LNM Radio Network show

LNM Radio Network

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 Ana Martin author of the new book “The Martin Family: Their Secret Legacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:00

Home About Us The Story Ana's Soap Contact Us For the first time ever, the "Martin" family has come forth to share a secret that they have kept private all of their lives. Until now. Read, in their own words, the true accounts of this genuine, Mexican family as they reveal numerous encounters with what appears to be extra-terrestrial. As well as some shocking information they have learned that is not of this world. This is one of the most profound and informative cases of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FOURTH KIND ever to be made public. Their true story begins with the mysterious arrival of their first known "Martin" relative nearly 200 years ago. Ana's great-great grandfather was found as an infant in a basket onside a wandering horse, one of two saddled steeds that appeared on a Mexican ranch in the mid-1800's. Neither the child's parents nor their bodies were ever found. No one ever learned where he came from. For generations, Ana and her family have had many encounters with what they consider to be " encounters" which sound extra-terrestrial in nature. Additionally, they have had countless other paranormal experiences they cannot explain.

 Richard Phillips [ The second Ship ] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Richard Phillips Author of the Best Selling Kindle Sci-Fi Series: The Rho Agenda Born in Roswell, New Mexico in 1956, Richard Phillips graduated from West Point in 1979, trained as an Army Ranger and served for several years as an officer in the United States Army. In 1989, he graduated with a Master of Science degree in Physics from the Naval Post Graduate School, completing his thesis work at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He then spent three years as a Research Associate at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, before completing his tour of duty as an Army Officer. He now lives in Phoenix, with his lovely wife, Carol, and can often be found visiting with fans and customers at Carol's restaurant, the AZ Bread Co. Café. ________________________________________________ For sixty years, the National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico has been investigating the powerful technologies of a damaged alien ship, an effort dubbed the “Rho Project.” Now, the American government is ready to share the Rho Project discoveries with the world. But as the world scrambles to adopt the alien technologies, three people make another shocking discovery: hidden inside a cave in the New Mexico wilderness lies a second alien ship. The discovery snares them in a web of government cover-ups involving secret experimentation using alien technology on humans and the frightening knowledge of an extraterrestrial war. A battle has begun, and the secrets of the second ship may hold the key to humanity’s last chance for survival. In this stunning new thriller, Richard Phillips provides a terrifying glimpse into technologies that lie just around the future's corner.

 Kris Millegan [ America's Secret Establishment ] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Kris Millegan is a writer, researcher and publisher whose father was in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Military Intelligence (G2), and later was in the CIA, rising to Branch Chief, Head of Intelligence Analysis for East Asia. His father told Kris some things that he didn't understand in the late 60's. These revelations led to over thirty years of research into the subjects of CIA-drugs, clandestine operations, conspiracy theory and secret societies. Kris's publishing house TrineDay brought Antony Sutton's underground classic, America's Secret Establishment An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones to a wider audience, published the book, Expendable Elite, by Lt Col Dan Marvin, a tale of special forces commander and his tangles with the CIA. TrineDay's most recent release is Fleshing Out Skull & Bones is being well received, being called encyclopedic and the bedrock of books on Skull & Bones. TrineDay also has the book Ambushed Secrets of the Bush Family, the Stolen Presidency, 9-11 and 2004, coming out in April 2004 and four more books in the works. Kris produced two CIA-Drugs Symposium in 2000 that brought together the top researchers, whistleblowers, authors and academicians in the field with many new revelations and understandings developing from the conclaves. Kris is also singer/songwriter with several songs in the National Lampoon release, Last Resort. Kris lives in a rural community outside Eugene, Oregon.

 Keith Chester [, Strange Company -Military Encounters With UFOs In WWII ] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Keith Chester is an author, filmmaker, and mixed media artist living in Maryland . In the mid 1960s, Keith had a daytime sighting of a UFO. Subsequently, that sighting sparked his interest in the UFO phenomenon, but it was not until 1987 that he began dedicating considerable time to research. In 1999, Keith began concentrating his focus specifically on UFOs observed during the Second World War. For the next five years, four of which consisted of weekly visits to the National Archives in College Park , Maryland , Keith conducted an in-depth review of World War II documentation, including records generated by the Office of Strategic Services, War Department, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, Office of Scientific Research and Development, and United States Army Air Forces. He also interviewed several World War II veterans who were there and witnessed the phenomenon. In 2007, his research culminated in Strange Company - Military Encounters With UFOs In WWII, was published by Anomalist Books: http://www.anomalistbooks.com/chester.html ; http://keith-chester.blogspot.com/

 Glenn Canady & Tyler Hardy join me to discuss current events & NWO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

I was joined by Tyler Hardy & Glenn Canady in what became a great discussion on topics such as ASPARTAME, the NWO, PLANET X AND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM SO TAKE A LISTEN TO ANOTHER GREAT SHOW.

 Sierra Sky [ Ghost Whisperer ] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Best known around da world as a Ghost Whisperer, I help earthbound spirits/lost souls cross into the light. Think i am crazy? I use too as well. After my haunting worse then The Enity once a skeptic I became a believer through counseling and school I struggled to understand why spirits were around me. That was 6 years ago! I have dedicated my life to those that are being haunted. My promise to God. No one should have to do it alone like i did! Documentary on me should be done next week 7/2010 so excited about that..And the screenplay about my haunting has been written.What's next for me i don't have a clue but the universe and Angels know...On this site i answer a lot of questions about the spirit world amazes me how many people are being haunted and how many are intrigued....My website is www.spiritrescue.webs.com I work with Scott, Marlys and Arch Angel Michael on Spirit Rescue Whether in the field or not I am protected. I am a automatic writer, clairaudience, clairsentence I validate what I am hearing from my guides. my gifts came about from a haunting experience I am a Reiki Master and send out healing to many that need it... I consider my self a spiritualist and follow the path as a healer in all area's from people to sending those to the light for healing I wanted a place where we can all come together for I am learning almost all gifts go with the bigger picture the future 2012. I am a self published author "Through the eye's of a Spirit Rescuer" The incredible journey begins. I Co-host spirit rescue on blog talk radio. As well as the creator of Spirit Rescue here on Ning. If you need my help in clearing houses, property etc just let me know. I will be happy to do this free of charge of course I lived it I know what it is like

 Jaysen Q. Rand [ Project Blue Light ] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Dr. Jaysen Rand received his Honorary Ph.D. in the field of Energy informative Sciences, from the Academy of Energy informative Sciences, conducted with Moscow University, Russia. His contributions in the study and pursuit of Extraterrestrial Communications, research into UFO phenomena, cosmology and his representing the United States at The First World UFO Congress (Tucson, AZ, 1991) earned him distinctive recognition and his Doctorate from their Russian Academy of Sciences in 1992 in Moscow. Dr. Rand travels widely establishing close ties with his fellow Ufologists and paranormal researchers, especially in Russia where Rand has close ties with Lt. Col. Marina Popovich and her former husband, Army General Pavel Popovich, who both live in Moscow. Marina and Pavel remain active in the UFO field representing Russia. Tonight we will discuss [project Blue Light ] and Project Blue Light & the Governments Project Blue Book.

 Stanton T. Friedman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Stanton T. Friedman received BS and MS degrees in Physics from University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate. He worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Doulglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space. Since 1967, Friedman has lectured on the topic of UFOs at more than 600colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 Provinces,England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Korea,Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel. Often referred to as the "Father of Roswell", Stan was the first to investigate the incident beginning in 1978. He has been investigating UFO incidents since the mid 1950's.

 Sandi Athey [ psychic & intuitive ] call in and ask her to help you!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:07:00

Whether it’s a love life problem, challenges with finances, or a career that just isn’t panning out, Sandi Athey can help listeners get back on track. She’ll help YOU discover your own inner voice, while at the same time helping you cut through life's noise to hear your own intuition. She’ll share with listeners how to uncover the blocks that are stopping you from creating the life you desire. With over 20 years of experience as a professional intuitive, Sandi knows how to use the power of her insight to gain better understanding of the motivations that drive human behavior. She’ll share knowledge gained over many years of instruction from traditional Native American teachers and leaders of diverse religious organizations. Sandi co- host the "Science and Spirit Show" on Internet Partnership radio with Tony Pann, formerly of the Today show.

 Terri Jay Psychic & intuitive messenger 2 hr taking your calls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Terri Jay, Intuitive Messenger If you are grieving, attempting to communicate with your lost loved one can alleviate any guilt you may have and also help to bring closure in your life. Holding onto your grief can cause serious health problems and can negatively impact your life. Terri Jay can help you to alleviate those feelings and bring about closure by communicating with loved ones, including pets. A private one-on-one session with Terri can help you to get spiritual guidance with questions about your health, career, or personal relationships. Terri can even assist with identifying the cause behind behavioral problems in horses, dogs, cats and other domesticated animals. Terri is a published author, noted clinician, and accomplished speaker internationally known for her unique abilities. www.TerriJay.com AND FOR THE SECOND HR OPENLINES !! YOU NEVER KNOW

 Drew R. Maras, author of Open Your Eyes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

To 2012 and Beyond An avid researcher and crusading advocate for peace, love, hope and—most importantly—truth, Drew R. Maras uses his unique vision and passionate writing style to bring you the world through his eyes. Trained by the United States Marines Corps infantry, Maras has a provocative view of the world revealed in Open Your Eyes: To 2012 and Beyond. He is regarded as an original thinker with an uncanny instinct to understand life beyond the headlines. A catalyst for sparking proactive change, the author brings genuine and sincere devotion to the cause of revealing truth in today's world and its future. In his free time he enjoys the good company of family and friends, as well as writing, traveling, and spending time outdoors with his two dogs.

 Former West Bank Mayor David Rubin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel—in the region of Samaria, known to much of the world as the West Bank. He is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund—dedicated to easing the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks. The not-for-profit also focuses its efforts on rebuilding the biblical heartland of Israel. The Fund was established after Rubin and his three-year-old son were wounded in a vicious terrorist attack while driving home from Jerusalem. He vowed to retaliate—not with hatred or anger, but with compassion—in order to affect positive change for Israel and its people. A featured speaker throughout the United States and in Israel, David Rubin has appeared on national and international radio and television programs. Prior to his current activities, Rubin learned crucial lessons during the 25-year period that he spent as an educator in the United States and Israel. He instructed students in college, elementary school, and all ages in-between; and thrived on the challenge of relating to children of varying ages and backgrounds. Rubin believes that the ability to adapt and relate to others and to think openly and honestly about every issue are essential skills—ideas that he also instilled in his students. Rubin’s previous book, God, Israel, and Shiloh: Returning to the Land, recounts the struggles and the triumphs of Israel’s complex history. He also illustrates the inspiring journey of the people of Israel returning to their biblical heartland, with all of the difficult challenges that they have faced. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Rubin returned to his religious roots as a young adult and moved to Israel at the age of 35. He is proud of his dual citizenship and spends most of his time living in Israel, but often travels to the United States on speaking tours. David Rubin currently resides in Israel with his wife and children on a hilltop overlooking the site of Ancient Shiloh

 John Hutchison, and his associate, Nancy Lazaryan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Canadian John Hutchison is a self-taught scientist who reports to have accidentally stumbled onto a collection of phenomena now known as the Hutchison Effect during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979. Some of the effects produced include levitation of heavy objects, metal samples turned transparent, metals turned into jelly, and the spontaneous fracturing of metals. The Hutchison Effect has been well documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers. His findings have been televised in the U.S., Japan, and Canada. They have also piqued interest from electrical engineering, aircraft companies, the Canadian Department of Defense, and the military. John has also been working on sound wave healing in which he and Nancy have been conductiong experiments in which with frequencys they are able to heal the gulf waters that have been damaged badly by the BP OIL spill

 Alyne Pustanio returns as we take a look at the evidence from Johnny Thunders hotel room | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Alyne Pustanio is an occultist and paranormal researcher who specializes in raising awareness about the supernatural and occult dangers associated with ghost hunting and other paranormal activities. Alyne draws on over 25 years of personal experience with demonic activity and other extreme haunting situations in her own life to explore the dark side of the paranormal and the very real dangers it can create in the lives of those who work with the unexplained on a daily basis. As an author Alyne is inspired by the “gumbo” of supernatural lore and legends associated with her infamously haunted hometown of New Orleans to craft unique tales of terror such as “The Devil Baby of Bourbon Street,” “Violette, The Zombie Child,” and “The Death Mask of the Zombie King.” Her work has most recently been featured in compilations by Brad Steiger, known as “the Godfather of the Paranormal,” and you can find more of her Haunting Tales of Old New Orleans by visiting her website at www.alynepustanio.com LSPR-society.com

 Joe Laycock [ VAMPIRES TODAY ] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Joseph Laycock holds a Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and is now a doctoral candidate at Boston University. He is the author of several academic journal articles as well as the book Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism. Laycock spent approximately two years doing ethnographic research with the Atlanta Vampire Alliance and has produced ground-breaking research on a community of self-identified vampires. He argues that so-called "real vampires" are neither mentally ill nor practicing a strange religion. Instead, they appear to be an identity group that we do not ready-made category for.


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