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 East and West Meeting Like Two Arrows In Mid-Air | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:00

Today get ready to take a dive into the depths of your awareness and simultaneously soar to the heights of spaciousness as Paula interviews American Zen Master D. Genpo Merzel, also known as Genpo Roshi, the originator of the Big Mind process, which helps bring participants to their first Satori experience, a sense of Oneness with all that is. Join Paula and Genpo Roshi as they explore the five stages of the path to being a free functioning Human Being. In the latter part of the show Roshi will lead us through a Zen Big Mind Meditation, to help you experience directly, the empty nature of the ego and literally lighten your mental load. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for more than twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.                      

 EFT Business Fear #4: I’m afraid of success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Does the thought of an EFT Practice bursting with clients fill you with excitement, or does it fill you with dread? Are you worried that you’ll become “too successful” and that will create expectations, restrictions, pressures or demands that you won’t be able to manage? What does success mean to you? Join Annabel and her mentee, AAMET student practitioner, Linda Casano, and tap along as they transform Linda’s fears of success. Linda Casano has been in the business of teaching and serving others for most of her adult life. She’s been an educator of children with special needs and at-risk youth, an art instructor, a community volunteer, and retreat facilitator for women, as well as a small business owner. She is a certified Hatha Yoga teacher, and in the process of becoming a certified EFT Practitioner. Her life changed drastically in 2012 after a horrific car accident. 12 months post accident she was suffering from PSTD, and then EFT entered her life.

 Laws of Attraction with EFT Tapping and A Course in Miracles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Does it feel like you don’t get what you want?  Or when you do, it just doesn’t bring the fulfillment you had hoped for? What if the external world cannot offer a permanent solution to your fears of lack and feelings of emptiness and so you seek but never find? In this program we explore another way where finding is assured. It is an internal approach from a different perspective.  It can help us transcend beliefs and time.  A Course in Miracles says that all of our beliefs are rooted in the idea of time. Time, however, is limited. Eternity is not.  What if a new perception of ourselves based on the idea of eternity and Truth can help us see that we inherently lack nothing and are always getting what we want even when it appears like we are not? You may ask, “But how can something only appear to be true, and not really be true?”  The problem is that we are undecided about what we want to believe. For this reason, we try to hold on to contradictory beliefs. For example, we want to believe the attraction law that says we have the power to attract everything that shows up in our life; but when we don’t like what shows up, we want to deny this power and believe we are powerless victims of external forces.  Two contradictory beliefs cannot both be true! Your questions are welcomed during the live show; call (347) 215-6833 and press 1. Together we will explore perception and Truth, taking guidance from Lessons 1-17  of the ACIM Workbook for Students to help us decide which belief we want to believe and release the other. Your host is Eloisa Ramos; an EFT Master, author of Beyond Self-esteem: Discovering Your Boundless Self-worth, student of ACIM and developer of the Ramos Clearing Technique. Visit her website : http://www.healing-with-eft.com/ramos-clearing.html for a free flowchart of her technique.

 Conquering Limiting Beliefs About Learning & School, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Tired of theoretical fixes for your kids or student's learning obstacles?  Veteran school teacher and 'learning alchemist' John Soriano tells all in this trio of news-you-can-use TappingStar episodes.  Learn from John's deep experience with children's learning and behavior issues how assessing a child's beliefs and identity perceptions will show you where the real power lies.  (And what to do with it, when you find it!)  Join us for this in-depth talk on how teachers, parents and school staff can all benefit when working with these foundational tools, and tapping. From special education to teens at risk, John's background with the students and their 'problems' can help you with yours.  This is lively and useful conversation that will inform and inspire your own work with similar issues.  Get out of your text books and into the real, messy, challenging and rewarding business of reclaiming a child's future, right here, on TappingStar.   In Part 1 of this special edition, we cover and discover Limiting and Negative Beliefs on learning expectations and performance outcomes.  The two episodes that follow concentrate on the vast territory we call Focus, and the powerful combination of Self-Image/Bullying.  Don't miss this opportunity to learn from an experienced student of the late great Don Blackerby, expert child learning and performance coach, John Soriano.  TappingStar host Jondi Whitis is a trainer & practitioner in New York City, and a former teaching artist in public schools, with a passion for bringing tapping to kids, teachers and parents for happy, profound results.  For EFT groups, classroom training or certification in her EFT Training For Mastery method, contact AAMET International Trainer, Jondi@TappingStar.com

 Should My Child Specialize in One Sport or Play Many Sports? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In this Breakthrough Sports Performance episode, Stacey Vornbrock will speak with Mike Bell, the Director of Player Development for the Arizona Diamondbacks.  We'll discuss the value of exposing your children to a variety of sports while they're young, rather than just specializing in one sport.  Allowing your child to specialize in just one sport can result in 3 major consequences. We'll talk about these and Mike will offer his insights on each consequence as a baseball coach and the father of three young children.  Mike Bell offers a unique perspective on this subject as a former professional baseball player, a former baseball coach, and as a father. You won't want to miss his insights on this topic! Stacey Vornbrock, M.S., Sports Performance Pioneer, works with professional and amateur athletes and has developed 9 Breakthrough Sports Performance Manuals for athletes and 4 ebooks for non-athletes. To schedule private performance sessions with Stacey, contact her at stacey@breakthroughperformance.net or call her at 480-945-9750.

 Trauma Aid: Quick Relief From an Emotional Hijacking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

It happens suddenly...someone says something, or gives you that look, or you get an email that has a "tone" to it and you get emotionally hijacked.  It's that flooding of emotions that can make you want to run away and hide, or it can cause you to feel defensive and act out in ways you often times regret.  Emotional hijackings happen, that's part of life - What we want to do is get relief fast!  Join me to learn three simple steps to get fast relief when hijacked. Welcome to “Tap Into Action” - the Chickenshit's guide to success - an Unconventional path to conquer fear and anxiety. Join your host - Dr. Mary Ayers - as she leads you in tapping to reclaim your life and free you from the fears and anxieties that paralyze you. Mary brings with her over 27 years as a Licensed Therapist, Success Coach, author and top EFT expert. She combines cutting edge psychology with tapping – the result is a gentle, yet powerfully effective method that will transform you from “chickenshit” to “massive action taker.” For more information - visit www.TapIntoAction.com

 Random Thoughts on What To Do When You Do Not Feel “Inspired!” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

Are there times when you lack the passion to take action but feel obligated to do so? And when that obligation is not met – do you judge yourself and shame yourself so you feel incompetent and destined to not succeed? Perhaps your “pusher driver” part within is not quite that ruthless. Mine no longer is.  But I do struggle when I have an agenda but the passion does not seem to be there to support it. What does the lack of motivation truly mean? And how can you capitalize on it? JOIN ME TODAY - FIND OUT HOW TO BE INSPIRED WHEN YOU ARE NOT INSPIRED ... HOW TO TRULY ACCEPT YOURSELF FOR THE PERSON YOU ARE! To follow Cathryn’s FREE on-line class please visit her website www.EFTForYourInnerChild.com and check it out for details. To take advantage of Cathryn’s FREE 15-minute Assessment, call her directly at 612.710.7720.

 Eliminate Your Biggest Block to Business Success: "I'm Not Good Enough" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

I work with so many people who struggle in their business and so often get to the point of wanting to quit. It's because they have an underlying belief that they aren't good enough. It becomes their biggest EXCUSE, it keeps them stuck and stagnated, and it limits their income potential. They have a hard time getting enough clients, and they can't charge what they are worth.  The good news is that you can eliminate your "Not Good Enough" thinking FOREVER using EFT. What would that do for your business? Imagine being able to do what you LOVE, and make all the money you desire.  In this fun and interactive program,I will demonstrate EFT Tapping with a guest. You can "borrow benefits" as we will explore how you can eliminate for once and for all, the "I'm Not Good Enough" mentality that is costing you clients and financial security.. HOST: Judy Wolvington, MA, LPC, Business Success Coach, works with high achieving Healers, Coaches, Therapists, and other Service Providers to help them turn their passion into profit so they can make REAL money doing what they love. Judy has a FREE GIFT waiting for you at http://unleashyourdreambiz.com: Your Dream Biz Blueprint. It includes her special report, "10 Hidden Traps That Keep You Under-Earning, And What To Do Instead", plus her audio, "Secret Strategies Revealed For Attracting Your Ideal Clients" including an EFT tapping demo. Judy invites you to claim YOUR free gift today.    

 The Truth About Law of Attraction and Your EFT Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Do you think you can do the Law of Attraction thing and just have a successful EFT business? We have seen countless tapping coaches that fully subscribe to all the LOA principles and are still struggling to make it financially. There are lots of ways EFT coaches try to increase their "attraction factor" but most fail to work when it really comes down to it. In this program we will teach you the 3 most powerful and effective ways to put the Law of Attraction to work in your EFT coaching practice. Show Hosts Alina Frank and Dr Craig Weiner are the hosts of the EFT MBA (Mastering Business Acumen) show teaching the Art and Science of Making Money and Changing the World through EFT. www.eftMBA.com www.eftTappingTraining.com

 The Financial Healer - Change Your Self Worth to Increase Your Net Worth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

As we start a new year, have you made the promise to finally have control over your finances, rather than have your finances control you? Have you made the promise before, only to slide  back into your old ways? Is there is too much month left at the end of the money? Does your financial situation prevent you from doing what you really want to do in life? Welcome to The Financial Healer Show with host Mark Bristow Despite working for over 27 years in financial services including Pensions Manger for the largest Independent Financial Advisors in the UK, Mark wasn’t in control of his own finances. It wasn’t until Mark discovered EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and NLP that he really discovered what was necessary to change his net worth. In this very first show, Mark shares some of the changes to your “inner” and “outer game” so that you too can change your self worth to increase your net worth. Get started with your financial healing! Download the first free chapters of Mark Bristow's book “The Financial Healer” at www.financialhealer.co.uk - and schedule a Free 30 minute individual session with Mark Bristow Contact: mark@financialhealer.co.uk

 What You Need to Know Before You Go - EFT for Institutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

EFT Master ANN ADAMS returns to TAPFEST! So you want to bring EFT into ...your school, hospital or workplace - what do you need to know before you go? EFT Master, trainer and coach Ann Adams kicks off the new year for TapFest, bringing her years of expertise and down-to-earth wisdom to help you meet with success when you next knock on that institution's door!  Finally- someone tells you the truth about why institutions haven't responded to your offers to bring this incredible tool you're dying to share! Ann's experience in administering mental health programs for the state of Georgia creates an enviable depth of information and knowledge you'll need if bringing EFT to institutions is your goal. What do you need to know before you go?  Learn what institutions are looking for, and how to offer it in a way they can hear. We'll even tell you how to access a pdf of her tried and true best practices and points during the show, and her new coaching program for bringing out the best in practitioners. TapFest is proud to welcome back EFT Master, trainer and coach Ann Adams; join us each month for news you can really use!  TapFest host Jondi Whitis is an EFT Trainer for Mastery, in NYC, USA, in private practice for groups and individuals, and is the lead trainer for the sustainable community trauma relief project in Newtown, CT. She specializes in creating a different breed of practitioner of masterful skills and whole-hearted integration.  Contact: Jondi@eft4Results.com for information, sessions, groups and training classes.

 Realize Your Dreams Easily With Psych K | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

 What if you learned that it is possible for you achieve your goals easily and quickly. If so, how would you live your life today? Author of The Thought That Changed My Life Forever and Thank God I Am An Empowered Woman, Rita Soman, an expert in helping people with healing the root cause of addictions, mental health related issues and numerous other challenges we all face, will join Dr Paula Horan and describe PSYCH-K®, a process that helps in identifying and healing the root cause of our problems. Because 95% of our beliefs reside at the level of the subconscious mind, most of our behavior is unconscious and robotic. PSYCH K helps us address this level of the mind and clear it. Profound and life-transforming, the process is a game changer and works synergistically with most other healing modalities. In just few a sessions people restore their happiness and well-being and realize their dreams. HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.                    

 Your EFT Business: Being of Service; Doing What You Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Start 2014 with a bang! You love the work you do; you started this career for an important reason, and you want to be of service. What if you could have FUN doing it?! All too often the minutiae of business development stand in the way of our creative flow, and prevents us from actually enjoying what we do. We lose momentum, and procrastinate. Join Annabel and her guest, Brad Yates, as they discuss how to avoid overwhelm; what it means to be of service while you make more than enough money, and how to have fun as you develop your EFT Practice. Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative and often humorous use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Brad is the author of the best-selling children's book "The Wizard's Wish," the co-author of the best-seller "Freedom at Your Fingertips," and a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution,” He has also been a presenter at a number of events, including Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success, has done teleseminars with “The Secret” stars Bob Doyle and Dr. Joe Vitale, and has been heard internationally on a number of internet radio talk shows.  Brad also has over 400 videos on YouTube and is a contributing expert on the Huffington Post. www.bradyates.net  Annabel Fisher created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on mentoring her students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. To learn more, please visit www.eftworkshopsandtraining.com

 The Mindset of a Six Figure EFT Coach | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

What’s it take to really be successful as an EFT coach? Of course it’s paramount that you are skillful and help clients achieve great results. But it usually takes more than that to have a thriving practice. The typical strategies for achieving this goal are questions like how do I market myself, how do I write my  book, how do I create a bunch of YouTube videos that get tens of thousands of views and what website SEO tricks should I learn? While each of those ideas can assist you, you would still be missing the key element. The real question is, what does it feel like to you, to be a six figure a year coach? Is there any part of you that questions whether you are worthy of it? What would it be like to know in your bones that you that you have all the traits, qualities and skills right now of achieving just that? It’s the inner game that matters most and in this program, EFT MBA Radio hosts, Dr. Craig Weiner and Alina Frank will offer their personal experience and insights to how to find the balance between this inner and outer game/reality of a successful EFT practice. For more information on EFT mentoring programs go to www.EFTmba.com For further information on EFT Tapping trainings, workshops, articles, audio and video interviews go to www.EFTtappingtraining.com

 Larry Dossey And His Newest Book One Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

In One Mind, New York Times best-selling author Larry Dossey, M.D., proposes an inspiring view of consciousness that may reshape our destiny. Dossey’s premise is that all individual minds are part of an infinite, collective dimension of consciousness he calls the One Mind. This state-which we can all access-explains phenomena as diverse as epiphanies, creative breakthroughs, premonitions of danger or disaster, near-death experiences, communication with other species and with the dead, reincarnation, the movement of herds, flocks, and schools, and remote healing. Join EFT Transformational Dialogue Radio host, Dr Craig Weiner as he explores with Dr. Dossey, personal and professional experiences with the collective consciousness and what he hopes the release of this breakthrough book will accomplish in shifting the way we access information and how it may be the only real hope for helping us to solve some of our greatest world problems. Larry Dossey, M.D., is a leader in bringing scientific understanding to spirituality, and rigorous proof to complementary/integrative medicine. Dr. Dossey lectures at leading medical schools and hospitals around the country. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Healing Words, and eleven other books that have been translated and published all around the world. Follow Dr. Dossey at www.larrydosseymd.com Craig Weiner, DC is a chiropractor, radio host, Right Brain and EFT Universe Tapping Trainer and a passionate consciousness and integrative healing explorer. You can subscribe to his monthly Transformational Living News by emailing him at drcraig@chirozone.net or contacted at www.EFTtappingtraining.com or www.chirozone.net    


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