Hip Hop National Radio show

Hip Hop National Radio

Summary: Hip Hop National Radio is a centralized location where musical creativity can be expressed, supported and promoted through a variety of platforms that will protect and enhance its value. We are a multi-media content provider that will not only lead, but educate future artists on the presentation and marketing of their musical expressions, as well as assist in the development of their personal business acumen. We are in the business of making music make money. We teach you how to “Take your music from the studio to the bank!.” We will do so by teaching you about the business and help you understand what it takes to become and remain successful in it. Our vision is to become an industry leader of today, by transforming yesterday’s way of doing business with today’s and tomorrow’s technology. We will bridge the gap that lies between music fans, aspiring artists, and the music industry. Hip Hop National Radio airs live at 8pm Est. Everyday 8pm Est/7pm Cst/6pm Mst/5pm Pst

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 Some Essential Tips for Making a Living with Your Music? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line is discussing " Some Essential Tips for Making a Living with Your Music?" Although there are many ways to market and promote your music tonigh we want to touch notes on some marketing essentials  just to name a few but not necessarly in this order: 1. Find a way to Connect with your audience, know who they are, their place of worship or where they hang out? 2. Perform live often and don’t worry (at first) about getting paid for every gig. 3. Seek out a good Booking agent 4. organize a release party 5. Design and write your promotional that speaks loud for you! 6. Educate Thyself! Do Your Research 7. Choose a well-connected and respected counsil 8. Build a street team and a good social network to get the word out 9. Protect your investment...register your songs for proper copyright protection. 10. If you are seeking a deal Know the labels and music publishers you hope to be signed to. Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 How To Establish A Fan Base Internationally? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line will be discussing: How To Establish A Fan Base Internationally? With the forever evolving changes in technology reaching out to an International audience  has become much easier. If you are Internet Savvy or no someone who is, in using Social Media, such as facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, MySpace and etc. which allow you away to transmit, or share your music with a worldwide audience. Everyone has the opportunity to create and distribute.  So there you have it! unfortunately, it's not that simple. Your Social Networking game must be extremely tight as well if you want to compete as an Indie in the Major's Market.  Joining various forum groups and international forum groups is imparative. The key is getting  people to talking  and discussing your music such as Internet radio.  Not only do you  to be on top of  Social Media and Social Networking you need to be familiar with the various types of promotional software to assist in your campaigning thats a giving. However, you can't  allow the old rules of marketing to go neglected in this area.  Establishing affiliates and relationships  with publishers and distributors still apply. Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 How To use Video & Audio Voice Overs As A Promotional Tool?' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line discussing "How To Video And Audio Voice Overs As A Promotional Tool?' Doing a commercial on network television could be quite costly and running a spot on teresterial radio may not be the most affordable in a declining economy. Nevertheless, without some form of advertising most products and music products get lost in the sauce. Technology has now delivered the world to us at our our fingertips. We can now deliver media content directly to our consumers. The key is knowing exactly how to pitch to them and get them to behave in a manner to want to buy what it is you are selling,  music, music services and any other business products. Video and Audio with the help of Internet Radio, social networking and social media. We can now meet the need of the consumer for only a fraction of the cost. Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Creative Marketing Tecniques To Sell Your Music & Products | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line will be discussing: Creative Marketing Techniques To Sell Your Music & Products. Your sales and promotions program can be creatively designed to directly to land mind the consumer. Creating posters with tear offs & coupon codes, offering discounts off of suggested retail prices of the product. Selling Mugs, T Shirts, Coffee Mugs. Doing marketing surveys and giveaway novelties special promo items such as pens key-chains and etc. Coordinating contest and promotional giveaways  with local and Internet Radio Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Assignment By Appointed (Rebroadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line is disscissing when a man is called it is an " Assignment By Appointed!" Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 How To Establish An International Fan Base? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:17:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line will be discussing:  How To Establish An International Fan Base? With the forever evolving changes in technology reaching out to an International audience  has become much easier. If you are Internet Savvy or no someone who is, in using Social Media, such as facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, MySpace and etc. which allow you away to transmit, or share your music with a worldwide audience. Everyone has the opportunity to create and distribute.  So there you have it! unfortunately, it's not that simple. Your Social Networking game must be extremely tight as well if you want to compete as an Indie in the Major's Market.  Joining various forum groups and international forum groups is imparative. The key is getting  people to talking  and discussing your music such as Internet radio.  Not only do you  to be on top of  Social Media and Social Networking you need to be familiar with the various types of promotional software to assist in your campaigning thats a giving. However, you can't  allow the old rules of marketing to go neglected in this area.  Establishing affiliates and relationships  with publishers and distributors still apply. Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 What Is The Relevancy Hip Hop And Country Music? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Special Guest: Stephen Pride, Tia Mc Graff & Producer Tommy Parham The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line will be discussing: "What Is The Relevancy Hip Hop And Country Music" The music of the United States of America reflects the country's diverse population and  multi-ethnic groups through a variety in the different genres of music . Among the country's most internationally-renowned genres are Hip hop, blues, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, pop, techno, and rock and roll. The USA has the world's largest selection of music in the music industry and its music is heard around throughout the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century,  America's popular music have gained a near global audience.  Tonight we are talking about "What Is The Relevancy of Hip Hop And Country Music?" If we surveyed  a hundred people, most would say that Hip Hop And Country Music both appeal to all together to a different audience, which is true on the most part.  However, same  group of people would probably say there is an underlying similarity, as far as, a listening audience may have a loyal fan base. and the  major influence  they both have had on our Country as far as culture and fashion.    Hip Hop National Radio is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being our guest or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Special Guest, H-Town "How To Promote Shows Tours & Events" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line will be discussing "How To Promote Shows Tours & Events: Special Guest, H-Town" Who could better speak on this topic than Multi Platinum selling R & B legendary sensations H-Town,   Solomon " Shazam" Conner and Darryl  "G.I." Jackson H town is the big is independent R&B group in the world with sales of over 13 million. Has consistently filled arenas concert venues, Stadium, nightclubs and him and sold out many many of the unit scores of eager screaming fans continue to show support mimicking each and every lyric and harmonize in each and every hook H-Town fan base is a movement that follows melody of it members Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Anointed Moments In Faith Ministries with Pastor Jason | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line will be discussing: "What Happened When A Man Refuses To Stand" Today Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Assignment By Appointed! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line is disscissing when a man is called it is an " Assignment By Appointed!" Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Achievers Take Charge In Spite Of Fear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line. We are talking about "Achievers Take Charge In Spite Of Fear!. Making a hit record is no easy task, no matter how simple it may look. Executing the proper strategy an artist can, undoubtably, launch himself to being successful in this business of music.sometimes the only obstacle that stands in the way the fear of the unknown. This is the defining line between and an Achiever and a Non-Achiever. Achievers take charge in spite of fear. They operate with a, I can mentality. They brainstorm on ideas, they create a plan and execute strategy.Yes of course they are faced with fear as well, but the difference is they persevere and do it anyway! Get over the fear and decide to be different. Remember on the winners win! It is said that only 1% of our population are successful in Business. The rest the population are onlookers, merely, due to the failure of never taking the time out to think, plan and execute. Nike said it best "Just Do It!" Face your fear armed with prayer and do what ever it takes to obtain your goal. Join us tonight,on Hip Hop National Radio we will be digging deep into this topic and more. Tune in tonight At 7pm PST|8pm MST|9PM CST| 10PM EST, via phone, the number to dial is 213-559-2995 or hook up with us in the chat-room at If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Making Excuses Instead Of Achieveing Greatness! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line is discussing "Making Excuses Instead Of Achieveing Greatness! Have you done self evaluation of who you are and how do you fit in, regarding the Business of Music?  Ask yourself are you an Artist, Songwriter, Producer, Record Label Owner, Marketeer,  Promoter, or it may be all of the above and more. The decision is yours, to determine  what is your full POTENTIAL? Once you have have decided except no EXCUSES!    We are born into this world void of all thoughts,  everything we have learned, we have acquired through the influence the very 5 senses we were born with,  Touch, Taste, Smell, Sound, and Sight.     In fact our minds,  like a computer,  only respond to what we have programmed in it. Our minds reacts from what our senses pickup then determines if it is negative or positive. Many of our achievements and failures are direct reflection based on a negative or positive behavior. EXCUSES is a birth-child from this very concept. However, if you were to remove the hyphen and the letter (T) from the word " I CAN'T "  you will be left with " I CAN "  Be encouraged and except no excuses. Consult with good counsel. Set goals, objectives and deadlines. Claim victory  over defeat, be all you can be! Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 How Much does Attitude Equate To Success? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:00

The World English Dictionary defines, Attitude - As The way a person views something or tends to behave towards it. Although there are many adjectives that can describe attidude. tonight we will focus our energies around a select few. For instance a positve attitude wakes up your inner powers and builds upon your self-esteem. it empowers an I will be somebody type of system. Study has shown that success is tied directly to an I will, I can, I must attitude etc. On the other hand is attitude a negative attitude is the exact oppisite. One would say this is a direct tatic used by the enemy to Kill, steal and destroy your dreams and aspiration. A negative attitude drains your self will exasperate you internal organs and ultimately leads one to bein un-motivated, depressed to eventually giving up. "1.The mind and the will of man is truly a powerful force. If you find that you are not happy and you do not feel free, know this: You can and WILL change your situation if you want to do so! It is completely in your power and it does not matter what circumstances oppose you, the power is all yours." 1. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6184008 Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 Anointed Moments In Faith Ministries with Pastor Jason | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:00

Join Hip Hop National  & Anointed Moments In Faith Ministries with Pastor Jason and Arch Bishop Storm.  They are going to breakdown the word of God with special guest followers of Jesus Christ from around the country. We are bringing the word to you in the comfort of your own living-room.  So join us where you are via phone or the Internet. Our Anointed Moments In Faith Ministries: Airs Every, Sunday 3 pm EST, 2 pm CST, 1 pm MST, 12 pm PST.  Here is where we bridge the gap and connect the dots to the human soul and the Almighty Creator God.  IN the upcoming weeks, The top 3 Music Artist artist with the highest rating from the Gospel Get Down session. Will be entered for a chance to be Interviewed and recognized in our Pastor Choice segment of the show. Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!

 There is no ( I ) In TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Hip Hop National Radio Conference Call & Feedback Line Discussing There is no ( I ) In TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More!) As it pertains to the Record Production process. collectively it takes a entire TEAM to execute and produce a record. Nine times out of Ten, in some way, shape or form you will have to engage others in the  process. Rather a collaborative effort or a work for hire. Individual success in the Music Business is more likely than not to dependent on the ability to work well with others. The quicker one learn how to function and to think as a team. The faster one will realize that their personal success now depends on the success of others. Although,  acquiring this skill is easier said that done once conquered the boundaries are limitless. It took team work for Obama to achieve the office as President, It took teamwork for Ophra Winfrey to accomplish the amazing success that she has. If it is your quest to win a Grammy Award as lifetime achievement to write in your diary will take teamwork. Last but not least this statement will forever hold true, There Is No ( I ) In The Word (T.E.A.M) Tonight the Hip Hop National Family, will give you the best tips and tools for getting the most exposure for your success.  The Hip Hop National Radio & Feedback line is design to connect the Music Artist directly with the Music Industry. If you are interested being a guest on our Hip Hop National Radio Show & Feedback panel or advertising with us? Please contact us at 877-580-8555!  Artist send music to hiphopntl@gmail.com, be sure to leave your name and phone number that you can be contact at!


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