Mark Driscoll Audio show

Mark Driscoll Audio

Summary: Mark Driscoll is the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church, and one of the most popular preachers in the world today. This channel features audio content from Mark Driscoll, including sermons and event teaching. Mark preaches about Jesus with a skillful mix of bold presentation, accessible teaching, and compassion for those who are hurting the most. NOTE: Mars Hill Church no longer publishes to this channel. To subscribe to the new Mars Hill podcast, visit

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 Elephant Room - Love The Gospel vs. Share The Gospel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this special episode we break from Luke to bring you content from the Elephant Room, or “the conversations you never thought you’d hear” between seven influential pastors. This conversation—from March 2011, moderated by Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel, Chicago—addresses loving the gospel vs. sharing the gospel.

 Elephant Room - Culture in the Church vs. Church in the Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this special episode we break from Luke to bring you content from the Elephant Room, or “the conversations you never thought you’d hear” between seven influential pastors. This conversation—from March 2011, moderated by Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel, Chicago—addresses culture in the church vs. church in the culture. How far is too far? What should you reject, receive, redeem?

 Repossess 2010 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this special episode, we take a break from our Luke sermon series to bring you a talk Pastor Mark gave to middle school and high school students at Repossess, a youth event held at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, in September 2010. In this talk, he unpacks who Jesus is and what Jesus did for every person, and challenges his listeners to decide who their God is.

 The Times of the Gentiles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jesus knows the future (foreknowledge), tells the future (prophecy), and orchestrates the future (sovereignty). He tells us there are three epochs in human history: Judaism, the times of the Gentiles, and his return. Jesus promised the temple would be destroyed, it happened. Jesus promised people from all nations would be saved, it’s happening. Jesus promised he would return, it will happen.

 The Worst Tragedies Can Be The Best Opportunities | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jesus requires us to wear bifocals when he speaks of events that were near to his day and far off. He prophesies that the temple will be destroyed, false teachers will arise, and sin and persecution will continue. So what do we do? Jesus tells us: Make the most of every opportunity. At the cross, the worst tragedy in the history of the world became the best opportunity for the hope of the world.

 Highlights from Leadership Coaching with Pastor Mark | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This year, Pastor Mark has been recording a series of Leadership Coaching videos, in which he shares ministry insights he’s gained from over 15 years in ministry. In this special episode, we’re sharing a few of the highlights from those several dozen videos. To sign up to receive regular Leadership Coaching episodes as soon as they’re published, visit:

 Q&A from Resurgence: Our Fathers & Our Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this special episode, we take a break from our regular Luke sermon series to bring you footage of a Q&A panel, moderated by Pastor Justin Holcomb, that took place in Orlando this year, in which Pastors Mark Driscoll, RC Sproul, Tullian Tchividjian, and Matt Chandler field questions about the four distinctives of the new movement in Christianity, and the relation between the law and the gospel.

 Four Points of the Movement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For this special episode, we take a break from our Luke sermon series to bring you a talk Pastor Mark Driscoll gave at a Resurgence conference in Orlando, Florida earlier this year. In this talk, he addresses the four theological distinctives of the current global movement in Christianity: Reformed theology, complementarian relationships, Spirit-filled lives, and missional churches.

 The Father of a Murdered Son | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In this intense parable of the wicked tenants, Jesus gives us a look at what it’s like for God to deal with us. God made this world. It’s his vineyard, and he has allowed us to steward and cultivate it and be fruitful as tenants. Yet, when it comes time to collect our dues to him, we beat his messengers and then, wanting the inheritance for ourselves, murder the beloved son he sent.

 Angry Jesus Cleanses the Temple | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: Unknown

The temple was intended to be the center of worship and teaching for the Israelites, but corruption had taken over. The religious leaders were not honoring God, but instead were taking advantage of the poor, not practicing hospitality, and pocketing money for themselves. So Jesus, in righteous anger, drove the dishonest businessmen out. We learn from Jesus how to have a godly, righteous anger.

 Jesus Christ Is Lord, King, and Savior | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: Unknown

Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a colt, just as Zechariah prophesied, as a humble prince to take his bride, the church. But as he surveys the city, he weeps for it. This should be our heart, as well, as the Holy Spirit breaks our heart for the cities in which we live.

 Investing for Jesus | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: Unknown

In this parable, a nobleman gives ten of his servants one mina each to engage in business with while he goes away to receive a kingdom. Those who steward their mina well are entrusted with cities to oversee; those who don't have theirs taken away. Similarly, Jesus is a King with a kingdom, and we have the opportunity to be faithful servants of Jesus' kingdom while we await his second coming.

 Jesus and Zacchaeus | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: Unknown

Zacchaeus was not just a wee little man, he was a man idolizing money and power and taking advantage of his neighbors. But when Jesus calls out to Zacchaeus, his life is changed forever. Zacchaeus immediately repents and offers restitution to anyone he’s wronged, which results in much rejoicing.

 Jesus Gives Sight to the Blind | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: Unknown

A blind beggar cries out to Jesus from the side of the road, calling him the Son of David. We are the blind man, and sin is our blindness. Jesus gives us sight, but we first have faith. Faith is an internal conviction that leads to external actions of worshiping, witnessing, and walking with Jesus. Do you have faith in Jesus? If not, the power of the Holy Spirit is not unleashed in your life.

 The Bible Is about Jesus | File Type: audio/mpg | Duration: Unknown

The Bible is not a book that gives good advice or tells you how to live your life. The Bible is the Word of God, and the whole Bible is about Jesus. This includes the Old Testament, which makes up three-quarters of the whole Bible. In particular, we find Jesus in the Old Testament Christophanies, types, analogous service, events, titles, and prophecies.


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