Health Podcasts

moms home chat show

moms home chatJoin Now to Follow

mom'-home-radio-chat's channel I am so very excited to tell you of the upcoming weekly podcasts that will feature other wahm and their stories. The podcasts will be interactive and will feature questions you have asked me . I will observe and question different products and ideas concerning parenting and life style changes. I am so pleased to share this with you and hope you will listen in each week. There will be a Mother and child sequence on Mondays starting in September . On Wednesdays will handle topics of balancing working from home or outside the home. Fridays will be a segment concerning shopping and fixing wonderfull meals on a budget. So stay tuned... TO MOMS-TALK RADIO.

TMS MindBody Medicine Podcasts show

TMS MindBody Medicine PodcastsJoin Now to Follow

In this series of interviews, you will learn about tension myositis syndrome (TMS), a very common, stress related cause of chronic back pain and other forms of chronic, musculo-skeletal pain. Drs. David Schechter, MD, a physician, and Arlen Ring, PhD, a psychologist, explain how this often painful, but ultimately benign condition that can affect muscles, ligaments, and nerves, is diagnosed and treated with a mind-body medicine approach. This podcast series is sponsored by the Seligman Medical Institute (SMI), a private, non-profit foundation dedicated to TMS research.

By David Schechter, MD, Arlen Ring, PhD, and Arthur Smith, PhD

A4M: Prevention and Intervention of Cardiovascular Disease show

A4M: Prevention and Intervention of Cardiovascular DiseaseJoin Now to Follow

Discussion of the novel and innovative uses for various therapeutics to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease, including Dilantin (phenytoin), first manufactured in 1908 regarded as an effective therapy for depression, anxiety, worry, attention problems, and other thought, mood, and behavior disorders and which has many additional recently discovered therapeutic applications.

A4M: The Latest in Laser Surgery and Intense Pulsed Light show

A4M: The Latest in Laser Surgery and Intense Pulsed LightJoin Now to Follow

According to the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society, more than 117,000 cases of face-lift are performed every year in the United States slone. In today's active society and demanding workplace, patients are frequently searching for less invasive procedures with diminished morbidity and more rapid healing to address their cosmetic concerns. A combination of several new non-invasive procedures allows significant facial changes. Non-invasive lifts associated with skin restoration technologies: laser, intense pulsed light (IPL), radiofrequency, and new skin delivery systems can indeed become the face-lift of the future.

A4M: The Latest on Bio-Identical Hormones show

A4M: The Latest on Bio-Identical HormonesJoin Now to Follow

Three things define aging. They are memory, vision, and mobility. In order to maintain these functions, hormone replacement is needed as one ages. Hormone replacement should not be considered without a complete understanding of how all of the body's hormones interact with each other. If one is altered, or deficient, it will affect the actions of all of the hormones in one's body. It is due to this that the proper dosing of bio-identical hormones by a compounding pharmacy because very important.

A4M: The Latest on Metabolic Medicine show

A4M: The Latest on Metabolic MedicineJoin Now to Follow

Inextricably linked to the global pandemic of obesity is the Metabolic Syndrome X. As many as 70 million American people may have the variable condition of excessive body weight, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, linked by insulin resistance (Syndrome X). While genetic predispositions to obesity, Metabolic Syndrome X, and diabetes mellitus operate variably, much evidence indicates that positive changes in lifestyle domains to promote health is the pivotal maneuver in the combat against obesity related diseases, including wide ranging associations of the Metabolic X Syndrome.

A4M: The Latest on Physical Medicine, Exercise, Rehabilitation and Arthritis show

A4M: The Latest on Physical Medicine, Exercise, Rehabilitation and ArthritisJoin Now to Follow

Discussion of sports medicine and the role of exercise and rehabilitation in treating a range of physical ailments including various knee disorders.

A4M: Weight Loss show

A4M: Weight LossJoin Now to Follow

Sixty-four percent (64%) of American adults are either overweight or obese and those numbers are growing exponentially in both our adults and children. Recent research has documented the impact that the largest endocrine organ, the adipose tissue, has on the modulation of systemic inflammation. Inflammation contributes to the plethora of co-morbidities that are associated with obesity, a disease that costs $1 in every $8.33 US spent for health care. Over the last few decades, a new generation of drugs and treatments have been developed in an attempt to cure this growing pandemic.

A4M: All About Human Growth Hormone show

A4M: All About Human Growth HormoneJoin Now to Follow

Age-related decay of neuroendocrine function associated with reduced production and secretion of many hormones has served as the basis for replacement therapy as an integral part of the practice of anti-aging medicine. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is one of the most widely used molecules for this purpose because its global somatotrophic functions that promote many aspects of the youthful phenotype. HGH may substantially improve quality of life and reduce age-related health declines among mature adults, but it cannot be distributed for a purpose "other than the treatment of a disease or other recognized medical condition." Despite HGH's approval and widespread use among anti-aging practitioners as a clinical intervention in aging, there is much controversy because of those using HGH in conjunction with steroids to increase muscle mass and performance.

A4M: Breakthroughs in Anti-Aging show

A4M: Breakthroughs in Anti-AgingJoin Now to Follow

As we age, fewer and fewer of the approximately 30,000 genes in the human body are active resulting in a slow down in bodily functions, weakened immunity, reduced metabolism, loss of energy, baldness, and other typical signs of aging. Aging is associated with silencing a substantial number of genes through the reaction of methylation of gene promoters. A complex master clock of life controls the rate at which genes are silences. A new generation of supplements and cosmetics attempt to restore the activity of the genes to the level of young adult age-and there have been many exciting breakthroughs in recent years.