Radio Misterioso show

Radio Misterioso

Summary: In-depth conversations on the paranormal alternating with weird music. Occasionally live on Sundays 6-8 or 8-10 PM Pacific.

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 Tim Brigham: Jim Moseley, Parapsychology Research and God Helmets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:09

Tim is a Doctor of Cognitive Experimental Psychology and is a laboratory parapsychology researcher. He is also the past associate editor of Saucer Smear. These were the main topics on this program, which aired live on January 20th. Tim met Smear publisher Jim Moseley when he was an impressionable teenager. It was essentially out of this friendship that he became involved with the intrigue of the longest-running UFO periodical in the world. Jim Moseley was a friend and an inspiration to me as well and Tim recalled him fondly with such stories as Moseley pissing off abductee Linda Napolitano/ Cortile, and the time that researcher Budd Hopkins gave him and Brigham the finger at a UFO convention. We talked a bit about Jim's personality and his attitudes towards some of the famous people in the UFO field. We then segued into a segment about Tim's parapsychological interests and experiments that he is planning with Michael Persinger's so-called "God Helmet" which as been shown to produce quasi-religious experiences on demand. We also went into a discussion of how UFO sightings might be affected by our preconceptions from pop culture and even earlier reports, which led to an extended segment on the Hill abduction case and details that have been forgotten, such as Barney Hill's first description of his abductor as a "red haired Irishman" wearing a Nazi uniform. Image - Jim Moseley from Tim Brigham's site mojomachine

 Surprise Show: Nick Redfern and Chris O’Brien | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:38:59

This show started off as a music and call-in show, but when I called Nick Redfern, it took off. We started right in about problems with UFO studies, people who we think are doing good work, and then launched into a discussion of government secrets and how Nick does his research. A discussion of Charles Fort's personal life followed and then quite a bit more about the nature of UFO study and how it might be improved. In a huge surprise, Chris O'Brien called in and we took our "state of ufology" discussion to another level. I think some real good suggestions about where things could be going came out of this conversation. NOTICE: I may go to a registered user-only comment section, since I get 100-300 spam messages on the site a day, even with the filters I have in place. Tell me what you think.

 Adam Gorightly: Discordians, Paranoia and Call-Ins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:42

On December 30th, we had our old buddy Adam back on for a visit and a little catching up. We started out with Bigfoot, and his/ their apparent talent for language and mimicry. We also talked about expanded awareness that results from psychedelic drugs, especially after they wear off. In about 2003 or so, Adam dragged me along on an interview with Robert Anton Wilson. From that interview, Adam found out about a cache of documents from the early years of the Discordian religion, which he eventually acquired and will soon be releasing a book based on them. He also uncovered a wealth of documents on counterculture figure Kerry Thornley and his interaction with the Warren Commission and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, which will be the subject of another book to be released this year, just in time for the 50th anniversary of the assassination, and he described that project for about 15 minutes. Later, we launched into a discussion of paranoid states of mind and our experiences with them, such as a recording of our talk with Wilson, which was apparently lost in the mail for over a year. Tim Binnall called in and chimed in on our discussion of people who want to "clean up" UFO research. We all agreed that this was a losing battle considering the personalities involved and of course the mercurical nature of the subject itself. Former Jim Moseley colleague/ co-conspirator Tim Brigham called in later in the show to discuss his proposed cage match with a parapsychology skeptic. He also announced that Saucer Smear has ceased publication forever, since Moseley as editor was the heart and soul of the publication. I support this decision. The next 20 minutes was a reminiscnce about Moseley and his benign disrespect for the UFO community of which he was an integral part.

 Silly Christmas Music Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:56

Tonight's show featured everything from the ridiculous to the silly to the almost traditional. From the depths of Tiny Tim's rendition of "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" to the ethereal beauty of "Silent Night" on the Great Stalacpipe Organ, please enjoy and have a great holiday. In the next few weeks we will welcome guests such as our good friend Bob Emenegger and also Rob Sterling of the Konformist website and newsletter. Other guests will be announced as they are confirmed. PS - Here's one of my favorite Christmas comedy bits by Patton Oswalt.

 Dean Radin: Entangled Minds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:58:54

ESP and psychokinesis (symbolized by "psi," the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet ) are still highly controversial concepts, at least in the basic science taught in most schools and waved as a banner by so-called skeptical groups. According to my guest, however, there is a quiet revolution among credentialed scientists that may lead to more open research into parapsychology. Dr. Dean Radin has been on the forefront of this research for decades, performing  laboratory experiments, writing scientific papers, and doing statistical analyses of years of collected data. He has also written two popular books for a wider audience. The Conscious Universe, published in 1997, was an examination of the evidence for psychic functioning and some of the implications for the knowledge of its existence. Entangled Minds was released in 2006 and continued Dr. Radin's careful look at the evidence and described possible theories to explain psi. On this program, we discussed Dr. Radin's background and his early interest in paranormal topics, and how this led him to a career as a working parapsychologist. We then looked at the rocky early history of quantum theory (which forms the basis of a possible working theory of psychic phenomena) and how its acceptance among more scientists would be the basis of a possible renaissance of psychic research. Dr. Radin's next book will be entitled Super Normal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence For Extraordinary Psychic Abilities, which will be published next year.

 Walter And Listener Call-Ins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:56:16

Just before I left on my trip, Walter arrived in the studio and we opened with a few random subjects. We mentioned William Corliss' Sourcebook project. Recent writing projects and difficulty with getting them going took up a few minutes. We made a bit of fun of one of the disclosure movements' newer wrinkles. The premiere of Walter's first theatrical film happened on November 25th, and we talked up the event. Phil Harris' great novelty song "The Thing" provided a break before listener Ward called in to talk about the Alternative Universe Conferences, Walter's AFOSI career, the recent Bob Emenegger interview, and weird phenomena at Whitley Strieber's cabin. Carlos was next and we discussed the extra-normal abilities of pets, stealth aircraft and possible technology that remains secret, and aspects of the Gaia hypothesis. At the end of the show, we played a recording of a seance or channeling of a dead WWII pilot that is actually quite creepy. See you next week as we welcome parapsychological scientist and researcher Dean Radin to the program.

 Paul Kimball: The Other Side Of Truth (ISBN 0991697502) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:06:13

Paul Kimball's first book was released on October 4th. In the interest of not repeating myself, please see the description of our last interview from July 14th for details about the book. The effect of exposure to actual paranormal-type events (during production of his TV show Ghost Cases) and the combined input of Stuart Miller, Nick Redfern, myself, and the groundbreaking theories of our late friend Mac Tonnies (among other factors) have influenced Paul's thinking in the few years we've known each other and changed him from a vaguely interested observer to someone who thinks deeply and passionately about the subject. Combined with his background in history, law, and philosophy, The Other Side Of Truth is a must-read for listeners of this show, and a great introduction to advanced concepts of the paranormal and how it relates to other aspects of the human experience. This interview delves into the deeper aspects of Paul's background and experiences. We talked about the writings of 19th century Canadian Christian mystic Henry Alline, a scary night with a shadow person in the Czech Republic, a unique and frightening UFO case from Nova Scotia, and the probable improbability of science to provide answers to the paranormal, among many, many other subjects. Photo: Paul and I at the mysterious Racetrack Playa in 2008.

 Robert Emenegger – UFOs and Yoga and Hypnosis and Teleportation (and Silly Music) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:53:05

Robert Emenegger is one of those people that lurk just beyond the veil of celebrity. He's knows all sorts of people you've heard about, but hardly anyone ever mentions Emenegger by name. One of the reasons I admire him is that he seems to like it that way. In the first part of the interview, we talked about his 1976 film UFOs, It Has Begun. Bob and his producing partner Alan Sandler received unprecedented access to government personnel and facilities to find out what was truly known about flying unidentifieds. He was even offered a copy of the film of the famed (if unproven) UFO landing at New Mexico's Holloman Air Base in 1967, only to have it rescinded near the end of production. During the filming, Emenegger was introduced to many of the background players in the Air Force/ UFO equation, such as Col Bob. Friend and Col. Bill Coleman. In the second 2 hours, we delved into his experiences making a film with legendary hypnotist Martin Orne, who unmasked Hillside Stranger Kenneth Bianchi as faking Multiple Personality Disorder, among other accomplishments. We also discussed Dr. Hal Puthoff and his early interest in Emenegger's UFO film. He described a yoga demonstration staged for Carol Burnett and experiments in possible mental teleportation of objects in secret experiments in China. We had segment on reincarnation research, and talked about many, many other aspects of Bob's amazing life before playing some music he wrote for the early 1970s kid TV show Lance Link, Secret Chimp. There is far, far more to these almost four hours than I can describe here. We'd like to read your comments. (For your reference, there is a short tone marking the space between the segments.)

 Walter Bosley: Hell’s Bells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:51:02

When I met Walter in 2001, he was a recently retired Air Force officer. Others shied away when they learned that he was in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, but I knew I had to talk to him. Since then, we have been on adventures in the desert looking for haunted cemeteries, making documentary films and talking about UFO, paranormal and spy stuff on this program. Since I met him, Walter has authored three books, a few screenplays, and taught classes in surveillance work. In the last couple of years, his interests have expanded and he is poised to premiere his first feature film, shot almost literally on a shoestring budget. Hell's Bells is a black and white silent movie shot on hi-def video. We talked about the experience of making the film, but of course were compelled to wander into other subjects. Also discussed: Russian spies on the Manhattan Project, silly infighting amongst the UFO fan and media community, crop circle hoaxes, why we don't enjoy politics, Anthony Bourdain's travel series and Cory McAbee (one of my favorite filmmakers.)  

 Scott Corrales: Hispanic Ufology and the State Of UFO Studies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:16:31

Scott has been a friend since the mid-1990s, when I published a report of his on the then-new chupacabras phenomenon. We recorded this show as a phone call on August 8th. The conversation ranged from the state of UFO studies to the legendary UMMO affair (another subject which Corrales knows well.) We also talked about the differences in UFO study between Latin American countries and the USA, and what Spanish and South American researchers think of their American counterparts. We ended with a reading of a very strange experience from a Spanish abduction researcher, which I requested that Scott read in the original Spanish text. I really liked this. The song at the end, El Aparto (The Device) is from the Mexico City-based band Cafe Tacuba and is about UFO abduction. Hat tip to RadMist friend Red Pill Junkie for this.

 Nick Redfern: The Pyramids and the Pentagon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:25:38

30 minutes after the interview, Curiosity rover landed on Mars. Nick surprised me with a 24 hour visit to LA last Sunday. Luckily, he has just released another book entitled The Pyramids and the Pentagon, about the history of US government involvement in paranormal research, so we talked a little about that and a lot about other things. Nick found that U.S. Government indeed had a wide-ranging interest in historical anomalies such as Noah's Ark, antigravity and the method used to build the Egyptian pyramids, among other things. We also talked about what sort of music that aliens might like (if it isn't Tibetan music) and Nick's Ten Commandments Of Paranormal TV. I asked Nick about his detractors, and we ended with a couple of questions Nick had for me.

 Damon Packard: C2C Icons As Movie Characters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:28

Damon Packard is a highly-regarded independent filmmaker from the Los Angeles area. My friend Leni Mandell suggested that I bring him in the studio to talk about his latest film Foxfur.  The non-linear story revolves around a young woman who is evicted from her apartment and meets David Icke, Bob Lazar, and Richard Hoagland while wandering the streets, and eventually meets Semjase, who was Swiss contactee Billy Meier's angelic alien queen. We talked about the problems of no-budget filmmaking and Packard's influences. For the first 10 minutes, I tried to convince Damon that the Lazar story was not what it appeared. We also went over the story of Meier and the artistic value of his UFO photos. Leni joined us in the studio for the show and we took one call at the end. Check out Damon's youtube channel for more. Above: Packard as L. Ron Hubbard from Craig Baldwin's 2009 film Mockup On Mu.

 Don Newcomer: Esoteric Psychology, Psychedelics, and the Paranormal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:46:31

Don and his wife Beth have been good friends of mine for many years and have both been inspirations and a great source of esoteric information to me. Sigrid and I spent last weekend at their place and since I didn't want to forego a show just because I was out of town (again) I asked Don if he wanted to be my guest for the first ever live remote Radio Misterioso. We sat in the dining room with our wives and Fluffy the dog, and began by talking about a theory of perception advanced by UC Berkeley philosopher Alva Noe which takes into account the motor responses of our senses as influences on our experience of the world. We then complained about UFO disclosure for awhile before launching into a discussion of the decimation of the peyote plant and alternatives such as the San Pedro cactus. We also had time to talk about the little-known book Conjuring Up Philip, which described an experiment to create a disembodied spirit and associated phenomena, as well as Don's preliminary reading of Carl Jung's famous Red Book. At the end of the program I played a few examples of electro-voice phenomena recorded from shortwave radio in the 1970s. Don asked as many questions as he fielded and we had a great conversation before we shut it down and jumped back in the swimming pool. Thanks again to Miles Lewis for the use of the Anomaly Radio Network feed.  

 Richard Sarradet: The Falcon, The UFO, and Harry Rositzke | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:55:02

After my recent announcement of the possible identity of the famous "Falcon" of MJ-12 and "Aviary" lore, a few commenters, researchers, and websites began speculating on the legitimacy of OSS and CIA veteran Harry August Rositzke as that formerly mysterious figure. Attitudes ranged from the stupidly skeptical to the stupidly outlandish, with a few thoughtful theories thrown into the mix. I will leave the listeners to figure out which is which. My longtime friend Richard Sarradet (who also co-hosts Don Ecker's Dark Matters Radio on Friday nights) joined me in a discussion of some of the issues surrounding this announcement and to talk about how it fits into the history of the Government/ UFO equation. We also veered into further history of our interactions with a man who claimed to represent a faction of U.S. Naval Intelligence. As always with Richard, we delved into some areas which I have long kept to myself. It may be time to reveal some of these memories, thoughts, and theories so that others can perhaps build upon them. Our good friend Kenn Thomas called in with his perspective as well. Strangely enough, he was cut off for some reason, and he later informed me that his phone was inoperative for about 24 hours after the show.

 Paul Kimball: The Other Side Of Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:02:28

Despite Paul's aversion to paranormal radio, he will appear on Radio Misterioso if sufficiently coaxed, or in this case, if he is promoting one of his projects. This time it's his new book, The Other Side Of Truth, named after his long-running blog. I am in the middle of reading it in preparation for writing a foreword, and the book appears slated for release in the fall. The text is an overview of Kimball's experiences over the last few years, making films such as Best Evidence: The Top Ten UFO Cases and his TV series Ghost Cases, as well as his numerous opinions on the wide swath of issues surrounding the paranormal and it's connections to human consciousness and the creative process. We talked about that issue at length on this show, as well as covering baseball, my revelation of the infamous "Falcon" of UFO disinfo fame, the ethics of boxing and UFC (and the death penalty), and how much I dislike the music of Billy Joel. Unprompted by me, Paul also apologized multiple times for his comments about Budd Hopkins from a few months ago. As he said, "Maybe I'm getting older and wiser." Maybe we all are. The full title of Kimball's upcoming book is The Other Side of Truth The Paranormal, The Art of the Imagination, & the Human Condition. You can learn more about what's been going on with Paul at his new website. A great conversation with a very good friend, which I hope you enjoy. Above: Paul (center) with Nick Redfern and the late Mac Tonnies.


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