PragerU show


Summary: PragerU is one of the world's leading producers of conservative online video content. We present the ideas that led to the creation and development of the freest and most prosperous nation in history – The United States of America. We do this through five-minute, entertaining, educational video courses with professors, authors, comedians and some of the world's sharpest minds. Listen to our podcasts for the audio versions of our weekly videos. Go to to watch the videos.

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 PragerU - Do You Pass the Israel Test? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:37

Would you believe us if we said that the best litmus test of any society's success is its attitude towards Israel? Well, it's true. As George Gilder explains, whether a society envies and resents Israel's success or celebrates and tries to replicate it is indicative of that society's progress. Countries that "pass" the "Israel Test" tend to rise. Those who don't tend to sink. So, does your society pass the "Israel Test"? In five minutes, find out.

 PragerU -The Promise of Free Enterprise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:32

Built into the foundation of free enterprise is a promise. It's a promise that no other economic system offers. This promise has a great deal to do with your sense of well-being, that is, your happiness. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton understood this. So does renowned social scientist, Arthur Brooks. In five minutes, he how explains happiness and free enterprise are marvelously entwined.

 PragerU - Hoover and the Great Depression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:36

A new history of the Great Depression is emerging. One that acknowledges the role that government played in causing and prolonging it, and the constructive role that free enterprise could have played, if it were given the chance. In this video, UCLA economist Lee Ohanian explains how Herbert Hoover, widely misunderstood as a champion of the free market, actually turned what should have just been a recession into a depression due to his mistrust of the market.

 PragerU -The Truth about the Vietnam War | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:08

Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided. The truth is that our military won the war, but our politicians lost it. The Communists in North Vietnam actually signed a peace treaty, effectively surrendering. But the U.S. Congress didn't hold up its end of the bargain. In just five minutes, learn the truth about who really lost the Vietnam War.

 PragerU - What Every Graduate Should Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:50

As a college graduate, the commencement speech is something that you can take with you into the world. America's universities have attracted some of the most successful and famous people to speak to graduates. Some commencement speakers deliver grand and inspiring speeches. Some don't say much. Our founder, Dennis Prager, has his own five-minute commencement speech he'd like to give to this year's college graduates. It's not the typical address, and not one you'd likely hear at most universities.

 PragerU - Why America's Military Must Be Strong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:28

 Over the past century there have been periods when the American military has been dominant and periods when it has not. Renowned British historian Andrew Roberts examines the consequences of a weak America versus a strong America and what each means to the peace and prosperity of the world.

 PragerU - War on Boys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:38

What ever happened to letting "boys be boys?" Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for nibbling a Pop Tart into a gun. In another, a teacher was so alarmed by a picture drawn by a student (of a sword fight), that the boy's parents were summoned in for a conference. In short, boys in America's schools are routinely punished for being active, competitive, and restless. In other words, boys can no longer be boys. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains how we can change this.

 PrageU - The Middle East Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:39

The Middle East conflict is framed as one of the most complex problems in the world. But, in reality, it's very simple. Israelis want to live in peace and are willing to accept a neighboring Palestinian state. And most Palestinians do not want Israel to exist. As Dennis Prager explains, this is really all you need to know. In 5 minutes, understand how Israel was founded, and how, since that auspicious day in 1948, its neighbors have tried to destroy it, again and again.

 PragerU - Iran and the Bomb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:16

Many countries have nuclear weapons, and many more want them. Only one, though, has its neighbors and the world terrified. That country is Iran. Why is everyone so concerned? Because the Islamic theocracy has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel, sponsors global terrorism, and would leverage the deterrence effect of a nuclear weapon to advance their anti-Western and anti-American interests. Bret Stephens, foreign affairs columnist for the Wall Street Journal explains the one thing you really need to know in order to understand why we can't let Iran get the bomb--they may actually use it.

 PragerU - Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:41

We have all had times in our relationships when we hurt a loved one, or a loved one hurt us. That's part of life. But not all of us know how to forgive, even when the other party has offered a sincere apology. In this Prager University course, UCLA psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marmer shares the three types of forgiveness--exoneration, forbearance, and release--and explains why anyone who wants to mend meaningful relationships must first understand forgiveness. Internalizing Dr. Marmer's teaching can be an important first step, for many people, to keeping and fixing their most valued relationships.

 PragerU - The Government vs. the American Character | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:59

Over the past 50 years, the purpose of the American government has radically transformed. Whereas it's main goal in domestic matters used to be to protect liberty, it is now an entitlements machine, transferring over $2 trillion per year from some people's pockets to others. Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute explains how the explosions in social security, medicare, medicaid, and other welfare programs are changing the American character for the worse--from one that is focused on individual responsibility and giving, to one that is focused on grabbing as much of the pie as possible.

 PragerU - God vs. Atheism: Which is More Rational? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:26

Belief in God, according to atheists, is irrational, illogical, and dumb. Belief that the universe created itself is, they say, intelligent, rational, and based in science. This is simply false. Nothing can create itself. Everything has a cause--including the universe. That cause, argues Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College, is God, the "unmoved mover." Belief in God, as Kreeft shows, is more rational than belief in nothing. Logic, science, and reason, support God. Atheism, as you'll see, is far more steeped in blind faith than is belief.

 PragerU - Are People Born Good? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:12

In our universities, newspapers, and television shows, it is a given that external forces are the cause of crime. If not for poverty, murder and rape would be much lower. If not for racism, America's inner cities would be far wealthier. So on and so on. At the core of this belief is that people are basically good, and it is society that makes them bad. This notion is simply not true. As Dennis Prager explains in this video, human nature is not basically good. It is not, though, basically bad. People are born more or less neutral. And it is incumbent upon parents, teachers, and yes, society, to turn children into good adults. It doesn't happen on its own.

 PragerU - What is Social Justice? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:32

“Social Justice” is a term you hear almost every day. But did you ever hear anybody define what it actually means? Jonah Goldberg of the American Enterprise Institute tries to pin this catchall phrase to the wall. In doing so, he exposes the not-so-hidden agenda of those who use it. What sounds so caring and noble turns out to be something very different.

 PragerU - What Did Your Parents Most Want You to Be? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:59

When parents boast about their children with other people, what do most say first? Is it how nice they are to strangers? Or how much volunteering they did last year? Usually not. More often, they talk about their good grades in school, or the prestigious college they went to, or the much sought after summer internship they are on. But this is backwards. Acts of kindness are what parents should talk about with others, and what they should really praise their kids for. According to Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, the best way to make a better world is to praise people for what counts--goodness.


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