C-Realm Podcast show

C-Realm Podcast

Summary: The C-Realm is a weekly, interview-based program which features discussions on topics ranging from a possible technological singularity, to entheogenic exploration, the re-localization of community and agriculture, and the competing narratives by which we define ourselves and navigate our world.


 227: Eternal Bliss, Now! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:57

KMO welcomes psychonaut, bio-fueligan, myconesian, and meditationista Todd W. Jones to the C-Realm Podcast to talk about sustainability, transition, and moving baseline consciousness via meditation. Todd disposes of the 'Food not Fuel' propranda and considers whether 'Amish with Internet' is a coherent meme. Click here to go to the episode on Libsyn. Music by Tim's Myth Todd runs a retreat center called Syzygy House. Tom Barbalet and I talk 9/11, virtual and actual communities, publishing, the KMO moniker, Facebook, and zombies in episode 14 of the Stone Ape Podcast.

 226: Permacultural SF | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:56

KMO welcomes Eric Toensmeier to the C-Realm to talk about using permaculture as a tool for community regeneration in Holyoke, MA, their shared love of speculative fiction, and why we shouldn't reconcile ourselves to the idea of a post-internet future. They also praise the work of Michael Pollan, David Brin, and Murray Bookchin. Music by Inspired Flight Links to come.

 225: Perfect Imperfection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:16

KMO sits down at the ETC with Dave Jacke, author of Edible Forrest Gardens, to talk about sustainability, regeneration, emergent properties and the concept of 'shifting the burden to the intervenor'. Albert K. Bates joines the conversation to discuss the dark recesses of human consciousness that leave people susceptible to the allure of ideologies, conspiracy theories, and fundamentalism. Music by Bradford White.

 224: Viral Disclosure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:58

Do factions within the US government direct the depiction of UFOs and alien visitors in mainstream entertainment in order to manage the worldview of a credulous public? KMO welcomes Rational Ufologist, Larry Lowe, to the C-Realm to discuss the possibility that the new NBC series, The Event, serves as a sort of 'predictive programming' meant to prepare the public consciousness for revelations about the on-going relationship between humans and 'advanced beings' of some kind. Later, Marty, co-host of the Flickers from the Cave Podcast, shares his impressions and the pilot episode of The Event.

 223: Fatuous Efficiency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:00

Liberal Curmudgeon, Stephen Budiansky thinks that locavores are playing fast and loose with their statistics when they tout the environmental benefits of eating locally. It is absurd, he claims, to revile a California tomato for the energy required to truck it cross-country while giving a pass to an otherwise identical tomato grown in energy-profligate hot houses closer to where it will be consumed. He argues that the efficiencies of mega-scale global supply lines tread more lightly on the planet than a situation in which everyone tries to do it all in their own backyards. KMO invites Fish in the Water blogger, Tara Shannon Holste and Digital Crusader, Eric Boyd back to the program to weigh the merits of food choices made on the basis of efficiency, food miles, sustainability, price and a myriad of other possible concerns.

 222: Delusion and the Human Condition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:00

http://crealm.libsyn.com/222-delusion-and-the-human-condition KMO turns the program over to guest hosts Doug Lain and Naill Murphy for this year's nine eleven check-in. Naill describes the passive acceptance of the creeping CCTV surveillance state in the UK and the details of the seven seven attacks in London that don't add up. Doug dismisses numerous nine eleven red herrings re-focuses the discussion on the least speculative aspects of the flawed mainstream narrative around nine eleven. KMO finishes out the program with a reading from 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: The 9/11 Truth Movement in Perspective by Phil Molé.

 221: The Rise of Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:00

http://traffic.libsyn.com/crealm/c-realmpodcast221.mp3 KMO welcomes Eric Boyd and Tara Holste back to the program to discus a recent Atlantic article, 'The End of Men' by Hanna Rosen. Are women better suited than men to excel in the 21st century corporate workplace? Why would parents looking to select the sex of their children choose girls three times out of four? Even if women do make up the majority of the workforce and continue replacing men as the big kahunas in the corporate dominance hierarchy, is that necessarily good news? Music by Sea Couch. Eric made repeated reference toThe Beauty Bias: The Injustice of Appearance in Life and Law byDeborah L. Rhode and The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves By Matt Ridley. At the end of the podcast, I read from this page on Riane Eisler's website.

 220: Red State Blues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:57

http://traffic.libsyn.com/crealm/c-realmpodcast220.mp3 KMO talks with Daniel Krotz about the paradox of people who love their small towns but tell their children that they have to leave those small towns in order to "make something of themselves." Can liberal urbanites and red state evangelicals find common ground, and have banks become the new churches in small towns? Is a hundred years a long time? Given that children born today may well be alive a hundred years from now, how much comfort should we take in claims that we have a hundred years of natural gas reserves left to fuel industrial society?

 219: Too Weird to Fail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:15

http://traffic.libsyn.com/crealm/c-realmpodcast219.mp3 In this episode KMO plays an interview that Neil Kramer recorded with writer and philosopher Ronen about the cultural, political and metaphysical influences that shape personal and collective experiences of contemporary America. Music by Jesse Miller  

 218: Education is Where You Find It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:59

http://crealm.libsyn.com/218_education_is_where_you_find_it KMO reads from a John Taylor Gatto-inspired graduation address by Erica Goldson and from the blog of Dale Pendell. Later KMO hooks up with an old friend for a bull session in which two jaded Gen-Xers talk about "these kids today." Hilarity ensues. Music by Sugaree, William Wardlaw, and Inspired Flight.  

 217: The Success Trap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:56

http://traffic.libsyn.com/crealm/c-realmpodcast217.mp3 KMO welcomes Future Pundit Randall Parker back to the program to discuss the possible responses to a looming energy shortfall that "Doomers" think will bring down industrial civilization. Randall doubts things will get that bad, but he fears that in succeeding in our quest for replacement sources of energy, we will continue to push non-human forms of life to the periphery and over the edge into extinction. Music by Sugaree and Shakedown

 216: Got Status? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:12

Are fears of a peak oil-fueled, civilization-wide collapse rational, or do Doomers crave a big crash to excuse their own failures? Does the very success of our global civilization breed resentment and stress that stems from our basic psychological needs as primates shaped by evolution to obsess over our rank in the status hierarchy? KMO discusses these concerns with bloggers Mickey Foley and Randall Parker. Later, a C-Realm listener who spent a week at the Ecovillage Training Center shares his experience of unplugging from the media mainline, and Gregory Landua discusses an upcoming Financial Permaculture event to be held on the Farm in September of 2010.

 215: The Social Cohesion Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:00

http://c-realmpodcast.podomatic.com/entry/2010-07-21T15_19_05-07_00 KMO welcomes Neil Kramer back to the program to discuss the challenges and the possible advantages that the population of the United States faces as the shallow myths which provided cultural cohesion in the long period of economic growth give way to the reality of economic decline. The conversation traverses the treacherous terrain of race and ethnicity before escaping into pleasant recollections of the recent Transitional Alchemy couch-surfing tour. KMO concludes with a reading from Swann's Way by Marcel Proust. Music by Inspired Flight.

 214: Technogenic Catastrophe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:47

If you translate "industrial accident&quot" into Russian and then back into English, you're likely to end up with "technogenic catastrophe." Might the Gulf Oil Spill be the American Chernobyl? KMO welcomes Dmitry Orlov back to the podcast to examine these questions and to explain why collapse is the optimistic scenario, why it isn't necessary or even helpful for his message to find a mainstream audience, and why working for reform of the current political establishment is not a credible or worthwhile activity. Music by Tibet2Timbuk2 I'll be meeting up with C-Realm listeners at the Flying Saucer in Raleigh, NC this coming Saturday. Leave a comment or send email (kmo at c-realm dot com) if you're interested in joining the crew: http://www.beerknurd.com/stores/raleigh/

 213: Working within the system | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:41

Artist, community designer, and policy analyst, Michael E. Arth, is making a run for the Florida Governor's mansion. When he approached the Florida Democratic Party, he was told taht elections are about money; not issues, and that if he didn't have millions of dolalrs to spend that he should get lost. He's now running as an independant. KMO and Michael talk about the prospects for reforming a corrupt electoral system while working within the system. Music by Inspired Flight.


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