Charter Trust - Global Market Update show

Charter Trust - Global Market Update

Summary: Douglas Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer of Charter Trust Company provides daily commentary on global markets and other economic topics. Drawing on 20 years of investment experience, Mr. Tengdin tackles timely trends in a direct and forthright manner.

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  • Artist: Douglas Tengdin, CFA
  • Copyright: Money Basics Radio / Charter Trust Company


 Cheat Codes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Are there cheat codes for getting rich?I have two teenage boys at home. When they play computer games, they want to find the “cheat codes”—special keyboard tricks that allow them to advance to the next level without going through the steps of the game. Cheat codes often are put into a game by the developers to help them test their program, and are sometimes left there as a kind of “Easter Egg.”People are often obsessed with finding cheat codes in their lives: interview tricks to help land a job; test-taking techniques to improve SAT scores; magic foods to help lose weight. When I was in college some students bought fully-written term papers to help them with their classes on Shakespeare or Aristotle. An entire industry has emerged around buying and selling various “cheats.”Are there cheat codes to wealth? It’s tempting to think so. Lottery sales or casino ads play on this hope. But it’s deceptive. There are only three ways to get rich: marriage, inheritance, or savings. The first two approaches aren’t available to most folks. But the third is always there—you can usually find a way to control your spending.Cheat codes are a feature of many computer games, but don’t expect to find them in the real world. Good grades demand study; good health depends on diet and exercise. And wealth is built through disciplined saving and careful investment. “Cheating” money is fleeting money.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 Moderately Risky? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03

Can you have too much diversification? Conventional wisdom says no. If diversification reduces risk, then the benefit of owning 100 stocks should be twice that of owning 50 stocks. After all, in an equal-weighted portfolio each stock—at 1%--is only half as important to the portfolio at 100 stocks than it is at 50 stocks. But that isn’t the way the math works. When you measure the risk of over-concentration, your benefit comes from what you don’t own, not what you own. That is to say, if something goes wrong in a company, I benefit to the extent that I don’t own that company. Suppose I own five stocks in equal proportions. Each stock represents 20% of my portfolio. If one of those companies suffers from a scandal, then only 80% of my portfolio is safe. By most measures, I’m concentrated. If I have twice many stocks—10 companies—then 90% of my portfolio would be safe. My safety level rises 12%. But if I then double the number of stocks I own—to 20—my safety level only rises 6%. Double it again, to 40, and my safety only rises 2 1/2  percent. There are diminishing gains to diversification, as far as risk-control is concerned. This only makes sense. In most areas of life—exercise, diet, recreation—a moderate amount is good; overdoing it is bad. Aristotle called it “the golden mean.”   Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all! Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpd direct: 603-252-6509 reception: 603-224-1350 • •

 The Weakness of Strength | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Are your strengths holding you back?People like to play to their strengths. But sometimes those strengths can cause problems. You may have heard of the “Peter Principle”—that managers rise to the level of their incompetence. They get promoted because they do a good job, and if they succeed they get promoted again, until they don’t excel any more—at which point they stay put.This is the failure of success: people keep doing what they are good at, rather than what the  new job needs. An example of this might be Jon Corzine of MF Global. By all accounts Corzine was an excellent trader. He rose through the ranks at Goldman Sachs because he knew how to recognize a market opportunity. But success at Goldman didn’t prepare him for managing an upstart brokerage. He tried to trade MF Global into prosperity, and didn’t expect his bank lines to be pulled due to market-to-market issues. Those things didn’t happen at Goldman!Indeed, the Financial Crisis showed that ex-traders can make poor managers. CEOs Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns and Dick Fuld of Lehman were rewarded when they took big risks on the trading desk, but that didn’t work out for them as executives. Sometimes the smartest person in the room doesn’t turn out to be so wise, strategically.You can see it in other industries as well: outstanding teachers and professors who make poor administrators; brilliant programmers and engineers who become imperious managers. Sometimes technical expertise is what’s needed at the top, but more often an organization needs a leader who can rise above the day-to-day challenges and see the bigger picture.Smart people may know what needs to be done, but wise leadership will understand how to get there. Management is doing things right, but leadership is doing the right things.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 App-Propriate Price? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Is this how the bull ends? Not with a bell, but with a buyout?Facebook’s purchase of WhatsApp for $4 billion in cash and $15 billion in stock is a marker. It’s the largest tech deal since Time Warner’s $124 billion purchase of AOL in 2001. Or Verisign’s $15 billion purchase of Network Solutions in 2000. Or Telecom Italia’s €30 billion acquisition of, also in 2000. All these deals resulted in mult-billion dollar write-downs a few years later. Is it different this time?I’d never heard of WhatsApp until this deal was announced. The 450 million WhatsApp users pay $1 / year to text message from their smartphones without paying a carrier. The deal faces a lot of skepticism from analysts and pundits, but investors have pushed Facebook’s shares up almost 10% since it was announced.Some say the eye-popping price (1000 times revenues!) can be justified because it solidifies Facebook’s position in mobile technology and adds a non-advertising revenue stream. Zuckerberg claims that WhatsApp is actually worth a lot more to them than $19 billion.Well, duh! It had better be worth more than he paid for it. Because if it isn’t, he’ll have to write it down. And Facebook stock, now trading at 21 times revenues, will also be written down. And he won’t have hot shares with which to lure newly-minted Ph.D.s and buyout targets.It takes a lot of discipline to run a public company—discipline not to let $10 billion in cash burn a hole in your pocket; discipline not to let today’s heady stock price tempt you into issuing more shares. Zuckerberg is a bright guy who turned social networking a global phenomenon. But running a public company is different than running a private company which is different than creating a startup.History is littered with overpriced acquisitions that signaled a euphoric “price doesn’t matter” attitude. Let’s hope the bull doesn’t stop running just because a 29-year old CEO got hungry for a new app.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 Credit Stupid? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Did Credit Suisse have a James Bond complex?Consider this business model. In order examine your finances, you have to: 1) leave the country; 2) call your banker in Switzerland; 3) fly to Switzerland; 4) meet your banker in a nondescript white room; 5) view your statements—in person only; 6) verbally instruct your banker what to do; 7) receive any money from the account in cash; 8) tell your banker to destroy all written records; 9)  return home.I’m not making this up. This is customer service? Apparently, a lot of people managed their money just this way, calling theirs bankers from Mexico and flying to Zurich for a meeting. Credit Suisse even opened up a branch at the Zurich airport to make it more convenient for clients—they could have their meetings during flight layovers on their way somewhere else.Apart from satisfying a desire to play “Secret Agent Man,” what possible business purpose did all these cloak-and-dagger maneuvers accomplish? Clearly, they were designed to avoid having records of the client’s wealth and income available to anyone. This wasn’t confidential financial advice and tax-planning. These were accounts designed to evade any reporting.You can avoid taxes with legal structures that carry opinion letters from counsel and have a legitimate economic function—like tax-exempt munis, or limited partnerships that return capital. Or you can sneak around, hide the income, and just not report it. Clearly, Credit Suisse’s approach was the latter.It can be fun to play James Bond. Until you get caught. Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 Bitcoin-bitten? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

What do you think about Bitcoin? The crypto-currency has been in the news a lot, lately. What started as a way for math-geeks to keep score with one another has developed into a significant item for payments and money transfer. Bitcoins are pieces of computer code that can be stored offline and are—to this point—impossible to replicate. They can be “mined” by solving very difficult math problems, and once created can’t be destroyed.There is no central repository of who owns which bitcoin, although each bitcoin comes with a serial record of who mined it and who has owned it over time. Users can establish anonymous identities to preserve their privacy. The algorithm at the heart of each bitcoin’s creation and transfer is elegant, and thus far, has not been replicated. To date, about $6 billion in bitcoins have been mined.Two days ago the largest bitcoin exchange, Tokyo-based Mt. Gox, shut itself down amid rumors of massive theft. Mt. Gox handled about a third of all bitcoin/currency exchanges. It’s the equivalent of a bank closing its doors—and folks with funds there can’t get at their bitcoins—reported to be worth almost $400 million. But because it’s not officially a currency, there’s no clear path to restoring its operations. Bitcoin has popularized the idea of a virtual currency; it has many cash-like properties. Because it preserves the anonymity of its users, it is the exchange-medium of choice among drug-dealers, identity-thieves, and other criminals. It’s also popular among libertarians looking for a currency that doesn’t involve a central bank. But its distributed nature is also its risk: as the Mt. Gox episode shows, bitcoin users have limited options if their funds go missing.Because of the potential for abuse, authorities are watching bitcoin carefully. In Russia and China, it’s illegal to exchange bitcoin for anything. If the cryto-currency becomes so popular that it materially threatens tax revenues, I’d expect the Fed to co-opt it—maybe by issuing “Fed-coin.” Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Conversation (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

What good is privacy?The Fed lost a lot of privacy when the microphones were turned on and their meetings were recorded. When Congress found out in 1993, they wanted the transcripts released two months after the meeting. Transcripts and videotapes. The Fed threatened to destroy its tapes; Congress proposed a bill requiring disclosure.The Fed broke the impasse by stating clearly—right after their meeting—what their monetary policy was. Before 1994 the Fed engaged in market actions—repos, T-Bill purchases, Note purchases—and Fed-watchers divined what was happening. Greenspan called it, “Creative obfuscation.” Starting that February, they proclaimed their policy-decisions to the world.The Fed then announced, on its own, that it would release their transcripts five years later. (Five years can seem like a long time, but 2008 feels like yesterday to me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget those days.) By agreeing to issue an immediate press-release, but preserving and releasing later their recorded deliberations, the Fed has come to a kind of understanding with Congress regarding its communications.Openness is good. It lets people see how the sausage of monetary policy is made. But there is a place for confidentiality, too. As with diplomacy or law enforcement or personal medicine, people need to be free to discuss issues without the fear that they end up in tomorrow’s papers.But eventually, the truth comes out. What’s decided behind closed doors will be discovered, one way or another. Five years seems a good compromise. Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Conversation (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

How would you like to be recorded?In 1993 the Fed found out that their meetings were being taped. In fact, they had been recorded since March of 1936. But only the Chairman knew about the taping, which began in the ‘70s. Presumably the Governors who saw little microphones embedded in the conference room table thought they were there to amplify the speakers’ voices in the big room. Little did they think they were speaking for posterity.When it became known that there were word-for-word transcripts of Fed meetings, Congress pressured the Fed to release them. The Fed is sensitive to criticism—they know that they’re unelected and yet incredibly powerful. Fed policy has an immense impact on the economy. Eventually, the Fed agreed to release these transcripts to the public with a five-year lag.There are good public-policy reasons for transparency—avoiding the appearance of conflicts, improving the policy-making process, and so on. But the Fed also fears encroachment on its independence. There’s always short-term pressure for lower rates and looser policy, in spite of the poisonous long-term effects of inflation. And the mere presence of microphones changes the way people behave.In 1974 Gene Hackman starred in a psycho-thriller entitled, “The Conversation.” In this film a security expert produces a tape where the words are crystal clear, but the meaning is ambiguous. When he misinterprets the tape, his life is tragically changed. Let’s hope that we don’t miss the meaning of the Fed’s conversation. Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Conversation (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

What did we learn from the Fed’s transcript?On Friday the Federal reserve released its transcripts of Open Market Committee meetings that took place in 2008. These are word-for-word records of the debates, announcements, research findings, jokes, and worries that each of the Fed Presidents and Governors had during the greatest Financial Crisis in over seventy years.The eight meetings and five conference calls generated almost 1500 pages of recorded conversations among policymakers that will be examined for years to determine whether the Fed acted effectively and expeditiously in addressing the crisis. Some of that will be Monday-morning quarterbacking, but some will be legitimate analysis to see what works and what doesn’t work in monetary and regulatory policy.Already some journalists have looked at the use of humor during the Fed’s meetings and note that as the crisis deepened, the moments of laughter during the meetings became more infrequent—and the jokes got darker. Just after the Fed agreed to extend JP Morgan the credit it needed to purchase Bear Stearns and assume its debt, Chairman Bernanke mocked the alphabet-soup of Fed programs by repeating the vowels: “AEIOU.” New York Fed President Geithner lightened the mood by responding, “Don’t say IOU.”One thing is clear from these transcripts: the new Chair, Janet Yellen, was always extremely well-prepared and articulate. She was frequently quoted by the other Governors, and by all accounts she had a fiercely loyal professional staff. Ben Bernanke was a student of Great Depression who helped avoid a repeat of that crisis in the early 21st century. Janet Yellen will be an excellent successor. We should be encouraged that the Central Bank’s leadership appears so competent.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Competitive Edge (Part 5) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

So how do you get a competitive edge?The answer is simple: you already have one. Everyone has something they’re good at. Whether it’s understanding how a store’s layout might be confusing or knowing what kind of computer games kids are playing, everyone has some kind of expertise.As we go about our lives, we all have favorite activities, favorite stores, favorite brands we use. We become experts on motorcycles, camping gear, or farm equipment. Suppose you work in a hospital; you likely have a better understanding of which medical devices are popular right now than most financial professionals, because you see these products in action every day.Insight gained everyday interactions is often more valuable than Wall Street’s research. People know when something is increasingly popular, or when a company offers good value. When Apple sold the iPod cheaper than other MP3 player many investment pros were skeptical—but consumers lapped it up. Offering an inexpensive, convenient way to listen to 99-cent songs was a winning formula.When people focus on what they already understand, they are more likely to be able to hold on through Mr. Market’s ups and downs. In the short run stock prices seem disconnected from a company’s success. But in the long run there is a 100 percent correlation.Investing is a competitive activity where everyone wants to be above average. But if you use the expertise you already have, you’ll be more likely to achieve your financial goals—and have some fun along the way!Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Competitive Edge (Part 4) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

Everyone’s looking for an edge. How can you be sure that you have one?There are three paths to performance: working harder, working smarter, and working calmer. Working harder is simple: do more research and apply what you know to what you own. It’s simple but not easy. It requires more reading, phone calls, meetings, and everything. It’s physically exhausting.Working smarter requires a deeper understanding of the way the world works. Competing this way requires you to consider how and why people behave as they do. These investors are more like financial philosopher;, philosophical concepts dominate their thinking. They can often see a trend before it emerges. It’s intellectually hard.Working calmer means you keep your head when everyone around you is losing theirs. Often you have to get away from the financial centers like New York—or just not answer the phone. And you often do the opposite of everyone else, selling when markets are exuberant and buying when they seem depressed. It’s emotionally difficult.Hard work, smart insight, and a wise temperament aren’t easy. But they’re the only way I know to maintain a competitive edge.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Competitive Edge (Part 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

It’s not so easy. Picking growth companies that can benefit from social or technological trends isn’t like going to the grocery store and buying a gallon of milk.A case in point is Amazon. That company would seem to epitomize a growth stock. They’ve expanded from selling books online to selling pretty much everything; they’ve designed and delivered a powerful e-reader that’s re-making the publishing industry; and their web-site hosts hundreds of other companies that want to pursue e-commerce. Their sales have increased from $7 billion to $75 billion per year over the last 7 years.And their price has grown, too, increasing an average of 35% per year—much faster than the rest of the market. But there’s the problem. High performance leads to high prices; high prices mean high risk. So when they announced last month that they didn’t meet analysts’ expectations, the stock took a serious tumble, falling over 20% in a few days. Yikes!It’s easy to be wrong in this business. Folks who avoided Amazon because it was an expensive stock five years ago missed out on the way up—and if they capitulated and bought in recently, they’re riding the roller coaster down. That’s why diversification is so important. There are a lot of e-commerce companies—Amazon, eBay, Netflix, Apple—and each offers a bumpy ride. But together they’re less volatile than any one of them. We don’t know the future. But through hard work and insight we can see some major trends. The problem is, millions of other investors are trying to do the same thing, and prices get expensive. By diversifying, we may not see our portfolios quadruple in five years, but we can smooth out some bumps along the way.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 The Competitive Edge (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01

How do you pick winning stocks? That’s the question that many ask. Security selection is a key way to add value to a portfolio, one of the three approaches mentioned yesterday. Critical to finding winning securities is having a way to identify them. One common approach is the value method. This looks at a company’s financial statements and compares them with its market value. If the company is cheap enough, it’s a buy. An example is the A&P chain store. After going public in 1929, it declined during the depression to a value below its working capital. Canny investors bought it and saw the price triple in a year. Value investors tend to look at a company’s balance sheet to find opportunities. By contrast, growth investors look how a company is run—whether it is positioned to capitalize on demographic trends or new technology to expand into the future. Global growth investing involves understanding how countries develop, and to capitalize on these changes. A growth investor might have seen database design as a critical future industry in 1990, and have invested in several competing database startups—Sybase, Progress, and Oracle. Over the next 20 years, these three firms returned an average of 15% per year, while the broad market advanced at half that rate. But it was a bumpy road! Growth and value investing are different ways to deliver the same result: superior returns. Both require insight, intelligence, and patience. The key is knowing how an approach can fit into your style. Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all! Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpd direct: 603-252-6509 reception: 603-224-1350 • •

 The Competitive Edge (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Investment is like sports. Performance can be measured, and compared with others. It’s important. One percentage point of excess return over 20 years can add 25% or more to a portfolio.The market’s return is just an average of every investor, weighted by size. For someone to beat the market, someone else has to get less than the market. It’s like a running race: each competitor has his or her individual time, but each contributes to the course average. How you do relative to the course average is your relative performance.In investing, there are really only three sources of excess relative performance: market timing, security selection, and execution efficiency. Market timing is easy to understand but hard to do: be in stocks when the market is going up, and in cash when it is falling. The problem comes in picking which days. It’s possible, but it requires a lot of focus.Execution efficiency has to do with trading. It’s what trading firms with microsecond algorithmic computers are trying to do. It’s interesting, but most people don’t have access to the necessary data.The most common source of excess return is security selection: finding the right stocks or bonds or funds, and holding on. There are a lot of ways to do this: value investing, growth investing, global investing, and others.It makes sense to pursue every way to get an edge. Because when the returns are in, that market may weigh the dollars, but what determines your results will be your sense.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •

 Storm Warning? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Can winter storms sink the economy? In the US we’ve seen an extremely cold, stormy season as Winter Storm Pax bears down on the Northeast. In the UK high winds and heavy rains have displaced thousands and interrupted power to hundreds of thousands. Can all these physical storms lead to economic storms? They certainly used to. When our economy was more dependent upon agriculture, unseasonable weather could threaten the harvest and lead to massive problems: food shortages, bank failures, and even starvation. In 1816 there was frost every month of the year in New England,  which contributed to a financial Panic in 1819 and an economic depression in the early 1820s.But weather today is more of a nuisance than a threat. Heavy storms and cold weather make it hard to get to work, but they bring overtime pay to those who operate plows. During a storm people sit home and hunker down, but prior to a storm many stores sell out of ice-salt, snow shovels, and generators. And the damage caused by a major storm can lead to a surge in construction activity, as people clean up and rebuild.Big storms can temporarily disrupt our lives and cause personal tragedy. But we live in a large, diversified economy where consumption delayed is not consumption denied. What we don’t spend on gas we pay to the guy plowing the driveway. These bumps in the road won’t send us into the ditch.Douglas R. Tengdin, CFA Chief Investment Officer Hit reply if you have any questions—I read them all!Follow me on Twitter @GlobalMarketUpddirect: 603-252-6509 reception: • •


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