In A Perfect World show

In A Perfect World

Summary: YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe,the Ultraculture of the 21st century. These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight... Follow this blog if(typeof(networkedblogs)=="undefined"){networkedblogs = {};networkedblogs.blogId=1105010;networkedblogs.shortName="in-a-perfect-world";} NEW: JOIN our Facebook page to discuss the podcasts and 'find the others'...


 132: Toad Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5276

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and documentary filmmaker, co-founder of Medicina Sagrada CMX and medicine man Mario Garner as they discuss the Bufo Alvarius toad, 5MEO-DMT, Source Consciousness and the unfolding of the divine in these times… Mario has worked with indigenous Mexican collectors of the Bufo medicine and the tribes in the Sonoran desert to teach them the value and sanctity of the toad, and has helped weave together disparate threads into a vibrant Mexico City toad tribe. What is the next step for the unity the toad can reveal when anchored in community? Is the 5MEO molecule activating consciousness in the human species, like a divine pollinator? Listen as they discuss the ethics, politics and growth vectors of this most powerful of medicines, and talk about the early days of the toad in Mexico, the common experiences of coming into common-unity, the need for integration and the duty of care we all share in this evolution. For more information see CDMX Bufo Alvarius Medicina Sagrada, and and the forthcoming World Bufo Alvarius Conference 2018 that Mario is the Director of, and where his toad documentary will premiere July 27th, 2018: . And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 131: Medicina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4588

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and Dr. Alex Pardois as they talk about medicine: both the Western kind and the shamanic. Alex’s journey has taken her from being an ER doctor in the pharmaceutical paradigm and studying Allopathic Medicine at Leeds School of Medicine to experiencing her own spiritual awakening with medicine plants like ayahuasca and the kambô frog. Alex studied at the International Association of Kambô Practitioners and is now a certified kambô practitioner. Here we talk about the healing power of the frog, the chemical constituents of the peptides, the usage of kambô with the Matses and indigenous tribes, and the evolving way the West is approaching shamanic medicines, including the integration of the energetic body. And in following the path of this medicine woman from the emergency ward to the emergence, we can see reflected the cultural journey of the West back to the true nature of medicina itself. For more information see: And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 131: Medicina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4588

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and Dr. Alex Pardois as they talk about medicine: both the Western kind and the shamanic. Alex’s journey has taken her from being an ER doctor in the pharmaceutical paradigm and studying Allopathic Medicine at Leeds School of Medicine to experiencing her own spiritual awakening with medicine plants like ayahuasca and the kambô frog. Alex studied at the International Association of Kambô Practitioners and is now a certified kambô practitioner. Here we talk about the healing power of the frog, the chemical constituents of the peptides, the usage of kambô with the Matses and indigenous tribes, and the evolving way the West is approaching shamanic medicines, including the integration of the energetic body. And in following the path of this medicine woman from the emergency ward to the emergence, we can see reflected the cultural journey of the West back to the true nature of medicina itself. For more information see: And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 130: Beloved | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4549

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin: 1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A special Valentine's Day edition with experiential journalist Rak Razam and Joanna Harcourt Smith, all about love. Joanna was the starseed psychedelic beloved of Timothy Leary from his escape from prison in 1972, where they met on the run in Afghanistan, throughout the four years of his re-imprisonment until 1977. His love letters to her have recently been returned to her possession, and her reading from them uncovers both a perennial love story and a historical treasure trove of data from those years. How did Tim's separation and imprisonment heighten his tantric appreciation for love itself? How did the psychedelic ideas of Exo-Psychology and the Eight-Circuit model of Consciousness he devised permeate his letters? How do we learn to love unconditionally, opening up to Source in all of us, and still find the Beloved to anchor in our temples? A deeply intimate satsung on the power of love from us, to you... Find more of Joanna Harcourt Smith's work at: and her book Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary: My Psychedelic Love Story. And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 130: Beloved | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4549

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin: 1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A special Valentine's Day edition with experiential journalist Rak Razam and Joanna Harcourt Smith, all about love. Joanna was the starseed psychedelic beloved of Timothy Leary from his escape from prison in 1972, where they met on the run in Afghanistan, throughout the four years of his re-imprisonment until 1977. His love letters to her have recently been returned to her possession, and her reading from them uncovers both a perennial love story and a historical treasure trove of data from those years. How did Tim's separation and imprisonment heighten his tantric appreciation for love itself? How did the psychedelic ideas of Exo-Psychology and the Eight-Circuit model of Consciousness he devised permeate his letters? How do we learn to love unconditionally, opening up to Source in all of us, and still find the Beloved to anchor in our temples? A deeply intimate satsung on the power of love from us, to you... Find more of Joanna Harcourt Smith's work at: and her book Tripping the Bardo with Timothy Leary: My Psychedelic Love Story. And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 129: Holy Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5559

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A rollicking rollercoaster of a ride between Tulum and Cancun with experiential journalist Rak Razam and guest Dr. Joseph Barsuglia. Join us for a fly on the wall conversation that bridges the worlds between psychedelia and policy, academia, medicine and religion, from 5-MeO-DMT to endogenous mystical states. What does it mean to worship in our modern, secular age? If entheogens trigger a divine impulse, how does that relate to faith? Can we cultivate the art of Divine Listening and a relationship with the Source within? Can we cure addictions by integrating the mind body and spirit? Joseph was the director of the Crossroads Ibogaine clinic, working to cure addictions, and here we explore healing and trauma release modalities, the vagus nerve, psychedelic therapy, and somatic intelligence. Can the disconnection of addiction be healed by the connection of the spiritual experience? For more information see: and PubMed and Research Gate, search for Joseph Barsuglia. With BIG thanks to Adam of The Sonic for filtering some of this audio–recorded in a noisy van–and making it all that little bit more listenable! Thanks to the listeners, too, for their understanding–we captured gold here, and sometimes you have to dig for it! xx And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 129: Holy Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5559

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy A rollicking rollercoaster of a ride between Tulum and Cancun with experiential journalist Rak Razam and guest Dr. Joseph Barsuglia. Join us for a fly on the wall conversation that bridges the worlds between psychedelia and policy, academia, medicine and religion, from 5-MeO-DMT to endogenous mystical states. What does it mean to worship in our modern, secular age? If entheogens trigger a divine impulse, how does that relate to faith? Can we cultivate the art of Divine Listening and a relationship with the Source within? Can we cure addictions by integrating the mind body and spirit? Joseph was the director of the Crossroads Ibogaine clinic, working to cure addictions, and here we explore healing and trauma release modalities, the vagus nerve, psychedelic therapy, and somatic intelligence. Can the disconnection of addiction be healed by the connection of the spiritual experience? For more information see: and PubMed and Research Gate, search for Joseph Barsuglia. With BIG thanks to Adam of The Sonic for filtering some of this audio–recorded in a noisy van–and making it all that little bit more listenable! Thanks to the listeners, too, for their understanding–we captured gold here, and sometimes you have to dig for it! xx And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 128: The Flowering Soul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3668

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts an extended version of the lecture he gave at the 2017 EGA conference in December, 2017. If EntheoGenesis is awakening to the Divine within, what do we do with IT then? Is the peak experience of divinity a seed to be integrated and/or a relationship to be nurtured? Is the current surge in interest in 5-MeO-DMT from synthetic and natural sources like the Bufo Alvarius toad just the latest stage of an entheogenic relationship flowering in human consciousness? What are the other steps in anchoring this God consciousness? Beyond the toad, can we entrain our endogenous capacity to anchor Source, and what would this mean?  For more info see . And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 128: The Flowering Soul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3668

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts an extended version of the lecture he gave at the 2017 EGA conference in December, 2017. If EntheoGenesis is awakening to the Divine within, what do we do with IT then? Is the peak experience of divinity a seed to be integrated and/or a relationship to be nurtured? Is the current surge in interest in 5-MeO-DMT from synthetic and natural sources like the Bufo Alvarius toad just the latest stage of an entheogenic relationship flowering in human consciousness? What are the other steps in anchoring this God consciousness? Beyond the toad, can we entrain our endogenous capacity to anchor Source, and what would this mean?  For more info see . And please support this podcast pay its annual hosting fees in 2018 and the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: or the bitcoin account above, gracias! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 127: 5MEO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4016

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a robust community discussion on the role, importance and shape of 5-MeO-DMT in modern culture from the Somara Shamanic Medicine Forum, Feb, 2016. With Shannon Kempster, Maya Waken, Dean Jefferys, Dan Schreiber and Jewelli Deva. What is the connection between the Mexican Sonoran desert toad and the legendary yage of Amazonian tribes? What role does bufotenine play in the 5-MeO neurochemical cocktail in plants and toads? Unified field. Source consciousness. Home: what celestial cartography do these catalysts reveal? Is this the return of DreaMTime consciousness? Are there any significant differences between synthetic and organic 5-MeO, or plant-based and toad-based 5-MeO? Do repeated doses of 5-MeO make one more sensitive to the medicine and to the ceremony of life itself? How do we keep open the endogenous pathways that the medicine can reveal? Recorded and shared by Kent Holloway. With thanks to Somara: Also visit Toad & 5-MeO-DMT Testimonials for more community information: and the Five Hive: And if you like this podcast support the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 127: 5MEO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4016

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a robust community discussion on the role, importance and shape of 5-MeO-DMT in modern culture from the Somara Shamanic Medicine Forum, Feb, 2016. With Shannon Kempster, Maya Waken, Dean Jefferys, Dan Schreiber and Jewelli Deva. What is the connection between the Mexican Sonoran desert toad and the legendary yage of Amazonian tribes? What role does bufotenine play in the 5-MeO neurochemical cocktail in plants and toads? Unified field. Source consciousness. Home: what celestial cartography do these catalysts reveal? Is this the return of DreaMTime consciousness? Are there any significant differences between synthetic and organic 5-MeO, or plant-based and toad-based 5-MeO? Do repeated doses of 5-MeO make one more sensitive to the medicine and to the ceremony of life itself? How do we keep open the endogenous pathways that the medicine can reveal? Recorded and shared by Kent Holloway. With thanks to Somara: Also visit Toad & 5-MeO-DMT Testimonials for more community information: and the Five Hive: And if you like this podcast support the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 126: Sacred Humans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5853

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin: 1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Experiential journalist Rak Razam goes deep with shamanic facilitator and spokeswoman Tricia Eastman in talking about her medicine path with iboga, 5-MeO-DMT and planetary initiation. How can we be of service to the shamanic medicines and be sustainable as facilitators ourselves? What training and best practices are needed as a foundation amongst the diversity of shamanic medicines and styles? How do we integrate indigenous practice and customize it for modern audiences and needs without appropriation? What are the dangers of western poly-entheogenic use? Is there a stepping stone pattern to be guided in with what entheogens we work with on the deepening path of initiation? Are more women being called forth to serve medicine as ‘midwives’ to the Divine and how does that balance out the sacred masculine? As we re-sensitize to ourselves and nature and our place in the grand unfolding, what does it mean to be a Sacred Human? For more information visit: And if you like this podcast support the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: Art: Android Jones xx This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 126: Sacred Humans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5853

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin: 1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy Experiential journalist Rak Razam goes deep with shamanic facilitator and spokeswoman Tricia Eastman in talking about her medicine path with iboga, 5-MeO-DMT and planetary initiation. How can we be of service to the shamanic medicines and be sustainable as facilitators ourselves? What training and best practices are needed as a foundation amongst the diversity of shamanic medicines and styles? How do we integrate indigenous practice and customize it for modern audiences and needs without appropriation? What are the dangers of western poly-entheogenic use? Is there a stepping stone pattern to be guided in with what entheogens we work with on the deepening path of initiation? Are more women being called forth to serve medicine as ‘midwives’ to the Divine and how does that balance out the sacred masculine? As we re-sensitize to ourselves and nature and our place in the grand unfolding, what does it mean to be a Sacred Human? For more information visit: And if you like this podcast support the emergence of new paradigm media by contributing to: Art: Android Jones xx This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 125: The Love of Art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4242

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy or via Patreon: Gwyllm Llwydd has long swum through the seas of Art & Entheogensia. His early artistic influences were Willifred Sätty, Max Ernst, Rick Griffin and various schools of Buddhist Mandala Art. Join us as experiential journalist Rak Razam chats with Gwyllm, artist and publisher of “The Invisible College Magazine” on and curator of one of the greatest collection of historical visionary art on the internet. Together they discuss the role of visionary art in culture from Dreamtime cave walls to William Blake, the Surrealists, Ernst Fusch, Salvador Dali, Roberto Venosa, Pablo Amaringo, Alex and Allyson Grey and Android Jones’ virtual reality installations and many points in-between. Is visionary art not just a representation of altered states but a mapping of the same? Are artists information transfer specialists from higher dimensions to this one that bring forth the Divine Spark? Can the Love of Art Save the Earth? For more information see: ; ; and You can also connect with Gwyllm on Facebook, Google+, Twitter or via email: llwydd (at) earthrites (dot) org This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

 125: The Love of Art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4242

YOU can now support this podcast via BitCoin:1DqzQqRuYwApTyA6n3q6ff6hPwbfhmTHmy or via Patreon: Gwyllm Llwydd has long swum through the seas of Art & Entheogensia. His early artistic influences were Willifred Sätty, Max Ernst, Rick Griffin and various schools of Buddhist Mandala Art. Join us as experiential journalist Rak Razam chats with Gwyllm, artist and publisher of “The Invisible College Magazine” on and curator of one of the greatest collection of historical visionary art on the internet. Together they discuss the role of visionary art in culture from Dreamtime cave walls to William Blake, the Surrealists, Ernst Fusch, Salvador Dali, Roberto Venosa, Pablo Amaringo, Alex and Allyson Grey and Android Jones’ virtual reality installations and many points in-between. Is visionary art not just a representation of altered states but a mapping of the same? Are artists information transfer specialists from higher dimensions to this one that bring forth the Divine Spark? Can the Love of Art Save the Earth? For more information see: ; ; and You can also connect with Gwyllm on Facebook, Google+, Twitter or via email: llwydd (at) earthrites (dot) org This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.


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