Working Mother Radio show

Working Mother Radio

Summary: WORKING MOTHER RADIO - from the pages of the nation's premier magazine for moms, Working Mother is mentor, role model and advocate for the country’s more than 17 million moms who are devoted to their families and committed to their careers. Join host and working mother of two, Bettina Bush, each week as she brings the pages of Working Mother Magazine to life in the studio and on the road. Get great advice from leading experts on your child's health issues, eating healthy and staying fit, managing stress, career strategies, books, new gadgets and more. Get an inside look at National Trade Shows - learn how to look for the best safety features in a new car, how to take great family photos, and what to look for in a pediatrician. WORKING MOTHER RADIO provides educated and affluent women with the solutions and strategies you need to thrive while you balance work, family and life.

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  • Artist: Entertainment Right Now
  • Copyright: 2014 Entertainment Right Now


 Bedtime Battles | SEGMENT 1 | #134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 387

Ah, those summer nights. It seems like the sun never wants to go away - but that can turn into a problem for parents. Diane Moca (@MomOverAchiever), Working Mother contributor, is here to share her tips and tricks for avoiding bedtime battles.

 Setting a Routine | SEGMENT 2 | #134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 355

Kids generally don't like sudden change, especially in their bedtime routine. Diane Moca (@MomOverAchiever) suggests that if you feel you need to make an adjustment, the sooner you do it, the better the result.

 Yes Ma'am | SEGMENT 3 | #134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 411

Do you find yourself saying yes to so many projects at work, you notice your performance declining? You're not alone! Barbara Turvett (@barbaraturvett), Executive Editor of Working Mother Media, shares with us a study recently published by Michigan State University that shows there can be a limit to how helpful you should be.

 Take Care of You | SEGMENT 4 | #134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 533

We all want to be helpful, but can you be too helpful? Barbara Turvett (@barbaraturvett) tells us her best strategies for learning to say no when you're overwhelmed. And if you're the person always asking for help, we have a few ideas for you too.

 Kate & Mim-Mim | SEGMENT 5 | #134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 471

Children have wonderful imaginations. Why shouldn't we take inspiration from them? Julie Stewart and her husband did just this, turning their daughter's love for her toy rabbit into a Disney Junior show called Kate & Mim-Mim. Listen to her story to find out more.

 Where to Next | SEGMENT 6 | #134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 483

So you have a vision, an idea - where do you go from there? Julie Stewart reveals what she has learned on her journey from concept to execution in the creation of Kate & Mim-Mim.

 Essential Life Lessons | FULL SHOW | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2654

The tantrums. The lying. The attitude. Kid's are wonderful, aren't they? Let's face it, we don't always have little angels. That's why we've brought in Elaine Rose Glickman, author of "Your Kid's a Brat and It's all Your Fault." Hopefully we can all learn something to make or lives a bit easier. We also hear from Jessica Herrin, CEO of Stella & Dot, about home businesses, parenting, and finding a balance between the two. | Download Full Episode #133

 The Terrible Twos (and threes, fours, fives...) | SEGMENT 1 | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 351

You know the scene: you take your family out to a restaurant for dinner, fully expecting the kids to behave like angels as they have all day. What you didn't anticipate is a nightmarish evening of thrown food, pouting, sibling squabbles, and a full-blown tantrum to round it off. Elaine Rose Glickman (@elaineglickman) knows the drill, and she's even written a book to help you get through the hardest times, "Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault."

 Whose Responsibility is it, Anyway? | SEGMENT 2 | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 420

As mothers, we think it's our job to make our children happy all the time. Elaine Rose Glickman (@elaineglickman) is here to tell us that it just isn't true. It's time to change the way you think, both for your own sake and your kid's. Find out how in this segment.

 Importance of Being Honest | SEGMENT 3 | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 525

We want to give our kids the best of everything, but should we? Elaine Rose Glickman (@elaineglickman) shares with us the importance of being upfront with your kids about money and teaching them the value of being responsible with finances. We also explore a problem that plagues every child at some point: lying.

 Let There Be Feelings | SEGMENT 4 | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 300

Kids swing through a huge range of emotions (sometimes very rapidly) and not all of those emotions are positive. Even though we want to protect our kids from the things that hurt them, it is important to allow them to have their own feelings. According to Elaine Rose Glickman (@elaineglickman), we need to give our children back their right to feel guilty, sad, or fearful, without shielding them.

 You Create Your Future | SEGMENT 5 | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 649

The unexpected can happen...well, unexpectedly. Jessica Herrin (@JessicaHerrin), creator of The Wedding Channel and CEO of Stella & Dot (@stelladot), never meant for her life to head in the direction it has, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Now she is here to give us her insight on what it takes to be fulfilled (and successful) in your work, and what you can do to bring that spark into your life.

 What You Can Do | SEGMENT 6 | #133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 324

Jessica Herrin (@JessicaHerrin), author of "Finding Your Extraordinary," is also a mother. She knows first-hand how hard it can be to run a business while also running a home. Tune in to hear what she has learned over the years.

 Education and Beyond | FULL SHOW | #132 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2505

It has been well established that reading is extraordinarily beneficial to your children. Rebecca Mieliwocki, 2012 Teacher of the Year, has some tips for making your summer educational and enjoyable. Plus, we hear from Susan Weil and Terri Wein about how to navigate the job market. | Download Full Episode #132

 Summer Days | SEGMENT 1 | #132 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 369

Summer is upon us! That means two days of the usual excitement that comes with the end of the school year, followed by three months of wondering what to do. Lucky for us, Rebecca Mieliwocki (@MrsMieliwocki), 2012 Teacher of the Year, has some fun and educational summer activity ideas to get the whole family away from their phones and engaged with each other.


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