Something You Should Know show

Something You Should Know

Summary: Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.

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  • Artist: Mike Carruthers / OmniCast Media
  • Copyright: © Omnicast Media, LLC 2016


 Why You Get Shy (and What to do About It) & A Better Way to Make New Years Resolutions Stick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:39

How can drinking hot cocoa from an orange mug taste different from drinking hot cocoa from a blue mug? I’ll explain some interesting research that shows how color affects our perception of taste. Plus, a large percentage of the population report that they are shy. In fact, almost all of us feel shy in certain situations. But why are some people more shy than others – are they born that way or is it something they learn? Most importantly, what can shy people do so that their shyness doesn’t interfere in their life or success? Bernardo Carducci, Director of the Shyness Research Institute ( at Indiana University Southeast and author of The Pocket Guide to Making Successful Small Talk offers some incredible insight into becoming what he calls a successful shy person. Also, how you sign your name reveals a lot about you. Listen as I discuss a fascinating study that looked at signatures of big bosses (like Donald Trump, Barack Obama and Richard Branson, to name a few) and what their signature revealed about their personality. By now a lot of people who made New Year’s resolutions are struggling. The fact is most resolutions fail. So maybe there is a better way. Caroline Arnold, author of the book, Small Move, Change: Using Microresolutions to Transform Your Life Permanently ( reveals a simple, easy and virtually foolproof way to set and achieve a resolution - or any goal for that matter.

 How Not to Die & How to Be More Courageous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:09

Even though we all know not to talk or text while driving – it can be so tempting. After all, what harm can it do to send a text while stopped at a traffic light? Well, you might be surprised. Research by AAA found there is a residual effect even after you are done texting or talking that can impair your driving. This episode begins with this interesting intel. Heart disease is the #1 killer in the U.S. And yet it is almost completely preventable. That’s according to Michael, Greger, M.D. and author of the book, How Not to Die (  Dr Greger explains how lifestyle changes not only will eliminate and reverse heart disease but also help with other life threatening conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease and more. Here are the websites mentioned by Dr Greger: ·  · Then, some very simple yet powerful advice to improve your love relationship from John Gottman, one of the best known experts in the field of relationship psychology, He says 2 little things will make all the difference in the world. Listen to discover what they are. Plus, do you ever wish you were more courageous? Are there things you haven’t done because you lacked the courage to do them? Speaker and consultant Bill Treasurer author of the book Courage Goes to Work ( will help you realize you probably have more courage than you think and how to become more courageous in spite of the fear you face. 

 Great Ways to Save Money in 2018 & Why You Feel Embarrassment – and How Not To | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:13

I love strawberries. But I hate how they go moldy so fast. Well, there is a way to make them last longer – and that is just one of the great life hacks I have for you to begin this episode. Then, if you want to save money, the people at Consumer Reports are experts. Senior Editor Tobie Stanger joins me with some simple but powerful ways to keep more of your own money in your own pocket. Also, if you have trouble sleeping and counting sheep doesn’t work, there are other, far more effective ways to lull yourself to sleep. I’ll reveal some easy, proven ways. Then, why do we feel embarrassment? In those moments when you think you’ve made a huge embarrassing blunder – what do other people actually think? Probably not what you think they think. Embarrassment expert David Allyn, author of the book, I Can’t Believe I Just Did That ( offers some valuable insight into embarrassment and how NOT to feel so bad when you screw up.  

 Best of Something You Should Know 2017 Vol-2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:41

Here is the second of our two, year-end episodes that look back at some of the most fascinating people and topics of the year. I know you’ll enjoy these excerpts and below are the links to the original episodes from which these segments are taken so you can listen to the complete interviews if you wish. I’ll be back next week with all new episodes to usher in 2018. Thank you for your support this past year. Happy New Year! Topics and Links in this Episode The Two Ways People Get Rich with Matthew Schiff Podcast Episode 79. Exactly What to Say to Get What You Want with Phil Jones. Episode 100 Simple Strategies for a Fabulous Relationship with Arielle Ford. Episode 112 What Your Dog is Really Thinking with Camilla Gray-Nelson. Podcast Episode 51.

 Best of Something You Should Know 2017 - Vol 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:24

As 2017 draws to a close, this is the first of two, year-end episodes that look back at some of the most fascinating people and topics of the year. Below are the links to the original episodes from which these excerpts are taken so you can listen to the complete interviews if you wish. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Topics and Links in this Episode How to Think Smarter with Dr. Art Markman. Podcast Episode 46. The Power of Magical Thinking with Matthew Hutson Podcast Episode 51. How Social Media Does & Doesn’t Work with Ed Keller. Podcast Episode 65. How to Daydream, Distract and Doodle Your Way to Success with Srini Pollay, M.D. Podcast Episode 66

 Amazing Ways Genes Affect Your Behavior & The Serious Consequences of Not Asking For What You Want | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:57

Do you keep stuff? You know, things from your past that you have a hard time giving up even though you don’t use them anymore? This episode begins with some interesting advice on what to keep and what to toss or give away. You probably know that your genes influence things your eye color or hair color. But did you know that your genes also influence your behavior? Jay Phelan, an evolutionary biologist at UCLA and author of the book, Mean Genes: From Sex to Money to Food, Taming Our Primal Instincts, explains how your genes make you want to do things that are often not good for you (like overeat or drink too much). However, there are strategies you can use to help prevent your genes from leading you astray. Have you ever avoided asking someone for something – like for a raise or for a date? Asking can be hard but in many cases, if you don’t ask you don’t get. Linda Babcock, Walton Professor of Economics at Carnegie Mellon and author of the book, Women Don’t Ask ( offers advice on ways to ask that make it easier – so you don’t feel so uncomfortable. Because the more you ask, the more you get. You probably never knew this but there is a simple trick that makes anything taste better. Whether it is a meal you cook or candy bar you get at the store, this one little trick improves the taste and it amazingly simple. I’ll explain what it is.

 How to Make or Break Any Habit Successfully & How to Calm Your Brain to Make You More Intelligent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:10

You can manipulate your brain to change your mood. How? Biofeedback. For example, when you are happy you smile. But it also works in reverse - if you smile, that makes you happy. And there are other ways I’ll discuss that you can improve your mood by doing very simple things. It’s fascinating. Then, have you ever wanted to create a new habit or break an old one? Charles Duhigg author of the book The Power of Habit ( joins me to discuss the science of habits. He offers some great techniques to start new habits and explains why you should never really try to “break” a habit. There is something else you should do instead.   Did you know you have more than five senses? For example, when you move your foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal when you drive, you are using another sense that allows you to find those pedals without looking or using any other of your five senses. I’ll explain what it is and what it is called. There is real power in calming down. That’s according to Gyatri Devi, M.D., author of the book, A Calm Brain: How to Relax Into a Stress-Free, High-Powered Life ( Because our brains are always active – checking texts and emails and rushing around, we don’t have the d"own time" we need that allows the brain to perform at its best. Dr Devi has some ways to do that and she reveals the amazing benefits of a calm brain. 

 The Secret to Achieving Any Goal & Why We Love the Same Christmas Songs Year After Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:08

It is called the “helper’s high.” It’s that feeling you get when you do something nice for someone else. It isn’t only a theory, there is solid evidence that doing the smallest thing for someone else is good for you. I’ll explore that as we begin this episode of the podcast. Achieving any goal can be tough, whether it is a New Year’s resolution or some other important goal you want to accomplish. But there is a little secret that makes achieving any goal more likely. Matthew Ferry, a top executive coach for 20+ years and author of the forthcoming book, Quiet Mind, Epic Life (due in 2018) explains how he gets people to achieve their wildest dreams. And it turns out to be pretty simple. Is there a laser pointer in your house? Sure it is fun to watch your cat chase the light – and there are even toy lasers for kids. But are they safe? Could it damage someone’s eyesight if you point it at them?  Interestingly there has been a case of that happening – but only one. And there are millions of laser pointers. So what’s the deal? The answer is in this episode. Have you ever wondered why there are hardly any new Christmas songs? Why do we listen to the same old songs every year? Ronald Lankford, scholar and author of the book, Sleigh Rides, Jingle Bells & Silent Nights ( ) reveals why some Christmas songs are popular for decades and why we love those songs so much. 

 How to Make Your Point So People Get It & Dealing with the Growing Entitlement Mentality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:15

Does love at first sight exist? Many experts say no but many people claim to have experienced it. So what’s the truth? We begin this episode by looking at this intriguing phenomenon. Then, whenever you speak, you should have a point. And not only should you have a point but you must make sure the person listening gets your point. Communications trainer Joel Schwartzberg, author of the book, Get to The Point: Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter ( explains that too often people don’t know what their point is. And even when they do, they don’t make it clear to the listener. In this discussion Joel reveals how to make your point crystal clear.  Then, the Navy Seals have something called the “40% Rule.” It has to do with human potential. When I first read it a while ago, I cut out the article and always remembered it during those teams when I needed to get more out of myself. I think you’ll find it useful in your life as well. Are today’s kids and young adults too entitled? Do they think the world owes them something? Well, certainly not all of them think that but there does seem to be a growing entitlement mentality in our culture. So where did it come from? According to psychologist Michael Wetter, it is primarily a parenting problem. Parents want to protect their children and keep them happy but the unintended consequence is that kids are not prepared for the real world. Dr. Wetter is author of the book Earn It!: What to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention ( and he offers some great advice and insight to deal with this problem.  

 Proven Ways to Be Instantly Happier Forever & Things About Christmas You Never Knew | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:57

How’s your driving? Sure you know you are a good driver but what do other drivers think? This episode starts with a slightly unusual driver’s test. Then, you know those people who are always so happy? Is it hard work to be that happy or does it just come naturally? David Niven author of several books on happiness including 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People (, explores the science of happiness and offers amazingly simple strategies to make you and those around you a lot happier. Also, there are four questions you should ask on a first date to see if you should bother with a second date. I’ll tell you what those questions are. Plus, you are about to learn things about Christmas you never knew. Why do we celebrate this holiday the way we do, where did it really come from who is responsible for the way we view all things that are Christmas? Bruce Forbes is a professor of religious studies at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa and author of the book Christmas: A Candid History ( explains some of the fascinating facts behind Christmas and why he believes there are actually 2 Christmases – the religious one and the cultural one. And his explanation is fascinating. 

 When Knowing Nothing Actually Gives You an Advantage & The Proven Way to Live a Long, Long Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

I bet you have Googled medical symptoms you are experiencing. Everyone does. But the information you get can be contradictory and often times inaccurate. However, there is a place to go online that has accurate information and you’ve probably never heard of it before. We start this episode with that. Then, conventional wisdom is that having experience is always better than being a beginner. Well, not so fast. It turns out that starting at something as a newbie gives you a real advantage if you do it right according to Liz Wiseman, who is a researcher, adviser and teacher and has been ranked as one of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world. Liz is also author of the book, Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work ( For anyone fearful of having to start a new job or career or a new anything, you need to hear what Liz has to say.  Also, is there really a “Fountain of Youth?” There's something pretty close according to cardiologist Dr. John Day, author of the book, The Longevity Plan ( There is a village in a remote part of China where the people who live there live a very long time and never suffer from heart disease, diabetes or obesity. What is it these people know and do that allows them such a long life? We unravel the mystery with Dr Day. Plus, how often have you apologized for something unnecessarily? We all do it: Someone steps on your foot and you say, “I’m sorry.” Why? It wasn’t your fault. Interestingly, successful people apologize less because over-apologizing weakens your message and tends to make you less competent. We explore that in this episode of the program. 

 What Every Perfectionist Needs to Know & How to Increase Your Fitness Level Fast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:24

Grandma was right! I start this episode by looking at some old home remedies that actually work for when you get sick. And you just might be surprised which ones they are. Also, if you or someone you know is a perfectionist, that is a heavy burden. It is hard to be perfect in an imperfect world. Clinical psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo is an expert on this and author of the book, Better Than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love ( She reveals where perfectionism comes from, why it is a problem and what you can do about it. Then, anyone who is going to go in for surgery needs to take something with them. I’ll tell you what it is that will make you feel better, reduce the pain and lower your blood pressure – and all you have to do is listen! And who doesn’t want to be more fit? But there are a lot of myths about fitness and what does and doesn’t work to get you in shape. Award winning journalist Robert J. Davis author of the book Fitter Faster ( helps separate the truth from fiction and has some simple strategies that will improve your fitness level quickly.

 Why It is So Hard For People to Admit When They’re Wrong & The Real Way You Get Promoted at Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:30

Everyone with a cellphone has dropped it. So why is it when it falls to the ground, it always seems to land screen-side down? I’ll explain the science behind it. Then, human beings have a hard time admitting when they are wrong or that they believe something that isn’t true. Psychologist Carol Tavris, author of the book Mistakes Were Made but Not By Me ( explores this phenomenon and explains how it causes a lot of problems in relationships and what we can do about it. Some people are really good at choosing just the right holiday gift for people while others of us are not. Buying the wrong gift can send the wrong message and land you in trouble. If you are “gift-giving challenged, you’ll want to hear this list of gifts you should never buy anyone. And if you think hard work and dedication are the things that will get you promoted at work, you are wrong. Sure, they are important but moving up requires more than competence, it requires understanding how the game is played. Patty Azzarello, author of the book, Rise: 3 Practical Steps for Advancing Your Career, Standing Out as a Leader, and Liking Your Life ( explains what matters and what doesn’t when it comes to getting ahead on the job.

 Why Those Special Moments in Your Life Are So Special & The 5 Numbers You Must Know to Stay Healthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:09

Every parent wants to have a positive influence on their child. But what are the experiences and messages kids take away with them when they finally leave the nest? How have mom and dad left their mark? This episodes starts by answering those questions - and you may be surprised. Then, you are really going to enjoy my discussion with Dan Heath about what makes those special, memorable moments in your life so special. Dan and his brother Chip are authors of the book, The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact ( Dan shares his explanation of why some moments are so important and reveals how to construct more of them in your life and the many benefits of doing so. Also, most managers have at least some understanding of how important it is to praise their employees for a job well done. But just how important is it really? If you are a manager you should hear this and if you work for a manager, you should play this episode for him or her. And we simply must do something about heart disease. It is the #1 killer and yet it is virtually all preventable. Cardiologist Dr. John Kennedy, author of The Heart Health Bible ( explains what it means to have heart disease (it is more than just having a heart attack) and reveals the five numbers you – and everyone else - need to know that will help make you bullet proof to the devastating effects of heart disease.   And you'll hear me talk about the wonderful work of Barbara & Joe Saltzman of the Jester & Pharley Phund. The website is

 The Amazing Benefits of Showing Appreciation & Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs You Probably Never Heard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:49

You are as healthy as you think you are. This episode starts with a look at some fascinating research that says you are about as healthy as you believe. So can you think your way to good health? Let’s find out. Then I explore the amazing power of appreciation with Noelle Nelson, psychologist and author of several books on the subject including, The Power of Appreciation ( I turns out that when you are more appreciative, good things happen to you both mentally and physically. You’ll appreciate hearing what she has to say so that you can start appreciating more! Also, would you know it if a pickpocket tried to lift your wallet out of your pocket? You’d like to think you’d feel but you probably wouldn’t. So discover how to protect yourself from a pickpocket because there are a lot of them out there looking for people who don’t know how they operate. And what are the traits of a successful entrepreneur? Michael Sonnenfeldt knows. Michael is a serial entrepreneur who founded Tiger 21, a networking group of “high net worth” entrepreneurs and he is author of the book, Think Bigger (and 39 other winning strategies from successful entrepreneurs) ( Michael discusses what separates great entrepreneurs from the not-so-great ones and offers some easy to follow advice for anyone who wants to up their entrepreneurial game. 


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