The Endtime Show | Endtime show

The Endtime Show | Endtime

Summary: We talk about the two things you're not supposed to: Politics and Religion. Gain peace, hope and understanding about the days ahead as we explain current events through a lens of Bible prophecy. It's never been easier to understand.

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  • Copyright: Copyright © 1986-2024 Endtime Ministries


 Will Iran Destroy Israel? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

With bases in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq, Iran has now surrounded all the oil fields of the Persian Gulf. Now Iran has moved to gain a foot-hold in Gaza, completing the encirclement of Israel. Iran’s ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel. Will Iran succeed? We’ll answer on this edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 Israeli Tension Rises | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:59

A few days ago, Israel attacked officers of Hezbollah and Iran , as they planned attacks against Israel on the Golan Heights. Hezbollah vowed revenge. Now Hezbollah has killed two Israeli oficers and then immedietly called for calm. Will Israel let it drop at that? We'll talk about the escalation of tension in Northern Israel on today's edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 National Holocaust Remembrance Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

Today is National Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. In celebrations marking this event, one prominent statement was made—“Never again.” How did the slaughter of 6 million Jews happen anyway? We’ll talk about it today on Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 Controversy Over Netanyahu Addressing Congress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What’s all the controversy over Prime Minister Netanyahu addressing a joint session of Congress? Is it so much to do about nothing or are the stakes much higher. We’ll tell you what’s really going on, on today’s edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter Transcript Intro: Irvin: By now I’m sure that you have heard the news, the continual wrangling between the White House, and Congress, between Speaker John Boehner, and the Representatives of President Barack Obama, over the invite of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak on March 3, before joint session of Congress. There are all kinds of allegations flying around - one was that the White House has not been informed, this morning Boehner said, Oh yes they have been, I’ve contacted them the morning before I issued the invitation on that afternoon. So whatever the truth may be… now, in Israel the debate is hot. Many people think that this is a very slick maneuver to give Netanyahu a world stage to speak from, just two short weeks before the Israeli elections are to take place. And so they are crying, “Unfair”. One political leader in Israel actually suggested that it should be blacked out. That the people of Israel should not be allowed to see it. So there are a lot of things that are going on here. But the big question is, what is really going on? Is this just so much political wrangling, or is there something more important happening here? Well, I think there is something more important happening here that all of us should be acutely aware of right now. Now that’s what we are going to talk about today.   First of all, this has everything to do with Iran’s influence. Speaker Boehner has invited Netanyahu to speak on a particular subject, on the Iranian threat. In the meantime, President Obama is due early February to resume talks with Iran, within the context of the six powers, the United States, the other five, the four powers of the United Nations Security Council and then in addition to that, Germany, they’ve been meeting with Iran over the last two or three years. Well now then they are supposed to meet again in February with a goal of concluding an agreement by March and having all the details fleshed out by June. Now these deadlines do not mean a thing because they’ve had deadline, after deadline, after deadline, and they keep putting it off, and putting it off, and putting it off. Now Israel contends that Iran only wants to keep negotiating long enough to solidify their nuclear capability. They want to be positioned so that they have enough nuclear weapons, nuclear materials stockpiled so that if they have to make the decision to make the race toward having a nuclear bomb, they could do it very, very quickly.   So Israel is saying they need to be the ability to make a nuclear bomb should be dismantled because Iran has repeatedly stated that its goal is the destruction of Israel. And the nation of Israel is a one-bomb state. One nuclear weapon on Tel Aviv and the entire state of Israel is destroyed. The nuclear fall out would be such that the entire nation would have to be evacuated. Now when you have an enemy that has said repeatedly that they want to destroy you and remove you from the face of the planet and they are trying to position themselves to get nuclear weapons, and you’re depending on talks and a piece of paper to make sure that you aren’t driven into extinction, these are high stakes. Now, Prime Minister Netanyahu does not agree with the accord that’s being struck right now between the five powers plus one and Iran. He doesn’t believe it’s going to do what is necessary. It does not dismantle their centrifuges, it does not get rid of their nuclear material, and it also does not allow the United Nations or any other International Organization to inspect every place in Iran without an appointment. So what does it really do? Well it’s built on a lot of really good faith. Okay now, that’s only the tip of the iceberg,

 Open Line 142 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

Irvin dedicates today’s entire show to answering your questions and recapping this week’s most important news headlines pertaining to Bible prophecy. Do you have a comment for us? Let us hear your voice! Call 1.800.363.8463 ext. 277 By Irvin Baxter

 Can We Know The Future? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

Some say that no one knows the future. However, it’s just not true. The Bible’s prophecies clearly portray what is coming. The bigger question is what should we do about the things that lie just ahead. We’ll hear your opinion today on this edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 World Economic Forum Commences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

Some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people are meeting together this week in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. What is discussed when at least 40 heads of state come together to discuss the direction the world should go? We’ll talk about it today on this edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 What’s Going On in the World? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:02

Will Plano, Texas be known as the linchpin that stopped the insane march into the theater of the absurd?  In this confusing and convoluted era, men decide to be women and women decide to be men.  However, petitions will be presented to the city of Plano today demanding that its absurd ordinance; giving same-sex couples special rights, be resented.  Lesson, if we fight, we can win.  Stay tuned for another edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 America: a Christian Nation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

Early in his presidency, President Obama declared that America is not a Christian nation. The Supreme Court has now agreed to rule on the validity of same-sex marriage. Have we gone from being a Christian nation to a sodomite nation during the last six years of the Obama administration? Sobering thoughts indeed! We have critical things to talk about on today’s edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter  

 Open Line 141 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Irvin dedicates today’s entire show to answering your questions and recapping this week’s most important news headlines pertaining to Bible prophecy. Do you have a comment for us? Let us hear your voice! Call 1.800.363.8463 ext. 277 By Irvin Baxter

 The World Moves Closer to a World Government | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

The world is moving at ever increasing speed toward one-world government. The International Criminal Court is determined to investigate Israel for war crimes possibly committed during last summer’s conflict with Hamas. Do you believe we should have an international government overseeing the nations of the world? We’ll discuss that today on Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter  

 Has World War 3 Begun? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

We are hearing more and more frequently that World War III has begun. Has it in fact begun without us realizing it? If so, who is the enemy and how do we fight against them? We’ll answer these questions on today’s edition of Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter

 Open Line 136 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Irvin dedicates today’s entire show to answering your questions and recapping this week’s most important news headlines pertaining to Bible prophecy. Do you have a comment for us? Let us hear your voice! Call 1.800.363.8463 ext. 277 By Irvin Baxter

 Israel Calls U.S. Major Strategic Partner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

By Irvin Baxter The House and the Senate have both passed a bill declaring Israel as a major strategic partner. If signed by President Obama the bill will establish a very special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. This appears to be the relationship prophesied in the Bible. We'll talk about it on today's edition of Politics & Religion.

 Ecumenism Pushes Forward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Can anyone solve the conflict in the Middle East that has raged for centuries? Tony Blair thinks he has the answer. Blair says, “The key to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is overcoming religious issues. Could it work? We’ll talk about it today on Politics & Religion. By Irvin Baxter


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