – even though they are going to represent you when you buy or sell your most expensive possession. Seattle-based realtor Aaron Hendon, author of Don’t Get Fooled Again offers some advice to help you shop and find just the right realtor. And some of us are sticklers for proper pronunciation. And when people mispronounce words it can be irritating and make the speaker look foolish. So we are going to tackle some commonly mispronounced words and make sure everyone gets them right.

 How to Improve Your Memory & Job Search Strategies That Really Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:15

Don’t you just hate it when you need to remember something but your memory fails you? Well, perhaps you can fix that. In today’s episode, memory expert Ron Fry, author of the book Master Your Memory has some techniques and strategies that will help your memory work better when you need it to. Also, why is it that no matter which checkout line you choose at the grocery store, it is always the slowest? Well that phenomenon has been studied – and the results will fascinate you. Plus, sooner or later everyone has to go out and look for a job. How you approach that task has a lot to do with how successful you will be. Mark Murphy, leadership guru, contributor to Forbes and author of the book Hiring for Attitude is going to give you some great advice you probably haven’t heard before on how to get yourself a job offer as quickly as possible – and from the right organization. Finally, if you are a Netflix subscriber, you are going to discover some secret websites that will help you cut down on the amount of time you SEARCH for something to watch so you can spend more time actually watching!

 A Path to Achieving Your Dreams & Fixing Loneliness in a Relationship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:24

Do you have unfulfilled dreams? Many of us do. While a lot of gurus tell you that you should pursue your passion, follow your dreams and go for the gusto, they are often a bit short on the details of how to do it. That’s why I am anxious for you to hear Jeremy Cage. His dream was to sail around the world. He did it. And that experience was the basis for his book, All Dreams on Deck. I am hoping – and I am confident – his words will inspire you to go after your dreams. Also today, some of the driving habits you’ve developed may actually be messing up your engine. Find out of you are doing any of them in this episode. Plus – as odd as it sounds, there are a lot of people who feel lonely even though they are in a relationship. Maybe even you. Dr. Holly Parker, clinical psychologist and teacher of psychology at Harvard has a new book out called, If We’re Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone? She is here to discuss this very common problem and what to do about it – even if your partner is unwilling. And the home field advantage. It is a proven thing in the sports world – and it turns out you can use it too. Listen and find out how.

 How Your Telomeres Affect Your Health & Kids and Electronics - What Parents Must Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:26

Want to appear more attractive? Being attractive isn’t just about physical appearance. How people perceive is determined by a lot of things. In this episode I’ll explain some ways anyone can be seen as more attractive. Also, you need to know about your telomeres. They are part of your chromosomes and how you live your life and how you think can either help lengthen your telomeres or shorten them. And the shorter your telomeres, the more likely you are to succumb to diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more. Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn author of The Telomere Effect won the Nobel Prize for her work on Telomeres and she is here to explain this and how to take good care of your telomeres so you live long and healthy. Also kids today are spending an average of 9 hours a day in front of some electronic screen. If they are also spending 8 hours in bed and 6 hours at school there isn’t much time to interact with the real world. And that is causing all kinds of problems. Here to explain the consequences of all this screen time and what to do about it is Tom Kersting who author of the book Disconnected and also host of the A&E TV series, “Surviving Marriage.” If you are a parent, you need to hear this. Finally, if you don’t like the way you look in photos, you need to know about “the Squinch.” Once you master it, every picture you are in will look fabulous.

 Fascinating Reason You Go to Work & Will Robots Take Over the World? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:58

Why do you get up and go to work? It’s probably not a question you’ve ever had to answer but it is an interesting one. Many people think that human beings work for the money. While that is partly true – no one wants to work for free – there is more to work than just a paycheck. A lot more. Listen to my first guest today, Barry Schwartz is a professor at Swarthmore College and author of the book Why We Work. He explains that for most people, we need to work; we need that sense of accomplishment. And if you aren’t feeling it, he offers some great advice on how to embrace that sense of a job well done. Also in this episode, how you wake up in the morning can set the mood for the entire day. Do you wake up with an alarm or do you get up all by yourself? We’ll explore why it matters and why the snooze alarm is more trouble than it is worth. Plus, should we be worried about artificial intelligence (AI)? Recently some big thinkers such as Stephen Hawking have sounded the alarm about it. If machines become too smart, could they become our masters? I’ll discuss that with John Markoff. He is a science writer for the New York Times and author of the book Machines of Loving Grace. And finally, which is better for kids, full fat milk or low fat milk? Some new research offers an interesting and surprising answer.

 How Money Plays Tricks On You & How To Stop It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:31

There’s nothing more embarrassing than those awkward moments in life – when your fly is down or there is spinach in your teeth or you embarrass yourself accidentally. But how you handle those moments is what really matters and that is topic number one on today’s podcast. Also how you think about money – and how money plays tricks on is a fascinating topic everyone needs to understand. Claudia Hammond, a broadcaster for the BBC in London is author of the book Mind Over Money and has some amazing insight on how you handle money and make financial decisions – and how others use little mind games to get you to part with more of your money. Being aware of these things can really help you not fall victim. And lastly today, I want to talk about appreciation. There is great power in expressing appreciation – yet most people think they don’t get enough of it. The result of that lack appreciation creates all kinds of havoc in relationships and organizations. We’ll discuss.

 How to Stop Being So Busy & A Respected Doctor Reveals the Real Fountain of Youth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:36

People talk about how busy & overwhelmed they are like it is a badge of honor. However, being busy doesn’t mean you get more done. And it often means tasks don’t get done as well as they could. My first guess in this episode of the podcast is Christine Carter, a happiness expert at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and author of the book "The Sweet Spot: How to Find Your Groove at Home and at Work." She is here to discuss the negative effects of too much busyness – and a better way to structure your day so you actually get more done – and done well. Also, if you cook, I’m sure you’ve heard that when you cook with alcohol, the heat burns off the alcohol quickly. Well, according to science that is impossible. We’ll explore that and why it is important for every cook to know. Do you get an annual physical? It is a common practice because people believe it helps keep them healthy. But does it really? Family physician Davis Liu, M.D., author of "The Thrifty Patient" reveals what is and what is NOT important when it comes to staying healthy and living a long and active life. By the way, he has also discovered the “Fountain of Youth.” He’ll tell you what it is – but you may not like it. And what makes people creepy? Most of us know a creepy person when we see one – but what is it about some people that creeps us out? And how do you make sure you aren't sending out any creepy vibes? Find out in today’s episode.

 Where to Find True Happiness & How to Feel in Control of Your Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:44

Want to be happy? First you need to understand what happiness is – and isn’t. Dr. Amit Sood, author of “The Mayo Clinic Handbook for Happiness” explains why happiness is so often elusive and offers some great, concrete suggestions to live a more joyous and happy life no matter what is happening in your life. Also, you need to know about the “27 Second Effect.” This is a critical part of the whole “distracted driving” problem that most people don’t realize. If you don’t understand what happens during these 27 seconds, you are putting your safety – and the safety of your passengers – at risk. How well do you handle your money? For many of us, it isn’t something we were taught, we just had to figure it out on our own. Mix into that all the emotions we feel around money and it is no wonder people struggle to attain financial security. Certified Financial Planner Carl Richards, author of “The One Page Financial Plan” offers some great insight into why money is such a difficult and touchy subject and has some great advice to help you control your money and feel good about it. Wouldn’t it be great if you had more time in your day? In this episode, you’ll get 5 expert strategies that will open up all sorts of time and get each day started in just the right way.


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