Ron's Amazing Stories show

Ron's Amazing Stories

Summary: Ron's Amazing stories is a weekly podcast which presents truly amazing tales. These will range from dramatic readings to old time radio. We also have interviews with authors, radio personalities and even sports legends. So tune in each week to find out what are Ron's Amazing Stories.

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 RAS #500 - The 500th Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:37

Well, this is the 500th episode of . What can I say about this week's show? Of course, other than to thank you for allowing me to bring these to you each week. If you would have told me in 2011 that I would still be making podcasts in 2021 I would have said that I highly doubt it. However, here we are and there are so many people to thank for making this all happen. On this show, we play another round of Ghost Story Throwdown with Sylvia Shults. If you don’t remember the last one, they’re a lot of fun and this time we have a special guest who, I might add, is quite the character. So please press that play button and enjoy our 500th attempt to entertain you! Stories Include - The Broken Wheel, Lake Superior Never Gives Up It’s Dead, The History Of Battle Ground, The Sigma Phi Fraternity Ghost, The Slocum House, The Cremation Aboard the Swift, and Park Hill Cemetery Strangeness. About Sylvia Shults:  Sylvia is a Librarian, Author, and Ghost Hunter. She has spent a lifetime in the pursuit of the weird and strange. Her non-fiction works include Ghost of the Illinois River, Fractured Spirits, 44 Years in Darkness, Hunting Demons, The Spirits of Christmas, and her latest release Fractured Souls. All of her books are available on and you can find out more at her . Sylvia’s Links:  , , , Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #499 - Hall Of Mirrors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:13

On we are going to set the groundwork for our 500th episode. But don’t fret or worry, we do have stories. We have two from you guys - The first is a freaky ghost story that just makes no sense, and then we have a response tale to a skinwalker tale from . Also, We have TWO mind-bending stories from the pages of the 1950s pulp magazines that were both written by the talented Fredrick Brown. And as an added bonus Sylvia Shults takes us on her latest ghost hunting trip. Featured Story - Hall Of Mirrors Our featured story is another mind-bending one set in 1954 and then moves to 2004. It has a unique time perspective that I found completely fascinating and I think you will too. It is titled Hall of Mirrors and was written by Frederick Brown. It first appeared on the pages of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine in December of 1953. Other Stories Include - Dinner Party Murder, Project Hail Mary, Sylvia’s Haunted Shock, The White Ghost, Hmm, I heard that too, Experiment, and Hall of Mirrors. About Sylvia Shults:  Sylvia is a Librarian, Author, and Ghost Hunter. She has spent a lifetime in the pursuit of the weird and strange. Her non-fiction works include Ghost of the Illinois River, Fractured Spirits, 44 Years in Darkness, Hunting Demons, The Spirits of Christmas, and her latest release Fractured Souls. All of her books are available on and you can find out more at her . Sylvia’s Links:  , , , Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #498 - When Worlds Met | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:04

On the theme is UFOs and outer space thrillers. We have three of your stories that range from lights in the sky to an upside-down flying pyramid. And, wait until you hear the story about the boy and his mushrooms. It will blow your mind. Our featured tale comes from the golden age of radio and It asks the question - Is the human race ready to meet aliens? So Press the play button and enjoy the show. Featured Story - When Worlds Met Our featured story comes from a little-known radio series from the 1950s called 2000 Plus. The story is a test of the human race. What do aliens think of the people of earth? This story gives us a pretty good idea. Can they look past our failings and suspicions? The story is titled When Worlds Met and it won a Hugo for best story. It first aired on May 5, 1950 Other Stories Include - Ornithology Murder, Isaac Azimov’s Foundation, UFOs over Ely Nevada, Campfire Lights, The Mushroom Incident, and When Worlds Met Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Program links: In the story Campfire Lights Mary Newcomb presented photographic proof of her story. . Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #393 - These Are Your Stories II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:58

On we have a replay of an episode from 2019. We have a total of seven stories all from you guys. We have everything from bigfoot to time slips. We have a ghost at a museum, a cryptid who hitchhikes, and we even head to Yosemite National Park. Also, what show would be complete without a shadow creature. So, put on your favorite headphones and settle in for one heck of a ride. Program Note: This program originally aired August 19th, 2019 The Stories include: Very Loud Noises, My Day at LBJ, Living with Loss, The Devil Was Up There, Gigantopithecus, The Ghost Of Andrew, The Truck Stop, and The Yosemite Possession. Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #497 - The Yillian Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:58

On this time we focus on the Diplomat in the person of Jame Reteif. Who is he? He is the main character in our featured story. A classic science fiction adventure from the pages of the pulp magazine, Worlds Of If.  Also on the show, we’ll visit the Hotel Diplomat in the Philippines and we review an audiobook titled The Short, Strange Life of Herschel Grynszpan. Truly some amazing stories. Featured Story - The Yillian Way Our featured story this week comes from author Keith Laumer and the pages of Worlds of If - Science Fiction January of 1962. It is the introduction of Laumer’s recurring character Jame Reteif who is a low-level diplomat. The ceremonial protocol of the “Yill” was impressive, colorful—and, in the long run, deadly! It was up to Retief to figure out how to respond to their overtures in the correct manner; all the while keeping his superiors from making a deadly mistake. The story is titled The Yillian Way. Other Stories Include - Carnival Caper, The Short, Strange Life of Herschel Grynszpan, The Diplomat Hotel, and The Yillian Way Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #496 - The Black Seagull | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

On we have a bit of an experiment. What we are going to do is play some short stories sent in by you guys that I have been holding on to. I am calling it The Head Scratcher Segment. Also, we have a story from the Inner Sanctum titled The Black Seagull that should be quite chilling. So press that play button and enjoy the show. Featured Story - The Black Sea Gull Our featured story for this time comes from the infamous OTR series Inner Sanctum. It is titled The Black Sea Gull and is every bit as creepy as it sounds. Peter Lorre gives a better than average performance as a man deals with the grief of losing his wife and then his mind. It first aired on the Inner Sanctum on April 7, 1943. Program note: The art for this episode was painted by Genny Travali. It was created for the EP Black Seagull by Noemi Terrasi. You can learn more about her music and listen to the song that inspired it at:  Other Stories Include - Murder If You Please, Strange Things in the Woods, The Unfortunate Tractor, We Saw Bigfoot, Bedroom Orb, Who’s That Knocking, Ghost Through The Arch, and The Black Seagull Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #495 - Skinwalkers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:03

On this week we tackle the subject of the skinwalker with two creepy stories. Ron also gives some history and background on the origins of the beast. Then we have a full-on werewolf story from the annals of the golden age of radio. We end the show with another round of truth or fiction with Johnny Is It True - Strange History. You might not want to listen to this one alone! Featured Story - W Is For Werewolf Our featured story comes from a rare old-time radio series called Dark Fantasy. In the forties, people loved a good wolfman story, so it should come as no surprise that radio and cinema provided them. Some of the best was 1941’s The Wolfman, Cry Of The Wolfman from 1944, and of course a favorite of mine Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Now, in case you are wondering, a wolfman plays a significant role in that film. Our story is titled W is For Werewolf and first aired on February 13, 1942.  Other Stories Include - Blood Brothers, Skinwalkers, The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, A Skinwalker Visitation, W Is For Werewolf, and Johnny Is It True - Strange History Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #494 - Urban Legends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:07

On this time Slyvia is back for more ghost stories, and this time we focus on Urban Legends. We have a couple of emails from you guys, a story from Yellowstone, and of course a discussion of Urban Legends. But just what is it? Webster tells us that it is an often lurid story or anecdote that is based on hearsay and widely circulated as true. Example? Alligators living in the sewers. So come join us as we tell you all about it. About Sylvia Shults:  Sylvia is a Librarian, Author, and Ghost Hunter. She has spent a lifetime in the pursuit of the weird and strange. Her non-fiction works include Ghost of the Illinois River, Fractured Spirits, 44 Years in Darkness, Hunting Demons, The Spirits of Christmas, and her latest release Fractured Souls. All of her books are available on Amazon. Sylvia’s Links:  , , , Other Stories Include: The Rocky Marino Evidence, I Know What I Saw, The Light At Yellowstone, Ghost Stories With Sylvia - Urban Legends Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #493 - The Man Who Was Dead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:25

On this time we really don’t have a theme for the show. However, what we do have are some amazing stories. We have Michael Caine telling us about his podcast, A ghost story from Pennsylvania, A skeleton that can walk and talk, and we end the program with a Black Bear who was a private in the Polish army during WWII. Does that sound Amazing? Featured Story - The Man Who Was Dead Our featured story for this week is nothing short of captivating and creepy. It was suggested to us by listener Tommy Howell. The storyline is incredible and is made all the more astonishing by the fact that comes to us from the April 1930 edition of Astounding Stories of Super-Science. It tells the tale of Jerry’s encounter with a skeleton that is alive! It is aptly titled The Man Who Was Dead and it is read to us by the very same person that suggested it, Tommy Howell. Other Stories Include - The Squealing Gearshift, Heist with Michael Caine, The Girl In The Pale Blue Dress, The Man Who Was Dead, and Not So Important Times In History - Wojtek The Private Bear. Program Links - On the show, we present the story of Wojtek the bear. You can find a photo of the bear . Also, the entire BBC interview with Wojtek’s bunkmate can be found . Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #492 - Cryptid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:27

On this time we simply have Cryptids. All of the stories deal with cryptozoology and the creatures that they encompass. We have thunderbirds, bigfoot, skinwalkers, and even deadly insects. If you fear any of these creatures you might want to skip this one. However, if you do you will miss some pretty amazing stories. Featured Story - The Man That Insects Hated Our featured story for this week is all about insects. Humans have always feared them, loathed them, and wanted them gone. Professor John Hanson is hipped on the subject of bugs and wants to rid the world of them. The problem is he thinks they all know it and hates him for it. The story comes from the OTR series The Mysterious Traveler and is titled The Man The Insects Hated. It first aired on July 14, 1947. Other Stories Include - Methodical To A Fault, Adventures in Cryptozoology, Do You Believe In Werewolves, Was That A Thunderbird, Yeti Throws Rocks, Okay, I believe You Now, and The Man The Insects Hated Program Links - If you want to listen to the Mysterious Traveler episode with the OTR story Behind The Locked Door you can find it . If you want to hear the podcast we did on the Thunderbird it can be found using this . Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #491 - The Ghost Hunters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:20

On we have a show full of ghost busting, or to put a finer point on it paranormal investigations. We review the audiobook Ghost Hunters: Who They Are and What They Do, and have two listener stories on the subject. We then present an OTR classic titled The Ghost Hunt and we end the show with another Johnny Is It True - Ghost Hunter Edition. So much good stuff! Featured Story - Ghost Hunt Our featured story for this podcast continues the theme of the show. It happens to be one of my favorite episodes from the annals of old-time radio. It is titled Ghost Hunt and tells the story of a disc jockey who spends the night in a haunted house...with surprising results. It is a well-written ghost story with a fine performance from . It comes from the OTR series Suspense and it first aired on June 23, 1949. Other Stories Include - Blood Will Tell, The Ghost Hunters: Who They Are and What They Do, Lums Pond Murder, A Night In Yorktown, Ghost Hunt, and Johnny Is It True - Ghost Hunter Edition Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #490 - Seller Of The Sky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:57

On we present a brand new segment called Paranormal Expeditions. I think you are going to like the concept and I look forward to hearing your feedback. Also, on the show Mitchell tells us a few stories from Selma, Ca, and we feature a classic sci-fi story from the pulp mags that really relates to our world today.  Featured Story - Seller Of The Sky Our featured story comes from the Worlds of If Science Fiction, February 1955. It is titled Seller of the Sky and was written by Dave Dryfoos. No one took Old Arch seriously; he was just an ancient, broken-down wanderer who went about seeking alms and spreading tales of the great Outside. The children were curious and believing. However, the adults were cynical and doubting.  Other Stories Include: Remedy For Murder, Rivals! Frenemies Who Changed the World, The Good Witch in the Wizard Of Oz, My Father’s Shoes, My Little Angel, Paranormal Expeditions - May/Stringer House, and Seller Of The Sky Program Links: On the show, Mitchell shared a link to a spooky song from the sixties called The Ghost of Beardsley Road. . Also, on Paranormal Expeditions Emma shared her experiences at the May/Stringer House. Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Social Links:Contact Links:

 RAS #489 - More UFO Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:48

On we have another UFO-themed show. From Audible we review an audiobook that is all about them. Then we head to your stories where we have four amazing tales that come from Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, and California. Our featured story comes from the OTR classic series X-minus One and it looks at some strange lights in the Big Horn Glacier! We will end the show with a few OTR commercials based on some of our favorite breakfast cereals. Featured Story - The Lights Of Precipice Peak Our featured story this time comes from the OTR series X-Minus One. The story takes place in a mountainous region known as Bighorn Glacier. It is an odd tale that looks at what aliens from another world could be like. It was first published in the October 1955 edition of Galaxy Magazine. It is titled The Lights Of Precipice Peak and it aired on X-minus One on March 13, 1957. Other Stories Include:  The UFO Battle at Nuremberg, A Case Of Oversight, Alien Encounters, I Wish I had, Bigfoot is an Alien, The UFO incident, Ron It happened again, and The Lights Of Precipice Peak Program Links: From A Moment In Time, here is the to the Broadtext Sheet from April 1561 describing the UFO battle over Nuremberg. Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood:Story Submission Link: Contact Link: Email: Blog Page: Facebook:

 RAS #488 - Ghost Story Throwdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:20

On this time Sylvia and I have a good old-fashioned showdown! Which of us can tell if the other has faked them out? We call this the Ghost Story Throwdown 2021. Also on the show is a shadow story from Madison, NC that just might be creepiest yet. You will have to decide that yourself. It is titled That Shadow Shot Me. In we presented a story from the OTR series Buck Rogers. I asked for your feedback on this one via a poll. That poll is now closed and I want to thank all of you that took a moment to respond. Of the people that responded 70% of you made it pretty clear that Buck Rogers was not a fan favorite. 7% of you don’t ever want to hear from Buck again. That is good enough for me. Thank you! Stories Include:  Mail Order Murder, Upon Reflection by Sting, That Shadow Shot Me, Ron’s UFO incident, The Singing Ghost of Joliet Prison, The Ghost At The Calumet Theatre, The Bryant Road  Soldier, The Ghost Dog Of Putman County, The Cigar Smoking Nun, and The Polergiest’s Milk Jug Program Note: Sylvia Shults is a Librarian, Author, and Ghost Hunter. She has spent a lifetime in the pursuit of the weird and strange. Her non-fiction works include Ghost of the Illinois River, Fractured Spirits, 44 Years in Darkness, Hunting Demons, The Spirits of Christmas, and her latest release Fractured Souls. All of her books are available on and you can find out more on her . Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood:Story Submission Link: Contact Link: Email: Blog Page: Facebook:

 RAS #487 - The Country Tavern | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:21

On this time we have ghost stories and spend some time in space being afraid of The Nothing. If that doesn’t make any sense ...It will later on. We have an epic story from James that follows a haunting in a restaurant in New Hampshire. This one is so good that I titled the podcast after it. The Country Tavern. Featured Story - The Nothing Our featured story for this week is so good. When man first went into space there was a real concern about what we would find out there. But did they really think about what would happen if they found nothing? That is what our story is about and it is titled The Nothing. It was written by Tom Godwin, and is read by Mark Nelson Other Stories Include - By Any Other Name, IRobot, The Country Tavern, The Shadow Man Likes His Sheets, I Swear It Took Our Sheets, and Johnny Is It True - Strange Stuff. Program Links - Here is the to an article I wrote about Isacc Azimov that I talked about. Also, follow this to take the Buck Rogers Poll. Ron’s Amazing Stories Sponsored by: Audible - You can get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial at   and - Good Treats for your dog to eat. Ron’s Amazing Stories is produced and hosted by Ronald Hood:Email: Blog Page: Facebook: Twitter: Helpful Links: - Help the podcast by taking this survey. - Use this link to submit your stories to the show. - Looking for the first 100 episodes of the podcast?


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