Inside Story show

Inside Story

Summary: Dissecting the day's top story - a frank assessment of the latest developments.

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 Inside Story Americas - Tracing the shadows of 'Operation Condor' | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

As Argentina opens a long-awaited trial over 'Operation Condor', why has no US official been held accountable? To discuss the role of the US in 'Operation Condor' presenter Why has the US not been taken to task for its role in the Latin American campaign of killing political opponents. Shihab Rattansi is joined by John Dinges, the author of "The Condor Years: How Pinochet and his Allies Brought Terrorism to three Continents" and Carlos Osorio, the director of the Southern Cone Documentation project at the National Security Archive.

  Can CITES come to nature's rescue? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

Can the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species offer a meaningful respite for threatened wildlife? Inside Story, with presenter Jane Dutton, discusses with guests: Ben van Rensburg, the chief of enforcement support for CITES; Wendy Elliott, the leader of the World Wildlife Fund's global wildlife trade campaign; and Anna Nekaris, a professor of Planet Conservation for Oxford Brookes University.

 Bangladesh: Righting historical wrongs | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1470

Will addressing Bangladesh's past struggle for independence undo its peace and stability? Jane Dutton speaks to: Salman al-Azami, the son of former Jamaat-e-Islam leader Ghulum Azam, who is one of those standing trial; Tridib Deb, the co-chairman of the Bangabandhu Lawyers Council - the group named after the first president of Bangladesh and head of the Awami League: and father of the current Prime Minister; and Palash Kamruzzaman, a fellow at Bath University and an analyst on Bangladeshi affairs.

 Capping bonuses: Too little, too late? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

European officials have struck a deal that could radically change the banking industry's bonus culture. Hazem Sika, discusses with guests: Alessio Rastani, a trader and founder of the leading trader dot com; Birgitte Andersen, director of the Big Innovation Centre. Birgitte is an economist specialising in innovation and EU policy; and Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, an American investment broker and author of several books on the financial crisis.

 Rwanda reinvented | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

The African nation has emerged from a failed state, to break the cycle of poverty, dispair and disease. But is the success story down to government planning or foreign aid and guilty consciences? And can Rwanda's story be a model for another country in Africa? Inside Story, with presenter Dareen Abughaida, is joined by Agnes Binagwaho, the Rwandan health minister; Selam Hailemichael, the programme coordinator for Care International in Norway; Patrick Noack, the co-editor of the book, Rwanda Fast Forward, which is looking at the country's prospects in the coming years; and Danielle Beswick, a lecturer and specialist on Rwanda at the University of Birmingham.

 Italy: Protest, polls and political paralysis | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

The results of Italy's elections are in, and there is perhaps even more uncertainty than there was before the vote began. The dramatic election failed to produce an outright winner and now sworn enemies must consider working together to avoid more economic woes.

 A decade of disaster in Darfur | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

We examine why the goal of comprehensive peace and prosperity in the Darfur region remains elusive. Inside Story with Jane Dutton is joined by guests: Safwat Fanos, an associate professor of political science at the University of Khartoum; Ishag Mekki, secretary general of the Darfur Victims Organisation of Relief and Rehabilitation; and David Hoile. He is a professor of media studies at Sudan International University, and author of the book - Darfur: The Road to Peace.

 The Oscars: Politics Unchained? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

As members of the film industry gathered in Los Angeles to honour their own at the 85th Academy Awards, there were few surprises among the winners. As always the Academy's choices sparked a debate about the relationship between art and politics, and whether movies attempt to reflect or shape the real world. So is Hollywood about art, or propaganda?

 Italy: Turning economic fortunes? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

In these austere times, Italians have a critical decision to make. Stay the painful course of reform or take a chance on an economy 10 times the size of Greece's, and hope the recovery comes.   A national election in Italy with continent-wide repercussions.

 Inside Story : Kicking up a fuss over goal-line technology | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

We discuss if new ball tracking technology will make or break the 'beautiful game' after fans cry foul over refereeing. azem Sika, discusses with guests Luther Blissett, Jonny Gould and Mehrdad Masoudi.

 Tunisia at a crossroads | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1486

Tunisia's Prime Minister, Hamadi Jebali, resigned on Tuesday after his attempt to end a political stand-off by forming a government of technocrats failed. His resignation has left the country without a functioning government. So, can agreement still be reached between hostile factions? Or is the concept of rule by consensus gone? Is Ennahda failing to embrace the political - democratic process? Inside Story, with presenter Mike Hanna, discusses with guests: Yusra Ghannouchi, an international spokesperson for the Ennahda party; Ahmed Bouazzi, the co-founder of the Democratic Alliance party; and Amel Boubekeur, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center, and a specialist on North African affairs.

 The shift in global arms trade | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

The Middle East's biggest arms show opened at the International Defence Exhibition (IDEX), in Abu Dhabi, where 80 companies from 15 countries are displaying their products. Organisers say that the show has doubled in size since it was last held two years ago but it comes at a time of uncertainty for the global arms industry.

 Pakistan's sectarian tensions | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

A bomb attack on Shia Muslims in Pakistan's Balochistan province has killed more than 80 people and injured almost 200 others. Almost a tonne of explosives tore through a crowded market in a largely Shia neighbourhood in Quetta in southwestern Baolochistan. This was the second major attack this year. Shia community leaders say the Pakistani government is not doing enough to protect them, and is unable or unwilling to take on those responsible. To discuss Pakistan's sectarian tensions, Inside Story with presenter Jane Dutton is joined by guests: Abdul Khalique Hazara, the chairman of the Hazara Democratic Party, representing Shia muslims in Pakistan; Stephen Cohen, a senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution; and Zaid Hamid, a political analyst and head of the Pakistani think tank, Brasstacks.

 Bangladesh's war wounds | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

Hundreds of thousands of people in Bangladesh have been staging daily protests in the heart of the capital Dhaka. They are demonstrating against the decisions of a war crimes tribunal that was set up to investigate those accused of abuses during Bangladesh's so called war of independence with Pakistan in 1971. Some say the trials are politically motivated, and others demand no less than the death penalty for the political figures who are accused and convicted. The protests show how deeply Bangladesh's bloody past still affects the present.

 Horsemeat scandal: Who is to be blamed? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1500

Meat products from across Europe have been found to be contaminated with horse meat - it is a scandal that says a lot about modern eating habbits and the desire for ever cheaper processed food. In some cases, ready meals like beef lasagne, were found to contain up to 99 percent horsemeat.


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