The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America

Summary: Experienced Expat, John Mueller, tells what its really like for Americans to live, work, and/or retire down in Latin America.

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 Expat Files - Coconut Oil - 09/08/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-If you’re a health conscious person, you’ll definitely be looking for an outlet or store to buy your extra virgin olive and cold-pressed coconut oil. Sure that stuff’s available but you’ll really need to hear what I have to say before you shell out any dough on the usual suspects you find on the shelves down here.-As the world becomes more and more PC, even the term “3rdworld”is becoming somewhat off limits especially in government circles and with so-called liberal leaning folks. Lately I’ve been told by certain Christian “do-gooder” folks that instead of saying“3rdworld” I should be saying“developing world” because it has fewernegativeconnotations. A “3rdworld country” conjures up images of corruption, poverty and general chaos, whereas a “developing country” denotes a kinder, gentler place that’s bent on pulling itself up by the bootstraps (like North Korea maybe?)-In Latin America more and more businesses, agencies, stores, health clubs, phone companies, landlords, etc., ask for copies of ID and other docs to do business with them. But smart expats only give up theirrealIDs when absolutely necessary. Most expats don’t want to be on any lists at all and keep off the radar by using little white lies and misinformation(hurray for them!). And here’s how some of the clever ones do it…-Here we lay out another great, very-low cost, business idea for any new expat looking to set up shop. An exceptional product already exists down here but no one has picked up the ball yet. And like I’ve said before, Latins overlook the basic details and are very short on organizational skills… and that’s just what expats bring to the table ...-The real estate bubble (I’ve been mentioning for a while now) is cracking around the edges. Here’s a little update on my recent visit in the apartment rental trenches…-If you’re interested in getting in the waiting list for an Expat Wisdom Seminar (probably in January) just send an email ( and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop“AN EXPAT’S GUIDE TO FIRST-WORLDHEALTHCARE IN LATIN AMERICA”,is the name of my long awaited free report. It’s finally finished and will be available for a time at Grab a copy and than compare how 21st century Latin American healthcare stacks up to your Healthcare in the states. Read it and weep! And remember the report is free(at least for now).-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 The Expat Files - 09/06/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-On guns and firearms: here are some of the latest rules for expats thinking about buying, owning or shipping down their own favorite firearms to a Latin country.-Domestic violence against women and children is at near epidemic levels butmostlywithin Latin middle and lower class families. Latin macho men are nearly always the abusive perpetrators but never go to jail, get fined or end up in court… that is, unless they actually kill their spouses or impregnate an underage girl or two (possibly their own kids). So the sad news here is that that stuff goes unpunished. Latin America is one place you can beat and abuse your wife (and kids) and nearly always get away with it…-Here’s some “must know” tidbits that expats really should take into consideration when dealing with lawyers in Latin America-You’ve heard rumors about crooked Latin cops and bribes. You might want to know the chances that a Latin cop will plant dope on you or in your car at a traffic stop…ostensibly to just scare the crap out of you and get bigger bribe (called “mordida”)?-Have you ever seen one of those bad Hollywood movies that depicts a bunch of drunken Mexican banditios stumbling out of a cantina and firing their guns into the air like madmen? Well believe it or not, there are some Latin middle and lower class neighborhoods where that stuff does happen.... its not all Hollywood fantasy…-If you’re interested in getting in the waiting list for an Expat Wisdom Seminar (probably in January) just send an email ( and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop“AN EXPAT’S GUIDE TO FIRST-WORLDHEALTHCARE IN LATIN AMERICA”,That’s the name of my long awaited free report. It’s finally finished and will be available for a time at As usual, this project grew into something much more extensive than I anticipated (85+ pages) and it took much more time then allotted. But as you will see its just jam packed with real life “boots on the ground” info that you certainly haven’t heard about, with plenty of surprises too. Its up to the minute and I promise there’s nothing quite like it around. Grab a copy and than compare how 21st century Latin American healthcare stacks up to your Heathcare in the states. Read it and weep! And remember the report is free(at least for now).-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 The Expat Files - Teaching English - 09/01/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-I get many emails asking my personal ideas on sure thing start-up businesses with minimal capital outlay. Many of these emails come from stateside teachers who want to teach English a while, then after settling in eventually get into some kind of business. But what kind of business might they be suited for? Well for them I say, why not do what you know best? Do come down and teach a while then start your very own small private school. Many many gringos have done just that, and very successfully.I know gringos who started very small schools with just a hand full of students and because they had the ‘gringo advantage’ the business grew and grew! And here’s how they did it…-Did you know that there are no truant officers in Latin America, or even any government agencies checking on whether kids go to school at all? In fact about 10% of all school age kids work off the books- that is on the streets, in the big markets or helping their parents mind a curbside kiosk. We call it child labor, but if they don’t contribute to the family, someone doesn’t eat!-Some thoughts on beggars, street people, and those non-profit agencies and charities that are always asking for your money. Sure, we all want to help the disenfranchised and some in Latin America actually deserve your charity, but some deserve a kick in the teeth or worse.-I’ve been asked if there are any good (free) governmentpublicschools in Latin America.Well here are a few disheartening stats on that…-If you’re interested in getting in the waiting list for an Expat Wisdom Seminar (it may be in January) just send an email ( and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop“AN EXPAT’S GUIDE TO FIRST-WORLDHEALTHCARE IN LATIN AMERICA”,That’s the name of my long awaited free report. It’s finally finished and will be available for a time at As usual, this project grew into something much more extensive than I anticipated (85+ pages). But as you will see its just jam packed with real life “boots on the ground” info that you certainly haven’t heard about, with plenty of surprises too. Its up to the minute and I promise there’s nothing quite like it around. Grab a copy and than compare how 21st century Latin American healthcare stacks up to your Healthcare in the states. Read it and weep! And remember the report is free(at least for now).-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 The Expat Files - 08/30/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-“AN EXPAT’S GUIDE TO FIRST-WORLDHEALTHCARE IN LATIN AMERICA”,That’s the name of my long awaited free report. It’s finally finished and will be available for a time at As usual, this project grew into something much more extensive than I anticipated (85+ pages) and it took much more time then allotted. But as you will see its just jam packed with real life “boots on the ground” info that you certainly haven’t heard about before. And there are plenty of surprises too. Not only is it up to the minute but I promise there’s nothing quite like it around, so do grab a copy. Then compare what it says to what your own Healthcare dollar buys up in the states. Read it and weep! Remember, the report’s free(at least for now).-I still get occasional emails from expat wanabees and gonnabees asking me if they need to get shots or vaccinations before coming down. And lately, the most frequent question I get in that regard is about “dengue fever” since its been reported in the first world news as something of an epidemic here. Should you worry? Well, here’s the real story..-By popular demand, I’ve been asked how one should handle the situation when a Latin person tries to hit you up for a personal loan(us gringos get hit up all the time, because Latins think we're flush). The fact is, its an absolute certainty that as you meet more and more Latin folks,you will get hit up for personal loans. When that happens it can put you in kind of a delicate spot. But the question still remains: how can one diplomatically handle such a request-especially if it’s coming from a good friend or a present or future Latin “something in-law”.-When a single, middle-aged (or younger) American gringa moves to a place well on the tourist trail like Costa Rica, it won’t take long before some smooth, young Antonio Banderas type surfer dude or hard-body fitness beach boy (naturally- without a pot to pee in) tries to sweep her off her feet. In fact it’s not only young gringas that are in great demand. In some places, Lonely gringas of a more established age are in even greater demand(i.e., considered more financially secure). That said, I’ve seen American ladies who should know better fall for these types of free-spirited parasites(for a while anyway). And here is one such story…-If you’re interested in getting in the waiting list for an Expat Wisdom Seminar (it may be in January) just send an email ( and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 Expat Files - Love Connections - 08/25/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-By popular demand, once again we delve deep into gringo and Latin love connections. We’ll talk matches, mismatches, the mysteries, truths, lies and misconceptions too…. along with some really sticky situations and potholes that clueless gringos can get themselves into.-What about all those Latin internet matchmaking sites? There are dozens of them out there but are they legit? Well bud, before you cash out your plastic here are a few things you really must know…-Expats heed this: if you don’t have a certain “heart to heart’ talk with your brand new Latina girlfriend or boyfriend(and right away too) you’ll be in for some bumpy times ahead. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!!Be prepared to to get hit up for short term loans by your new Latin friends; even your Latin significant other’s family members and shirt-tail relatives. And some will just pester the living crap out of you. If you have the dough and the person’s really in need, you’re better to just give the cash as gift because 90% of the time you won’t get anything back. Now we know old Ben Franklin said, “Neither a lender or a borrower be”.. but he didn’t live in Latin America, or he'd have blown his brains out!-If you’re interested in getting in the waiting list for an Expat Wisdom Seminar (I'm thinking it might be in January) just send an email ( and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop-For all of you who are curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 The Expat Files - 08/23/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-Here’s a bit of an update on future Expat Wisdom seminars-Did you know that in a worldwide occupational safety study, chicken bus drivers in Latin America have one of the top 5 most dangerous jobs in the world? Here’s why..-Everything is much cheaper at the local central outdoor market, but how safe is it for gringos and expats to shop, browse and loiter? After all, in the bigger cities these places can be huge, chaotic wild and crazy with some pretty seedy looking characters hanging around...-A few real life small-town delinquency stories and how locals dealt with the problem-Now for Part #2 of the trip to the Salvador central market story with Expat Eddie and his girlfriend. Part of the story is that she wouldn’t even get out of the car. She gladly let us two gringos go check it out instead. She didn’t want anyone to recognize her at a “low class” place like that (even though she was a regular a few years ago). The fact is that she’s a rarity with her girlfriends and age group - a Latina with a gringo boyfriend- and has thus moved up a notch in the world (her friends are jealous). Yup, its perfectly fine for Eddie to hang out at the central market, because gringos are strangely open-minded. But not her. She’s feels embarrassed to be seen there. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? But there's more to it than that…-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground” Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 Expat Files - Hair Bandits - 08/18/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

- They say poverty breeds crime, but it also breeds a certain creativity.I bet you haven’t heard of the latest, greatest creative low-end crime to hit Venezuela. Try “hair bandits”. Yes ladies, if you’re in a big city like Caracas and you have a nice thick head of hair… be on the lookout for guys bearing shears because you just might lose your locks. These days, a nice head full of hair is going for about $450 to $500 (I mean the hair without the head) and there’s a thriving market. So that bulge you see in that weaselly guy’s pants- might just be a scissors…just thought I’d give you a head’s up!-And now for a few casual expat observations regarding Latin ladies and Latina fashion trends. Latinas have their own kind of style, and make their own kinds of personal fashion statements. As far as what they consider the pinnacle of personal beauty, they have very strong likes that might differ a bit from what you and I might imagine.-Now for Part #1 of another absolutely true Expat Eddie story…You’ll never guess what happened on my recent trip with Eddie (and his runway model girlfriend). We went for a shopping trip to the massive San Salvador central market and as usual it was a real adventure. Just remember, what happens to us could happen to you too…-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down… two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground”Just go toExpatWisdom.comand click on the “slideshow” link.-Follow the link on the main page atwww.ExpatWisdom.comto schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 The Expat Files - 08/16/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Expat Files - 08/16/13

 The Expat Files - 08/09/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-For all of you curious about how our last Expat Wisdom seminar in June went down…two of our attendees, Deane and Heather, put together a great 10 min slideshow/audio clip with some very cool visuals. Now you can see what it was like (and what you missed) as we all trucked around with our “boots on the ground”Just go to and click on the “slideshow” link.-If you do a search on the net or read any of the hundreds of mags, rags, articles and blogs on the subject, it would seem that those Latin American “Pensionado” programs are all the rage…or are they? As it turns out, the actual number of 1stworld foreigners who apply and sign on for such programs (basically aimed at retirees with 1stworld pensions like SS) is pathetically small compared to all the articles and hype about it. And here’s the latest poop on the subject…-Speaking of those pensionado programs, many pensionados in Latin countries will agree that the so-called perks and discounts one is supposed to get with such a retirement-residency card are not what they’re cracked up to be, and here’s why…-You may have heard that Nicaragua is the latest greatest, cheapo, retirement darling in Latin America.. or so say the mags and rags like International Living and most other retirement letters too. Well, the place is heating up all right. But clueless investors and developers are coming out of the woodwork- yet another sign a real estate bubble is definitely taking shape there too..Still more news on the Latin real estate bubble…. little by little, desperate sellers are starting to appear. You can spot their little ads occasionally in the big city Latin newspapers which is another sure sign the market is beginning to crack around the edges-Here's the skinny on monthly maintenance charges for apartments, condos and townhouses in Latin America-Follow the link on the main page atwww.ExpatWisdom.comto schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.-And while you’re atwww.ExpatWisdom.comdon’t forget to pick up your free reports! 

 Expat Files - For Sale - 08/11/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Expat Files - For Sale - 08/11/13

 Expat Files - Hit and Run - 08/04/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-It happened again, my car (almost) new car was hit in a parking lot… another hit and run... and no little note of apology on the windshield either (yeah right!) Now, I didn’t notice the damage till I came back from my errand, and when I asked the guard and the people hanging around the lot, no one saw at thing… naturally. But since this is Latin America, the story doesn’t end there… it never does. -Keep in mind that any verbal agreements or handshake deals you make with Latins are flexible and nonenforceable and can even get out of hand. Yet, first worlder’s like us are used to doing a certain amount of casual business that way. So when you make a friendly deal, do go ahead and close it with firm handshake but always get the terms in writing too! -I’ve had my light new car (a compact 2012 model) in the body shop four times already in just one year! So the question remains; how much parking lot “scratch and dent” stuff can, or should, we gringos take before we just throw in the towel and let our vehicles devolve into typical Latin American beaters? Well, here’s my rule of thumb on that… -Normally when you have prepaid cellphone and you purchase additional minutes everything goes smoothly and without a problem. However there are some penny ante but annoying scams that you should be wise to. Note if you’re not paying attention when buying extra phone minutes, you could get ripped off and not even know you’ve been had-  not for a while anyway (and sometimes you’ll never find out!) -Be sure to follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one. -And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports!

 The Expat Files - 08/02/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Expat Files - 08/02/13

 Expat Files - These Days - 07/28/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-These days, in most of the 20 Latin America countries, regular gasoline is now around $5 a gallon. However there are a small handful of oil producing Latin countries whose governments (not just Venezuela) heavily subsidize gasoline at the pump. And though it sounds like a dream come true for the locals its created some dark, unintended consequences… -And now a true incident  I witnessed as so-called government VIPs (truly ass-wipes) embarrassed and demeaned a young worker at a local Latin gas station. Things like this give real working folks plenty more reason to despise politicians and government jerks of all stripes…. from any country. -Gringos often wonder why Latins don’t seem to be bothered by unsightly garbage and ubiquitous litter dumping. For the average guy, tossing trash in bins or cleaning up the yard or the neighborhood does not seem to be on the radar until its so bad someone complains. And while Latins don’t notice or care about the mess they create, gringos and foreigners seem too embarrassed to call them on it. Meanwhile, its the efforts of gringos and foreigners that keep up the pressure to act ;like adults. -Driving a car in the rainy season can be a harrowing experience. That's when might come across a temporary lake (that used to be a road a day earlier), and yet there may be no alternative but to trudge forward into the unknown. But my advice is to wait for some brave soul or two to slogging through ahead of you first. Let him be your “canary in the coal mine”...the scout that finds the hidden underwater potholes along the way, not you! -There are some very insulting Spanish slang words that you should NEVER use yourself;  forbidden slang when speaking to a Latin person of any social class. And even if you hear Latins using them now and then (and they will) you should still keep them out of your vocabulary. -What about the catch-all word “gringo”? Is it a compliment, an insult, or just plain neutral? Well, its mostly a compliment, but it can be all three of the above... depending on how its being phrased……. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one. -And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports!

 The Expat Files - 07/26/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

-If you like Animals… In Latin America, outside of the big cities especially, expect to encounter perhaps ten times as many animals as you would in your day to day life in Cleveland.... animals of all kinds. But its not a bad thing, just part of the experience. You’ll get used to it quickly if you remember the various creatures are just going about their business as you are. Just be aware when driving (especially at night) that animals of all kinds might cross the road…. or even slip into your house. -Out in the boonies many poor farmers with small plots of land still have horses instead of cars simply because horses are cheap, reproduce, and are very low maintenance (since owners just let them out to in the morning to graze). However, most are scrawny, sad looking, overworked and underfed. Then there's the case of those special show horses that good excellent and eat well but suffer just as much but in different ways... -Most Latin American small farmers live on the edge of insolvency and don’t have a bit of discretionary income to call a veterinarian when animals get sick or injured. Instead they keep their animals healthy and fit by simply consulting the guy behind the counter at the local “Agropecuaria” feed store. They take his sage treatment advice as gospel. And what does that have to do with expats?  If you have animals or pets, you can visit the ever-knowlegable “agropecuaria” guy too. Expat Eddie vouches for that 100% and here’s why….. -One of the things that first world people find hard to believe is how scheduled and prescription drugs are available at Latin pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Because of that fact a lot of young partying US tourists (mostly spring-breakers) come down on vacation and try to score Xanax, Tylenol #3, Zoloft, Viagra or whatever. Well here’s the scoop on that… -Recreational drugs in Latin America… What with marijuana so cheap its practically free, and cocaine dirt cheap too, isn’t it funny that in 20 plus years down here the only gringos I have met who really abuse the stuff seem to be those spring-breakers again and college kids on vacation looking for that never-ending party. Long term expats (off the tourist trail) are not so inclined to get wasted that way (booze is their drug of choice). And as for the Latins, the only ones I know that really abuse the stuff are the upper class (2%) gringo wanabees, the Latin yuppies (and their spoiled children) along with certain privileged kids in private high schools and colleges. And since they are gringo wannabees too, their drug of choice is not pot, but cocaine and the designer drugs, like exstacy. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one. -And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports!

 The Expat Files - Pets in Latin America - 07/21/13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

-Should you, or shouldn’t you, bring your pets down to Latin America? Well, along with the hassle and stress of getting them on an airplane, through customs and immigration, many animal-loving wanabees wonder if Spot, Rover or Obama can really settle in comfortably and get the kind of 1st world treatment they were getting back in Cleveland. … -Now for the real story on pet food products in Latin America. And yes, nearly all of the first world brands are available, but choosing the one Rover liked to munch on in Cleveland is not as simple as you think, even though its in the stores, and here’s why…. -Dog, dogs everywhere. Yes, Latins do love their dogs… and the poorest of the families always seem to have more Rovers (and kids) than they can possibly handle. And yes, those critters do spend the day roving the neighborhood since their owners don’t have food to spare and rarely have extra dough to buy real dog food. That means you’ll see a lot of sad looking skinny dogs giving you the hungry eyes, So if you’re invited for dinner, its ok to stealthily drop a few morsels under the table -Today we discuss a few more sure-fire business ideas for expats, this time dealing with pets and animals. The “gringo advantage” rides again in that department too! -Like Richard Martin says on PRN’s “Wake Up Call” show, I too am very much convinced that enlightened first-world people must get out of Dodge before Big Brother closes the window completely. Many smart people in the know think that door will shut tight in the next year or so at most. So, If you don’t make your plans very soon you’d better buckle up and get ready for the worst ride of your life. The American dream has moved to Latin America. There will not be better days up north and It will only get worse. -Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one. -And while you’re at don’t forget to pick up your free reports


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