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Summary: Our shows aim to cover the following subjects, Ascension, Consciousness, Spiritual Awakening, Metaphysics. We will be talking to various experts within these fields to help our listeners gain a broader unstanding of these subjects.

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 Journeys into Consciousness 18 - Time Travel, Crop Circles, De Ja Vu, Aura, Spirit Privacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:34

We based today's show around the following questions taken from our Facebook community and comments posted by people visiting the site. Thank you to those who took the time to send in questions as they formed the basis of a very interesting show. Time Travel We also discussed paradoxes, the complexities of Time Travel and multiple time lines. Crop Circles We discussed a recent documentary called "I Believe in UFO's" with Danny Dyer who visited Wiltshire to meet believers investigating the crop circles and skeptics who claimed to make them. Gregory agreed that there are three groups making them, humans, Spirit (Orbs) and E.T. Topics discussed: The Aura and Colours, Cell Memory, Akashic Memory, Mischievous Spirits, De Ja Vu, Time Travel, Privacy from Spirit, Crop Circles, Positive and Negative spirits. Questions below: Q1. "The healing group with which I work has tended to think that it is not right for us to venture into finding out now what is contained within our Akashic records - i.e. that we should do our best to learn, love and advance ourselves on the earth plane in ignorance of the contents of those records. Would Gregory kindly comment on whether he feels that is our business to know the contents while we are on earth, whether it is right or indeed advisable for us to know and act upon the records' contents. Thank you." Q2. "What does it mean when a person sees certain colours and the person becomes one with the colors in a trance like state?" Q3. "I'd like to ask about de ja vu ..please? " Q4.1 "Can any one help? i often get cold parts around my top of arm/s back of legs..back/ do you differentiate between good spirit too and not so good spirit..i have some not so nice experiences and whilst mopping the floor last night i had some one/thing try tugging my jumper, many a time when sleeping or should i say just going to sleep when i get the feeling that i am being shoved or if they don't want you to sleep...i protect my self with the gold ray of Christ and invoke Archangel Michael as well as asking my gaurdian angel for protection..some night i am woken so frequently i feel incredibly tired..where am i going wrong? thanks heather xx" Q4.2 "On several occasions I have had who I think is my husbands grandfather prod me in the back when I have overstepped the mark with my comments in an argument with my husband. I know I have 5 spirits living with me but feel they are trying to stop us moving now, I want to know how to reassure them that they are welcome to come with us where ever we go, but they seem to be blocking the viewings. and playing around with the phone line. both land line and mobiles in the house. I have a problem with my phone mobile that is in the centre line of my house it cuts out can anyone explain if this is a vortex." Q5 "I'm sorry if my naivety offends anyway, but i would like to ask if our spirit guides are with us at all times,what about our showering and bathing,its a question my children ask all the time,as they are aware our passed over family are with us but,know bath times are private things.?...." And much more..

 Journeys into Consciousness 17 - Chakras, Orbs, NDEs, Enlightenment, Strange Lights | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Strange Lights in the Sky At the start of the show Ian briefly shared with Gregory an experience he had straight after recording the last show, where he witnessed very strange lights in the sky. The lights seemed to coincide with a solar flare that was due to hit the atmosphere on the 19th of January, the night of the show. Gregory shared his thoughts on this event with the listeners. It seems the event was a combination of a new strange weather anomaly, mentioned by Gregory in a previous show where we will start to see a new type of silent lighting. Plus the added affects of particles hitting the atmosphere from the solar event. Aura and Chakra System Gregory gave his views on the Chakra system and how every living thing has the same system in place, providing us with many dimensional viewpoints/expressions to work with. Some very interesting areas covered in discussing this topic. Orbs Orbs seem to be a relatively new phenomenon with the advent of digital technology. Ian asked if it was the new camera's producing the Orbs or if Orbs really do now exist. Gregory thankfully confirmed that the majority of Orbs captured are Spirit. Apparently it's not the new digital camera's allowing them to be picked up, it's just a new way for to make themselves known to us, as our interest in sprit grows. A century ago it was much easier for spirit to fully manifest, such as the case of Physical Medium Helen Duncan, providing ectoplasm to allow spirit to form. However due to high electromagnetic pollution brought about by our technological savvy world, it's much harder for full manifesting to take place, as it takes a lot more energy. It's much easier for spirit to generate energy in plasma disks. Sometimes, even manifesting their faces in to the plasma disk. Near Death Experience / Life Review / OBEs We then moved onto the topic of Near-Death-Experience where many people temporally pass in to spirit and meet loved ones or spiritual figures. The person is then subsequently taken through a life review process via their Akashic book, experiencing in some cases every action, thought and consequence of their actions on others. Enlightenment Gregory and the group gave us a wonderful insight into what it is to be enlightened or to become enlightened. Many people are attempting to go through this process, part of the spiritual awakening/revolution we are going through. In a sense just being in that state of bliss is a form of enlightenment whether you're a yogi in deep meditation or somebody in the later years of your life just being in peaceful and blissful state, happy and balanced in who they are and in what they have done. We discussed how this can also be achieved even living spiritually active lives, we don't have to be monks in a monastery to achieve this. Another topic was Bi-location which some spiritual masters seem to be able to do. Being Human At the end of the show we touched on other who don't have the same negative and positive experience of consciousness that we have to go through. Their state of being and intelligence is a marvel to watch. Apparently even a being the size of a dot had the most amazing Akashic book to read from the halls of learning, showing a completely different way of being.

 Discernment and the Battle for Light over Dark with Kerin Webb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Today's show was a real freestyler of a chat. Kerin has been producing many videos over the last year, getting the message across through his psychic prophecy channelling videos that humanity is standing on the edge of a very large shock. However, when it happens it will allow humanity to unite together and build a better world. Kerin and Ian discussed the many pitfalls of spirituality and religion where believing in something too much can actually be detrimental, and in fact paralyse or stop us from actually living or progressing. It's a real challenge; we walk a real fine line to keep ourselves in balance and not swaying too much in either direction. The discussion moved onto other subjects around Haiti and how different people justify the tragic events to either a punishing God because the people were bad or the other end of the spectrum that the people sacrificed themselves for us, so it gives us an opportunity to express our compassionate side. Both are similar believes at different ends of the spectrum, but both can be equally dangerous view points as it becomes easy for people to turn a blind eye when they can easily justify in their mind why events are taking place. And much more...

 Journeys into Consciousness 16- Avatar The Real Story II, Haiti, Earth Quakes, Ley Lines, Vortexes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Avatar The Real (Earth) Story Part II With Gregory Haye from The White Cloud Group In today's show we expanded on the message that was used in the recent YouTube video we produced called "Avatar The Real Story". The message within the video was taken from an archived show from early last year (2009). We created the video after the watching the film Avatar as we wanted to wake people up to the sad fact that this story is actually playing out here on planet Earth. Quote: "The indigenous cultures are now banding together to help usher in a world of peace. However, these peaceful peoples have been fighting a secret war with corporate groups and government's hell bent on destroying their land for oil and other minerals. Many people have been killed on both sides of this secret war. However nothing is being reported in the controlled main stream media. It's important that we all get the word out. We can't afford more areas of our rain forests to be destroyed by these people as it will tip the balance even quicker." Haiti, Earthquakes and increasing risk in other places We discussed the tragic events that took place in Haiti this week where the region was struck by a massive 7.00 magnitude Earthquake sadly taking the lives of a great number of people. Gregory talked about further issues with huge Earthquakes being on the rise due to cyclic reasons within the Earth. Great stresses are still building up in other areas so we have to be vigilant and learn the lessons in helping and rescuing people from the Haiti quake. Risk to other areas include Alberta, California and Alaska and other southern areas of the Pacific rim. Ley Lines, Vortexes, OBE's and NDE's Gregory talked about the grid network of Ley Lines that cover the planet. Many religious buildings sit on the convergence points. The energies are used by many animals; humans can tap in the energies for higher states of consciousness and creativity. Conversely there are negative Lines via running streams that if running under a house or building can cause adverse affects for those inside. We also talked about Vortexes and how they are used by dimensional energies or spirit communication. Also how these vortexes are also used for the consciousness of a person to move their focus/mind back to the higher planes of consciousness/reality. And much more...

 Believe with Philip Kinsella - A ground breaking theory that bridges the Psychic and UFO phenomena | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

This week's guest is Philip Kinsella, a well known medium who has appeared on television and radio. He has written numerous articles and books on Paranormal and UFO phenomena. In tonights show we will touching on his new book Believe and how his ongoing work as a medium has helped bridge the gap between the UFO and Paranormal fields of research. About Believe A ground breaking theory that bridges the gap between the Psychic and UFO phenomena. UFOs have been ridiculed for decades, even when we are presented with the facts through hundreds and thousands of eye-witness accounts across the world. The same can be said for clairvoyants and their ability to commune with seemingly dead people. They have suffered under the hammer of rational thought. There can be no such things as UFOs or contact with our loved ones from the Other Side. Why are many so against these thoughts? What do we fear in allowing ourselves to open our minds to other dimensions? Philip Kinsella is a widely acclaimed clairvoyant, he has also had personal UFO experiences. Within this book Philip takes us on a journey to show us that something incredibly strange is happening to people, and so-called experts merely push such stories and experiences aside as pure fantasy. He says he would agree with them, if he had not had proof himself and gone through a similar experience as so many others have done with regards to UFO contact. The real reason we are not told about the validity of UFO contact is that we are dealing with more than just your average nuts-and-bolts crafts, and that a soul issue is also raised with regards to what these Greys are and where they really come from. Philip has researche d UFOs for more than twenty years, and over that time an incredible realisation has occurred to him - we are 'definitely' not alone.

 Journeys into Consciousness 15 - Fairies, Being in the Heart, Concensus reality, Jesus, Being Gay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

Fairies, Being in the Heart, Concensus reality, Jesus, Gay and Bisexuals The first eight minutes of the show Gregory gave us a very interesting insight into the workings of the white cloud group, the group he is a spoke person for and who as a collective are responsible for the information brought through in the shows. We have also included info about the group at the bottom of this synopsis. Being in the Heart Gregory discussed the topic of Love and Being in the Heart and a further discussion around Greg Braden's work linking Heart based emotions to affects on the Magnetic fields of the planet. Excerpted from Greg Bradens' Fractal Time...

 UFOs are Here to Stay, Extraterrestrial beings and The Aetherius Society with Mark Bennett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

This week's guest is Spiritual Writer and Lecturer Mark Bennett. Mark is the co-author of two books, Prayer Energy and Gods, Guides and Guarding Angels, which he wrote alongside international bestselling, author Richard Lawrence. He works full-time for The Aetherius Society, an international spiritual organisation founded by E.T contactee, Dr Greorge King. Mark is helping spread the society's spiritual teachings channelled through Dr King from positive and advanced extraterrestrial beings. In today's show Mark discusses some of the core spiritual teachings adopted by the Aetherius Society through the work of Dr George King, who was contacted by advanced extraterrestrial beings back in 1954 who to help spread their spiritual wisdom. Over the next two decades he continued to act as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, recording over 600 Cosmic Transmissions from the Space Masters. Determined to help humanity raise itself from universal suffering and ignorance, his life's mission became apparent on May 8, 1954. Alone in his London apartment, a loud physical voice delivered the following Command: "Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament." He was initially shocked by the implications of this statement. It came out of the blue without warning or explanation. All he knew with his mastery over terrestrial phenomena was that what he had heard, he had heard. A few days later he was visited by a world-renowned Yoga Master whom he knew to be alive and active in India at that time. This Master, in every way physical, entered and left through a locked door that he did not open. During the meeting, Dr. King was given a series of highly specialized exercises enabling him to bring about a state of consciousness necessary for the establishment of mental rapport with the Cosmic Masters who inhabit the higher planes of other planets. Quote from Mark's website: "Humanity is slowly waking up to the fact that we are not alone in the universe. As UFO sightings appear to be on the rise, some obvious questions remain unanswered by governments, scientists and world religions. Even if only a tiny percentage of all UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial spacecraft - surely this has staggering implications for all humanity. " And much more...

 Journeys Into Consciousness 14 - Pearl Harbour, Angels in Space, Iran, The Day E.T. Boarded the Space Shuttle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:34

In today's show we discussed the following: Pearl Harbour It was the anniversary of Pearl Harbour this week, the 7th of December. We honored those who lost their lives and loved one's on this tragic day. We discussed the parallels with 9/11. Did those in the higher echelons of power know the attacks were going to happen and use it for their own agenda to bring America in to the war? Gregory agreed... And much more...

 Star Children - Ancestral Knowledge - Lotus from the Stars with Georgia Jenkins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:37

This weeks guest is Georgia Jenkins, Intuitive, Medicine Woman and organiser of Lotus from the Stars. A community based project to help children and adults remember Ancestral Knowledge with the new consciousness. Georgia hosts many events throughout the year that enable people to learn more about the Star Children energy and the wave of consciousness these gifted children are bringing in at this pivotal time in Earth's history. Event Information: "Our Star Children events are created to encourage children to be part of our cultural events. These events encourage the children to meet others like themselves. They may be feeling out of sorts and wanting to be part of the events and not catered for their unique qualities. Also to meet and greet stall holders that using different tools enables children to be as one with nature and find their inner power and abilities and work with them to bring change to our lives and theirs. A sense of belonging and understanding all things spiritual and natural. Working in harmony with their environment. " And much more....

 Journeys into Consciousness 13 - Climate Change Hoax? - Hadron Collider - Listeners Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:37

In today's show we discussed the following: Climate Change - Real or a Hoax? Gregory discussed his views on the recent release of hacked climate change data which is alleged to show scientists cooking the books for their own agendas. We also discussed what's really happening to the climate, especially in light of the recent biblical floods across Cumbria in the UK and the devastating droughts affecting most of the worlds food output. CERN - The Large Hadron Collider Gregory discussed his thoughts on the Large Hadron Collider that was switched on last week. The Higgs boson, also known as the God Particle is the only Standard Model particle that has not been observed. Experimental detection of the Higgs boson would help explain the origin of mass in the universe. Pivotal Time in History We also discussed that we're now in a Pivotal time in history where we have the best opportunity to make positive strides as a race. There are beings here to assist us make this leap, however we have to be discerning as the opposite is also true. Listener Questions For the remainder of the show, we touched on some questions from our listeners. Question: "If you or I wanted to located someone on earth, say an old friend, we would locate them by a house number, street name, town, country, etc and in a conversation we would say that we have found our friend, And he is at 92 west street, Dartford, Kent, England for instance. Now... If Gregory wanted to find an old friend, he would just think of them, and hey presto he would be there, but if he was talking to another friend abut finding his old friend, what would the conversation be like? Would he say I have found Fred, and he is living on the 7th dimension, in the summerlands, in an town called utopia, within a soul group called getting jiggie with it. ? lol I guess what I'm trying to say is, are there locations within the spirit world, towns, cities, streets, and what dimension/frequency level." Question: "Is it important to pay attention to numerology, life path numbers etc? Is this part of sacred geometry?" Question: "How many dimensions are there?" And much more....

 Ascension, Atlantis Soul Memories - Sound Healing with Hanna Ehlers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

Today's guest is Hanna Ehlers, a spiritual and metaphysical teacher helping many lightworkers to step on to their chosen pathway. (Scroll down to listen to the show) Hanna has dedicated her life to Ascension, personal enlightenment, with knowledge in many spiritual disciplines, methods and therapies. As well as being a competent psychic and channel for intergalactic beings, Ascended Masters and other deities, and different forms of healing, teaching and counselling. In the show we discussed the following topics: Memories from Home and The Gaia Project After awakening abruptly onto her spiritual pathway in Japan, Hanna became aware of lost memories from a life on a different home planet. A much more peaceful existence with beings operating on a much higher level of consciousness, Hanna remembers offering her services to help with the Gaia project, part of an increasing influx of beautiful souls coming in to help push the humanity to a more loving way of being. Many brave souls have come in to help conquer the darkness that has plagued this world since the fall of Atlantis. Hanna discusses her memories of a voluntary incarnation into Atlantis where her intended purpose was to freely come and go as she pleased back to her home planet once that life time ended. However because of the fall and ensuing control by the dark elite (AKA the New World Order) many souls were trapped here within the Earth grid system. Ascension - 2012 Hanna discusses her thoughts on Ascension and how it's a process that has to happen internally to us, not by external beings coming in to save us. Hanna has a pure connection to her cosmic team of helpers, ascended masters and members of the Galactic Federation. Hanna agreed that we have to be cautious of some channelled material that suggests our space brothers are going to save us and do the Ascension work for us, or worse, whisked us off to another dimension, this simply isn't the case. There are many loving beings watching and helping us at this time but we have to do the inner work ourselves. Ascension comes from within. Sound Healing Hanna discussed her awakening memories from her home planet where they used Sound Healing to bring harmony back into their aura's and energy fields. Through the guidance of Sound Healer Tom Kenyon, Hanna has now remembered and brought her latent sound healing gifts to the surface. Hanna now regularly provides workshops and therapy sessions using this wonderful and very powerful technique. Hanna gives us a taster at the end of the show. About Hanna: Hanna Ehlers is the creator of She is a metaphysical and spiritual teacher. She has dedicated her life to ascension and personal enlightenment and has been training in many spiritual disciplines, methods and thera pies for almost five years. Hanna is a competent psychic and channel for intergalactic beings, ascended masters and other deities, additionally she has a background in healing, teaching and counselling. Her approaches, thoughts and beliefs have been learned via teachings from around the globe with many incarnate guides and from her personal journey with oneness and the family of light outside of 3D. Hanna is a qualified healer trained via two institutions, both the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and The Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing. Furthermore she has had the opportunity to undergo training to become an Angel Therapy Practitioner in Hawaii, certified by Doreen Virtue PhD, in addition, Hanna has under gone Sound Healing Training with Tom Kenyon in Seattle under the auspices of Psycho-acoustic Brain Research.

 Journeys into Consciousness 12 - Journeys into Consciousness- Big Foot, Atlantis, Financial Crisis, Dimensions, Spirit World, Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

In today's show we discussed the following topics: The Financial Meltdown Are we really coming out of the recession as the media would like us to believe or are there more problems on the horizon? Big Foot Contrary what most people might think, these beings are extremely advance and loving. They can be found across the Pacific North West in America, Canada, Mongolia, Tibet and many other places around the world. They are a sub species of human which was part of the original stock going back 5 million years ago. They haven't really changed much since then but continue to be very spiritual and in harmony with mother Earth. They can dematerialise at will and move in to an overlay reality which allows them to disappear from harms way in a fight or flight situation. By increasing their vibration they can shift themselves just enough to no longer be visible within our field of light. They can still see this reality from their higher vantage point but are no longer in it. They can communicate through telepathy. They live for about 150 years Their emotional makeup is loving and harmonic. Life on Earth Gregory touches on how life started on Earth initially with microbes and various minerals being brought here from the collision of another planet and what is now our moon. Gregory said that there are lakes larger than Galaxies containing life moving through our universe. Life on Earth has also been manipulated along the way by other cosmic beings. This accounts for the different branches in the Human species along the way. Reality / Dimensions / Spirit World Gregory discussed the many levels of reality through different vibrations. What the spirit world is actually like. Different physical realities of a higher nature where beings live in a much more loving and harmonious way. How dimensions can collide with each other in different places and cause aircraft and people to cross over to another universe. Depressions can build up that cause a portal to open up. We discussed an event that happened where a 727 and it's passengers actually dropped off the radar for ten minutes with no visible sighting from the ground during this time either. When the plane landed, all the watches and clocks were out by ten minutes. Gregory confirmed that the plane actually moved in to one of these time clouds and crossed a dimensional barrier. Luckily for the passengers and crew it also returned. Different cycles of Human on Earth / Atlantis There was another more highly advanced spiritual race here around 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Rather than being very technical in their sciences as we are, their methods were more based on spiritual science. They had magnificent abilities, especially around architecture and human expression. They had the most beautiful structures. Sadly they were lost to severe Earth changes at this time. There were other advance beings around this time as well, that lived all over the Earth. These beings were around 3 feet in height. Dreams We discussed what dreams are and the different types Working Dreams - Working in spirit while living on Earth Dreams as Mirror - Each person in the dream is an aspect of yourself Prophetic Dreams And Fear Based Dreams And much more...

 Journeys into Consciousness 11 - Obama E.T Disclosure, Spiritual Laws, Mysterious Stones, telekinesis, Law of Free Will, Power of Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

In today's show Gregory discussed the following: UFO - E.T Disclosure Insiders / Researchers such as David Wilcock, Michael Salla et al and now other Channellers are all saying that Obama will be disclosing the existance of other E.T races by the end of the year (2009). We discussed this subject along with the announcment by some intel sources via some internet researchers that a large ship is also approcaching Earth which apperently houses a large civilisation, according to Gregory this event is putting huge pressure on goverments to disclose as there will be no hiding the subject once this is visible in our skies in the near future. I was expecting Gregory to debunk this but in fact he seemed to agree this was the case, which is rather interesting. Also we discussed E.T City's that exist within our Mountains and under the oceans. Spiritual Laws We discussed the laws and how they are actually policed. Law of Free Law of Proximity - How spirits can be limited in what they are allowed to see. Law of Squares - The power of group mind when many sitters focus with love on an intention. Levitation - Energy Transference Questions China super psychics and their use of telekinesis to move objects. Megalithic Stones such as: Dolmens 2000 ton stone in Ba'albek, Lebanon Boulders in Trees In April 1997, a turkey hunter in Yellowwood State Forest, Indiana, came upon a huge sandstone boulder wedged between three branches of an oak tree about 35 feet from the ground. The arrow shaped rock was estimated to weight 500lb. Subsequently, four more large boulders were found wedged high up in trees elsewhere in the forest. All were in remote areas. None of the trees were damaged and there were no signs of heavy equipment begin used or of tornado damage and no one recalled any mishaps involving dynamite anywhere nearby. Mysterious Sliding Boulders One of the strangest occurrences that Dr. Bob has ever come across is the mysterious sliding boulders of Death Valley National Park, California. There are trails showing that boulders up to 705 pounds (320 kg) have moved large distances over flat terrain. No one has actually seen these boulders move. THe Dropa Stones We briefly touched on the Dropa Stones which will be covered fully in a future show. The Dropa (also known as Dropas, Drok-pa or Dzopa) are, according to certain controversial writers, a race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials who landed near the Chinese-Tibetan border some twelve thousand years ago. The explorers are said to have found many neat rows of tombs with short 138 cm skeletons buried within. The skeletons had abnormally big heads, and small, thin, fragile bodies. A member of the team suggested that these might be the remains of an unknown species of mountain gorilla. And much more....

 Journeys into Consciousness Show 10 - The Moon Bomb, Earth Quakes, Biblical Angels, Fatima Prophecy, Cosmic Ordering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

In today's show Gregory discussed the following: The Moon. We discussed NASA's recent Moon mission in which they crashed space craft in to the south pole of the moon to apparently find evidence of water. Gregory discussed how the moon was created. I asked, "are the other planets going through climate change as well?". Gregory pointed out that most of these brightening anomalies are actually caused by us viewing them from our vantage point of Earth. Our atmosphere is thinning dramatically as a result of rapid climate change. The Earth. Earth Quakes. We discussed the sudden increase in quakes which are set to continue as Mother Earth is going through a cycle of continued rapid changes that will see some Islands submerged, possible big quakes in the US within the next 3 years, even Italy and Rome which could cause a sudden movement of secret information stored in the Vatican. Ice Caps - Gulf Stream - Ice Age. We discussed the theory that the northern hemisphere could go in to a mini ice age if the polar ice caps melts. It's theorised that fresh water could stop the gulf stream, which is essential for providing heat for the northern hemisphere. However Gregory felt this wasn't really the main issue to be concerned about as he didn't see much evidence for this. The main cause for concern is the sudden release of millions of tons of carbon which is currently locked in the ice, if it's suddenly released in to the atmosphere then it will cause a very dangerous situation, as we are already in a very fragile situation. Pole Shift Fact or Fiction? The Fatima Mother Mary Predictions. Mother Mary apparently appeared to three young children in Fatima on October the 13th, 1917. Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. She gave them three prophecies below. Gregory confirmed that Mother Mary did actually materialise to the children and talked around this. Info taken from: "Lucia said the first secret shown to them by Mary began with a terrifying vision of hell. Mary then indicated that the war would soon end, as World War I did in the following year...

 2012, Credit Crunch, Global Warming, Awakening with Chris Bourne, discover the higher perspective | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

In this show we discuss the following topics: 1. What is Ascension. 2. How does it relate to 2012. 3. What can we expect to happen to society and humanity as we continue through the process. 4. The concept of Unity and Separation and how consciousness set about knowing itself through separation and awareness. 5. How we are now moving away from Seperation and back to Unity. 6. Chris' science background allows him to combine esoteric principles with quantum physics, both compliment each over beautifully. 7. What can you do to be in the flow and be apart of this wonderful process. At the end of the show Chris shares his vision for the future and how the process may unfold in our 3rd dimensional reality. At the start of the show Chris talks about is near death experience which culminated in his awakening experience. Chris was taken to multiple dimensions of reality where he realised just how important every aspect of his life had been up to that point. Quote from Chris below: "During the crash, time seemed to slow right down and I was guided back through key moments of my life. I was realising that every moment in our lives has but one underlying purpose - to reveal an aspect of truth about ourselves to ourselves. I was beginning to dissolve every belief and value our society had conditioned within me." "This was my initial awakening to the magical unifying consciousness of the soul. Over the five years that followed, I was guided through four other inner 'Gateways' of consciousness. I have since come to know the process as the five key expansions on our journey of Enlightenment and ultimate Ascension into multi dimensional living - our divine birthright". Also in the show Chris discusses the five gateways or initiations somebody could find themselves going through as they knowingly or unknowingly set foot on to the ascension pathway.


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