Black Op Radio show

Black Op Radio

Summary: Broadcast every Thursday from Vancouver, BC, Black Op Radio provides the best in world-wide political conspiracy research. Len Osanic covers topics focusing on the JFK Assassination with weekly update-reporting on current research around the world, as well as the MLK and RFK Assassinations, 9/11, and other current events.

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 Show #462 Part 3 - Tom Rossley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:29

JFK Assassination Research

 Show #461 Part 1 - Dave Ratcliffe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:03

Book: Understanding Special Operations

 Show #461 Part 2 - Jim DiEugenio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:26

Assassination Research

 Show #460 Part 1 - Jim DiEugenio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:57

Listener email / Bugliosi review Part 7

 Show #460 Part 2 - Jim DiEugenio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:57

Listener email / Bugliosi review Part 7

 Show #459 Part 1 - Douglas Horne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:27

Inside The ARRB (Part 2)

 Show #459 Part 2 - Douglas Horne | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:19

Inside The ARRB (Part 2)

 Show #458 Part 1 - John Judge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:40

COPA, Dallas review Various events and dates commemorating the assassinations of the 60's The Malcom X conference is this February 21st; Details at Political (COPA) Judge talks about JFK's American University speech and how it's content probably added to his growing list of enemies and to his death The 2006 Martin Luther King Records Act may be re-introduced soon With this act, John hopes to bring out the details of who was involved and their roles in the assassination John lists several thinks the JFK Records Act has revealed The JFK Records Act was successful "model" act where the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) wasn't successful The JFK act is the model to be looked to for getting records released for MLK, RFK and Malcom X The act calls for all records 25 years old or older released immediately without review "In general we need an open government. We need a government that doesn't bury our history" - John Judge Many FOIA released documents were revealed to not be authentic John met Col. L Fletcher Prouty when he went to meet Penn Jones Jr. He explains how he felt about Prouty as an information source and a man Douglas Valentine is another great investigative reporter Judge On Prouty: "He was one of the spokes-people for the hidden history of the last era" The conversation moves to Prouty's amazing personal history John Judge & Fletcher Prouty Lecture 1992 Clearing up the fact that Prouty never met Garrison before the movie JFK... but they corresponded by mail

 Show #458 Part 2 - Jim DiEugenio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:08

Jim's finished part 9 of the Bugliosi review but we're behind at part 7 of it Biting the Elephant: The Warren Report, a new book by Rodger Remington, is now available from Amazon David Von Pein has attacked it so It must be good. Differences in JFK blog sites Bugliosi paid a heavy price in credibility in writing Reclaiming History J Edgar Hoover, JFK assassination and Bugliosi's stand Hoover was forced to fight the Mafia, for Civil Rights and to drop anti-communist activity Hoover would never have done these things on his own. Kennedy forced these on him Hoover's snubbing of Bobby Kennedy after John's assassination The Palmer Raids, The Lindbergh Kidnapping, The Alger Hiss case, The McCarthy era... ...COINTELPRO, Cornelius Gallagher: Hoover's FBI was always breaking the law Many people mark Hoover's decline from his handling of the JFK assassination. It began much earlier What was Hoover doing the day after the assassination? Points ignored in the official story that throw into question Oswald's ability to participate The lack of investigation (or rather the lack of documentation) into Ruby and how he got into the police garage Ruby's extensive mob connections are totally ignored by the Warren Commission There was an appalling lack of lead followups and interference from Washington This made Bill Turner into a conspiracy believer Memos stating Oswald was to be found the lone assassin were circulated as soon as Nov 24th Oswald was to be the lone nut in spite of the evidence to the contrary No objective person can accept the Warren Commission conclusion The many faces of CE399 The chain of evidence timelines for CE399 seem to show tampering of evidence The CE399 doesn't appear to be the one received in Nov '63

 Show #457 Part 1 - Jim DiEugenio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:04

Assassination Research

 Show #457 Part 2 - Peter Philips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:44

Project Censored - 25 most censored news stories of the year

 Show #456 Part 1 - Gil Jesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:23

Gil explains why he feels the police lineup was the crux of the police case to frame Oswald How witnesses can be led to a conclusion in a police lineup How the Oswald lineup was selected and the witnesses led The fillers were completely unlike Oswald and dressed in detective clothing The fillers were so unlike Oswald they made Oswald stand out visually The witnesses had seen Oswald on TV before the lineup link to the police lineup essay link to the new JFK assassination channel on Youtube Gil's old channel will remain for the historical videos Oswald obviously couldn't have gone to trial The evidence shows how unfair the lineups were but the Commission said they were A summary of Gil's conclusions Affidavits about the lineups signed before seeing the lineup!

 Show #456 Part 2 - Jim DiEugenio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:43

Answers to listener's questions A question on a statement by author Gregory Douglas Jim says Douglas is an habitual con man About Jesse Curry's views and his veracity Gary Aguilar's view on the death of Dr. Malcom Perry at CTKA (Probe) under "News" Perry mentioned at least 3 times that the exit wound had the appearance of being an entrance wound Elmer Moore: the unknown man who seemingly was everywhere Moore became an architect of the coverup Moore sets out to talk the doctors into calling an entrance wound an exit wound The Tracheostomy images may have been altered The Discovery Channel's new documentary called "Did The Mob Kill JFK?" The main talking heads are Robert Blakey, Lamar Waldron and Gerald Posner A deceptive group of so-called experts... a disgrace Blakey was responsible for tacking on another 50 years to the seals of the JFK case He was also shocked when he was (apparently) deceived by the CIA He said Oswald and Ferrie did not know each other... a lie The patch on the curb where the Tague bullet struck The Mannlicher Carcano bullet jacket was copper coated The curb showed no copper Blakey states the Warren Commission ran a "Shooter" investigation Even if all the evidence proves Oswald was innocent, the Commission says he was guilty Waldron's Juan Almeida invasion story The real reasons why the invasion failed Several facts about Kennedy on Cuba that Waldron misses How JFK cut through all of the intel red tape and got his information first hand About Abraham Bolden's dealings with Chicago Plot reporter Edwin Black Edwin Black's "The Chicago Plot" in PDF download at Black Op Radio Blakey's preposterous "Mafia-did-it" thesis The real aim of the recent TV shows are to show that Oswald did it "Inside The Target Car", "JFK: The Ruby Connection," and "Did The Mob Kill JFK?" With the lies spewed by these three shows, it would be better if they had no JFK documentaries The document saying Ruby worked for Nixon was a forgery


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