Literature Podcasts

Librivox: Zhetvariat (The Reaper) by Yovkov, Yordan show

Librivox: Zhetvariat (The Reaper) by Yovkov, YordanJoin Now to Follow

In the tiny village of Lyulyakovo fiercely clash human greed, hate and lust for power. However, the souls of the adversaries are still open to the light of Jesus: the light which transfigures through the miracle of His Icon: who is the Reaper, Who blesses the harvesting of good grains in the souls and uproots the tares of evil from there: this is what the master of the Bulgarian literature, Yordan Yovkov, relates with words of golden wheat and azure skies, taking the reader beyond the passions and mundane dust, through the suffering of the awaken conscience to the final victory of truth and good. (Summary by Euthymius)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Early Kings of Norway by Carlyle, Thomas show

Librivox: Early Kings of Norway by Carlyle, ThomasJoin Now to Follow

"The Icelanders, in their long winter, had a great habit of writing; and were, and still are, excellent in penmanship. It is to this fact, that any little history there is of the Norse Kings and their old tragedies, crimes and heroisms, is almost all due. The Icelanders, it seems, not only made beautiful letters on their paper or parchment, but were laudably observant and desirous of accuracy; and have left us such a collection of narratives (Sagas, literally "Says") as, for quantity and quality, is unexampled among rude nations. Snorro Sturleson's History of the Norse Kings is built out of these old Sagas; and has in it a great deal of poetic fire,. . . and deserves to be reckoned among the great history-books of the world. It is from these sources that the following rough notes of the early Norway Kings are hastily thrown together." (Excerpted from Thomas Carlyle's preface by Karen Merline)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Motor Girls , The by Penrose, Margaret show

Librivox: Motor Girls , The by Penrose, MargaretJoin Now to Follow

When Cora Kimball got her new auto for her birthday she had no idea what adventures would start for her and her brother Jack. Where did Ed’s money and bonds disappear? Were they misplaced or were they stolen and lost forever. Did the conceited Sid Wilcox have something to do with the missing money, with the help of Ida Giles? And what did the obnoxious Lem Gildy have to do with it all? Join Cora and her friends in this mystery and adventure of The Motor Girls. (Summary by Lucy Burgoyne)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Child-life in Art by Hurll, Estelle M. show

Librivox: Child-life in Art by Hurll, Estelle M.Join Now to Follow

The poetry of childhood is full of attractiveness to the artist, and many and varied are the forms in which he interprets it. The Christ-child has been his highest ideal. All that human imagination could conceive of innocence and purity and divine loveliness has been shown forth in the delineation of the Babe of Bethlehem. The influence of such art has made itself felt upon all child pictures. It matters not whether the subject be a prince or a street-waif; the true artist sees in him something which is lovable and winning, and transfers it to his canvas for our lasting pleasure. (Summary from the Preface of Child-life in Art )

By LibriVox

Librivox: Problems of Philosophy, The by Russell, Bertrand show

Librivox: Problems of Philosophy, The by Russell, BertrandJoin Now to Follow

The Problems of Philosophy is one of Bertrand Russell's attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. Focusing on problems he believes will provoke positive and constructive discussion, Russell concentrates on knowledge rather than metaphysics. Russell guides the reader through his famous distinction between "knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description" and introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, René Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and others to lay the foundation for philosophical inquiry by general readers and scholars alike. (Summary from Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Life of Charlemagne, The (Einhard) by Einhard show

Librivox: Life of Charlemagne, The (Einhard) by EinhardJoin Now to Follow

Einhard was employed by Charlemagne as a court historian. At the request of Charlemagne's son and successor Louis the Pious, he wrote a biography of Charlemagne, the Vita Karoli Magni or Life of Charlemagne (c. 817–830), which provides much direct information about Charlemagne's life and character. In composing this he made full use of the Frankish Royal annals. Einhard's literary model was the classical work of the Roman historian Suetonius, the Lives of the Caesars. (summary adapted from Wikipedi by K. Merline)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 055 by Various show

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 055 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 055: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

By LibriVox

Earthcore by Scott Sigler show

Earthcore by Scott SiglerJoin Now to Follow

In this podiobook:

By Scott Sigler

Adrianna Dane, Author of Sensual and Erotic Romance show

Adrianna Dane, Author of Sensual and Erotic RomanceJoin Now to Follow

Story excerpts and updated news, information, upcoming releases from sensual and erotic romance author Adrianna Dane.

By Adrianna Dane/Darcy Abriel

Potter's Specialis Revelio Podcast show

Potter's Specialis Revelio PodcastJoin Now to Follow

"Specialis Revelio" is the spell to reveal an object’s hidden secrets or magical properties, and that’s exactly what we do on this podcast. We’ll be starting at the beginning of the series and taking you through chapter by chapter, making connections with later books and revealing hidden things we haven’t discovered yet. We’ll also be uncovering some questions we never thought to ask. I’d like to note that this podcast is meant for diehard fans rather than brand new readers. Even though we'll be going chapter by chapter, we won’t be touching on everything that happens since most listeners will have read the books multiple times. There will also be spoilers galore. We’ll mostly be focusing on connections between later books, new findings and questions for discussion, news and a little trivia for fun!

By Specialis Revelio