Mormon Truth Comedy!! show

Mormon Truth Comedy!!

Summary: These videos are hilarious parodies of the MORmON Hierarchy, past and present, who are nothing but frauds and liars, who brainwash, deceive and rob the poor every single day, with huge smiles on their faces!! It's time that they were openly mocked through parody, just like the millions they mock and rob every single day, all around the world!! Pay back is a you know what you TBM/MORmON apologists & now it's time for us to smile and have some hearty, very loud laughter!!

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  • Artist: Samuel the Utahnite
  • Copyright: Feel free to share these videos with as many people as possible.


 Gordon B. Hinckley & Sheri Dew Celebrate Her Latest Book | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:52

Mormon Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley and Sheri Dew celebrating her new book release by grooving 70's style!!

 Christmas Party At The Mormon's Church Office Building!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:01:09

Mormon cult leaders/PRophets Gordon B. Hinckley, Thomas S. Monson, Joseph Smith & Warren Jeffs throwing a Christmas party and proving that SANTA is their REAL BOSS...LOL!!

 It's A Mormon Life-Starring Mormon Prophet Gordon B Hinckley | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:01:29

This is the Mormon version of "It's A Wonderful Life", staring Gordon B. Hinckley and co-starring Thomas S. Monson, Sheri Dew, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and a brief but priceless and touching cameo by Warren Jeffs at the end. Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you enjoy this new Mormon movie...LOL!

 Unnecessary Force-Starring Gordon B. Hinckley/Brigham Young | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:01:32

***Warning-Adult/Graphic Content*** This looks like a great new movie coming out, staring the current Mormon Prophet of fraud Gordon B. Hinckley and the 2nd Prophet of Fraud Brigham Young, doing want he did best...KILLING!! There are cameos of Joseph Smith, Thomas S. Monson, Warren Jeffs and of course, the Mormon's beloved Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Enjoy everyone...not sure of the official release date...LOL!!

 Mitt Romney Proves The Mormon Prophet Won't Control Him!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:43

After Mitt gave his big religion speech the other day, which only mentioned "Mormon" one time; he really let loose for the audience, to prove once and for all, that the Mormon Prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley or any future Mormon Prophet, will Never control him. This little dance routine by Mitt Romney may prove to be controversial and lose him some votes and support in the very conservative "Mormon village", but it does prove that he is indeed his!! Kudos to Mitt Romney though...who knew that he could bust moves like that...WOW!!

 The Mormons New SEXY Campaign For Finding Baptisms In Hawaii | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:54

Baptisms are dropping so badly in Hawaii, that even the deceitful tram ride to the Laie temple(they say it's a tour of Laie), isn't having any results, so current Mormon Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley and his successor, Thomas S. Monson, are pulling out all the stops, to suck more people into their cult.

 Mormon Prophets Reunite & Celebrate By Square dancing...LOL! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:45

In a very candid moment, secret cameras were rolling as Gordon B. Hinckley, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and Warren Jeffs got together for a little fun and some good old fashioned square dancing. Again, more light is being shed on what these clowns do in between General Conference sessions...oh and the portal to Kolob is in the holy of holies in the Salt Lake Temple(that's what my secret sources tell me); that's how Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other former MORmON prophets and Apostles keep visiting and having fun with Hinckley and Monson...LOL!!

 Hinckley, Monson, Romney & Jeffs In A Snowball Fight!!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:58

This video is staring current Mormon Prophet of fraud Gordon B. Hinckley, 2nd in charge and next Mormon Prophet of fraud Thomas S. This video is staring current Mormon Prophet of fraud Gordon B. Hinckley, 2nd in charge and next Mormon Prophet of fraud Thomas S. Monson, Mitt Romney, Mormon Presidential candidate, Joseph Smith, the first Mormon liar and Prophet of fraud and of course Warren Jeffs, the true follower of Joseph Smith and TRUE MORMON and modern day Joseph Smith!! ============= The Mormon Hierarchy wanted to wish everyone a happy holidays and decided to let lose and have a little snowball fight right outside the Mormon's Conference Center/Gordydome. As you can see, they were able to get Warren Jeffs out of jail for a while and Joseph Smith came up from outer darkness and of course, Mitt Romney dropped by after doing another fundraiser for his failed Presidential campaign...SUCKERS!! I love watching Warren Jeffs get it right in the nuts and then Hinckley got Romney, Romney got Hinckley back and then Hinckley used his "keys" and "spirit of discernment", and ended it, by putting out Warren Jeffs lights...all in all, they had a great time...praise the Mormon God, the CHURCH IS MORE TRUE THAN EVER after seeing this...LOL!! And we always wondered what these clowns do for 6 months in between conference sessions(besides writing their next BS talk)...well, now we all know, don't we...LOL!!

 Thomas S. Monson Dedicates Song & Dance...To Himself...LOL!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:46

After Gordon B. Hinckley finally kicked the bucket...Thomas S. Monson couldn't help but celebrate and feel on top of the world, as he finally became the MORmON PRophet of fraud, which he'd been anxiously waiting for, for almost 50 years. He tried to remain humble, but this video was leaked to the press, showing his other side, which he hides from the public...LOL!!

 Joseph Smith Is Singing To You Ladies & He Wants Action!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:01:00

If Joseph Smith(the original MORmON pervert, adulterer, child rapist and pedophile) was alive today, this is how he would be behaving and trying to find more chicks to bang and little 14 year old girls to rape, like Helen Mar Kimball.

 Gordon B. Hinckley..Thinking OF You From Beyond The Grave!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:41

LOL...some funny shit right here!! Of course Hinckley got the booze from Jesus Christ's new multi-billion dollar malls, that will be serving beers and all other forms of alcohol, after Jesus Christ approved it!! Learn to laugh MORmONS, because your cult and PRophets are a JOKE!!

 What Do Romney, Batman, The Pope/Oscar Meyer Have In Common? | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:01:46

I made this video during the Mormon Mitt Romney's disastrous, embarrassing and failed Presidential campaign and it was quite popular over on YouTube and I thought you guys would enjoy it!!

 Mitt Romney & Apostle Jeffrey R. Holland Reunite | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:53

Mitt Romney and Jeffrey R. Holland, current Mormon Apostle; reunited and discussed his presidential campaign and how BYU and the church could help him out...which obviously failed miserably...LOL!! Nice try though guys...see you in 2012!!

 Gordon B. Hinckley Sings & Dedicates A Song To Jesus Christ | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:01:10

Before the Mormon PRophet Gordon B. Hinckley kicked the bucket; he sang and dedicated this beautiful song to the Mormon Jesus Christ...which is sure to bring tears to your eyes...LOL!!

 Gordon B. Hinckley & Sheri Dew Do An Encore For New Years!! | File Type: video/quicktime | Duration: 00:00:54

Gordon B. Hinckley and Sheri Dew had so much fun dancing together when they celebrated her new book, that they decided to do an encore for new years...enjoy everyone!!


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