Marketplace All-in-One show

Marketplace All-in-One

Summary: Marketplace® is the leading business news program in the nation. We bring you clear explorations of how economic news affects you, through stories, conversations, newsworthy numbers and more. The Marketplace All-in-One podcast provides each episode of the public radio broadcast programs Marketplace, Marketplace Morning Report®and Marketplace Tech® along with our podcasts Make Me Smart, Corner Office and The Uncertain Hour. Visit for more. From American Public Media. Twitter: @Marketplace

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 04/28/2017: You can now get a White House tour from Barack Obama (through virtual reality) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:41

It's been a busy past few days in the tech world, so we're going to kick off the show by playing "Silicon Tally" — the game where were try to stump people with numbers from the week's tech news. Our guest this Friday: Melissa Kirsch, editor in chief of Lifehacker. Afterwards, we'll look at virtual reality's strong presence at the annual Tribeca Film Festival, and then chat with researcher Molly Sauter about the laws governing cyber crime.

 04/28/2017: A last-ditch effort to avoid a government shutdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:17

As Congress gets ready to vote on a stopgap funding bill that would prevent a government shutdown, we'll get you up to speed on where things stand. Afterwards, we'll talk about the country's economic growth as President Trump approaches his 100-day milestone, and then look at how many immigrants are starting to stay home due to increased fears of deportation.

 04/28/2017: What's stressing you out about the economy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:53

Our latest Marketplace-Edison Anxiety Poll found that 18- to 24-year-olds were feeling pretty stressed about the economy. So we asked you to tell us about what was giving you anxiety, and you had a lot to say. Plus: we explore the branches of government and what happens if they fail to do what they should. Then, BuzzFeed's Doree Shafrir talks about her new novel "Startup," which casts a critical light on the tech world. Finally: We're making a Marketplace Weekend playlist on Spotify! Send us your best weekend jams and we'll add 'em.

 04/27/2017: Everything is a renegotiation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:22

After a flurry of reports that President Trump was weighing an order to pull out of NAFTA, he now says he'd rather renegotiation. But improving the trade deal could mean exhuming Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership. Then: Republicans haven't given up on repealing and replacing Obamacare. The latest twist is an amendment that would let states decide whether insurers can charge people with pre-existing conditions. We'll try to game that out. Plus: Our latest Marketplace-Edison Research poll found that even though most Americans don't have factory jobs, a lot of people agree about the primacy of manufacturing to the economy.

 04/27/2017: United CEO tells us he 'messed up' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:26

United Airlines is rolling out a series of 10 changes to "improve customer experience" — a move that follows the forcible removal of a passenger on one of its flights. Among those changes: an offer of up to $10,000 to passengers if they give up their seat. CEO Oscar Munoz stopped by to discuss these new policies, regrets over his initial response to the dragging incident, and why the airline is still overbooking flights. Plus: a status update on reports that President Trump would withdraw the U.S. from the North American Free Trade Agreement.

 04/27/2017: Stop judging my outfit, Alexa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:54

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai wants to put an end to net neutrality rules, a move that shouldn't be surprising given the position he took on the issue during the Obama era. But why? Recode's Tony Romm is here to explain why Pai is so against these regulations. Afterwards, we'll look at Amazon's new Echo Look, a device that can snap photos of you and provide some fashion advice. Zeynep Tufekci, an associate sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, argues this is the latest evidence that suggests "surveillance capitalism" may take over our lives. Plus: Ryan McKnight, an ex-Mormon, talks about his website MormonLeaks — a venue for members of the Mormon Church to post information anonymously.  

 04/26/2017: Trump and the one-page tax plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:02

The White House unveiled a one-page set of bullet points today, outlining President Trump's long-touted tax plan. We'll run through those points while looking at what could actually happen once lawmakers start actually fleshing things out. Then FCC Chairman Ajit Pai made a big announcement of his own on net neutrality. Molly Wood is here to make us smart. Plus: more from our Marketplace-Edison Research Poll and the controversy around the White House Correspondents' dinner.

 Could we power our economy with old buildings? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:26

If we focused on preserving old buildings instead of building new ones, could we make our economy bigger and stronger? Stephanie Meeks is the CEO of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, a nonprofit that protects historic sites in the United States. In this interview with Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal, Meeks talks about why our economy needs old buildings, what types of places we need to do a better job protecting and how they prioritize what gets saved and what doesn't.  Subscribe to the Corner Office podcast on Apple Podcasts.

 04/26/2017: Is hacktivism a force for good...or chaos? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:41

Alphabet's self-driving car unit, Waymo, will now expand its operations in Phoenix, Arizona — a city where Uber has also tested its autonomous vehicles. Why Phoenix? Well, it's in a state that appears friendlier than others to self-driving technology, and there's a growing tech scene going on there. Brian Sherman, a senior vice president at Arizona Commerce, shares what exactly his organization is doing to support innovation in the region. Afterwards, we'll chat with Hector Monsegeur, co-founder of the hacking group LulzSec, about the value of hacktivism and whether he considers LulzSec to have been a hacktivist organization. 

 04/26/2017: Are you gonna report things differently on next year's Tax Day? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:39

President Trump has been talking about tax reform for a little while now. Well, today's the day we're getting a roll out of his plan. We'll dive into the proposals we might see from the White House, which could include a call for lower corporate tax rates and a re-adjustment of the country's income tax brackets. Afterwards, we'll look at how previous presidents have attempted to reform the American tax system, and then explore a radical proposal in Wisconsin that may increase the state's monthly health care premiums. 

 14: Beware of the nurtured narrative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:59

Nearly three-quarters of Americans say Washington has forgotten them,  according to the latest Marketplace-Edison Research poll.  So what's behind that feeling? And what do you want from government? We'll talk about it.Plus: a closer look at what it means to "Buy American"  and former Paramount Pictures CEO Sherry Lansing joins us to answer our Make Me Smart question. Finally: We're kick off our book club. If you want to help decide our first read, make sure you vote here. And before you get any deeper into the internet, make sure you learn all about the key differences between privacy law in the United States and the European Union. Subscribe to "Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly" on iTunes or your favorite podcast app. 

 04/25/2017: It's tax plan eve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:03

President Trump's tax plan will either be the best thing for the economy since sliced bread (or something), or it'll blow the deficit to kingdom come. It kinda just depends on your perspective right now. We'll look at the arguments for the sliced bread side ahead of the president's announcement tomorrow. Then: Did anyone expect Canada to attract Trump's trade-policy wrath? Wilbur Ross said today there won't be a trade war, but there's gonna be collateral damage. Plus, we'll talk with Dave Eggers about his book "The Circle" as the movie version heads to theaters.

 04/25/2017: The barriers that exist for African-Americans on the road to the middle class | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:39

The U.S. Commerce Department has announced a new set of tariffs to raise the cost of wood produced by several Canadian lumber companies. Turns out lumber pricing has been a source of tension for decades. We'll take a look at how much these tariffs will increase by and what this could mean for the future of NAFTA. Afterwards, we'll discuss why not all of President Trump's policies are sitting well with farmers. And finally, we'll chat with former New York Times columnist Bob Herbert about his new documentary "Against All Odds," which examines how discriminatory policies in the U.S. have made it much harder for African-American men and women to enter the middle class.

 04/25/2017: Should we be able to access academic articles without paywalls? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:39

On the website Twitch, video game fans get to watch popular video game players stream footage of their game play. Now Twitch is going to allow users to make money from their own streaming. We'll dive into reasons for the company's move — which may include a fear of YouTube — and the pitfalls of this business model for gamers. Afterwards, as part of our "hacktivism" series, Science magazine's John Bohannon shares the story behind the site Sci-Hub, which was created by grad student Alexandra Elbakyan after she became frustrated with the paywalls placed in front of research papers. Plus: we ask futurist Garry Golden whether flying cars are in our future. 

 04/24/2017: Americans are less anxious — except for millennials | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:24

It's a big week for the American economy. Forget that much-rumored but unlikely vote on the GOP health care plan for a minute. Let's talk about something that's at least somewhat in the White House's control, kind of: Is the government going to shut down Friday night? What's going on with tax reform? We talked with Kevin Brady, Republican congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Plus, what's ahead for net neutrality under this administration. Then: We have the latest numbers back from our Economic Anxiety survey. Turns out Americans are less anxious overall, but millennials are the big exception.


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