WAMU-FM: WAMU: The Kojo Nnamdi Show Podcast show

WAMU-FM: WAMU: The Kojo Nnamdi Show Podcast

Summary: The Kojo Nnamdi Show -- a two-hour daily talk show keeping you ahead of the curve on the local, national, and international topics important to your life. We'll introduce you to fascinating artists, expansive thinkers, new ideas, cutting-edge technology, overlooked historic moments, and up-and-coming talent you'll definitely want to share with friends.

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 The Case Against Bradley Manning + The Parking Wars Of 2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:33

THE CASE AGAINST BRADLEY MANNING: The biggest WikiLeaks case in history came to town this week with a hearing near Baltimore for Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, charged with releasing hundreds of thousands of classified war cables. Manning says he was mistreated in the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Va., and wants the charges dropped. Kojo explores the standoff between Manning and the government, and the tension between national security and prisoners' rights. (24 min.) THE PARKING WARS OF 2012 : The District is in the process of implementing new parking rules that would limit visitor spots in some of the most densely populated neighborhoods and promote alternatives to driving. And a change taking place amidst broader zoning debates that reflect a philosophical clash over where cars fit in D.C.'s future. We talk with the parking manager of D.C's transportation department about the ideas behind the city's plans, and what they mean for future of D.C. neighborhoods. (28 min.)

 Changing City, Gentrifying Schools + Governing The Internet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

CHANGING CITY, GENTRIFYING SCHOOLS: For most of its recent history, D.C. was a city that lost residents to the suburbs once kids reached school age. Now as as young families flock to gentrifying areas, schools are becoming focal points of debates about the future of the District. We explore the changing education landscape in our region and evolving debates about how to serve the needs of an increasingly diverse population. (26 min.) GOVERNING THE INTERNET: Representatives from 193 governments are meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, this week to review a treaty that some worry could impose new restrictions on the Internet. Nations like Russia, China and Iran don't like the Internet's openness and think the United States has too much control over its operations. Kojo explores concerns about censorship, fees and who should set Internet policy. (24 min.)

 An Oyster Renaissance On The Chesapeake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

AN OYSTER RENAISSANCE ON THE CHESAPEAKE : The Chesapeake oyster is rivaled perhaps only by the blue crab as a signature native food of our region. But the oyster population plummeted over the past century, reversed only recently by restoration efforts. That's good news for those in the culinary world who predict an oyster renaissance. We speak with an oysterman, a chef, and others about the future of the bay oyster. (52 min.)

 The Craft Of Speechwriting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

THE CRAFT OF SPEECHWRITING: Speeches are the most effective way to rally people to your cause. But if you're a politician addressing the nation on your plan for the next four years, you have to know how to appeal to people across the spectrum, and often times, you can't do it without a little help. Kojo discovers who's behind the scenes and what goes into crafting a great speech. (52 min.)

 Liberating (And Protecting) Health Data | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

LIBERATING (AND PROTECTING) HEALTH DATA: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services controls a vast trove of information about the American health system, covering everything from clinical trials and drug recalls to health insurance programs. HHS Chief Technology Officer Bryan Sivak is also the department's "Entrepreneur in Residence," in charge of "liberating" public health data and making it available to developers, journalists and patients. He joins Tech Tuesday to discuss the future of government data and the health apps of tomorrow. (52 min.)

 What Makes It Great: Classical Music And Beyond With Rob Kapilow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

WHAT MAKES IT GREAT: CLASSICAL MUSIC AND BEYOND WITH ROB KAPILOW: What if a pop singer suddenly stopped mid-beat and explained precisely which notes she had just sung, and why they sound good? Perhaps you don't need to know why a hit song works, but one man's exuberant commentary could prove you've never listened--really listened--to even the most familiar tunes. Rob Kapilow has been classical music's ambassador for nearly two decades, and he's game to take on all genres---jazz, rap, country--even the Kojo theme song. (52 min.)

 A Truce On Drugs? + Your Turn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

A TRUCE ON DRUGS?: Last month residents of two states — Washington and Colorado — voted to decriminalize possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. The new laws put the states at odds with the federal government and raise questions about whether, or how, the Obama administration will react. The new approach is also bringing conversations about the broader "war on drugs" back to the fore. We consider American's changing attitudes towards illegal substances, and how the new state laws are affecting the country at home and abroad. (40 min.) YOUR TURN: The President and Speaker of the House meet to try to find a way to avoid the 'fiscal cliff'. Conflicts in Egypt and Syria continue to roil. The Redskin fans savor a heart-stopping win against the Ravens, but worry about the health of rookie phenom quarterback RGIII. It's Your Turn to discuss the local and global headlines. (08 min.)

 The Politics Hour | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:34

THE POLITICS HOUR: Federal officials investigate whether D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray's 2010 campaign concealed donations. A Maryland judge blocks both a Maryland lawmaker and her nominated replacement from taking a seat in Annapolis. And a prominent Virginia Democrat decides not to throw up any obstacles in front of a fellow party member seeking a gubernatorial nomination. Join us for our weekly review of the politics, policies and personalities of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. (52 min.)

 Debating Government Arts Funding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:33

DEBATING GOVERNMENT ARTS FUNDING: The recent presidential election re-ignited the debate over government arts funding, including for the National Endowment for the Arts and public broadcasting. As the showdown over how to avoid going over the "fiscal cliff" heats up, the relatively small allocation for cultural programs isn't making headlines. But many arts organizations are concerned about cuts, while conservatives hope to make a case for the separation of art and state. We explore the future of public arts funding. (52 min.)

 Risk, Rising Seas And Regional Coastlines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:33

RISK, RISING SEAS AND REGIONAL COASTLINES: As New York and New Jersey grapple with how best to protect themselves from future storms like Hurricane Sandy, cities like Norfolk, Va., and Ocean City, Md., are leading by example. Long subject to tidal and storm flooding, these local coastal communities are knee-deep in shoring up their defenses against rising sea levels. And in Ocean City, those efforts are paying off. Kojo explores how local beachfront communities are preparing for the worst, and whether those efforts are enough in an increasingly unpredictable climate. (52 min.)

 Foodie History: Cookbooks And American Food Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

FOODIE HISTORY: COOKBOOKS AND AMERICAN FOOD CULTURE: Americans have long relied on cookbooks for inspiration and practical guidance in the kitchen. But cookbooks also serve as interesting historical documents, reflecting the trends, fads, immigration patterns and changes in American agricultural practices. Kojo explores the "American cookbook canon" and the evolution of food culture in the 20th century. (52 min.)

 A 'Bar Exam' For Teachers? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

A 'BAR EXAM' FOR TEACHERS?: One of the country's largest teachers' unions is proposing rigorous new credentials for teachers, similar to the bar exam for lawyers. The American Federation of Teachers, or AFT, also supports the National Common Core State Standards, educational standards in English and math adopted by 46 states so far. We explore how organized labor is approaching education reform issues. (52 min.)

 Gay Rights In Uganda + Amnesty International's Director | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

GAY RIGHTS IN UGANDA: Uganda is a critical U.S. ally in the East and Central Africa. But human rights advocates have long criticized its government and media outlets for fostering a hostile — and sometimes deadly — environment for gay Ugandans. Kojo talks to a leading LGBT activist about gay rights and U.S. relations in Africa. (21 min.) AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL'S DIRECTOR: Since its founding in 1961, Amnesty International USA has been a voice of conscience against torture and human rights violations around the world. But over the last decade, American activists have confronted a unique challenge: how to respond to U.S. government policies such as "targeted killings" and other aggressive anti-terrorism measures. Before executive director Suzanne Nossel came to Amnesty International, she was a top foreign policy advisor to the Obama State Department. She talks with Kojo about human rights in tumultuous times. (28 min.)

 Computer Guys & Gal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

COMPUTER GUYS & GAL: Brick and mortar retailers fret over "showrooming:" tech-savvy consumers using their smartphones to find the best holiday deals after or while checking out products in person. Facebook banks on "social shopping." Nintendo introduces "asymetric play," a new video game system with a unique user interface. The Computer Guys and Gal are back to explore the new buzzwords of the tech holiday season, and the latest headlines from the digital world. (52 min.)

 Promotion Politics In The Workplace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:43

PROMOTION POLITICS IN THE WORKPLACE: Over the course of your career, you'll be hired, evaluated, promoted or passed over based on numerous factors. Some are concrete accomplishments and milestones, like landing a big contract or publishing a groundbreaking study. Others are fuzzier more subjective factors, like attitude, gravitas and appearance. Kojo talks with Howard Ross about the politics of advancement in the workplace. (52 min.)


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