The Soul-Directed Life show

The Soul-Directed Life

Summary: The Soul-Directed Life is a unique interactive radio show. It is the first to combine three essential elements to help you tune out the noise of the world and hear the call of your own soul. Each month is devoted to a particular theme-such as "the call to go inside" or "the call to create." Every week Janet Conner and her guests will share how they heard their soul calling and answered. To help you hear and answer your own unique yet similar calls, Janet and her guests will suggest topics and questions for deep soul writing. The month will wrap up with a group discussion of a book that captures the essence of the month's theme. These are the soul-stirring books that belong in your permanent library. Join Janet each week for inspiring stories, practical information, deep soul writing prompts, and great reading recommendations. Then watch with joy as you, too, find the clarity and confidence to create your own Soul-Directed Life. "Like" Janet on Facebook at Janet Connner The Soul-Directed Life. Visit Janet's website at The theme song for this program is "Inside" by Daniel Nahmod. To learn more about Daniel and his music, go to The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Kim Rosen, Saved by a Poem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The call to find the poem inside: Kim Rosen didn't just write Saved by a Poem, she actually was saved by a poem! When she got a phone call that her life savings had disappeared in the hands of Bernie Madoff, the words of Naomi Shihab Nye's "Kindness" floated past her: "Before you can know what kindness really is you must lose things ..." Kim will bless us with a touch of her signature "deep dive" method that bypasses conscious mind and welcomes you into the heart of poetry.

 Shamim Sadiq, M.D.: Aim Vertically Not Horizontally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The call to find the poem inside: Dr. Shamim Sadiq, a physician by profession, born in the beautiful Kashmir Valley, invites us to Aim Vertically Not Horizontally, the title of her book inspired by her travels around the world and her ultimate journey within to discover and align with her true purpose in life.

 Book Club Discussion: "Keeping the Faith Without a Religion," With Roger Housden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The call to live the life you have been given comes to a perfect conclusion with Roger Housden. You know Roger through his many "Ten Poems" books. He joins us today to help us embrace our good friend "Trust." In his newest book, Keeping the Faith Without a Religion, Roger introduces us to trust in her seven beautiful guises: Knowing, Mystery, Dark, Joy, Changes, Imperfection, and Letting Go. And none is dependent on a religion. It'll be a sparkling conversation with a master of beauty and words.

 The Freedom of Being: At Ease With What Is, With Jan Frazier | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The call to live the life you have been given: We say we want to be free. We say we are seeking freedom. Jan Frazier comes to The Soul-Directed Life with a radical message: You already are! She invites us to discover within our own awareness the place where suffering has never taken hold. Life lived within that awareness is heaven on earth. Now that's a way to embrace the life you have been given!

 Mary Jane Ryan: How to Survive Change You Didn't Ask For | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The call to live the life you have been given: Best-selling author of Attitudes of Gratitude and change expert MJ Ryan shares the seven truths about change. Just one of them is "change isn't the enemy; fear is." So you might ask, "Is anything unchanging?" MJ tells us what it is and how to stay connected to that-always.

 Ellen Debenport: "Hell in the Hallway—Light at the Door" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Our exploration of "the call to live the life you have been given" begins with Ellen Debenport, best-selling author of The Five Principles. She talks about what she's discovered writing her new book Hell in the Hallway-Light at the Door. We've all been in that hallway, unable to see the future, unwilling to return to the past. What makes it hell? Ellen tells all.

 Book Club Discussion of "The Purity of Desire" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Beauty-Daniel Ladinsky's appearance on The Soul-Directed Life in December was a top show for the entire network. Listening to Daniel read his renowned translations of Hafiz and Rumi brought us all to tears. After the show, I told Daniel he was welcome to come back and he said, "How's February?!" When I asked him what he wanted to talk about, he said beauty because all his poems are, at their heart, the call to beauty. Daniel is traveling unexpectedly and can't be with us live, but not to worry, he is sending his collaborator Nancy Barton, and Dr. Neale Lundgren, who has written songs for some of Daniel's translations. The airwaves will be filled with beauty!

 Dr. Carol Weyland Conner, Murshida of Sufism Reoriented | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Beauty-The Soul-Directed Life is blessed to have an extraordinary guest to discuss the call to Beauty-Murshida Carol Conner of Sufism Reoriented, the organization founded by world spiritual teacher Avatar Meher Baba. The Murshida will share what Sufism is, who is a Sufi, her path to Meher Baba and The Beloved, and how the call to Beauty is the call to The Beloved.

 Jan Phillips, Artist, Author, and Visionary Thought Leader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Beauty- Jan Phillips is an author, creator, and facilitator who ignites original thinking and inspires action. For her, it's all Beauty. In her events, she uses images, music, poetry, and storytelling to evoke deep, nondualistic creative thinking and merge the heart and the mind. Jan is cofounder and executive director of the Livingkindness Foundation.

 David Newman: “Durga Das,” Kirtan singer, songwriter, new CD-"Travel Well" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Beauty-Our month-long exploration of beauty begins with kirtan chant artist, sacred singer/songwriter David Newman. David will share three cuts from his newest CD, Travel Well, inspired by the Sandy Hook shootings. David, with his wife Mira, founded the Stay Strong Project, supporting the far-reaching environmental and humanitarian efforts of Global Green USA.

 Oriah Mountain Dreamer, "The Dance" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Begin-Book Club discussion of The Dance with Oriah Mountain Dreamer live from her home in Toronto. The Dance is the sequel to the world famous The Invitation. Share in a rich discussion of the key question at the heart of The Dance: "What if the question is not why am I so infrequently the person I really want to be, but why do I so infrequently want to be the person I really am?"

 Jihan Barakah, The Global Quantum Shift | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Begin-Jihan Barakah knows and lives her Dharma, or soul purpose. The essence of her Dharma has stayed the same since her first memory at 3 years old. But the form continues to evolve and change through massive life changes. Jihan has responded to the call to begin many times. Listen to learn how the call to begin is the call to shift and how you can shift too.

 Kristen Moeller, What Are You Waiting For? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The Call to Begin-Kristen Moeller was a successful author and radio show host. She had "everything" we think we want. And then she lost it all in a fire. A book with a thrilling question was born out of that experience: What Are You Waiting For? Kristen shares how she began again out of the ashes to experience life at a deeper, holier, sweeter level. Listen to learn how she walked through the fire and how you can too.

 Jan Bartelstone, Film Director, The 1 of Hearts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Jan Bartelstone has been a seeker of the divine all his life. For him, creative writing, photography, and filmmaking are channels of the divine as well as zikr, meditation, and mystical poetry. His role now is to "demystify mysticism." So how perfect that he joins us on the last show of a seven-month exploration of mysticism. He will lead us in two guided meditations into the bliss.

 Devi Mathieu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Devi Mathieu has been singing the music of Hildegard of Bingen since 1993, as a concert soloist, teacher, and seeker of wisdom. Today we hear Hildegard's music in performance, but Hildegard intended her music to be sung by everyone. Devi will introduce us to the breath and rhythm of Hildegard's music so that we, too, can touch and be touched by the divine. Come sing the Divine!


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