Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience show

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Summary: "Intelligence is as fixed as a person's height." Right? But guess what - you're part of the species that invented platform shoes, stilts, elevators, helium balloons and rocket ships. Smart Drug Smarts is for people interested in maximizing their brains -- both in health and utility -- using the latest findings in neuroscience. Join Jesse Lawler as he chats with neuroscientists, biochemists, futurists, and multi-domain researchers into cognitive enhancement. Sleep, optimal nutrition, supplements and nootropics, cognitive enhancement, Artificial Intelligence, ketogenic diets, psychedelics, and tDCS are all on the table. Smart Drug Smarts doesn’t advocate any particular approach -- we’re here to provide an accurate-as-possible body of knowledge in a field where the options available are growing daily.

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  • Artist: Jesse Lawler: Brain Enthusiast, Biohacker, Nootropics Nerd, Multichannel Eccentric
  • Copyright: Jesse Lawler


 #027: Dr. Terry Wahls’ Functional-Medicine Diet: The Wahls Protocol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:47

Dr. Wahls discusses her personal story of recovery from multiple sclerosis, her new book The Wahls Protocol, and the day-to-day choices that can extend your life, maximize your health and fend off the most common degenerative neurological diseases.

 #026: Dr. Laura Juliano Discusses Caffeine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:19

In episode #26, Dr. Juliano speaks with Jesse about the nuances, dangers and benefits of caffeine – the world's most popular and readily-available cognition-enhancing drug.

 #025: Dr. J. Lucas Koberda and LORETA Neurofeedback | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:41

Dr. Dr. J. Lucas Koberda discusses the applications and benefits of LORETA Neurofeedback in brain disorders, sports and cognitive optimization.

 #024: Dr. Gomez-Pinilla and the Impact of Diet and Exercise on Cognition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:59

Dr. Gomez-Pinilla's research is to investigate neuronal adaptation to environmental factors like diet -- and how this scales up to the whole-organism level.

 #023: Dr. Felipe Fregni and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:02

Dr. Felipe Fregni, the director of the Laboratory of Neuromodulation and Center of Clinical Research Training, talks about his research into the use and benefits of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS).

 #022: Nicotine: The Most Interesting Drug in the World? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:45

Dr. Neil Grunberg is one of the leading minds in the study of nicotine. He's spent almost thirty years studying the effects of nicotine on the body and brain. In this episode, he shares his wealth of knowledge regarding nicotine, and why he considers it "the most interesting drug in the world."

 #021: Abelard Lindsay and Roy Krebs on Long-Term Potentiation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:10

This combination of ingredients, says Abelard, provided him with an immediate boost in desire-to-learn, as well as what felt like an ability to learn... And for the past two-plus years, he has been testing and refining what he came to call the "CILTEP" stack.

 #020: Fabrizio Benedetti and the Placebo Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:19

As the Placebo Effect relates to nootropics, it's important to recognize that the brain learns the resulting "feel" of nootropics, just like any other drug. You are almost certainly experiencing placebo effects bolstering even your most effective nootropics.

 #019: Jesse’s Aniracetam Self-Experiment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:48

Aniracetam has been reported to yield significant increases in cognitive functioning and abilities. This is further enhanced by its effects on memory recall and, probably more importantly, its high-level effects on learning. To add to that, the drug has been proven as an anxiolytic, a drug which helps reduce anxiety.

 #018: Testing a Piracetam Hyper-Dose on Experimental Test Subject #2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:53

"We are on the cutting edge here at Smart Drug Smarts, but I don't think the cutting edge is very sharp because I really don't feel much at all."

 #017: Dr. Raza Naqvi’s Review of 32 Published Pharmacological Studies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:38

Dr. Naqvi advises his patients to get off of as many medications as possible, unless there is a proven upside – and especially if they are already on other medications with which their may be unknown interactions.

 #016: Lawrence G. Walters and the Law Surrounding Online Pharmacies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:10

Lawrence G. Walters shares insights into the legal aspects of buying prescription drugs from online pharmacies. The Walters Law Group specialises in Internet advertising law and has experience in cases involving online pharmaceutical retailers.

 #015: Dr. Terry Wahls Discusses Cognitive Rehabilitation from Neurological Disease | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:06

Dr. Terry Wahls has managed to significantly reduce Multiple Sclerosis' impact on her life by self-experimentation, after a deep study of basic science research and animal-model neurological studies in mammals like mice.

 #014: Judith Horstman Explores the Aging Brain and Scientific Advancements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:25

Much of Judith Horstman's interest and writing concerns research and scientific advancements in protecting the brain against aging and repairing neurological wear-and-tear.

 #013: Sebastian Marshall and the Quantified Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:16

Sebastian has methodically tested an impressive number of variables to determine their effects on his personal productivity and quality of life. From dairy products to smart drugs to the lighting in his sleep environment, he's tested (and continues to re-test) contributing elements to his life and business, and the information in this episode may just make you want to crack open an Excel file and do the same.


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