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Healthcare Information Security Podcast

Healthcare Information Security Podcast

Exclusive, insightful audio interviews by our staff with healthcare/security leading practitioners and thought-leaders. Transcripts are also available on our site!

Government Information Security Podcast

Government Information Security Podcast

Exclusive, insightful audio interviews by our staff with government/security leading practitioners and thought-leaders. Transcripts are also available on our site!

..::El Bipolar Radio Informativa ::..

..::El Bipolar Radio Informativa ::..

Un espacio noticioso cuya única finalidad es dar un panorama general de los acontecimientos más relevantes a nivel local, nacional e internacional desde un punto de vista crítico, sarcástico, satírico, irónico, probablemente algo absurdo y quizá hasta molesto e incómodo para algunos. Quienes llevarán a cabo la tan distinguida tarea de comunicar son dos desconocidos personajes-periodistas, quienes tendrán la crítica social como su mejor arma y su mejor defensa también. Jeavy Metal: Despeinado, sin camisa, con unos modales dignos de un cavernícola y una forma de ser que irrita a cualquiera. ente_nocturno en hotmail y messenger. Yaffid, Jaffid o Haffid: Hombre de voz de ardilla, creyente de la palabra de Dios pero que carece del sentido de la orientación, con el espinazo del diablo más famoso del habla hispana. Las transmisiones son los martes y jueves a partir de las 21:00 horas, tiempo del DF, GDL y MTY. En

AMIA: For Your Informatics

AMIA: For Your Informatics

For Your Informatics Podcast created by and for members to inform and inspire the informatics community towards action around opportunities for women in AMIA to improve health and healthcare. As a part of this mission, in 2018 champions of the Women in AMIA initiative, Drs. Wendy Chapman, Jessie Tenenbaum, Deepti Pandita, Merida Johns, and Laurie Griggs, started the Women in AMIA (WIA) Podcast. The WIA Podcast was an outlet to share opportunities for women in AIMA, to promote equal opportunity and treatment of women in biomedical informatics, and to increase the number of women in the biomedical informatics pipeline. Now, renamed ‘For Your Informatics’ Podcast where we explore the limitless world of medical informatics. ‘For Your Informatics’ Podcast is still led by the Women in AMIA and showcases talented individuals at all career stages and share paths to reveal the limitless and diverse world of biomedical and health informatics professions and its diverse voices to inspire greatness in the field. We recognize that women are not the only underrepresented group in AMIA or biomedical informatics, and the podcast content is valuable to everyone. While the podcast remains produced by women, we hope to capture the interest of all people interested in the informatics world. Our core values are inclusivity, diversity, education, and leadership. Our mission is to attract people from underrepresented groups into the biomedical informatics field, to create podcasts that can be used in multipurpose settings, to add underrepresented groups to the AMIA/biomedical informatics pipeline, and to teach practical aspects of biomedical informatics.

AOPA's Pilot Information Center

AOPA's Pilot Information Center

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Most functional wireless monitoring system you’ll love

Most functional wireless monitoring system you’ll love

If you are in need of wireless monitoring system that helps you maintain the required condition on remote location then contact TempGenius. It is the leading company provides smart and effective wireless monitoring system which is ideal for a range of monitoring applications. To know more about these wireless temperature monitoring systems and its applications simply, visit at:

The Productive Life: Evernote | Productivity | GTD |

The Productive Life: Evernote | Productivity | GTD |

Learn from productivity masters in Evernote, GTD and other methods so you can stop wasting time and start being productive! Andy and Daniel bring together the world's brightest productivity experts to teach you how to spend less time on your tasks and more time with people you love.

Quality Temperature Monitoring Systems at Best Prices

Quality Temperature Monitoring Systems at Best Prices

Buy wifi temperature monitoring systems for multi-sensor and complex applications. Such systems offer the ease of remote temperature monitoring and can be used for a variety of purposes. For more details visit at:

Real-time pharmacy monitoring system you’ll love

Real-time pharmacy monitoring system you’ll love

If you are looking for the pharmacy monitoring system then TempGenius offers highly effective monitoring systems for your needs. It is safe to use and provide pharmaceutical department with great protection. To get more detail, simply visit at: