Peak Prosperity show

Peak Prosperity

Summary: Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics.

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  • Artist: Chris Martenson
  • Copyright: Copyright 2024 Peak Prosperity


 Former Senator Bill Bradley: Lack of Long-Range Planning Is Putting Our Future At Risk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:42

Former US Senator Bill Bradley believes a better tomorrow is within our grasp, despite the economic pain the middle class is experiencing today. He wrote his new book We Can All Do Better to address the growing despondency and resentment he sees among Americans. With the right vision, leadership, and civic participation, he believes we can work our way back to prosperity and growth. Chris was honored and excited to speak with the former Senator, particularly to uncover what awareness there is of the Three Es among our top political leaders. Not surprisingly for a longtime insider, Senator Bradley looks through the lens of working within the current system - i.e., if we can fix its shortcomings, it will solve our problems. Potential structural limits to growth, such as Peak Oil, are less bright on the radar. There is much to learn here about what our Congressional leaders are focused on and what they are not. Listeners will undoubtly find points to agree with, and possibly others out-of-alignment with the concerns presented in the Crash Course. We expect an animated discussion to ensue in the Comments section below. We take it as a good sign that widely-known veteran politicians such as Senator Bradley are increasingly standing up to admit "there is a problem" -- that's the first step towards taking corrective action. And we're very thankful of the time the Senator has given to speak to our community.

 Former Senator Bill Bradley: Lack of Long-Range Planning Is Putting Our Future At Risk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:42

Former US Senator Bill Bradley believes a better tomorrow is within our grasp, despite the economic pain the middle class is experiencing today. He wrote his new book We Can All Do Better to address the growing despondency and resentment he sees among Americans. With the right vision, leadership, and civic participation, he believes we can work our way back to prosperity and growth. Chris was honored and excited to speak with the former Senator, particularly to uncover what awareness there is of the Three Es among our top political leaders. Not surprisingly for a longtime insider, Senator Bradley looks through the lens of working within the current system - i.e., if we can fix its shortcomings, it will solve our problems. Potential structural limits to growth, such as Peak Oil, are less bright on the radar. There is much to learn here about what our Congressional leaders are focused on and what they are not. Listeners will undoubtly find points to agree with, and possibly others out-of-alignment with the concerns presented in the Crash Course. We expect an animated discussion to ensue in the Comments section below. We take it as a good sign that widely-known veteran politicians such as Senator Bradley are increasingly standing up to admit "there is a problem" -- that's the first step towards taking corrective action. And we're very thankful of the time the Senator has given to speak to our community.

 Jim Puplava: Oil Is The New Federal Funds Rate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:52

Jim Puplava has made a decades-long career of interviewing hundreds of notable experts on the economy, energy, precious metals, geopolitics, agriculture and other sectors that impact our future. The outlook he has developed as a result of all this input is less than sanguine. Jim concludes that economic growth will be constrained both by world governments' chronic addiction to spending more revenue than they take in, and by the systemically-rising costs of fossil fuel-driven energy. In terms growth, he sees political leadership becoming less and less relevant in its ability to effect outcomes. In fact, he declares the price of oil as now being more influential in stimulating or depressing sovereign economies than central bank interest rates. In his words, ""oil is the new Federal Funds rate"". Those managing capital -- whether at the individual or institutional level -- have a very difficult time of it today because asset prices are being buffeted by powerful, but countervailing crosswinds. The deflationary forces of credit contraction put downward pressure on asset prices, but central bank money printing and other liquidity measures push up from below. Rock-bottom interest rates are forcing investors out the risk curve, but few are comfortable with the alternative choices they have. Many investors instead are looking to minimize risk now, but they're not sure what is safe anymore. Raise cash that's being eroding in purchasing power by inflation? Or hunker down in bonds that yield next to nothing and will have their value clobbered when interest rates eventually rise?

 Jim Puplava: Oil Is The New Federal Funds Rate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:52

Jim Puplava has made a decades-long career of interviewing hundreds of notable experts on the economy, energy, precious metals, geopolitics, agriculture and other sectors that impact our future. The outlook he has developed as a result of all this input is less than sanguine. Jim concludes that economic growth will be constrained both by world governments' chronic addiction to spending more revenue than they take in, and by the systemically-rising costs of fossil fuel-driven energy. In terms growth, he sees political leadership becoming less and less relevant in its ability to effect outcomes. In fact, he declares the price of oil as now being more influential in stimulating or depressing sovereign economies than central bank interest rates. In his words, ""oil is the new Federal Funds rate"". Those managing capital -- whether at the individual or institutional level -- have a very difficult time of it today because asset prices are being buffeted by powerful, but countervailing crosswinds. The deflationary forces of credit contraction put downward pressure on asset prices, but central bank money printing and other liquidity measures push up from below. Rock-bottom interest rates are forcing investors out the risk curve, but few are comfortable with the alternative choices they have. Many investors instead are looking to minimize risk now, but they're not sure what is safe anymore. Raise cash that's being eroding in purchasing power by inflation? Or hunker down in bonds that yield next to nothing and will have their value clobbered when interest rates eventually rise?

 Steve Keen: Why 2012 is Shaping Up to be a Particularly Ugly Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:50

Chris interviews Steve Keen

 Steve Keen: Why 2012 is Shaping Up to be a Particularly Ugly Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:50

Chris interviews Steve Keen

 Jorgen Randers: Our Species' Biggest Risk is Our Lack of Coherent Long-Term Decision Making | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:05

Chris interviews Jorgen Randers

 Jorgen Randers: Our Species' Biggest Risk is Our Lack of Coherent Long-Term Decision Making | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:05

Chris interviews Jorgen Randers

 Alasdair Macleod: All Roads in Europe Lead to Gold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:47

Chris brings back Alasdair Macleod

 Alasdair Macleod: All Roads in Europe Lead to Gold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:47

Chris brings back Alasdair Macleod

 Tom Murphy: Time to Be Honest With Ourselves About Our Looming Energy Risks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:38

Chris interviews Tom Murphy

 Tom Murphy: Time to Be Honest With Ourselves About Our Looming Energy Risks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:38

Chris interviews Tom Murphy

 Alasdair Macleod: Why The Europe Situation is Certain to Get Worse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:48

Chris interviews Alasdair Macleod

 Alasdair Macleod: Why The Europe Situation is Certain to Get Worse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:48

Chris interviews Alasdair Macleod

 Bill Black: Our System is So Flawed That Fraud is Mathematically Guaranteed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:28

Chris interviews Bill Black.


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