The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

Summary: The Paracast explores a world beyond science, where UFOs, UFO, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions across the planet. The Paracast presents longtime researchers in the field, to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives. Join long-time paranormal researcher Gene Steinberg, co-host Christopher O’Brien, and their roster of special guest experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen each week to the great stories of the history of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries.

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 September 13, 2015 — Gene & Chris Interviewed by Burnt State, ChrisJohnsen, Jeff Crowell & Ufology | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

A special "turnabout is fair play" episode where four members of The Paracast forums question Gene and Chris about a variety of subjects, including their early introductions to the world of the paranormal. You'll hear a lengthy description of a frightening encounter with strange beings, "stick men," when Chris was very young. This listener roundtable features Burnt State, ChrisJohnsen, Jeff Crowell and Ufology.

 September 6, 2015 — Walter Bosley with Goggs Mackay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Gene and Chris and Goggs Mackay are joined by Walter Bosley, an author, a former AFOSI agent and a former FBI counterintelligence specialist. They discuss a wide variety of subjects from pop culture, movie special effects, to so-called breakaway civilizations. So is it possible that UFOs and other unusual events are caused by individuals who have left our known world and are engaging in actions that we do not quite understand? The term was originally coined by UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan to describe black budget projects, a secret space program, central bankers, secret societies and other agencies that fly under the radar. But Bosley feels there are actually two breakaway civilizations.

 August 30, 2015 — Chris Rutkowski | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Author/UFO researcher/science writer Chris Rutkowski returns to The Paracast to present an update on the latest sightings in Canada, classic cases, "M-File" cases from Manitoba, and responsible speculation about UFOs. Chris was also associated with the Roswell Slides Research Group, which quickly and easily demonstrated that the body in the slides was that of a mummified child and not an extraterrestrial. During this segment, Chris will provide an update into the state of UFO research, the possible impact of their presence and how we're faring towards finding a solution to the mystery.

 August 23, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Curt Collins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Featuring guest co-host Curt Collins. The last time Red Pill Junkie, a prolific blogger on all things paranormal, appeared on The Paracast, he entertained us with his tale of attending that Mexico City event in which the alleged evidence for the Roswell Slides was presented. He will touch upon that subject briefly, but also focus on UFOs and the possible sources of the phenomenon, what form alien life might take, UFO abductions and the possible similarities with near-death experiences, precognition and loads of other compelling subjects. Red Pill Junkie, describes himself as, "An agnostic gnostic, a walking conundrum and a metaphysical oxymoron —with emphasis in the 'moron' part." The discussion continues on After The Paracast.

 August 16, 2015 — Christopher Garetano | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Legend has it that the Montauk Project involved a set of secret tests conducted at the Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York. It was purportedly designed to develop psychological warfare techniques and exotic research. It is said to be related to the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment due to its supposed time travel connection, and there are even claims of a possible connection with extraterrestrials. Well, independent producer and director Christopher Garetano has reportedly spent more than 10 years probing this alleged conspiracy, and has released a documentary film, "Montauk Chronicles," to present his findings. Was the Montauk Project real, or just a bunch of tall tales devised by a handful of people for reasons best known to themselves?

 August 9, 2015 — Micah Hanks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

If it's paranormal, no doubt Micah Hanks is covering it on his various blogs and his radio show, The Gralien Report. So you'll hear about his fundamental philosophy not just on UFOs, but about all facts of research into the world of the unknown. With all the troubling reports about the state of UFO research in recent months, we felt we needed a reality check, and Micah provides it. According to his bio: Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, podcaster, lecturer and radio personality whose work addresses a variety of areas, including history, politics, scientific theories and unexplained phenomena. Open minded, but skeptical in his approach, his research has examined a broad variety of subjects over the years, incorporating interest in scientific anomalies, cultural studies, psychology, sci-fi and pop culture, government secrecy, and the prospects of our technological future as a species as influenced by science. He has also written several books.

 August 2, 2015 — Margie Kay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

We present UFO researcher Margie Kay, Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON, and host of the Un-X News Magazine and Radio Show. Says Margie, "Yes, indeed I do have some fascinating stories to tell about strange things going on in the Kansas City area — black planes, strange cryptic creatures that no one can identify, and I saw an ET while on a UFO investigation in Independence [in June 2015]!" According to her biography: "Margie Kay is a Paranormal and UFO Investigator, Remote Viewer, and author. She is clairsentient (feels), clairaudient (hears), clairvoyant (sees), and does remote viewing. She owns a construction company, a forensic investigation company, and is publisher of Un-X News Magazine." During this episode, Margie will be asked to find out some information about Gene's late brother, Wally.

 July 26, 2015 — Shop Talk/Listener Roundtable with Don Ecker, Curt Collins and Goggs Mackay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Gene and Chris present a special shop talk/listener roundtable episode featuring Don Ecker, of the “Dark Matters” radio show, and forum regulars Curt Collins and Goggs Mackay. The bill of fare is wide-ranging, including the state of the UFO field, disclosure, and a major emphasis on lunar mysteries. Why did we stop landing people on the moon? The discussion will also include focus on other solar system mysteries, and the discovery of “Earth 2.0,” Kepler-452b, a larger “Goldilocks” planet that’s approximately 1,400 light years away from Earth.

 July 19, 2015 — Greg Bishop and Walter Bosley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Paracast favorites Greg Bishop and Walter Bosley are our special guests. Our conversations on the July 12 episode with Marie Jones whetted our appetite for more mind games and conspiracy talk, so who better to dig into the subject than Greg and Walter? Greg Bishop was the publisher of the Excluded Middle magazine and the compilation book, Wake Up Down There; Project Beta, was co-author of Weird California and is the longtime host of Radio Mysterioso. Walter Bosley is a former AFOSI agent and a former FBI counterintelligence specialist. He's author of the intriguing books, Empire of the Wheel: Espionage, The Occult and Murder in Southern California; and his recent books, Latitude 33: Key to the Kingdom and the just-released The Lost Expedition of Sir Richard Francis Burton. Greg and Walter offer a wealth of knowledge concerning conspiracy, mind-control, secret government tech, and much more! There's so much here that this discussion will extend to After The Paracast.

 July 12, 2015 — Marie D. Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

So what about claims of ongoing mind control and how powerful are these sinister influences? Marie D. Jones returns to The Paracast discuss her latest book with co-author "Larry Flaxman," entitled "Mind Wars: Who's Been Watching You From the Shadows." The book presents "a history of mind control, surveillance, and social engineering by the government, media, and secret societies." And, yes, there is a section about subliminal mind control, which recalls what Chris was talking about during the June 28th edition of After The Paracast." The Manchurian Candidate is also on the agenda.

 July 5, 2015 — Ray Hernandez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

Introducing Ray Hernandez, Operations Manager of FREE, which stands for Foundation of Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters. This is the organization co-founded by astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, which focuses heavily on experiencers. According to the material we have from the organization: The Mission of FREE will focus on “Research, Education and Support” but will primarily focus on scientific investigation through surveys and interviews on individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non-human sentient beings (commonly known as “ET Contact”) and to compare this group with individuals that have had other types of "paranormal contact experiences." In addition, Ray will discuss his personal paranormal encounters and how that led to the creation of FREE.

 June 28, 2015 — Richard Dolan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9558

Gene and Chris present everyone's favorite UFO historian, Richard Dolan. We focus heavily on listener questions about such subjects as the history of UFOs and other aspects of the phenomenon. We briefly cover his decision to participate in the recent Cinco de Mayo dustup, which we refer to as Slidegate or the "topic that shall not be named." During this episode, Dolan also focuses on the state of UFO research, reverse engineering alleged alien technology, so-called breakaway civilizations, the schemes skeptics use to debunk UFOs, and his upcoming book about so-called "false flags" and how they influenced our history. He'll also respond to a listener question about what he'd do if he had $100 million with which to investigate the mystery.

 June 21, 2015 — Kathleen Marden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

It's been a while since we've devoted a full episode of The Paracast to the controversial subject of UFO abductions, so we've asked Kathleen Marden to join us to report on the latest discoveries and answer listener questions. Kathleen is the niece of Betty Hill, whose abduction experience with her husband Barney has been regarded as one of the most credible such encounters. Kathleen is also associated with the Mutual UFO Network, as Director of Experiencer Research and the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, as an advisory board member and consultant to its research subcommittee.

 June 14, 2015 — Nick Redfern | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

One of our favorite author/researchers, the amazingly busy Nick Redfern, returns to The Paracast to talk about his latest books: "Secret History: Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order." It's a large book, and there's plenty of ground to cover from the mainstays, such as the Kennedy Assassination, Walt Disney and the CIA, to loads of other topics. We'll also get a blow-by-blow about his recent appearance at the Contact in the Desert conference, Slidegate, and other pertinent subjects. Nick is always fun, informative and entertaining.

 June 7, 2015 — Alejandro Rojas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9557

He's back for another go-round. Open Mind's Alejandro Rojas. He'll be talking about the latest developments in UFO research, including the Slidegate episode, the so-called Roswell Slides, along and the recent Contact in the Desert event. Alejandro is Director of Operations for Open Minds Production, the host for Open Minds UFO Radio, editor and contributing writer for, and emcee for the International UFO Congress. He is also a blogger for the Huffington Post. In short, he's one busy gentleman. Ahead of this episode, Alejandro told us: "I have a feeling you guys are going to get me in trouble."


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