Good Life Project show

Good Life Project

Summary: Inspirational, unfiltered conversations and stories about finding meaning, happiness, purpose, inspiration, creativity, motivation, spirituality, love, confidence and success in life. From iconic world-shakers like Elizabeth Gilbert, Brene Brown, Sir Ken Robinson, Seth Godin and Gretchen Rubin to everyday people, every story matters.

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 Tiffany Dufu: What if the Power Move Was to Just Let Go? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:15

When Tiffany Dufu left for summer camp as a teen, both parents dropped her off. Only one picked her up. She’d soon discover her parents had split while she’d been gone. Not long after, her mom’s boyfriend moved in and began to behave in ways Dufu, a self-described preacher’s daughter, had never been exposed to. […]

 Reason and Passion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:02

There’s this beautiful verse in Khalil Gibran’s book, The Prophet that speaks to the interplay between reason and passion. It reminds us that these two qualities, so often treated as opposing forces and even warring world-views, are actually essential and hopelessly co-mingled elements of a live well-lived. They each make the other possible. Gibran writes: For […]

 Aviva Romm: Overcoming Survival Overdrive Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:34

Today’s guest, Dr. Aviva Romm, has been referred to as “the face of natural medicine in the 21st century by Prevention Magazine.” She’s a Yale-trained, board-certified physician with a specialty in women’s health and obstetrics; a midwife and herbalist, and a founding member of the Yale Integrative Medicine Program’s Advisory Board. Dr. Romm practices medicine in New […]

 Don’t Throw Good Money (or Love) After Bad. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:16

You’ve heard the phrase, “don’t throw good money after bad?” It basically means, once you realize the thing you’ve invested in is not what you though it would be AND likely never will be, don’t keep putting new money into it just because of what you’ve already invested. Take your losses or your “sunk costs” (the […]

 Tim Ferriss: The Story Beyond The Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:31

Tim Ferriss is a man on a mission, driven to deconstruct mastery and excellence, then share what he’s learned. It began with his own relentless experimentation and documentation, which yielded #1 New York Times bestsellers The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Chef. In more recent years, though, this yearning has led him to sit […]

 Are You Happy, Or Afraid? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:13

“I’m good.” It’s a lie we often tell ourselves. Why? To avoid the fear and uncertainty that comes from owning the fact that things aren’t quite what we’d hoped. That we’re terrified of of leaving the comfort of a “passable,” yet mediocre existence in the name of embracing the pursuit of our own personal legend. […]

 Dave Evans: Designing Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:02

Today’s guest, Dave Evans, is a lecturer at the famed Stanford d.School a theological scholar and management consultant. He is also a man on a mission to explore what it means to spend time designing your life. As an early team-member at Apple, he led product marketing for the mouse and introduced laser printing to the […]

 I’m Aware, and it’s Bumming Me Out. Now What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:43

In today’s GLP Riff, we’re sharing two powerful questions from one of our super-awesome podcast listeners. Turns out, we’ve received similar questions many times over the years, so we figured this’d be a great time to share a bit of a longer answer, along with a few stories and ideas. It’s all around the realization […]

 Marianne Williamson: Transforming the Illusion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:21

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, activist and multi-time New York Times Best Selling author. She’s been teaching about A Course in Miracles for three decades, founded LA meals-on-wheels program for homebound people with AIDS, Project Angel Food in 1989, and serves on the Board of Directors of RESULTS, an organization on a mission to […]

 Terri Cole: Real Love, Where It’s Hiding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:38

Love. It’s one of the most important fillers of our Connection Buckets. But, then there’s this special “type,” some people call it “real love.” We got to wondering what that even means, and why so many people seem unable to “find and keep it.” So, we asked GLP friend, Terri Cole, licensed psychotherapist, meditation expert and founder […]

 Claire Hoffman: A Journey Back to Life Transcendent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:36

Abandoned by her alcoholic dad when she was five, out of cash and evicted from their NYC apartment, Claire Hoffman, her mom and seven-year-old brother found themselves dropped into a small town in Iowa. But, not just any old town, this was a sacred enclave, Heaven on Earth, established by Transcendental Meditation founder, Maharishi Mahesh. […]

 The Truth About Luck [a 4-part formula] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:46

Luck. It’s a source of envy, denial, opportunity, anger, frustration, creation and astonishing success. When it happens to us, we revel in it. When it happens to everyone but us, we lament it. It’s become vogue in the world of performance and popular psychology to say it does not exist. Luck, we are told, is […]

 To Succeed at Anything, Do This. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:03

Success is not just about knowing what to do. It is about doing it. All the information in the world, the best laid plans, the clearest, most-defined, measurable and attainable goals will not deliver the outcomes, results or resolutions you want. There is something missing. In order to succeed at anything worth the effort, you […]

 Motivation: Why You Can’t Change the One You Love [Best of] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:10

Ever try to help someone who had absolutely no interest in being helped? It’s one of the most frustrating experiences we can have. Maybe it’s a family member or partner. Maybe it’s a close friend or colleague. Or even a customer or client. So many times, we end up banging our heads against a wall […]

 Simon Sinek: Serve Those Who Serve Others [Best of] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:23

On September 17, 2009, Simon Sinek stepped onto a small stage for a local gathering…and proceeded to blow away the world. The event was TEDx Puget Sound. He had no slides, no fancy presentation. Just an idea and an easel. For 18 minutes, he spoke about an awakening. Something he called “the golden circle,” and […]


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