Guys Games and Beer show

Guys Games and Beer

Summary: Guys, Games, and Beer is a podcast made up of gamers from middle school on up to middle age. We talk about what games we are playing, news, and whatever comes up. Yep, we drink beer too (except those under 21, they drink root beer). The podcast is non-denominational. We talk about everything from PC and Mac gaming to PS3 and Xbox 360. We will also commonly discuss retro gaming systems from Atari, Coleco, and Mattel. Parental guidance is suggested


 G2B Ep. 117: Of Podcasts and YouTubes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yes, it’s true. One of G2B’s favorite podcasts has left the interwebs, and a couple of the guys are suffering from a deep sense of loss and emptiness. Come join the Gutter Geeks as they fill the sad pit of loss with gratuitous amounts off booze and a recommended list of Podcasts and YouTube stations. Put down your hankies and raise a glass for another episode of Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 116: The Road Less Traveled | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Take a trip with Gutter Geeks on the road less traveled, visiting the games that time forgot. Board games, video games, systems and more are discussed on this ever so special episode. Grab your bullwhip and your dingy old fedora: It’s time to travel to the lost city of games with the jokers from Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 115: Not That There is Anything Wrong With That | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Join the Gutter Geeks at Racine’s own Toad Hall as they talk about the glory days of the first person shooter, what has gone so very wrong with the genre recently, and how things could be made better. Grab your mouse, suck down a nice tall glass of soda and prepare to enter the battlefield with Guys Games and Beer!… Not that there is anything wrong with that.  Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 114: Game Changer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You can spend your whole life free from obsession: Playing some Bejeweled on Facebook or tooling around with some simple tap games on the iPad. Maybe some solitaire here or there and even an occasional first person shooter. Then it happens: You try out a game just for a few minutes, then the minutes turn to hours and hours melt to days. You are hooked and you don’t care. You drudge through work, constantly checking the time counting down every moment until you can just go home and play it: The Game Changer. Join the Gutter Geeks in their favorite booth at wonderful Toad Hall in Racine, Wisconsin as they talk about the games that changed everything for them. Pull up a seat and grab a frosty mug of greatness: It’s time for Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below 

 G2B Ep. 113: Tip to Tip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Somewhere in your vast gaming collection is that one game. You know the one, yes. That one. The game you started playing when you were a kid and for whatever reason you just never stopped. Sure, sometimes a month goes by where that battered old cartridge lays dormant, but know this: Sooner or later you WILL be back. This week’s show is dedicated to that one game we have been playing forever. Lock the doors and shutter your windows ladies and gents: It’s Wisconsin’s most beloved gaming podcast Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 112: I Financed My House on My Gamestop Credit Card | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What happens when a company with an obvious disdain for it’s own customers collides with a payment method created to leach money from the poor and undereducated masses? The Gamestop Credit Card! Join the Gutter Geeks and learn what they think about Gamestop, and talk about Rob’s credit tips and Brian’s midnight release date stories. Hold on to your wallets: It’s Guys Games and Beer! Click Below For Audio Only Version

 G2B Ep. 111: RAGE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

G2B is a pretty crude show: There is a bit of swearing, at least mention of sex, and a whole lot of pretty questionable behavior going on both on and off camera. There are some lines however even the worst gaming podcast on the internet won’t cross. Join the Gutter Geeks as they discuss games that cross the line between disturbing and totally WTF in the half hour dynamo that is Guys Games and Beer. Oh yeah, did we mention the ranting? That happened…. Click Below For Audio Only Version

 G2B Ep. 110: Guys Games and Tears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Whazzamatter baby? Gonna cry? Cry crybaby cry! Crying is what you may want to do during this "classic" episode of G2B as the Gutter Geeks discuss their favorite role playing games of all time and what they have been playing with a weee bit of show and tell thrown in. This episode has been left pretty much unedited as Rob is on vacation and refuses to waste his hard earned personal time cutting out embarrassing outtakes. So if you ever wondered what kind of stuff we actually edit out, this is your time to find out. Pull out your hankies and sniffy sniff: It's time for the internet's worst gaming podcast Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 109: A Bundle of Crap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are indie bundles just degrading into big bundles of crap? At just a few bucks or less per bundle is it just a case of getting what you paid for? Join the Gutter Geeks as they discuss the joys of game bundling along with listener favorites Show and Tell and What We've Been Playing. Oh sure, it's not the best episode ever, but we sure have done a lot worse! Stop what you're doing, pop on some headphones and lower your expectations for episode 109 of America's worst gaming podcast: Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 107b: Mech Day 3: In a Mirror Darkly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Unknown to our listeners there are 3 or 4 “alternate” recordings of several G2B episodes out there which for whatever reason did not make the cut. Those of you who regularly listen know that the bar is not set very high so if we make a redux there must have been something very bad going on… Very bad indeed. This time we have a special treat as G2B will have 2 versions of the same episode: This “improved” version and a salvageable portion of the original which Travis refers to as the “Dark Timeline Version” to be released early next week. Both episodes refer to the same event: The annual Mech Day celebration that Tom throws at his palatial lakeside estates in southeastern Wisconsin. Both deal with one facet of mechs or another. One however is a sober, fairly thought-provoking look at giant robots and how much the G2B staff enjoys them and the other is a pure drunken mess fueled by dark side ale and a wild disdain for organization and indeed sanity. Strap yourselves into your giant vertical tanks, power up your reactors and ready the PPC’s: See that rip in the time space continuum? It leads to the “Dark Timeline Version” of Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 108: Steam Crazy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How many games are too damn many? Has the Steam Summer Sale run out of, well… Steam? Find out as they guys talk about their Steam sale pickups thus far and whether the constant string of discounted prices is just becoming a bit too much. In part 2 Larry returns from the Nexus Game Fair with tales of gaming that reminds the guys of Gencon before they sold out. Grab your steam cards and your mongo bag of excessively-sided dice: Its time for Guys Games and Beer! Nexus Game Fair: Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 107: Mech Day III: Revenge of the Robot Jox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Unknown to our listeners there are 3 or 4 “alternate” recordings of several G2B episodes out there which for whatever reason did not make the cut. Those of you who regularly listen know that the bar is not set very high so if we make a redux there must have been something very bad going on… Very bad indeed. This time we have a special treat as G2B will have 2 versions of the same episode: This “improved” version and a salvageable portion of the original which Travis refers to as the “Dark Timeline Version” to be released early next week. Both episodes refer to the same event: The annual Mech Day celebration that Tom throws at his palatial lakeside estates in southeastern Wisconsin. Both deal with one facet of mechs or another. One however is a sober, fairly thought-provoking look at giant robots and how much the G2B staff enjoys them and the other is a pure drunken mess fueled by dark side ale and a wild disdain for organization and indeed sanity.  Strap yourselves into your giant robots, power up your engines and ready the SRM’s: See that rip in the time space continuum? It leads to the “Light Timeline Version” of Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 106: How NOT to Cover E3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Want intelligent, enlightened debate from insiders with first hand knowledge of all the big players in the gaming industry? Want to see the latest that E3 has to offer the top shelf gamer? Well go look at someone else’s podcast because the Gutter Geeks are about to throw down about Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and all the rest with absolutely no regard for feelings, political correctness or factual accuracy! All followed by how to get cheap games when you are a broke ass bum. Come on folks, step right up and don’t be shy: Join the gang for episode 106 of Guys Games and Beer! Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 105: BFIG Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We interrupt your regularly scheduled G2B episode for something way more interesting and informative! Poor Noobette’s weekly gameplay update is interrupted mid sentence when Glenn from the Boston Festival on Indie Games calls in to talk to the Gutter Geeks about BFIG and all things related to tabletop gaming. Sound quality is a little off since this is a call-in interview, but then again every episode of Guys Games and Beer is a little off in it’s own way, isn’t it? Turn down the lights, take a seat at the table and spend some time playing games the not-so-old-fashioned way with the troublemakers at Guys Games and Beer! Want to learn more about BFIG? Got to Find more indie tabletop games at: Audio Only Version Below

 G2B Ep. 104: 2 Years Of Beer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What do you get when The Most Popular Girls on the Internet visit the Gutter Geeks to help celebrate 2 years of low quality programming? Mayhem. If you miss the craziness of classic G2B this episode is for you! Find out things you may not have known about the internet’s leading ladies as they are quizzed about the history of TMPGOTI and their early, current, and future projects. More? Of course there is more! find out why Rob can’t stand COD Ghosts but plays anyway, Tara and Cassandra discuss Goat Simulator, Travis shows off his Steel Battalion rig and everyone reveals their personal preference on a retread of TMPGOTI’s most fascinating subject: Would you rather fart rainbows, or have them smell like flowers? Yeah. It’s one of THOSE episodes. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It’s G2B: 2 Years of Beer!!!! Don't forget to visit The Most Popular Girls on the Internet at Audio Only Version Below


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