The Zone Show show

The Zone Show

Summary: The Zone show explores how we can get in and stay in the zone where we perform at our peak. It's hosted by author and creative catalyst Tom Evans. The shows cover a whole range of enlightening topics and touches on many eclectic themes. If you want to


 How to Write a Page Turner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2963

Author and writer's unblocker, Tom Evans, at the Surrey Authorcraft event talking about how he goes about writing books that people find hard to put down. for more about Tom and his books visit

 Writing & Marketing a Bestselling Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2613

Author and marketeer, Dee Blick, shares her wisdom on how authors can get their books up the charts on Amazon and get them in front of readers. More in Dee's latest book, The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Marketing a Bestselling Book - on a Shoestring Budget

 Change your life in just 12 months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1875

Author, coach, documentary maker and philanthropist, Serena Star Leonard, share her wisdom on how you can change your world around in just 12 months ... and change the world while you are at it. For more about Serena, her books and her work, visit

 A Date with the Universe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1370

Intuitive coach and healer, Beverley Goodwin, explains how therapists can get 'in the zone' when working with their clients. Find our more about Beverley and her work here

 Annabelle Drumm : The Kite Girl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1500

A eclectic, metaphysical yet grounded conversation about the Law of Attraction and how thoughts don't necessarily become things but how they are things. To find out more about Annabelle and her work, visit

 Unwind Your Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 660

A very relaxing meditation from Jenny Moxham

 Mindful, Timeful & Kindful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1425

Tom Evans in conversation with Daniel Jacobs about his left-field approach to time management and the Avanoo Program, Mindful, Timeful & Kindful If you want to create more time than you ever need, go to

 Introducing the Noos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1065

Daniel Jacobs, President and co-founder of Avanoo, talks about his 30 day programs for personal change and how, by just taking 2-3 minutes out per day over the course of a month, significant and lasting change can ensue. Visit to make a change today :)

 The Germinatrix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 259

Introducing this book of short and magical stories Get your copy today here

 The Magic Zone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 569

This is the last chapter serialised from the audio version of The Zone - note the whole audiobook is now available to listen to here

 Freedom From Bosses Forever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2280

Author, speaker and entrepreneurs' entrepreneur Tony Robinson OBE shares his wisdom on how to make it as an SME in these times and why we need a cunning plan to be so-cool-it-hurts. Find out more about Tony and his books here

 The Chillout Zone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 589

We could all do with chilling out from time to time. This latest extract from the Zone explains why & how. If you want to listen to the whole book, then get it here

 How to Taste Life Twice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2444

Author, builder of community and creative spirit, Drew Lamm, shares her wisdom and some of her writings on this exploration of the Write Zone. Find more about Drew, her workshops and her books here

 Srini Rao on Being Unmistakably Creative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1350

Srini Rao has created an amazing podcast called The Unmistakable Creative and written the best-selling book The Art of Being Unmistakable. He shares his wisdom on how to live a life of passion and how to stand out from the crowd. Listen to his amazingly eclectic podcasts here

 The Happy Zone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 450

Be Happy - that's all !! The next chapter serialised from the Zone Get your copy of the book here


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