TED Talks Daily (SD video) show

TED Talks Daily (SD video)

Summary: TED is a nonprofit devoted to ideas worth spreading. On this video feed, you'll find TED Talks to inspire, intrigue and stir the imagination from some of the world's leading thinkers and doers, speaking from the stage at TED conferences, TEDx events and partner events around the world. This podcast is also available in high-def video and audio-only formats.

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 TED: Siddharthan Chandran: Can the damaged brain repair itself? - Siddharthan Chandran (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:15:57

After a traumatic brain injury, it sometimes happens that the brain can repair itself, building new brain cells to replace damaged ones. But the repair doesn't happen quickly enough to allow recovery from degenerative conditions like motor neuron disease (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS). Siddharthan Chandran walks through some new techniques using special stem cells that could allow the damaged brain to rebuild faster.

 TED: Ash Beckham: We're all hiding something. Let's find the courage to open up - Ash Beckham (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:22

In this touching talk, Ash Beckham offers a fresh approach to empathy and openness. It starts with understanding that everyone, at some point in their life, has experienced hardship. The only way out, says Beckham, is to open the door and step out of your closet.

 TED: Christopher Ryan: Are we designed to be sexual omnivores? - Christopher Ryan (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:14:02

An idea permeates our modern view of relationships: that men and women have always paired off in sexually exclusive relationships. But before the dawn of agriculture, humans may actually have been quite promiscuous. Author Christopher Ryan walks us through the controversial evidence that human beings are sexual omnivores by nature, in hopes that a more nuanced understanding may put an end to discrimination, shame and the kind of unrealistic expectations that kill relationships.

 TED: Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader - Roselinde Torres (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:19

There are many leadership programs available today, from 1-day workshops to corporate training programs. But chances are, these won't really help. In this clear, candid talk, Roselinde Torres describes 25 years observing truly great leaders at work, and shares the three simple but crucial questions would-be company chiefs need to ask to thrive in the future.

 TED: Molly Stevens: A new way to grow bone - Molly Stevens (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:14:52

What does it take to regrow bone in mass quantities? Typical bone regeneration -- wherein bone is taken from a patient’s hip and grafted onto damaged bone elsewhere in the body -- is limited and can cause great pain just a few years after operation. In an informative talk, Molly Stevens introduces a new stem cell application that harnesses bone’s innate ability to regenerate and produces vast quantities of bone tissue painlessly.

 TED: Yann Dall'Aglio: Love -- you're doing it wrong - Yann Dall'Aglio (2012) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:42

In this delightful talk, philosopher Yann Dall’Aglio explores the universal search for tenderness and connection in a world that's ever more focused on the individual. As it turns out, it's easier than you think. A wise and witty reflection on the state of love in the modern age. (Filmed at TEDxParis.)

 TED: Rupal Patel: Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints - Rupal Patel (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:11:44

Many of those with severe speech disorders use a computerized device to communicate. Yet they choose between only a few voice options. That's why Stephen Hawking has an American accent, and why many people end up with the same voice, often to incongruous effect. Speech scientist Rupal Patel wanted to do something about this, and in this wonderful talk she shares her work to engineer unique voices for the voiceless.

 TED: Chris McKnett: The investment logic for sustainability - Chris McKnett (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:12:19

Sustainability is pretty clearly one of the world's most important goals; but what groups can really make environmental progress in leaps and bounds? Chris McKnett makes the case that it's large institutional investors. He shows how strong financial data isn't enough, and reveals why investors need to look at a company's environmental, social and governance structures, too.

 TED: Leyla Acaroglu: Paper beats plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore - Leyla Acaroglu (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:18:07

Most of us want to do the right thing when it comes to the environment. But things aren’t as simple as opting for the paper bag, says sustainability strategist Leyla Acaroglu. A bold call for us to let go of tightly-held green myths and think bigger in order to create systems and products that ease strain on the planet.

 TED: David Puttnam: Does the media have a "duty of care"? - David Puttnam (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:10:41

In this thoughtful talk, David Puttnam asks a big question about the media: Does it have a moral imperative to create informed citizens, to support democracy? His solution for ensuring media responsibility is bold, and you might not agree. But it's certainly a question worth asking ... (Filmed at TEDxHousesofParliament.)

 TED: Aparna Rao: Art that craves your attention - Aparna Rao (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:08:56

In this charming talk, artist Aparna Rao shows us her latest work: cool, cartoony sculptures (with neat robotic tricks underneath them) that play with your perception -- and crave your attention. Take a few minutes to simply be delighted.

 TED: Alex Wissner-Gross: A new equation for intelligence - Alex Wissner-Gross (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:11:48

Is there an equation for intelligence? Yes. It’s F = T ∇ Sτ. In a fascinating and informative talk, physicist and computer scientist Alex Wissner-Gross explains what in the world that means. (Filmed at TEDxBeaconStreet.)

 TED: Teddy Cruz: How architectural innovations migrate across borders - Teddy Cruz (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:13:14

As the world's cities undergo explosive growth, inequality is intensifying. Wealthy neighborhoods and impoverished slums grow side by side, the gap between them widening. In this eye-opening talk, architect Teddy Cruz asks us to rethink urban development from the bottom up. Sharing lessons from the slums of Tijuana, Cruz explores the creative intelligence of the city's residents and offers a fresh perspective on what we can learn from places of scarcity.

 TED: Dan Berkenstock: The world is one big dataset. Now, how to photograph it ... - Dan Berkenstock (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:09:44

We're all familiar with satellite imagery, but what we might not know is that much of it is out of date. That's because satellites are big and expensive, so there aren't that many of them up in space. As he explains in this fascinating talk, Dan Berkenstock and his team came up with a different solution, designing a cheap, lightweight satellite with a radically new approach to photographing what's going on on Earth.

 TED: Esta Soler: How we turned the tide on domestic violence (Hint: the Polaroid helped) - Esta Soler (2013) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 00:11:10

When Esta Soler lobbied for a bill outlawing domestic violence in 1984, one politician called it the "Take the Fun Out of Marriage Act." "If only I had Twitter then," she mused. This sweeping, optimistic talk charts 30 years of tactics and technologies -- from the Polaroid camera to social media -- that led to a 64% drop in domestic violence in the U.S.


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