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 Crystal Child Messeges With Anna Johnson aka Allinduath of Dyanashtia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Allinduath (pronounced Ah-Lyn-Doo-Ah) is a Crystal Starseed who is a clairaudient and physical medium. All her life she has been seeing energy. At two-and-a-half, she refused to enter a house her family was moving into because of the “bad things” she was seeing and feeling inside of it. From her earliest remembrance, she has seen entities, both positive and negative, in the world around her, and has known that she had energy in her hands that could help people if she touched them. At the age of four she began hearing a voice speaking to her and started telling her mother what “God” was saying to her. By the age of sixteen, Allinduath was channeling regularly. She learned that the “voice” was actually a team of four of her guides, all of whom are on a council dedicated to helping Earth in her ascension process. The council is called The Council For The Assistance To Earth, and the four members who speak to Allinduath are: Faleekastrina, an eleventh-dimensional being who is a scientist from Lyshtia Lagonatha, another universe within this multiverse, and the Head of the Council; Ezekiel Memchat, an Atlantean who is Faleekastrina’s First Assistant; Fongeetale, a Guardian of Earth from a nature dimension of another planet who is Faleekastrina’s Second Assistant; and Plashdar, a seventh-dimensional Andromedan who is Spokesperson for the Council

 The Dying God With Author David Livingstone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

David Livingstone was born in Montreal Canada in 1966, and except for a five year period when he lived in Africa, it was where he spent most of his life. Beginning in 1987, he began studying towards a Bachelors degree in Western Civilization, at the Liberal Arts College, of Concordia University in Montreal. This college was an experimental program that, instead of studying courses randomly in a given subject, as in most other programs, over a period of three years, would coordinate three courses simultaneously, in history, literature and art, beginning with Homer and the Bible, following all the major movements of Western Civilization, culminating in the twentieth century. It was while reading the textbooks provided to him there that he first encountered the curious reference to the emergence in ancient times of the "Indo-European" people, the supposed ancestors of modern-day Europeans, from the mountains of the Caucasus. It seemed to him anomalous. Most of the other ancient civilizations had emerged gradually and over long periods of time. No other peoples could be said to have emerged so explosively and so violently, supposedly devastating much of the known world at the time. It was as he began to search out the evidence behind the theory, which he discovered to be founded in an occult doctrine, that revealed the existence of a hidden tradition in the West. 

 Lost Technologies Of The Great Pyramid With Author Steven Myers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

About the author: Author, lecturer and independent researcher, Steven Myers has studied the Great Pyramid for over twenty years to understand how this ancient wonder of the world was built and why. His research included traveling to Egypt to conduct extensive on-site research at the Giza Plateau. Steven Myers has written numerous magazine articles and given many lectures on the subject of the Great Pyramid. Compiling his research into the book called, Lost Technologies of the Great Pyramid, Steven Myers has provide a comprehensive and detailed explanation of how the Great Pyramid was built. He contends that advanced technologies were used to build the Great Pyramid. He has also founded a nonprofit foundation dedicated in understanding how and why the Great Pyramid was built. The mission of this foundation is to redevelop these ancient but advanced technologies to help our modern but troubled world. The foundation's web site is at: Steven Myers lives in southwestern Oregon with his wife and two dogs. His website is at: Lost Technologies of the Great Pyramid   Transcending the fables and misinformation of modern Egyptology, this book provides a detailed description of how the Great Pyramid was really built! New discoveries of lost technologies used to build this massive wonder are the focus of this book!

 The Ancient Hermetic Undersstanding Of God With Author Jane Ma'ati Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

 Dr. Jane Ma'ati Smith C.Hyp. Msc.D., has used her philosophy to help thousands of people turn negatives into positives, enhance the happiness of their lives, and discover their own unique inner wisdom, wealth and happiness. she studied for her Bachelor of Arts degree at Arizona State University, and went on to recieve a doctorate in metaphysics and spiritual counseling. She studied hypnosis with Dr. John Kappas, and she is a certified graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, she is also a Sound Energy Practitioner and a Vibrational Reiki Master. she is a qualified mental health professional actively working in the state of California, and she brings to her binaural beat, subliminal and self-hypnosis programs more than 15 years of professional work in the mental health and counseling fields, helping people to help themselves, and a lifetime's worth of in depth psychological, spiritual and Quantum knowledge. She believes that everyone already has the inner resources to make changes in their lives, and that the arts of deep relaxation, therapeutic sound and self hypnosis are the keys that can unlock that door. And, she also believes, it is no accident that you have "stumbled upon" this website. The Universe always provides a path to your heart's desire, are you ready to take the first step? Would you like to discover the vibrant health waiting within you? Are you eager to find your own inner peace and happiness? Do you yearn to feel more connected to your inner wealth?

 Return Of The Giants With Author Barry Chamish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Barry Chamish is Israel's most controversial writer. Ten years ago he claimed in his best-selling book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, that the prime minister was murdered in a coup from within his own party. In the past 3 years every major newspaper poll has proved the majority of Israelis support Chamish. The Israeli government's answer was to smear Chamish with ugly web sites, rumors and violent accidents. Tired of the harassment, and fearing for his life, Barry Chamish is in the U.S.A. for several months and offering his lectures to your congregations or organizations. Barry believes, that a second holocaust is being engineered in Israel at this time and that soon Israel will cease to exist as we know it; it will become a country without borders, and Jerusalem will become a multinational city, run by a team that includes the Vatican. Barry's Bio Born in Winnipeg, Canada, 1952. Education - University of Manitoba, 1974, MA Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1979. Armed Service - IDF Anti-Aircraft Missile Shooter. Participant in 1982 War against Lebanon. After completing University and the army in 1981, Barry founded a small press service which provided reliable features for a variety of magazines. Amongst the more glorious publications were The Hollywood Reporter, Screen International and Billboard. Included on the outskirts of the business were long reports in The Atlantic, The New Republic, Reason and New York Newsday.

 Religion And Relationship By Minister &Author Dante Fortson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Minister Dante Fortson was bor­­­n November 15, 1982 in Las Vegas, NV, to Pastor Perryetta Lacy. As a child, growing up in his grandparents’ house, Minister Dante Fortson had many experiences that have helped shape his belief in God and the supernatural. As a result of a dream one night and hearing his name being called in the house the following morning, he was saved and baptized at a very young age. In elementary school he would read about vampires, ghosts, and other supernatural phenomena every chance he had. As he neared the 8 grade, Minister Fortson developed a sudden interest in UFOs, aliens, and the occult. One night, after a seemingly failed attempt to channel what he believed to be extraterrestrials, a life changing demonic experience left him with a lasting fear of the dark and led him to start studying the Bible more intensely for an explanation of the events. It has been a little over a decade since Minister Fortson became a student of Bible prophecy. Now, a self-proclaimed expert in demonology, angelology, and the supernatural, he freely shares his knowledge and experience with anyone seeking advice in spiritual matters.

 The Esp Enigma With Author Diane Hennacy Powell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

A revolutionary scientific explanation of psychic phenomena and the nature of human consciousness. Although much is now known about the brain, relatively little has been determined about where consciousness comes from: What is the source of the “I” in our internal monologue?  How does something as nonmaterial as consciousness arise from something material like the brain? Dr. Diane Powell, a Johns Hopkins-trained neuroscientist, has brilliantly reassessed the meaning and nature of consciousness by exploring research on the workings psychic phenomena. Over the past few decades several well-designed and rigorously supervised experiments have documented the existence of telepathic interconnection, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and out-of-body experiences. Mainstream science has largely ignored these data because they all defy the traditional model of consciousness as being solely the product of brain chemistry and wiring.  Building upon these experiments, Powell constructs a new theory of consciousness. Integrating concepts from physics, neuroscience, and other disciplines, she offers an insightful and intriguing explanation of ESP, and regards psychic abilities as expanding our understanding and appreciation of consciousness. Psychic abilities are also consistent with findings in modern physics: For example, psychokinesis implies that consciousness is a type of force field, while precognition suggests that the past, present, and future exist concurrently.

 Interview With A Psychic Reader Lura Ketchledge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00 From The Author In all my books there are some very true psychic experiences I have witnessed! Included in my books are the hows and whys some people gain their psychic abilities! I am a storyteller at heart. I will pull you into my characters lives, make you either love or hate them, and keep you guessing what happens until the end. Along your journey into paranormal you will learn about ‘Near Death Experience’, find out the reasons ghosts do what they do, and the laws that govern the non-physical world. My ghost chronicles are not the usual gloom and doom you find in the average horror flick. Like an onion my books have many layers. First, my characters are human with good traits and bad ones. There is a real plot with mystery, action, and romances swirling in and out of my books. Not the usual one dimensional stick people in a horror novel. Like the icing on a cake there are the ghosts, the paranormal, and characters that have had a ‘Near Death Experience.’ Topping off the cake are stories about reincarnation and when you get to that part of my book prepare to be amazed! I am not going to come right out and tell anyone living or dead what’s real or what’s fiction in any of my stories, I don’t kiss and tell. Instead I want you to read my books, that’s when I get an agent and get them published mind you! 

 Madhatter Covering The New World Order | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00 American Texan NWO researcher Richard Amyx aka The Madhatter shares his research with us tonight He will be talking about      Not  hidden but in plain view the people of power in our country and around the world have set an agenda for world domination or better known as New World Order.  It started long ago and grows stronger and closer to there goal as the decades go by.  Thy do what thy do in the wide open and do not rely deny what thy are doing, but why should thy the common citizen is not looking and not asking. Thy control all political party's so it does not matter what the outcome there still in the picture and going forward with there agenda. It could go faster but there in no rush for at the end of the day it shall be there victory at what ever cost in life property or monetary means.   THAY WANT IT ALL AT ANY PRICE. 

 Sacred Circle Sacred Earth Part 4 With Sequoyah Trueblood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Sequoyah Trueblood (enrolled with the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma) has contributed selflessly for many years in Canada, and the United States, and around the world as a role model for healthy leadership, bringing peace and joy to the hearts of many. As a ceremonial pipe carrier and with an “off the grid” style in his work he offers something most have never experienced: the genuine guidance of a supportive, profoundly inspired and diversely experienced Elder. His consistent ability to touch wounded hearts and sooth troubled minds with compassion and wisdom has endeared Sequoyah to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people alike. He has a varied background in leadership capacities within Indigenous peoples contexts as well as Western institutions including the U.S. Army, World Bank, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Harvard University Program for Extraordinary Experience Research, and Corrections Canada. Currently he spends most of his summers living from the Kankurwa Medicine Lodge at Cross River Wilderness Centre. About Sequoyah’s presentation - The World was made for Peace Sequoyah Trueblood, a native American story teller will speak about bringing our relationships into harmony with each other and Mother Earth.  He will tell the ancient stories of the First People and how Humanity in the beginning was a people of Oneness.

 Scared Circle Sacred Earth Part 3 With Author GW Hardin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

GW Hardin, New York Times bestselling author, is committed to bringing important and provocative messages to public awareness. His works have been recognized by adults and children all over the world. He has authored or co-authored five nonfiction books describing the coming forth of a new kind of world , with such titles as THE MESSENGERS, THE DAYS OF WONDER, ON THE WINGS OF HEAVEN, THE MASTERS RETURN, and INDIGO RISING: Awakening the Powers of the Children of the New Earth.   The author has appeared on radio, television, and has been interviewed in magazines and newspapers across the nation. He has lectured at universities and given keynote addresses at conferences A graduate in mathematics at the University of Washington, Hardin started out as a computer scientist. Having encounters of his own with angelic messengers convinced him to turn his attention to writing and bringing these stories forward.   About G.W.’s presentation -   THE EDEN FREQUENCY — Prophecy of the Coming Earth   Scientists have discovered “acoustic levitation” whereby certain frequencies can cause objects to levitate. Such knowledge existed during the building of the pyramids. Quantum physicists have discovered in their labs that certain frequencies cause DNA to mend. Both of these discoveries demonstrate the power of the Eden Frequency, being returned to us by sacred . G.W. Hardin will demonstrate what has led to the coming forth of this frequency and how it is prophesies the return of Mother Earth to a garden-planet, where humanity arises from its ashes as a phoenix of new creation. 

 Know The Name Know The Person With Author Shar'on Wyeth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00 Sharon graduated from the University of Redlands with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics at the age of twenty. She began teaching that same year in a public Junior High School in California. During her three years there, she obtained her Master of Arts degree from Azusa-Pacific College with an emphasis in education administration. Sharon moved to Germany where she taught for the Department of Defense Schools. She continued to move around as she married an Air Force soldier. After Germany came Texas, followed by Japan. Eventually she would also teach in New Mexico, Nebraska and Washington besides being a high school administrator in both Texas and Oregon. She retired as a high school principal in 2002, only to come out of retirement in 2008 to become involved in schools once more It was during her time in the schools that she linked the patterns in names to a person’s mindset or personality. She worked on figuring out the patterns of the different letters for fifteen years before she fully comprehended all of the nuances. Sharon took the opportunity to travel a large part of the world testing her theories for the first three years after retiring. Many people requested that she write a book so that they could learn what she had realized about names. It was during this time that she wrote Know the Name; Know the Person, which was published in December 2006.  Since the publication of her book, she spends most of her time traveling and sharing Neimology with others

 Sacred Circle Sacred Earth Part 2 With Adam Apollo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

 Adam Apollo is a Galactic Ambassador and Earth Emissary. Laying an early foundation for his life-purpose, Adam's Graduate presentations in High-school focused on bridging science and spirituality through the integration of advanced Physics, including Loop Quantum Gravity, String Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and Relativity.  During his studies at the University of North Carolina, Adam furthered his integrative research into Astrophysics, Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology, and Psychology.  He has held council with Indigenous Elders from around the world in private fire ceremonies, helped to organize two prayer runs for world peace across the North American Continent, and has smoked the White Buffalo Peace Pipe passed down 19 Generations from the White Buffalo Calf Woman.   Apollo regularly leads advanced self-development workshops appropriately coined “Jedi Training Intensives,” guiding others in metaphysical and martial arts from past-life regressions to high magic, tai chi to astral travel.  In 2005, Adam physically encountered a Galactic Ambassador, met Ambassadors from 73 Species of the Galactic Council, as well as recovered memories from several lifetimes before his journey to Earth.  

 Mars Secret Colony Project With Laura Eisenhower | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is on a mission to bring divine union (Christ Sophia) to all planes of existence through an intense journey of the world soul – in order to harmonize male and female energies, and balance humanity and nature. As a co-founder of Ascending Earth 2012, she works to return our cultural wisdom, renew the Earth's resources and combat harmful global threats. She is also a clairvoyant counselor and natural healer, who has the will and passion to transform even the most lost and broken souls out of hell and misery, in order to awaken their true self and spiritual path. Laura is here to reveal the negative technologies behind the false matrix, the lost love story of creation and sacred feminine in exile – and how that is the root of why our planet is in crisis. She creates with the elements and cycles of the moon to bring the essence of spirit into matter, in order to counteract potential catastrophes and anything that does not serve our highest evolution. As we approach 2012, the widely-prophesized global shift date, we need to be prepared for an intense growth toward enlightenment and learn to stop the patterns of destruction that wound the Earth and ourselves. Apocalyptic events or peace on Earth are ongoing concepts that are in our hands to create. Laura's purpose is to lift veils, battle evil and remove the obstacles that get in the way of our freedom, creative imagination and unity with love – so that we can discover our greatest potential and exist in long-lasting heavenly bliss.

 Sacred Circle Sacred Earth With Author Paola Harris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Paola Leopizzi Harris (Italy/Europe/Vatican) is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research.  She is also a widely published, free-lance writer, especially in Europe.  She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field.  From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hyneck with his UFO investigations and has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo.   In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col. Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico and became a personal friend and confidante.  She was instrumental in having his book The Day After Roswell, for which she wrote the preface, translated into Italian.  


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