Midnight DBA show

Midnight DBA

Summary: Tutorial videos and our live weekly webshow, DBAs@Midnight, from the MidnightDBAs. Here we focus on SQL Server and Powershell, but we cover all things related to DBAs. We teach everything from SSIS to Windows and networking, to Powershell tricks.

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 Grouping Sets | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 17:32

Here Jen and I go over grouping sets the only way we can. I hope you guys enjoy us late at night.

 T-SQL: Over() and Partition By | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:16

Show how to use OVER and PARTITION BY to get groups of data with aggregation.

 Troubleshoot SSIS: "Script component cannot build user component" | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 2:57

Troubleshoot SSIS: "Script component cannot build user component"

 T-SQL: Find Last Day of Month | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 4:16

Follow Jen as she steps you through 3 progressively elegant solutions for finding the last day of the month.

 Deploy Packages | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 30:21

Jen and I sit up very late one night and discuss how do deploy SSIS packages. If you don't know anything at all about deploying packages or just want to learn a couple tricks, then you'll love this. Plus we're tired enough to goof around a bit.

 Cool New SSMS Features for DBAs | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:07

I give MS a hard time sometimes so I like to give them props when I find something really worth it. And here I discuss 3 new features in Katmai that are mainly for DBAs. They're really cool so pay attention and enjoy.

 Powershell Profiles | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 8:15

Here I finally address how to connect to SQL Server from powershell proper by adding the SQL Server snapins. Then I show you how to add them to your profile so you don't have to add them manually every time you start PowerShell.

 HTML Styles: Part 1 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 16:19

Here I continue with the HTML basics video by showing you a better way to do styles. I hinted about this in the basics video so I decided to go ahead and do it. I'll show you the ultimate way to do styles in the next one. All methods have their uses and we'll get into that sometime too. For now though, just enjoy learning header styles.

 Basic Backup | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:04:05

Learn how to perform basic backups with SQL syntax.

 Interpreting Disk Queues | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:43

Disk queues are a mystery for the majority of DBAs. They may know that they need to look at them, but they have no idea what they mean. Here I'll show you how to know what you'relooking at to see when your disk queues are too high. This tutorial doesn't go into how to fix the problem really, it's more just how to diagnose it.

 Basic HTML for DBAs | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 35:35

After my last video I got some emails saying that not all DBAs already know HTML. So I decided to teach some basic HTML that DBAs can use in their daily jobs. So if you're a DBA and you've always wanted to tackle HTML, don't worry... it's easier than it sounds.

 Sending HTML SQL Emails | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 00:39:42

I'm actually excited to be able to bring you this video because this is a topic that comes up quite often in DBA circles. The topic is how do you format a nice HTML email that you send through SQL. Being able to return a query as the body of an email comes in handy all over the place. I really hope you guys get as much out of this as I do.

 Building a Powershell BCP Routine | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 31:21

Here I show you how to build a script that will BCP an entire group of tables and even log the progress. You can make the routine as simple or as rich as you like. These are the building blocks of such a process and will take you far in your endeavors. There are several techniques taught in this video so pay attention to the details and you'll come away with a richer knowledge of powershell.

 Compression Basics | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 12:23

I'm going over the basics of how to implement data compression here. I'm not really touching on where and why you'd want to do it, but how to once you've made the decision.

 RunAs Magic | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 23:58

This is a really good video on how to use the RunAs utility in windows. There are several scenarios when a DBA/Dev may need to logon to a program with separate credentials and this takes you a good way to getting there. The process is simple, but it comes with some caveats. I don't even come close to discussing the whole topic here but like I said, it's an excellent start that takes you past the basics of the right-click.


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