POGO Podcasts show

POGO Podcasts

Summary: The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is an independent nonprofit that investigates and exposes corruption and other misconduct in order to achieve a more effective, accountable, open, and ethical federal government. Founded in 1981, POGO (which was then known as Project on Military Procurement) originally worked to expose outrageously overpriced military spending on items such as a $7,600 coffee maker and a $436 hammer. In 1990, after many successes reforming military spending, including a Pentagon spending freeze at the height of the Cold War, POGO decided to expand its mandate and investigate waste, fraud, and abuse throughout the federal government. Throughout its history, POGO's work has been applauded by Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle, federal workers and whistleblowers, other nonprofits, and the media.

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  • Artist: Project On Government Oversight
  • Copyright: 2012 - Project On Government Oversight


 The Week in Open Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:00

Agencies face new challenges implementing the Open Government Directive, and the White House has a new approach with presidential signing statements.

 A Break from Oversight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:54

If your kid accidentally blew apart a building, would you give them less supervision? This hands-off approach is exactly what the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is doing by giving the contractors who manage the nation’s eight nuclear weapons sites (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Nevada Test Site, Sandia National Laboratory, Savannah River Site, Pantex, Y-12, and the Kansas City Plant) a six-month break from many regularly scheduled oversight reviews.

 Derivatives, Financial Self-Regulating Organizations, and Preventing the Next Madoff Disaster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:00

In December, POGO sent a letter to SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro regarding loopholes in proposed rule to increase transparency for troubled assets. Another letter urged the SEC Chairman to take action on recommendations made by the agency's Inspector General.

 POGO Urges Pentagon To Create Strong Regulations Against Conflicts of Interest in Engineering Programs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:13

Mandy Smithberger discusses a recent POGO letter to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics.


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