Diffusion Science radio show

Diffusion Science radio

Summary: If you like a good, broad mix of Science - new science, hard science, pop science, historical science and very silly science, listen to Diffusion. Broadcast from Sydney, Australia every Monday 6:30pm. email: diffusion@2ser.com


 'Popular and polarising science' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

'Rock radar and solar cells' (The ATSE Clunies Ross Awards: part 1) - Amy Bullen interviews two award-winning scientists, David Noon and Stuart Wenham on their inventions 'A tribute to David Attenborough' by Victoria Bond and Martin Facini Discussion forum on Richard Dawkins''Enemy of Reason' News by Ian Woolf - Safe sex science - Design your own phone Presented and Produced by Patrick Rubie Sample of 'It's a scientific fact' by Tom Glazer and Dottie Evans in outro

 Flores Hobbits and Stinging Jellyfish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Amy Bullen and Chris Rehberg interview Professor Mike Morwood about the Hobbits of Flores, Lachlan Whatmore talks about the stinging Irukandji jellyfish of Australia, News by Ian Woolf, It takes two people to trick the masses, Solar electric cars for cities Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf Music: Upside Down by Jack Johnson from the Curious George soundtrack CD

 Global cool space engineers chocolate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ian Woolf looks at chocolate physiology, John August continues his battle with syphilis and the world, and Lachlan talks to space engineer George Graves. News by Patrick Rubie, Presented and produced by Lachlan Whatmore.

 Quolls and Quokka dreaming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Almost extinct animals with Chris Rehberg, Lucid Dreamer Amy Bullen, News by Ian Woolf - peering phones - Chicken X prize - pig plastic Presented by Amy Bullen, Produced by Ian Woolf. This Ponderous by 2NU2

 Tasmanian Tiger bosses spy syphilis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tasmanian Tigers on the mainland by Chris Rehberg, Syphilis dose 2 by John August, Policing at work and school by Ian Woolf, News by Victoria Bond - mineral deficiency delayed evolution, - fertilisation fighting malaria, Presented and Produced by Ian Woolf

 Big pox big cats remotely lie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

John August gives us Syphilis, Chris Rehberg chases Singleton Big Cats, News by Patrick Rubie and Victoria Bond, - remote lie detection - two faced girl - spinal healing with nano-polymers - piezoelectric nano-fibres rub up some power Multilingual dyslexia and super-powerful lasers by Patrick Rubie, Presented by Victoria Bond, Produced by Ian Woolf

 Reducible Evolution Special | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Thermoregulation with Frank Seebacher interviewed by Jesse Silverman The irreducibly complex Michael Behe by Alex Jordan News by Jesse Silverman - life from space - hobbits - Ancient sea monsters - AIDS resistance - Antarctic giants Presented by Carla Avolio Produced by Ian Woolf We Come From Monkeys by Emerald Rose

 Silky spiders with wireless chips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Fast, cheap and wireless by Ian Woolf Silky spidery secretions' by Lachlan Whatmore with discussion by Patrick Rubie, Ian Woolf and Victoria Bond News by Victoria Bond - bacteria fighting bacteria - iodine-deficient cavemen - cancer-killing viruses Presented by Patrick Rubie Produced by Patrick Rubie Songs: 'Big Scary Monsters' by Sar Friedman 'The Spider' by Flanders and Swan Sample of 'Technologic' by Daft Punk

 Galileo fish count quantum secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Space probe Galileo by Lachlan Whatmore Quantum cryptography by Amy Bullen News by Ian Woolf, - Superconductors, - Nanowires - Counting Fish Presented by Amy Bullen Produced by Lachlan Whatmore

 Space probes Borderless housing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Space probes by Lachlan Whatmore Sustainable housing interview with Vaughn Gray of Engineers without Borders by Amy Bullen, News by Patrick Rubie short people are more jealous, self-healing artificial joints butterflys remember their childhood Presented and produced by Lachlan Whatmore

 Echinoderms, illusions and your brain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lachlan Whatmore explores the mysterious world of echinoderms, Ian Woolf reveals the illusion of scarcity, and the panel discusses the latest brain research, including gaming gadgets and why puberty is so difficult. Presented by Amy Bullen and produced by Jacqui Hayes.

 Power-dressing giant frogs with ID cards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

'ID card pensions' by Ian Woolf 'Synaesthesia' by Charles Willock 'Power-dressing giant frogs' by Tilly Boleyn and Evan Shapiro News by Patrick Rubie - Wild winter viruses - snake jaws sailing sound waves - solving a 140 year old equation Presented by Lara Davis Produced by Patrick Rubie Song 'Thumbnail 160 -Atomic Energy' Outro contains a sample of 'It's a Scientific Fact'

 Religion, Spineless sex, and faces | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Religion versus Science by Michelle Kovacevic, Sex bypasses the spine for the injured by Ian Woolf, Facing up to automatic ID recognition by Tilly Boleyn and Evan Shapiro, Calculating your caffeine by Ian Woolf, News by Ian Woolf - artificial sweeteners make you fat - G-spot imaged Presented and produced by Ian Woolf

 War goats, rat studs, and smart beds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Goat sacrifices of the military by Ian Woolf, Wired Beds by Tilly Boleyn and Evan Shapiro, Junk DNA points the way by Patrick Rubie, Female rats prefer males with recent sexual experience by Patrick Rubie, Jacqui Hayes interviews Chris Lauf of the Cycling Scientists and their travelling energy show, http://www.cyclingscientists.com Presented by Patrick Rubie, Produced by Ian Woolf.

 'Plug into your Prius, replicate with RepRap' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

'Self-replicating 3-D printers' by Ian Woolf 'Plug-in batteries for hybrid cars' by Brigid Mullane 'DNA taxis' by Patrick Rubie, Lachlan Whatmore and Ian Woolf News by Patrick Rubie Outro contains a sample of 'Love will tear us apart again' by Yha Khut Presented by Lachlan Whatmore Produced by Patrick Rubie


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