Breslov Shiurim show

Breslov Shiurim

Summary: Those who have learned the ways of Emuna know how much it has improved their lives. Yesivat Chut Shel Chessed is the flagship of Emuna for the entire world. Learning here is an experience that will send your soul soaring. There are classes from Gamara to Halacha, peace in the home to financial success. Yedishkite that has no negativity to it, That's not against anything. That's not difficult and not heavy, it's sweet and enjoyable.

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 Ruven Levy-Reb Yitchok Breiter-13June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:51

[audio mp3=][/audio]   Biography Born in Poland 76 years after Rebbe Nachmans death, Breiter grew up without ever having heard about Breslover Hasidut. He first came across a copy of Rebbe Nachmans Likutey Moharan while learning in yeshiva in Lublin, and was impressed by the wisdom and faith it contained. He hid the book to read it again the next day, but when he returned, it had disappeared.[1] A few weeks later he came across a copy of Parparaot LeChochmah by the Tcheriner Rav, Rabbi Nachman Goldstein, which is a scholarly commentary on Likutey Moharan. In this volume, Breiter found information which helped him make contact with the Breslover Hasidim in Russia. The next Rosh Hashana, he made the first of many trips to Rebbe Nachmans gravesite in Uman.[1] These pilgrimages ended in 1917, when the Russian Revolution sealed the border between Poland and Communist Russia. Barred from visiting Rebbe Nachmans grave, Breiter composed an emotional prayer asking to be able to visit Uman once again. This prayer was recited by Breslover Hasidim around the world for more than 70 years, until the fall of Communism in 1989.[2] Unable to travel to the annual Breslover Rosh Hashana kibbutz (prayer gathering) in Uman, Breiter established a similar holiday gathering in Lublin.[2] Breiter was a fiery,[3] charismatic[4] orator who was instrumental in increasing the numbers of Polish Breslover Hasidim to several thousand by the 1930s,[1][2] making him one of the more important leaders of pre-World War II Breslov Hasidim.[5] He was one of the Breslov leaders to whom Rabbi Yisroel Ber Odesser sent his petek for verification; the petek was returned without comment[6] to Odesser on the last ship out of Poland before the German invasion of Poland.[7]

 Rav Dovid Chaim Stern-From Bnei Brak-26June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] Rav Dovid Chaim Stern from Bnei Brak 26June2013. What dose the Creator want with us? We are in the 4th exile.

 Rav Chaim Yssak Juhud Yudkowski-11July2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] Rav-Chaim-Yssak-Juhud-Yudkowski You can grow during The Three Weeks with joy.

 HaRav Arush-The Month of Elul-07August2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] The Month of Elul

 HaRav Arush-The end is like the beginning-27August2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] The end of the year is like the beginning of the year.

 HaRav Arush-Rashi Yom Hillula 07July2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

A Yom Hillula is another word for yahrzeit (the anniversary of someones passing). However, it differs from a regular yahrzeit in two respects. It refers specifically to the yahrzeit of a great Tzaddik who taught Kabbalah and/or Chassidus, and unlike a regular yahrzeit, which is marked with sadness and even fasting, a Yom Hillula is commemorated specifically through simcha (joy), and festive celebration. This term is most often used in Hasidic circles to refer to the day of the passing of Hasidic Rebbes. According to Kabbalah, on the Yartzheit of a Tzaddik, all the spiritual redemption of their life shines into this World, contributing to the Messianic redemption and bringing spiritual blessing to all who are connected to them. The supreme Tzadik of the generation is described as the all-inclusive, general soul of the Jewish people, further emphasised in Hasidic doctrine. Shlomo Yitzchaki (Hebrew: רבי שלמה יצחקי‎), or in Latin Salomon Isaacides, and today generally known by the acronym Rashi (Hebrew: רשי‎, RAbbi SHlomo Itzhaki; February 22, 1040 – July 13, 1105), was a medieval French rabbi and long highly esteemed as a major contribution Ashkenazi Jewry gave to Torah study. He is famed as the author of a comprehensive commentary on the Talmud, as well as a comprehensive commentary on the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). He is considered the father of all commentaries that followed on the Talmud (i.e., the Baalei Tosafot) and the Tanach (i.e., Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Ohr HaChaim, et al.).[1][2] [audio mp3=][/audio]

 HaRav Arush-Pray on Am Israel-19June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

HaRav Arush-Pray on Am Israel for 10 Minutes for the general Salvation [audio mp3=][/audio]

 HaRav Arush-All your sadness will-be joy-14July2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] With prayer things can change.

 Ruven Levy-Reb Yitchok Breiter 20June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] Rabbi Yitzchak Breiter (1886 - 1943) Reb Yitzchak was born in Poland seventy-six years after Rebbe Nachmans passing, and he grew up without ever having heard of Breslover Chassidut. One day, while studying in Rabbi Tzadoks Yeshiva in Lublin, he came across a copy of the Likutey Moharan. He became engrossed in Lesson #64 of volume I, which opened entirely new worlds of thought and faith in the Torah for him. Hiding the book so he could easily find it the next day, he was disappointed when he returned to discover that it had disappeared. A few weeks later, Reb Yitzchak came across Parparaot LeChokmah, the Tcheriner Ravs commentary on Likutey Moharan. He used the information it contained to make contact with the Breslover Chassidim in Russia, and by the following Rosh Hashana, he made his first trip to Uman. After that, Reb Yitzchak became instrumental in spreading the teachings of  Breslover Chassidut throughout Poland, so that by the beginning of the Second World War, Breslover Chassidim in Poland numbered several thousand. In 1917, when the border between Soviet Russia and Poland was closed after the Bolshevik Revolution, he established the kibutz for Rosh Hashana in Lublin. Reb Yitzchak was a recognized elder in the Warsaw Ghetto until he was sent in one of the transports to Treblinka, where he was murdered at the hands of the Nazis.

 Ruven Levy-The Erev Rav 29August2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] Briefly, the Erev Rav are the souls of the mixed multitude (Shemot 12:38) who came up out of Egypt with us. They were a corrupting influence sent by Pharoah to act as a fifth column to destroy Bnei Yisrael from within. And so they and their descendants have been down through time for 35 centuries. andnbsp;

 Ruven Levy-The Garden of Peace by HaRav Arush 10June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] HaRav Shalom Arushs Garden of Peace, the book about shalom bayit (peace in the home, or marital bliss).

 Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto-Likutey Moharan 10June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

[audio mp3=][/audio] Insights into Rebbe Nachmans Likutey Moharan. The gleaming of Rebbe Nachmans wisdom

 Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto-Likutey Moharan 04June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:16

Insights into Rebbe Nachmans Likutey Moharan. The gleaming of Rebbe Nachmans wisdom

 Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto-Likutey Moharan 02June2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:37

Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto: insights on Lkutey Moharan

 Rav Nasan Maimon Shlach 30May2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:56

Nature as an Agent. HaShem hides himself and you think someone else is running the place. HaShem can take over from his Agent, Nature and really show himself.


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